Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Abbas' call to combat terror stands in stark contrast to his repeated vows at home to continue his financial support for imprisoned terrorists, released terrorists, wounded terrorists, and the families of dead terrorists - no matter what. Abbas has reiterated over and over that the PA will support these terrorists even if the PA has only "one penny left," and has demonstrated his will to do so by cutting salaries of public employees rather than salaries to the terrorists in order to sustain the PA's current financial crisis.

Abbas' response to the terror in Sri Lanka is strikingly similar to his recent outreach speech to American university students:

"We will not choose a path other than negotiations... We believe in peace and believe in security for everyone... We made agreements with 83 states in the world... on one issue: the war on terror in the world, terror in all its forms, variations, and sources."
[Official PA TV, March 24, 2019]

However, Palestinian Media Watch exposed the Palestinian leader's hypocrisy. The day before Abbas' speech, his Fatah deputy Mahmoud Al-Aloul announced to Palestinians that terrorist Omar Abu Laila - who murdered two Israelis a week earlier - "represents all young Palestinians," and that Abbas' own Fatah Movement is "proud" of him:

"We are extremely proud, this is Omar Abu Laila, who implemented his choice, who implemented the people's choice... through which he represents all of you, represents all young Palestinians."
[Official Fatah Facebook page, March 23, 2019]

PMW further documented how the PA and Fatah have turned the same murderer into a Palestinian symbol and hero.

(full article online)

Abbas condemns Sri Lanka terror but never condemns terror against Israelis - PMW Bulletins
In a cabinet session today, Palestinian Authority prime minister Mohammad Ashtiyeh spoke about a decision to stop medical transfers to Israeli hospitals and instead to send patients to Arab countries.

"Delegations were sent to Egypt and Jordan to study the start of remittances to Arab countries and to dispense with remittances to Israel," he said.

This would involve significant delays for the patients themselves. Not to mention that the hospital facilities in Arab countries are inferior to Israel's.

Which means that the main reason for this decision in not what is best for Palestinians but what is considered "honorable." Saving patients' lives is shameful, if Jews have anything to do with it.

The appeal to honor, and to avoid shame, is so important to Palestinian leaders that they have started to rename President Trump's "deal of the century" to the "deal of shame" in their media in order to stop any chance that some reasonable Palestinians might publicly support it.

Honor/shame dynamic: Palestinians to send patients to Arab hospitals instead of Israel ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ I have lost count how many times the PA has made this threat ]

Palestinian Authority: We'll retract recognition of Israel

Its almost like they are deliberately trying to ruin any possible chance of another Palestinian state. Could they be any more stupid?
In reality, this is what they have been working for since 1920.
No Israel, with a possibility for a Muslim Caliphate.

The 3 NOs.

It is all for show for their followers.
Be tough on Israel.....but do nothing.
[ I have lost count how many times the PA has made this threat ]

Palestinian Authority: We'll retract recognition of Israel

Its almost like they are deliberately trying to ruin any possible chance of another Palestinian state. Could they be any more stupid?
In reality, this is what they have been working for since 1920.
No Israel, with a possibility for a Muslim Caliphate.

The 3 NOs.

It is all for show for their followers.
Be tough on Israel.....but do nothing.

Sure. But do they really want to turn themselves into the point of the sword with which the Caliphate will poke Israel? Why would they do that? Oh yeah. Because there is honor in martyrdom. I forgot.
The Crips and Bloods with Korans angry Islamists from the competing mini-caliphates are fast approaching a resumption of their earlier shooting war.

PA uncovers Hamas operation to spy on its security systems

PA uncovers Hamas operation to spy on its security systems.

Agents infiltrated Palestinian Authority framework and reported back to Gaza; operation uncovered two months ago aimed to weaken PA security framework; sources say all Hamas agents in custody
Elior Levy|Published: 04.23.19 , 10:03
Facebook and Twitter

This operation, executed by senior Hamas officials in Gaza and the Hamas leadership abroad, was uncovered two months ago. According to Palestinian reports, all of the Hamas agents are under arrest.
The piece shows that some Palestinians are rethinking the ideology that has fueled a century-long war on Zionism. But they also don’t mention a basic fact that defines the current situation: The Palestinian leadership has repeatedly rejected compromises that would have given them the statehood they claim to want. It’s interesting that nowhere in the 1,000-word article does the Times take notice of this fact.

