Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The murderous acts by Arabs-Moslems last week was a cause for celebration that included the usual passing around of sweets.

It just reinforces to me that a Cult, so obsessed with killing and the celebration of lawlessness, has no place in modern society.

"Sweets Being Distributed in Khan Yunis in Celebration of West Bank Terror Attack"

A video is the link, above.

On March 18, 2019, Gaza-based Shehab News Agency (Gaza) released a video of sweets being distributed in Khan Yunis in celebration of the March 17 terror attack at Ariel Junction in the West Bank that took the lives of two Israelis.
The Islamic Settler Colonial Project is preemptively claiming another conquest.

A “Pal’istanian” cleric is announcing the conquest of France. Super!

Although, the learned cleric doesn’t tell us that the Islamic gee-had of France will transform that nation into what: just another war zone of tribal, religious and ethnic hatreds?

Does the planet really need warring mini-caliphates exported from Islamic backwaters?

"Palestinian Cleric Abu Taqi Al-Din Al-Dari at Al-Aqsa Mosque: France Will Become an Islamic Country Through Jihad; Entire World Will Be Subject to Islamic Rule"

Palestinian cleric Abu Taqi Al-Din Al-Dari said in an Al-Aqsa Mosque address that was uploaded to the Internet on March 12, 2019 that young people in Germany and France do not value marriage as much as Muslims do, but that this is not the reason that France will become an Islamic country. Rather, he explained, France will become an Islamic country through Jihad, since Muslims must have a country that will bring Islam’s guidance and message to the West. He gave examples of times in history when countries in the West and Asia were ruled by the Ottoman Empire, which he described as an Islamic state, and he said that the Islamic nation is capable of “returning to its former self” and spreading Islam. Sheik Taqi Al-Din added that the entire world will be subject to the rule of Islam in one of three ways: People will either convert to Islam, be forced to pay the jizya poll tax, or be fought against for the sake of Allah.

“People will either convert to Islam, be forced to pay the jizya poll tax, or be fought against for the sake of Allah.”

While you might think that our friend Abu is a fascist, a dangerous Islamic supremacist or just a cult clone, Abu is really just a pious Moslem who knows his Korans and his sunnah and literally believes that the life and times of Muhammud (swish), are the perfect examples for all time and for all Moslems.

Can’t we send more welfare dollars to those
Poor, Oppressed Pal’istanians ™️

According to sources in the Gaza Strip, hundreds of Palestinians were detained by Hamas security forces between Thursday and Sunday for their role in the protests. Among those taken into custody were journalists, human rights activists and Fatah members. Scores of Palestinians were wounded and hospitalized after being beaten by Hamas security officers and militiamen.

By Sunday, it seemed that Hamas had succeeded in crushing the protests. The tough measures that Hamas took against the protesters and those believed to be behind the “We Want to Live” campaign appear, for now, to have achieved their goal. The protesters, however, say they are determined to continue their demonstrations. Earlier this week, they published a statement calling for a two-day general strike in the Gaza Strip. They also called on Palestinians to gather at public squares to protest not only economic hardship, but also Hamas’s repressive measures against the demonstrators and other Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

THE HAMAS effort to suppress the protests has not only been limited to breaking the bones of protesters and arbitrary arrests. To discredit the protests, Hamas also began talking about a Fatah-led conspiracy aimed at staging a coup in the Gaza Strip. Ironically, Hamas’s charge was backed by the rhetoric of senior Fatah officials, who rushed to embrace the protests, describing them as a revolt against Hamas.

Hamas also sent thousands of its supporters to the streets to protest against Abbas and the sanctions he imposed on the Gaza Strip nearly two years ago. This was Hamas’s way of reminding Palestinians that it’s Abbas, and not Hamas, who bears responsibility for the deteriorating economic conditions.

Hamas is now trying to portray the protests as part of a “conspiracy” by Abbas and Fatah to instigate chaos and unrest in the Gaza Strip. “Hamas has thwarted a Palestinian Authority-sponsored scheme to set off unrest in the Gaza Strip,” said a Hamas official. He and several Hamas officials claimed that the West Bank-based Palestinian General Intelligence Service, headed by Majed Faraj, was the main party behind the alleged plot.

