Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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  • The PA pays the salaries to all arrested Palestinian terrorists, irrespective of their terror group affiliations.
  • In some cases, the salaries paid by the PA to the terrorists are “higher than salaries of judges and doctors.”
  • The PA admitted that in 2018 it paid at least 502 million shekels ($134.2 million) in salaries to terrorist prisoners and released prisoners.

(full article online)

Abbas buys the support of Palestinians in Gaza one terrorist at a time - PMW Bulletins
Another islamic terrorist beatdown is taking place. In response to the ongoing balloon gee-had, the IDF is delivering some much needed islamic terrorist behavior modification.


IDF strikes Hamas terror cell in Gaza in response to incendiary balloons

An IDF aircraft attacked a terrorist cell in the northern Gaza Strip on Tuesday evening, the IDF reported.

The strikes were targeted at the cell which earlier in the day launched incendiary balloons at Israel.
There were patchy reports on the evening it all went down. An Egyptian delegation was meeting with Hamas officials at the time, mediating the easing of certain economic restrictions. Israeli media reported on Friday that the Egyptians were enraged. For their terrorist hosts to engage in such a reckless act was humiliating and would only exacerbate the tensions that resulted in the Strip’s economic isolation in the first place.

As reported in the daily newspaper, Israel Hayom, an Egyptian official thundered at Sinwar: “How far do you think you will get with this double game of yours? We are sitting here to hammer out the details of a cease-fire with Israel and behind our backs, you are authorizing your people to fire missiles at Tel Aviv?”

He then added, for good measure: “If Israel decides to launch a comprehensive military operation in Gaza, this time we won’t do a thing to stop the Israeli attack, even if the Israelis decide to dismantle your rule in Gaza by assassinating each and every one of you. While [Israel] is retaking Gaza, Egypt and its allies in the region won’t lift a finger to stop the Israeli response.”

(full article online)

Hamas Faces a Popular Revolt Against Its Governance
OK, wait. Let me recover my composure after reading that Islamic terrorist retrogrades are acting like, you know, Islamic terrorist retrogrades.

Gee whiz. One might almost get the impression that life inside an Islamic totalitarian dystopia may be the living hell it appears to be.

I wonder if Hamas and/ or Abbas will pay a fee to the Yahya’istan “martyrs” tortured and imprisoned ny Hamas?

Hamas accused of violent crackdown on Gaza protests

Gaza: Hamas accused of violent crackdown on protests - CNN


Protests began last week, when hundreds of protesters gathered in refugee camps such as Jabaliya and Deir al-Balah, and in Gaza City and Khan

(CNN)Hamas has cracked down on popular protests in Gaza, carrying out beatings, arbitrary arrests and torture against protesters, human rights workers and journalists, Amnesty International said.

"The crackdown on freedom of expression and the use of torture in Gaza has reached alarming new levels," said Saleh Higazi, Deputy Middle East and North Africa Director at Amnesty International. "We are sending a clear message to the Gaza authorities today that we are watching, .....

Poll indicates 41% of Palestinians would vote for Hamas leader for president

Support for Haniyeh down from previous survey; Palestinians also split over support for two-state solution, approval of new prime minister
By ADAM RASGONToday, 1:45 am

  • Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas (left) and Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh (Flash90, SAID KHATIB/AFP)

    If Palestinian presidential elections were to be held with a race between Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh, Abbas would win 51% of the vote compared to 41% for Haniyeh, while 8% said they were undecided, according to a survey published Tuesday.

    “If Pal’istanian elections were to be held.....”

    Arabs-Moslems really do live in some weird, alternate reality that deserves potent medication.

[ Looks like Gaza should not entertain having a Zoo ]

Forty animals including five lions are to be rescued from squalid conditions in Gaza, an animal welfare group said on Wednesday.

The animals would be taken out of a zoo in the Hamas-controlled enclave and relocated to sanctuaries in Jordan next week, the Four Paws organization said.

"For far too long, the animals of Rafah Zoo have had to live under unimaginably dreadful conditions," said Four Paws veterinarian and head of mission Amir Khalil.

(full article online)

Lions, other animals to be saved from Gaza zoo
Fatah honors this week's terrorist murderer on Facebook:
"Heroic Martyr Omar Abu Laila" is "the perfect person"
deserving of a "military salute"
"Glory and eternity to the Martyrs"

"The Shabiba Movement of Fatah in Palestine accompanies to his wedding (i.e., to the 72 Virgins in Paradise) the Heroic Martyr"

Fatah branch in murderer's home district praises him as:
"Rambo of Palestine"
"Self-sacrificing fighter"
"daring fighter"
"lion cub"


Fatah official about terrorist Abu Laila who murdered 2 this week
and murderer who killed 2 of his Israeli co-workers last year:
"the role models for the children"

Fatah honors this week’s terrorist murderer on Facebook - PMW Bulletins
It seens that the islamic terrorist enclave of Hamas'istan is eating itself alive.

