Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Since Palestinian entry into UNESCO in November 2011, along with a voracious appetite, it has annually demanded and received as heritage sites: the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, Battir (the headquarters of Bar-Kochba’s Beitar revolt against the Romans), Bilal ibn Rabah Mosque (Rachel’s Tomb), Haram al Sharif (the Temple Mount), Buraq Plaza (the Kotel, or Western Wall), and Al-Haram al-Ibrahimi Mosque (Tomb of the Patriarchs) in Khalil (Hebron).

Celestial and terrestrial Jerusalem meet in the so-called “Holy Basin,” where most of the three monotheistic faiths’ shrines are concentrated. Through the World Heritage Committee, their claims are ultimately aimed at sovereignty.

The Jewish Western Wall stands below the Temple Mount esplanade, connected by the “Mughrabi Ascent.” If Islamized, a non-Muslim worshiper at the Western Wall could conceivably be viewed as a trespassing infidel.

The aim is patently to obtain sites to surround Jerusalem and its suburbs.

(full article online)

Palestinian aggression against interfaith harmony at UNESCO
[ Everyone, and everything is keeping them from achieving it......and not the Arab refusal for self determination. Always. 1937. 1947. 2000. 2008.....and it goes on and on and on ]

Chief Palestinian Authority negotiator Saeb Erekat said in a statement that this “signals the complicity of the company with the systematic denial of our inalienable right to self-determination.”

(full article online)

Gee whiz. What’s the world coming to when competing Islamic terrorist franchises begin calling each other “oppressive”?

I think some large caliber weapons and stockpiles of ammunition are in order to let these Dark Ages loons settle their differences.

Hamas Held Responsible for Oppression in Gaza Strip

Hamas Held Responsible for Oppression in Gaza Strip

The Palestinian Authority (PA) held the Gaza Strip ruling party, Hamas, responsibility for ongoing oppression there. Hamas is facing accusations of using excessive force with civilians after leading a crackdown against protesters demonstrating over economic hardship and upped tax brackets.

In a first since Hamas seized the Strip twelve years ago, fierce clashes erupted between its forces and hundreds of young demonstrators in Gaza on Saturday as protests against the high cost of living in the coastal enclave entered their third day.
Never missing an opportunity to be the biggest losers on the planet, an Arab-Moslem conspiracy theorist rattles on without any r3gard for a reality based worldview.

"Palestinian Tycoon Munib Al-Masri: Israel Has 300-Year-Old Plan to Expand From Nile to Euphrates; Deal of the Century Cannot Pass As Long As Palestinians Live"

Palestinian business tycoon Munib Al-Masri said in an April 1, 2019 interview on France 24 Arabic that the world has turned to issues other than the Palestinian cause at the expense of the Palestinians, and that this is part of "hellish" Israeli plans that were laid out 200-300 years ago to spread Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates. He said that it is impossible for any Palestinian to agree to anything less to 1967 borders, East Jerusalem as the Palestinian capital, and the return of the Palestinian refugees. Al-Masri also that Yitzhak Rabin had been the only Israeli politician who understood that the Palestinians must be given a state. Al-Masri claimed that the Palestinian resistance taught the Israelis an important lesson in the past two weeks, praised the "acts of heroism" of the Friday protests in Gaza, and added: "The Deal of the Century cannot pass as long as there is one Palestinian alive."
There’s a new sheriff Islamic terrorist in the town. Well, sort of.

The cast of characters at the UNRWA welfare fraud / Islamic terrorist enclave of Mahmoud’istan has done nothing but add a layer of bureaucracy to the already bloated and irrelevant farce of a government.

Mahmoud giving a snub to the rival Islamic terrorist encampment was a nice touch.

Palestinian Authority Swears in New Government Excluding Hamas

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

April 13, 2019, 2:33 PM EDT

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas swore in a new government that excludes his rival Hamas and puts his long-time ally Mohammad Shtayyeh in the role of prime minister at a moment of intensifying pressure on the Palestinians.
“Death to Israel” song on Hamas TV

I suppose Hamas is beholden to their masters in Iran who have re-written those snappy, finger-poppin verses of “Death to the Great Satan”.
The 1,400 year old blood feud that separates the Sunni and Shia tribes burns as brightly today as it did after the death of Islam’s inventor.

With Hamas bending and scraping before their Shia masters in Iran, the Sunni Qatari tribes have seen the writing on the wall and decided to dump more money into the UNRWA welfare fraud.