(full article online)

What’s happening in Gaza?
I’m afraid that playing nice in the sandbox is not working well for the competing, Islamic terrorist mini-caliphates. The Islamic terrorists within Hamas are in a bit of a media war as they trade insults with the Islamic terrorists in Fatah.

At some point, Abbas may play the Shia card (accusing Hamas of being lackeys for the Iranian Mullocrats), and hurl that insult at Hamas.

It’s a bit like the Bloods and Crips, with Korans.

Hamas accuses Abbas of 'aiding the occupation'

Hamas accuses Abbas of 'aiding the occupation'

Hamas spokesman blasts PA chairman Abbas for telling American students he seeks negotiations with Israel.
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Islamic totalitarian fear societies maintain at least a semblance of order through repression and intimidation.

Islamics got exactly what they wanted by putting Hamas into power.

Now they’re getting what they deserve.

Hamas Crackdown on Gaza Protests Instills Fear

Hamas Crackdown on Gaza Protests Instills Fear

Hamas security forces, seen in December, brutally crushed peaceful protests in Gaza this month.CreditIbraheem Abu Mustafa/Reuters

Those Poor, Oppressed Arab-Moslem Terrorists. Can’t we just give them more welfare fraud money?

Sometime soon, Israel may want to respond to islamic terrorist attacks with some real disproportionate islamic terrorist beatdown.

The Hamas' 'nighttime unit' (nothing more than Iranian backed flunkies), a disposable commodity for the Mullocrats, should become the former, and now very as'sploded, balloon flunkies.

Israel Shells Hamas Military Posts in Gaza After Explosives Thrown Over Fence

Israel shells Hamas military posts in Gaza after explosives thrown over fence

Hamas' 'nighttime unit' announced Saturday that it plans to ramp up its activities at the fence following the killing of two Palestinians by Israeli fire in protests Friday

Yaniv Kubovich
24.03.2019 | 22:47
IDF tanks shelled Hamas military posts in Gaza on Sunday evening after explosive devices were thrown and incendiary balloons were launched across the border throughout the evening, the military said.
The best summary I've seen of possible reasons for last night's attack comes from Hamodia:
For the second time in under two weeks, Hamas is claiming that the rocket fire to central Israel early Monday was a “mistake.” Hamas made the same claim ten days ago, when two rockets were fired at the Tel Aviv area. The IDF rejected that explanation, saying that it held Hamas responsible for the rocket fire. Meanwhile, Islamic Jihad warned Israel not to retaliate for the attack.

Yediot Acharonot said Monday that after the rocket fired from Gaza hit a house in the town of Mishmeret in the Sharon region, north of Tel Aviv, Hamas contacted Egypt, telling officials that the rocket had been fired in error. Seven people, including an infant, were injured in the attack, with the family’s home sustaining heavy damage. Several other neighboring houses were damaged as well.

Egypt transferred the message to Israel, but in a statement, the IDF said it was not accepting the terror group’s excuse, and that it held Hamas responsible for the attack. The IDF is sending two divisions to the Gaza border area, its spokesperson said, and was conducting a limited call-up of reserves.

A report on Kan News said that top terrorists in Hamas and Islamic Jihad had gone into hiding, anticipating a heavy Israeli response. Meanwhile, Islamic Jihad warned Israel not to retaliate at all, because any retaliation would be met by rocket attacks “deep in the territory of Israel. The leadership of Israel knows we will strike back with power to such attacks,” the terror group said.

Groups allied with Islamic Jihad said that the attack was due to retaliation by the Prisons Service against terrorists who had attacked and injured Israeli guards in Ketziot Prison Sunday night.

(full article online)

Hamas claims another "mistake" in rocket fire that injured 7 ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
This morning Hamas launched a missile into Israel at a town north of Tel Aviv. Seven Israelis were injured, two of them seriously.

What is Hamas hoping to gain by firing into Israel's population centers?

