Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Overthrowing Hamas and handing rule in Gaza to Mahmoud Abbas will not bring about a solution to the Gaza problem. It was, after all, Yasser Arafat, Abbas’s predecessor as PLO leader, who transformed Gaza into an ineradicable terrorist hotbed by flouting the Oslo Accords that he had signed. The solution to the Gaza problem does not lie in Ramallah but rather in the Strip’s historic hinterland – the Sinai Peninsula.

(full article online)

Handing Gaza to Abbas Will Solve Nothing
We are used to calling the Palestinian Arabs' Western supporters “useful idiots”, those voluntarily embarked in the sea of pro-Palestinian propaganda. We might do well to rethink the roles. It may be possible that the Palestinian Arabs are the West's useful idiots in its war against Israel.

(full article online)

The Palestinian Arabs, the West's useful idiots
Overthrowing Hamas and handing rule in Gaza to Mahmoud Abbas will not bring about a solution to the Gaza problem. It was, after all, Yasser Arafat, Abbas’s predecessor as PLO leader, who transformed Gaza into an ineradicable terrorist hotbed by flouting the Oslo Accords that he had signed. The solution to the Gaza problem does not lie in Ramallah but rather in the Strip’s historic hinterland – the Sinai Peninsula.

(full article online)

Handing Gaza to Abbas Will Solve Nothing
The writer's words hint at the impossible situation known to all Gazans: Hamas gives preference to its own families in everything, and when all of Gaza is suffering, this rankles even more than usual. The discrimination will become even greater on April 6th, when Ramadan, during which it is the custom to consume more food at night because of the daily fast, begins.

One writer posted: "Go to the Jews to learn from them [how a political leader acts towards his citizens]. Imagine! A fellow resident of my city beat me in front of my parents!! Hamas oppresses, breaks the arms and legs of women, children and the elderly."

Hamas has internalized the problem but lifts an accusing finger at Israel. Salah Albardwil, a member of the political office of Hamas, claims that all the protests and activities using the mantra "We want to live" are organized by the Intelligence Corps of the PA which incited the masses against Hamas while, at the same time, its men eliminated a poor boy from Gaza who infiltrated the PA to bring some money to his mother and brothers.

(full article online)

The suffering of Gaza's population
Overthrowing Hamas and handing rule in Gaza to Mahmoud Abbas will not bring about a solution to the Gaza problem. It was, after all, Yasser Arafat, Abbas’s predecessor as PLO leader, who transformed Gaza into an ineradicable terrorist hotbed by flouting the Oslo Accords that he had signed. The solution to the Gaza problem does not lie in Ramallah but rather in the Strip’s historic hinterland – the Sinai Peninsula.

(full article online)

Handing Gaza to Abbas Will Solve Nothing

Oh wow. She is REALLY reaching there, isn't she? She says that "Israel's response to Gaza isn't Gaza-specific, its Palestine-specific." She says that Israel's operations and wars in Gaza have nothing to do with rockets and mortars being fired indiscriminately into Israel. She says that Israel treats all Palestinians this way. Really? How much more irrational can the Gaza argument get?
These uppity bitches should learn the rules of the Islamic social order. If they were in their hijabs, in their rooms, there would be no fuss.

Hamas bans Palestinian women’s TV channel in Gaza

Group claims station, first of its kind, failed to get proper licensing, but management says all permits in order

Hamas bans Palestinian women’s TV channel in Gaza
It turns out that at the border between the West Bank and Jordan, the Palestinian Authority arrests hundreds of people every week - far more than Israel does!

Last week, some 34,000 people traveled to and from Jordan through the Allenby Bridge. 10 refused entry by Israel - and 184 wanted Palestinians were detained by the PA going in either direction.

Last week wasn't unusual.

The week before 33,000 people crossed and 223 arrested by the PA.

The week before 252 were arrested out of 32,000 who crossed. all under the smiling visages of Yasir Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas.

Hundreds arrested every week at Palestinian checkpoints. Are they legitimately criminals? Are they political dissidents? No one seems to care. Only Israeli arrests of Palestinians are worth reporting by the media.

(full article online)

Palestinian police arrest hundreds of people a week - at checkpoints ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Palestinians: Does Anyone Here Care about Muslim Women?
by Bassam Tawil
May 1, 2017 at 4:30 am

Palestinians: Does Anyone Here Care about Muslim Women?

  • These are embarrassing truths that the pro-Hamas feminist, Linda Sarsour does not want to hear. The rights of women who are being oppressed by Hamas are the last thing on her mind.

  • Sitting in the comfort of the U.S. and other Western countries, Linda Sarsour and her colleagues are too busy inciting against Israel to remember the plight of women in most Arab countries, including those living under the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Hamas. Sarsour's claim, that Zionism and feminism are incompatible, is nothing but a grimy lie.
[ It amazes me how there are still any zoos allowed to operate in Gaza and any wild animals still made to live under such horrible conditions.
Hamas cannot give one shekel to make their conditions better.
Or the Arab population better. Both have to suffer in order for the Hamas charter to be fulfilled ]

More than 40 zoo animals evacuated from Gaza Strip
[ One wonders if the UK will issue her a student visa now. ]

“The UK is completely occupied and controlled by Israel and it is supporting Israel to kill innocent people who are demonstrating for their rights,” Tamimi said.

Tamimi appears to be applying an anti-Semitic trope that Israel (or Jews) control foreign governments.

She turned further conspiratorial, saying, “The whole world is defeated, we are alone”, before declaring, “but I am pretty sure that the Palestinian people will bring back dignity to the whole world even to the UK who are supporting Israel. The UK brought Zionism to Palestine in the era of the British mandate. We will eventually end this occupation. Their power will not last forever.”

Ahed Tamimi then spoke of Israel’s actions on the Gaza border, falsely accusing Israel of wanting to “kill all Palestinians” – a blood libel.

“They (Israel) have no right to harm any Palestinian and this is another reflection to their terrorism. They want nothing but to kill all Palestinians so they can take all their land. They believe that all Palestinians should be killed, which also shows that they’re racist.”

Be warned, it is very anti-Israel and there are a lot of lies and distortions throughout the below video.

(full article and video online)

I think it’s a bit of a misnomer to suggest that an Islamist theocratic totalitarian enclave would use arbitrary arrest and torture as a means to crush dissent. Those are the intended and calculated means/methods to crush dissent.

Two Authorities, One Way, Zero Dissent

Arbitrary Arrest and Torture Under the Palestinian Authority and Hamas

Two Authorities, One Way, Zero Dissent | Arbitrary Arrest and Torture Under the Palestinian Authority and Hamas

In the 25 years since Palestinians gained a degree of self-rule over the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, their authorities have established machineries of repression to crush dissent, including through the use of torture.

Both the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank and the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in Gaza have in recent years carried out scores of arbitrary arrests for peaceful criticism of the authorities, particularly on social media, among independent journalists, on university campuses, and at demonstrations. As the Fatah-Hamas feud deepened despite attempts at reconciliation, PA security services have targeted supporters of Hamas and vice versa. Relying primarily on overly broad laws that criminalize activity such as causing “sectarian strife” or insulting “higher authorities,” the PA and Hamas use detention to punish critics and deter them and others from further activism. In detention, security forces routinely taunt, threaten, beat, and force detainees into painful stress positions for hours at a time.
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