Winning hearts and minds (and tribal loyalties) with money.

Say the words “Shia Crescent” and the Sunni/Salafi/Wahabbi tribes start reaching for their AK-47’s and their Korans. Cash will do for now but that won’t last long.

Qatar boosts its influence in Gaza

Qatar boosts its influence in Gaza

Adnan Abu Hasna, a Gaza-based spokesman for the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Gaza Strip (UNRWA), announced April 9 that a temporary employment process extending over three to nine months has kicked off. The process, he said, aims to fill 6,400 job vacancies with Qatari funding.
[ More than about time to put an end to the Arab Muslims attempt to take over Jewish land ]

Palestinian Authority (PA) cabinet chief Mohammad Shtayyeh said on Saturday, after his cabinet was approved by PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas, that he intends to work to strengthen the steadfastness of the Palestinian residents over their land.

In an interview with Palestine TV, Shtayyeh said that the presidency, the government, the security services, the justice system, the information system, the Fatah movement and the PLO member organizations are working to strengthen the legitimacy of the PLO and its leader Abbas.

(full article online)

PA has plans to strengthen its hold on Jerusalem
Father Manuel Musallam is a prominent Palestinian Arab priest and former head Department for the Christians of the PLO Foreign Office. He has been a Fatah activist for decades.

In a recent interview in Palestine Today, he says explicitly that the Palestinian ambition is to take over Israel.

"The great March of Return and its continuation reflects the state of the clash between the Palestinian resistance and the Israeli occupation forces, and the alarm bell in Israel continues to touch on the fact that the Palestinian did not forget and will not forget his land, country and villages. Jerusalem is the capital of Gaza, Jerusalem is Gaza, Gaza is the Palestinian right, Gaza is Haifa, Safad, Acre, Umm al-Rashrash (Eilat), Nablus, Galilee, and all of the land of Palestine."

Tellingly, he spoke at a rally in Jenin in 1993 meant to get Palestinians on board with the Oslo process that had begun only days earlier. The speaker before him at that speech, representing Fatah's youth group, "gave a short, passionate defense of the Declaration of Principles, arguing that gaining a foothold in Gaza and Jericho would be but an initial step in an eventual reclamation of all of Mandate Palestine and the return of all refugees." Musallam's speech was received even more enthusiastically and he ended it with a bastardization of Psalms: ‘If I forget thee, O Palestinian Jerusalem, may my right hand lose its cunning.’ He now routinely refers to "occupation" as starting in 1948, not 1967.

(full article online)

The PLO never intended to have a permanent two state solution ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The arrest earlier this week of Omar Barghouti, a co-founder of the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, for his alleged failure to pay taxes on $700,000 in income brings an end, or at least a halt, to the public face of his controversial campaign.

The hypocrisy and dishonesty displayed by Bargouti concerning his advanced degree is emblematic of the BDS campaign as a whole. Earlier this year, the movement issued a list of ten successes during 2016; on closer inspection, every one of its claims was found to be either overstated or an outright lie.

The irony is that after years of inflating claims of his movement’s success, Barghouti appears to have been undone by under-reporting his income.

(full article online)

From Anti-Israel Boycott Warrior to Busted Tax Evader: The Rise and Fall of Omar Barghouti
[ More than about time to put an end to the Arab Muslims attempt to take over Jewish land ]

Palestinian Authority (PA) cabinet chief Mohammad Shtayyeh said on Saturday, after his cabinet was approved by PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas, that he intends to work to strengthen the steadfastness of the Palestinian residents over their land.

In an interview with Palestine TV, Shtayyeh said that the presidency, the government, the security services, the justice system, the information system, the Fatah movement and the PLO member organizations are working to strengthen the legitimacy of the PLO and its leader Abbas.

(full article online)

PA has plans to strengthen its hold on Jerusalem

"The Palestinian residents of Jerusalem are waging a struggle to protect the city from Judaization and to preserve it as an Arab Palestinian city. The struggle to preserve the narrative about the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the city of Jerusalem goes through strengthening the steadfastness of the Muslim and Christian residents of the city against the Jews."

This struggle is not about "return" or self-determination, or equality or peace. It is articulated, clearly, by the government of Palestine as a struggle to preserve Arab colonial conquest and domination.

Anyone who can not see this is willfully blind.
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