Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Such heroes.

I suppose the Hamas leaders were busy counting their billion dollar fortunes and left the gee-had to others.

Hamas leader appears in public as fighting with Israel tails off

Hamas leader appears in public as fighting with Israel tails off | Reuters

GAZA/JERUSALEM (Reuters) - The leader of the militant Islamist group Hamas viewed the rubble of his bombed office in Gaza on Wednesday, appearing in public as an uneasy calm took hold after two days of cross-border Palestinian rocket attacks and Israeli air strikes.

Anybody home at the Death Cult office?
From the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center:

Instructions were posted to a Hamas forum regarding the terminology that should be used in the media. According to the instructions, media workers should avoid the use of terminology that indicates a recognition of the existence of Israel (the "Zionist entity"); care should taken to designate all sites attacked by Israel as "civilian targets" and not as military targets; the cities in Israel which are attacked should be referred to as occupied Palestinian territories, and not as cities; and there is no such thing as "the residents of Israel's south" because [the Israelis] are thieves who took the Palestinian lands by force.The specific instructions from one of Paldf.net's administrators, apparently relaying instructions from Hamas, are:
The specific instructions from one of Paldf.net's administrators, apparently relaying instructions from Hamas, are:

Reminder to members [i.e., forum members]:
When you claim that the Zionist response is not appropriate for a state, by implication you recognize the [Zionist] entity as a state.
There are no civilian and military targets in the Gaza Strip, all the sites the enemy [i.e., Israel] attacks are civilian. The enemy is the aggressor and an occupier, while the resistance defends its people and its right.
The resistance [i.e., Hamas and the other terrorist organizations] attacks our [Palestinian] occupied lands and not Israeli cities.
There is no such thing as "the residents of the south" , because they are thieves [who took the Palestinian lands by force] and will remain thieves.
He also wrote this:
If an escalation takes place, I hope that we will not lose sight of the media war and global opinion.
Must use all means of modern communication and expose the Zionist criminality
1 - Unification of the hashtags of Twitter
2 - Translation of tweets in all languages
3 - Use of the term terrorism to describe the enemy
4 - Assertion that the resistance is a reaction to the occupation and siege
5 - The dissemination of pictures and videos from the archives and statistics of the number of martyrs, wounded and prisoners and of destroyed houses

This is more sophisticated than most hasbara is.

(full article online)

Hamas instructs its media how to report on any fighting ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Erekat claimed that Trump's move would increase violence, chaos, extremism and bloodshed.

He then railed against Trump's "disregard for the dignity of the Arab people" which he says has reached an unprecedented level. "The Arab countries are being treated in an unacceptable manner. The dignity of the people can not be measured by the balance of real estate traders and deal makers. "

In other words, Saeb Erekat is defending the "dignity" of Syria, a country that has killed more Palestinians in the past eight years than Israel has. By saying that the Golan is Israeli territory, Erekat is aggrieved for the tender feelings of a Syrian regime that has killed a half million of his fellow Arabs.

This is what the honor/shame dynamic looks like. Arabs might fight each other constantly, but their dignity must be upheld to the Western world no matter what. As bad as treat each other, Arabs are still entitled to more respect and "dignity" than any non-Arab is.

(full article online)

PLO's Saeb Erekat defends Syria's "dignity" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Making the Death Cult proud.

"Senior Fatah Official Mahmoud Al-Aloul Praises Terrorist: We Are Proud; He Exercised the Choice of the People"

In a video that was uploaded to the Fatah movement's Facebook page on March 23, 2019, Fatah Central Committee Deputy Chairman Mahmoud Al-Aloul praised Omar Abu Laila, the Palestinian terrorist who killed a soldier and a civilian at Ariel Junction in the West Bank on March 17, 2019 and who was killed by Israeli forces two days later. Al-Aloul said that the name "Omar Abu Laila" has had significance for Fatah since its beginning and added: "This young man exercised the choice of the people [that] represents… all the youth of Palestine."
Children are innocent – including Palestinian Arab children. That is, until they are taught to hate, murder, and blow themselves up. This Fatah official explains how in their world, terrorists are the role models for children. In other cultures, heroes are those who have given, built, and loved. Not those who have taken life, destroyed, and hated. But in the culture of many Palestinian Arabs, the heroes are the terrorists.

The UN should be holding an emergency meeting about this! Terrorists as role models? That is a frightening culture! But they are too busy condemning Israel for…nothing. They are too busy ignoring the real violators of human rights. How can the UN ignore the fact that Palestinian Arab children are going up with murderers as their heroes and role models? That is just child abuse!

(full article online)

Fatah official reveals who the heroes are for Palestinian Arab children
One of the days marked fervently by the Palestinian Authority is the anniversary in March of the most lethal terror attack against Israel - the Coastal Road massacre in which Palestinian terrorists murdered 37 civilians, among them 12 children. The attack was led by female terrorist Dalal Mughrabi who the PA since has turned into a role model and hero for Palestinian children and society in general.