Really anxious to see the tire burning gee-had erupt on the streets. I'm curious to see if Hamas would call their Iranian masters for milirary assistance to put down the riots.

It would be interesting to see the spectacle of Shia Iranian squads assisting the Sunni Arabs-Moslems in Hamas delivering a beat-down to Sunni Arab-Moslem rioters.



Hamas Chief Ismail Haniyeh gestures as he speaks during a rally marking the 31st anniversary of Hamas' founding, in Gaza City December 16, 2018. (photo credit:" IBRAHEEM ABU MUSTAFA/REUTERS)
Gaza journalist: "They beat me with various types of clubs and sticks."
More than 70 Palestinian journalists have been targeted by Hamas during the recent protests against economic hardship in the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate said on Thursday.

Mohammed Al-Lahham, as senior official with the syndicate, said during a press conference in Ramallah that Hamas’s actions were tantamount to “crimes.” He said he believed that the number of journalists who were arrested, beaten or summoned for interrogation by Hamas security forces in the past week was much higher than the figures published thus far.

Several Palestinian journalists who fell victim to Hamas’s tough security measures have refused to have their names published by the Ramallah-based syndicate out of fear of being punished by Hamas, the official revealed.

  • Hamas is now accusing the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Fatah of exploiting the economic crisis in the Gaza Strip to call on Palestinians to overthrow the Hamas regime. Fatah, for its part, is accusing the "dark forces" of Hamas of acting on orders from outside parties to establish a separate Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip.

  • The US administration says it will publish its long-awaited plan for peace in the Middle East, known as the "Deal of the Century," after the general elections in Israel on April 9. Perhaps it would be a good idea if the US administration came up with a plan to make peace between Palestinians and Palestinians before attempting to make peace between the Palestinians and Israel.

  • What is clear, meanwhile, is that the Fatah and Hamas leaders are more interested in warring with each other than improving the living conditions of their people. The two groups have already rejected the upcoming "Deal of the Century": for now, that is the only deal they seem ready to make.
(full article online)

Palestinians: The Other Peace Deal
It looks like Hamas is taking time out from their busy schedule directed at torture, beating and arrests of Arabs-Moslems to spend some quality time with IDF tank shells.

And Allah knows best.


IDF tank shells a Hamas outpost in response to clashes

An IDF tank shelled a Hamas outpost south of the Gaza Strip on Thursday, IDF spokesperson reported, the shelling was in response to intense clashes and incendiary balloons.
Gaza rights groups denounce Hamas crackdown on protests

Gaza rights groups denounce Hamas crackdown on protests

Protesters say Hamas forces attacked them with batons while protesting against dire living conditions in Gaza Strip.

I don't quite believe the "dire living conditions in Gaza", meme.

Let's acknowledge that Arabs-Moslems occupying Gaza are the beneficiaries of a dedicated UN sponsored welfare agency. Literally billions of dollars have been showered upon these people so lets take the "dire living conditions in Gaza" as an excuse for yet more accommodation of an islamic terrorist welfare fraud.
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Oh, dear. There are tensions brewing between the two, competing mini-caliphates in the wondrous social order sometimes called the "State of Pal'istan" Dysfunction.

I think Mahmoud is feeling quite full of himself knowing he has a "presidential jet" and Yahya Sinwar doesn't.

Abbas Slams Hamas Over Gaza Attack, Says Group Doomed to 'Trash Can of History'

Abbas Slams Hamas Over Gaza Attack, Says Group Doomed to 'Trash Can of History'

Long-running tensions between the two main Palestinian political parties, Fatah, chaired by Abbas, and Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, escalated this week after a Fatah spokesman in Gaza was seriously injured, allegedly by Hamas members.

Fatah Chairman and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has blasted Hamas over Monday's attack on Fatah Gaza spokesman Atef Abu Seif.

"Hamas, which carried out a coup in Gaza, will enter the trash can of history. The Palestinian people will not forgive Hamas for its actions," Abbas said, according to Arutz Sheva.

Hamas denied any involvement in the attack on Seif, who was beaten by a group of men outside his home on Monday, with Gaza's interior ministry promising an investigation into the incident. Following the incident, Fatah deputy chairman Mahmoud Aloul accused Hamas of an 'assassination attempt' against Seif. The attack reportedly took place against the backdrop of broader protests in Gaza this week over rising prices.
Angry Mahmoud had some harsh words for the competing Islamic terrorist franchise in Yahya’istan.

Muhammud (swish), hated dogs so calling the Hamas contingent of Islamic Terrorism Intl. Inc., “dogs” is a real slur.

"PA President Abbas Curses Hamas "Dogs" during Hospital Visit to Fatah Official Beaten Up in Gaza"

During a Ramallah hospital visit to Fatah Gaza spokesman Atef Abu Saif, PA President Mahmoud Abbas cursed the Hamas "dogs" who allegedly beat him up in Gaza, saying that Hamas "should be thrown into the garbage bin of history." The visit was posted on Abbas' YouTube channel on March 20, 2019.
Somehow, I don’t think the Iranian Mullocrats are going to appreciate the Fatah ingrates hurling aspersions at their flunkies in Hamas occupied Gaza’istan.