According to Fatah, Hamas has failed in its administration of the Gaza Strip and all of Hamas' violence in recent months against Israel, including the firing of two missiles 10 days ago towards Tel Aviv, has been intended to distract the Palestinian population from Hamas' failure to provide for the Palestinian population. Fatah's spokesman Osama Al-Qawasmi explained why Hamas fired missiles towards Tel Aviv as follows:

"Launching missiles in order to put down the uprising of the starving is an unacceptable act, and is overt and obvious to all."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 16, 2019]

The Palestinian Authority and Fatah have repeatedly condemned Hamas' response to the recent protests in the Gaza Strip by accusing it of human rights abuses against Palestinians including against Palestinian children. Official PA TV and Fatah's Facebook page both presented pictures of injured Palestinian children who they claimed were beaten by Hamas:

(full article online)

Hamas fights Fatah by launching missiles at Israelis - PMW Bulletins
Well gee whiz. It looks like the competing Islamic terrorist mini-caliphates are picking up where they left off after their late 2000’s civil war.

What’s the big deal with a little torture between Islamic terrorist rivals?

It just confirms again that Israel is the single reason why the Islamic terrorist Middle East is not at the forefront of culture and advancement of the human condition.


Fatah: Hamas brutally torturing our men in Gaza

The West Bank-based Palestinian Fatah faction on Saturday accused Hamas of torturing Fatah members in the Gaza Strip.

Fatah officials said at least 100 of their members were detained by Hamas in the past week. The crackdown, according to the officials, came in response to demonstrations organized by Fatah to express support for Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

Let’s hope these fine examples of moslem’dom can find metal bars, clubs, blow torches and power drills to settle their differences like the fine folks they are.
Just another Mahmoud.

"Senior Fatah Official Mahmoud Al-Aloul Praises Murderer of Two Israelis: We Are Proud; He Exercised the Choice of the People"

Senior Fatah Official Mahmoud Al-Aloul Praises Murderer of Two Israelis: We Are Proud; He Exercised the Choice of the People

In a video that was uploaded to the Fatah movement's Facebook page on March 23, 2019, Fatah Central Committee Deputy Chairman Mahmoud Al-Aloul praised Omar Abu Laila, the Palestinian terrorist who killed two Israelis at Ariel Junction in the West Bank on March 17, 2019 and who was killed by Israeli forces two days later. Al-Aloul said that the name "Omar Abu Laila" has had significance for Fatah since its beginning and added: "This young man exercised the choice of the people [that] represents… all the youth of Palestine."
[ Who owns Hamas and other terror groups in Gaza? Iran. Or is it? ]

After some Hamas officials claimed a rocket attack on central Israel early Monday morning which injured seven had been ‘accidental’ or caused by ‘bad weather’, senior officials in the Gaza-based terror organization and Egypt now say that the attack was intentional – and carried out at the behest of Iran, with the intention of altering the outcome of Israel’s upcoming general election.

A senior Hamas official, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed to Israel Hayom Tuesday that the rocket which struck the Wolf family home in the town of Mishmeret in central Israel Monday and injured seven Israelis had been fired at the urging of Tehran.

The Hamas official claimed that Iran had “gone over the heads” of Hamas’ leadership, directly ordering a cell operating out of the Gaza Strip to carry out the attack. The cell has been identified as part of the Islamic Jihad organization, a rival terrorist group which operates in the Gaza Strip and Judea and Samaria.

(full article online)

Hamas leader: Iran ordered rocket attack, aimed to hurt Netanyahu in election
A senior Israeli official on the prime minister's plane referred to the wave of IDF attacks in Gaza in response to the recent rocket attacks on Israel from Gaza, emphasizing that "There is no agreement on a ceasefire, we are prepared to do even more."

During the flight, Netanyahu was in constant contact with IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi. According to the official, the order given to the chief of staff was to continue attacking, and offices, factories and senior Hamas officials' bureaus were attacked, among other things. He called the attacks "The hardest hits since Operation Protective Edge. We attacked last, and they did not respond."

(full article online)

Senior Israeli official: 'There is no ceasefire, we're ready to do even more'
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