To celebrate the anniversary this year, the PA Ministry of Education arranged a sports festival for girls named after the terrorist:

"The Dalal Mughrabi Sports Festival"

The sports festival was held at the Beitunia Upper Elementary School for Girls and participating girls wore shirts featuring the image of the murderer and the text "Dalal Mughrabi Festival":


[Facebook page of the Beitunia Upper Elementary School for Girls,
March 13, 2019]

PA officials were also present at the festival honoring murderer Mughrabi, among them Bassem Erekat, director of the district's Education Directorate , which is a branch of the PA Ministry of Education, and Ribhi Dawla, mayor of Beitunia, where the festival was held. In addition, the District Governor of Ramallah and El-Bireh Dr. Laila Ghannam spoke at the event, stating that Palestinian children "are determined to continue on the path." Ghannam also praised Palestinian women for having "brought children into the world, fought, and built glory that will not be erased" - indicating that murderer Mughrabi had created lasting "glory" with her attack killing 37:

(full article online)

PA Ministry of Education names sports event for girls after terrorist murderer who led killing of 37 - PMW Bulletins
One of the days marked fervently by the Palestinian Authority is the anniversary in March of the most lethal terror attack against Israel - the Coastal Road massacre in which Palestinian terrorists murdered 37 civilians, among them 12 children. The attack was led by female terrorist Dalal Mughrabi who the PA since has turned into a role model and hero for Palestinian children and society in general.

To celebrate the anniversary this year, the PA Ministry of Education arranged a sports festival for girls named after the terrorist:

"The Dalal Mughrabi Sports Festival"

The sports festival was held at the Beitunia Upper Elementary School for Girls and participating girls wore shirts featuring the image of the murderer and the text "Dalal Mughrabi Festival":


[Facebook page of the Beitunia Upper Elementary School for Girls,
March 13, 2019]

PA officials were also present at the festival honoring murderer Mughrabi, among them Bassem Erekat, director of the district's Education Directorate , which is a branch of the PA Ministry of Education, and Ribhi Dawla, mayor of Beitunia, where the festival was held. In addition, the District Governor of Ramallah and El-Bireh Dr. Laila Ghannam spoke at the event, stating that Palestinian children "are determined to continue on the path." Ghannam also praised Palestinian women for having "brought children into the world, fought, and built glory that will not be erased" - indicating that murderer Mughrabi had created lasting "glory" with her attack killing 37:

(full article online)

PA Ministry of Education names sports event for girls after terrorist murderer who led killing of 37 - PMW Bulletins
Every post is a smear.
Time for the islamic terrorists in Hamas to cash some welfare checks.


Speaking via satellite feed from Israel, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses AIPAC in Washington, U.S., March 26, 2019. (photo credit:" KEVIN LAMARQUE/REUTERS)
Netanyahu chides reporters for not spending more time on US Golan decision

WASHINGTON – Israel destroyed “major Hamas terrorist installations on a scale not seen since the end of the military operation in Gaza four years ago,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Tuesday, in a speech from Tel Aviv to the AIPAC conference here.

Remember this picture? It still pops up from time to time.

In fact this picture was cropped from a photo of street theatre meant to vilify Israel, but with poorly dressed actors:

Arabs like to stage these sorts of things = and then some take the video and pretend it is the real thing.

Here's one I hadn't seen, being shared on Twitter as legitimate:

Anyone can tell this isn't real - except for Israel hating idiots. Even one of the commenters to this tweet mentioned it was obvious theatre.

The tweeter doesn't pretend that there is a date for this event, or that the woman "killed" has a name, because he knows the whole thing is a lie.

(full article online)

#Pallywood: Another street theatre performance of fake "Israeli atrocities" that Israel haters are pretending is real ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
So for example they recommend telling a money changer the Hamas Bitcoin wallet address but emphasizing not to say "Hamas."

Or to create a user's own wallet, they say to do it at a public Internet cafe where the IP address cannot be traced to the person.

In the end it looks like a major pain to donate to the terror group, but Hamas' funds have been drying up so they are forced to beg for money.

Not very honorable.

(full article online)

Hamas website begs for money, teaches its fans how to donate to terror without being caught ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
I wrote:
To be precise, before the middle of the last century, there was no such thing as a Palestinian people that identified as such (outside of Jews before 1948.) They really are a recently made-up people. Feel free to prove me wrong with links to articles/books about them before 1940.

I understand how saying these facts makes you angry, but I consider falsifying history to be a pretty big problem as well.

I've spent hours researching Palestinian history and culture. Outside Nablus soap and Bethlehem costumes - which were local, not national - almost nothing.

And yes, I've seem more modern re-writings of history to find a unique Palestinian cuisine, etc. It's a joke and you know it. There was Levantine culture, Egyptian culture and so forth, but no Palestinian culture.

Obviously there were Arabs living in Palestine. No one claims otherwise. But they identified more with their clans and towns than with anything called "Palestine."

Of course, most prominent Palestinian families proudly trace their family trees from elsewhere, especially Arabia.

So while Yousef Munayyer rants and raves, he knows what I am saying is true. So his only defense is anger, because most Westerners cringe when Arabs freak out and they'll agree to anything to avoid a fight.
Why are Palestinians the only seven decade old refugee problem in history? Because Palestinian "leaders" and Arab leaders decided that it was in their interest to keep them stateless forever or until Israel is destroyed. No other refugee group in history existed for this long because no other group was denied basic rights for so long in their adopted countries - countries supposedly ruled by their advocates.
Keeping the Palestinians in misery is a conscious Arab strategy since the 1950s. Everyone knows this. But mentioning it publicly is practically taboo. Luckily, the primary sources are still easy to find.

Arabs like Munayyer all know this, but shame forces them to push the issue to the Jews. His job is literally to deflect the topic away from Arab responsibility and onto Jews.

I don't expect Munayyer to respond with any facts, because he knows I'm right. And that the facts are his enemy.

(full article online)

A brief dose of truth to haters like @YousefMunayyer ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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Oh, the suffering. If only the world would give Pal’istanians their own, exclusive, UN sponsored welfare agency, we could end the suffering.

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