This omission speaks volumes not only about the ignorance and obtuse nature of the criticism of Israel that emanates from the paper, but also about the chattering classes and foreign-policy establishment that take their cues about the Middle East from its pages.

(full article online)

Who denied the Palestinians an independent state? Not Israel
Arab media understood this to be tantamount to a rejection of the Trump deal, but the statement did not go nearly as far as Abbas wanted.

Sources say that Bahrain didn't even want the word "deal" mentioned in the final statement.

Interestingly, the final statement mentioned compensation for Palestinian refugees but not return.

The final statement was also watered down by Lebanon which added demands that Israel give up the Shebaa Farms and other areas that Hezbollah demands, even though the UN certified that Israel withdrew completely from Lebanon. In addition, it demanded that Palestinian leaders to get their act together, "calling on the Palestinian factions and forces to speed up the completion of national reconciliation."

The Hamas/Fatah split is nearly 12 years old now.

As far as the monthly $100 million that the League pledged to make up the budget shortfall, it sounds like these are more empty promises, which we have seen many times in the past. Arab pledges to help Palestinians are often not backed up with actual cash. Sources say that "many countries may not be committed to these (payments) because of their financial crises or the absence of a political decision to provide support for Palestine."

(full article online)

Abbas did not get what he wanted from the Arab League ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

The Persecution of Palestinians No one Mentions.
by Khaled Abu Toameh

The Persecution of Palestinians No One Mentions

  • In Lebanon, Palestinians have long been facing discriminatory and "Apartheid laws" that deny them basic rights, including access to dozens of skilled professions, health-care and education services. According to some reports, thousands of Palestinians have been fleeing Lebanon in recent years as a result of the dire economic conditions and government regulations that deny them basic rights.

  • In 2015, a Saudi court sentenced Palestinian artist and poet Ashraf Fayadh to death by beheading for "apostasy." Later, however, the court overturned the death sentence and replaced it with an eight-year prison term and 800 lashes. The "evidence" against Fayadh was based on poems included in his book Instructions Within, as well as social media posts and conversations he had in a coffee shop in Saudi Arabia.

  • Palestinian leaders do not seem to care about the suffering of their people at the hands of Arabs. Yet, these same leaders are quick to condemn Israel on almost every occasion and available platform. Palestinian leaders in the West Bank and Gaza Strip are so busy fighting each other (and Israel) that they seem to have forgotten about the Palestinians in Arab countries, being killed, wounded and arrested every day.
Around 2,000 pilgrims from the Palestinian territories, Israel and Jordan, some waving Palestinian flags, attend the mass as well as Abbas, who had a private audience with the pope on Saturday.

How can the so-called "Evangelical Christians" support the Anti-Christian Zionists in their fight against Palestinians, be these Palestinians Christians or Muslims?

College is reserved for losers and Elizabeth Warren is a loser, par excellence.
Around 2,000 pilgrims from the Palestinian territories, Israel and Jordan, some waving Palestinian flags, attend the mass as well as Abbas, who had a private audience with the pope on Saturday.

How can the so-called "Evangelical Christians" support the Anti-Christian Zionists in their fight against Palestinians, be these Palestinians Christians or Muslims?

College is reserved for losers and Elizabeth Warren is a loser, par excellence.

She doesn't think she is.

We're living in the days of the super ego.
Around 2,000 pilgrims from the Palestinian territories, Israel and Jordan, some waving Palestinian flags, attend the mass as well as Abbas, who had a private audience with the pope on Saturday.

How can the so-called "Evangelical Christians" support the Anti-Christian Zionists in their fight against Palestinians, be these Palestinians Christians or Muslims?

College is reserved for losers and Elizabeth Warren is a loser, par excellence.

She doesn't think she is.

We're living in the days of the super ego.

Super-Ego is Sigmund Freud who got debunked many decades ago. Id runs my life and Ego is out in left field.
Around 2,000 pilgrims from the Palestinian territories, Israel and Jordan, some waving Palestinian flags, attend the mass as well as Abbas, who had a private audience with the pope on Saturday.

How can the so-called "Evangelical Christians" support the Anti-Christian Zionists in their fight against Palestinians, be these Palestinians Christians or Muslims?

College is reserved for losers and Elizabeth Warren is a loser, par excellence.

She doesn't think she is.

We're living in the days of the super ego.

Super-Ego is Sigmund Freud who got debunked many decades ago. Id runs my life and Ego is out in left field.

I'm fighting mine every day.

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