Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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It would seem that the Egyptians are getting tired of making excuses for the acts of Islamic terrorism perpetrated by Hamas and their Iranian bed-mates.

Egypt threatens Hamas: Israel will defeat you

Egyptian official tells Hamas: 'You're endangering our lives,' 'blood of Gaza residents is on your hands.' Sinwar: We didn't fire anything.

Egypt threatens Hamas: Israel will defeat you

Arutz Sheva Staff, 17/03/19 08:28

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Egyptian intelligence officials seethed with anger on Thursday night after missiles were fired from Gaza at Tel Aviv, Israel Hayom reported.

One official, who was one of the Egyptian delegates present in Gaza during those dramatic moments, told Israel Hayom's Daniel Sirioti about the delegation's conversation with Hamas Thursday night.

At the beginning of the meeting, the atmosphere was very relaxed," the Egyptian official told Sirioti. "We had just returned from Israel with answers, we estimated that Hamas would accept them and allow us to begin a stable, long-term peace. A few minutes later, one of the Egyptian delegation's aides entered the room looking worried, and gave the delegation leaders his cellular phone."

"The smiles immediately turned into frowns, and senior delegates turned to Hamas leader Yahyah Sinwar and yelled at him: 'Where do you think you'll end up with your double play? We're sitting here to finalize a peace agreement with Israel, and behind our backs you allow your people to fire missiles at Tel Aviv??'

"'If Israel decides to start a widescale operation in Gaza, this time we're not going to do anything to stop the Israeli attacks. Even if Israel decides to bring down your rule in Gaza by assassinating every single one of you, while they reconquer Gaza. Egypt and its regional allies will not lift a finger to stop the Israeli response.'"
Egypt has been siding with Israel for 60 years. What is their point?

Your conspiracy theories are silly. What is your point?
Islamic terrorists sure like those Great Satan welfare dollars.

Gaza resident set himself on fire in protest over Hamas rule- Report

A Palestinian Hamas-hired civil servant displays U.S. Dollar banknotes after receiving her salary paid by Qatar, in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip

It seems that the Islamic terrorists in Fatah are wasting no time in using the Gaza protests as a means to humiliate their Hamas rivals.

Hamas faces harsh criticism for crushing Gaza protesters

Fatah: "Palestinians have launched an uprising against Hamas"

Several Palestinian factions on Saturday called on Hamas to withdraw its security forces from the streets and main squares and to release Palestinians who were arrested for protesting high prices and taxes in the Gaza Strip.
The UN should send a strongly worded email (they could type it in all caps), demanding that Fatah arm its soldiers and send in a reconnaissance force.

That should solve things. Oh, and cc the Iranian mullahs.

UN official condemns Hamas crackdown on Gaza protests

Footage posted on social media shows terror organization's security forces brutally beating protesters with clubs and detaining dozens of demonstrators, including human rights officials monitoring the proceedings
[ When Arab Palestinians are taught from birth that the land is their, and no one else's......this is what will continue to happen ]

The definition of peace when it comes to the Jews and the Arabs is not what this 13 year old Palestinian Arab said. She wants peace between the Arabs with no Jews. She wants to chase all the Jews out of the land of Israel, the JEWISH homeland! The 13 year old said there can only be a “Palestine,” and that two states cannot exist. And so she said, “You Jews must get out of our land. That is the only solution.” Can you imagine that a child so young is saying such radical things?

(full article online)

13 year old Palestinian Arab gives absurd definition of peace
[ Pass the Candy and pastries]

After news of the attack spread, Gazans wearing scarfs bearing the names of the Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror groups were spotted handing out candies and pastries to locals in the southern Gaza Strip to celebrate the attacks.

The Hamas terror group officially backed the attacks, calling them “heroic” responses “to the crimes of the occupation and what is happening in Jerusalem and al-Aqsa.”

(full article online)

Watch: Gazans celebrate deadly attack on Israelis
Amad, a Palestinian news site, has an exclusive report of the criteria to join the (real) Bilderberg group and what its agenda is.

The Bilderberg Group is not a secret. It is a bunch of Europeans and American leaders and heads of corporations who meet regularly to discuss Atlanticism.

According to Amad, however, they are all either Jews or Freemasons. Any new member must be either Jewish, Zionist or a globalist.

It runs the world, according to the Arab media. In the West, a ruler does not ascend to power or take office without the approval of this group. Which means they chose Clinton and Obama to be Presidents. (They are strangely silent on Trump.)

(full article online)

Palestinian paper reveals secrets of Bilderberg group.(Sounds a lot like the Elders of Zion.) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The new cabinet and government is made up of only Fatah members, as opposed to the previous one which was nominally independent.

Abbas has dissolved the Palestinian Legislative Council which was led by Hamas members. To do it, he used the Palestinian Constitutional Court, which has mostly Fatah members that Abbas handpicked in 2016.

In other words, every single Palestinian executive, legislative and judicial branch is now headed by Fatah, and Mahmoud Abbas is the head of Fatah besides being president of the Palestinian Authority and the PLO.

Fatah does not recognize Israel, even though the PLO pretends to.

(full article online)

Fatah now controls every Palestinian government institution. And Fatah doesn't recognize Israel. ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
There was a lot of celebrating in the Islamic Death Cult that was prompted by the killing of Jews.

Such are islamic misfits.

Watch: Gazans celebrate deadly attack on Israelis

Supporters of the Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorist organizations in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip celebrated the pair of terror attacks targeting Israelis in Samaria Monday, distributing candies and pastries to Gazans after word reached the Strip of the attack.

On Sunday, a Palestinian Arab terrorist stabbed 19-year-old IDF soldier Gal Keidan to death at Ariel Junction in Samaria, stole his fire arm, and proceeded to open fire on Israeli vehicles before stealing a car and driving west to Gitai Avisar Junction, where he shot and wounded a second IDF soldier.

A third Israeli, Rabbi Ahiad Ettinger, was critically wounded in the attack.

After news of the attack spread, Gazans wearing scarfs bearing the names of the Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror groups were spotted handing out candies and pastries to locals in the southern Gaza Strip cities of Khan Yunis and Rafah to celebrate the attacks.

The Hamas terror group officially backed the attacks, calling them “heroic” responses “to the crimes of the occupation and what is happening in Jerusalem and al-Aqsa.”
Could we please stop "triggering" Linda Sarsour?

Such a tender soul is offended.

Linda Sarsour ‘Triggered’ By ‘Hate Mob’ Against Omar ‘Giving Condolences’ To Muslim Community After Shooting


11:48 AM 03/16/2019 | US

Scott Morefield | Reporter

Liberal Muslim activist Linda Sarsour tweeted that she is “triggered” by a “hate mob” against Democratic Representative Ilhan Omar that is “now giving condolences” to the Muslim community in the wake of the Christchurch, New Zealand shootings.

“I am triggered by those who piled on Representative Ilhan Omar and incited a hate mob against her until she got assassination threats now giving condolences to our community,” Sarsour tweeted Saturday morning. “What we need you to do is reflect on how you contribute to islamophobia and stop doing that.”
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