"Fatah Central Committee Member Jamal Muhaisen: Hamas Is ISIS in Palestine"

Fatah Central Committee Member Jamal Muhaisen said that Hamas is a terrorist movement and that even if it were to rehabilitate the people who were imprisoned or had their arms or legs broken, it would return to its old ways within a matter of months. In a TV interview against the backdrop of the violent crackdown on the economic protests in Gaza, Muhaisen called Hamas "ISIS in Palestine." The interview aired on the official PA TV channel on March 19, 2019.

Oh, and remember we’re told that the conflicts, internecine wars and religious hatreds separating the various tribes of Islamism throughout the Islamic Middle East are all the fault of Israel and the Great Satan.

What an idyllic place the Middle East would be if only israel didn’t exist.
DoctorAl seems a bit perturbed with the goings-on regarding the rival welfare fraud recipients in Gaza and the West Bank. Who, other than Arabs-Moslems, are responsible for Islamic terrorist bullying, threats, and repression when Islamic terrorist retrogrades are so often the norm in the Islamic Middle East.

"Palestinian Journalist Nasser Al-Laham Slams Hamas and Fatah Gov'ts: We Are Worse than the Occupation"

Dr. Nasser Al-Laham, editor-in-chief of the Palestinian Authority's Maan News Agency, criticized both Hamas and Fatah in the wake of the Hamas crackdown on protesters in Gaza, saying: "the governments have gone berserk." Al-Laham asked: "What have we adopted from the Arab countries? Prison cells? Torture? Burn marks?" and said: "In some things, we are worse than the occupation." In the TV interview, which was posted on the Maan News YouTube channel on March 16, he asked: "Is this the kind of homeland we want?" and called upon Palestinians to "take [to the streets] and chant: No to the homeland!" Al-Laham, who is Mayadeen TV's reporter in the West Bank, is a critic of the Palestinian Authority.
This Ongoing War says: They call her a Palestinian but the record shows she was born in Jordan, was educated there right up until the point where she decided to cross the Jordan River and pursue journalism studies at a Palestinian Arab university, and lives there today with the man she married there seven years ago ["22-Jun-12: A wedding and what came before it"]. Calling the massacre of Jewish customers (Tamimi says she went looking for Jews) "a martyrdom operation" is a cognitive warfare strategy. Tamimi is no martyr and has made clear repeatedly that her goal was murder - the murder of Israeli children. The weapon she planted at Sbarro to achieve her hideous aim was a human bomb - a young religious fanatic with an explosive-laden guitar case on his back; at the critical moment, he blew up the guitar case, himself, the Sbarro pizzeria and many unarmed, unsuspecting humans. She brought him from Ramallah, accompanying him through the Israeli security checkpoint and along the streets of central Jerusalem. Neither he nor she sought to commit suicide but to kill people. The reference to "1,600 years of imprisonment" is inaccurate: she was serving 16 concurrent terms of life imprisonment with a strong judicial recommendation that she never be paroled or otherwise released. In the event, she was in prison for barely 8 years after being sentenced.

This Ongoing War says: Tamimi, a TV reporter and far from stupid, has a solid grasp of what Hitler and Goebbels meant by the Big Lie and how to use it. She's drunk deeply at the well of classic antisemitic tropes and "knows" that in America, it's the Zionists who are in charge and as a consequence Americans don't know how to deal with terrorists who set out to murder large numbers of innocents. If America ever wants to take advice from an Islamist zealot who brings a deep familiarity with murder and lethal bigotry, Mrs Tamimi will be a leading candidate.

Q. How do you evaluate the Moroccan position, be it the official or popular position towards the Palestinian resistance?

I always look to the popular position in any country. When speaking about Morocco, it is a valuable position and we truly appreciate it...The article goes on but from this point Tamimi devotes herself, speaking to a Moroccan news site, to praising Morocco. She appreciates their support of the "resistance" in Gaza (this means Hamas) and of Khaled Mashal (who used to run Hamas). But for all her high regard for them, she doesn't support Morocco's relatively constructive ties with "the Zionist entity".

The real take-away here is her toxic influence. This dedicated murderer, now living free as a bird, not in hiding, not on the run, in the capital of an Arab kingdom reckoned to be a US ally, has standing, celebrity and access to the media. What Tamimi says in her explosive region of the world has the potent and quickly-out-of-control flammable impact of a lit match in a field of tinder-dry brush.

And even though much of what she has to say is plainly distorted, dishonest and provocative, we have not yet seen even a single instance where her appearance in the Arabic-language media includes criticism or even any serious analysis of the woman, her narrative or her views.

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 21-Mar-19: The Sbarro Massacre mastermind worries she isn't getting enough sympathy
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