Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Yeah, they have been working that flop for a year. When are they going to try something intelligent?

The Israelis clearly are doing something intelligent; they are protecting their borders from the Islamic gee-had.
Stupid plan is not working.

The israelis cleary have a plan to prevent islamic terrorists from breaching their border. What part of that plan hasn't worked?
Every time Israel shoots a Palestinian, it is shooting itself in the foot.
You are really on a losing streak today.

Brainwashed Tinmore is not worth a response. The poor Arabs are dying because of their worthless ideology of "Jews have no rights", and this senseless being can only gloat that one of those terrorists dying is "bad" for Israel.

Ha !

I'll go have some ice cream, instead.
In a likely war crime, IDF soldiers deliberately shot at children and people with disabilities when it quelled Hamas-led protests on the Gaza border during the last 11 months, a United Nations Human Rights Council commission of inquiry reported on Thursday morning.

UN: IDF deliberately shot children on Gaza border in apparent war crime
At last month’s American-backed Middle East summit in Warsaw, the Palestinian issue remained conspicuously absent as Arab leaders appeared side-by-side with Benjamin Netanyahu. Alex Joffe explains why, after a century of agitation, Palestinian nationalism has hit a dead end:

On the one hand, [Palestinian nationalism] relies on romantic visions of an imaginary past, the myth of ancestors sitting beneath their lemon trees. These and other supposedly timeless essences are at odds with the hardscrabble reality of pre-modern Palestine, which was controlled by the Ottoman empire, dominated by its leading families, and beset by endemic poverty and disease. As in all national visions, these unhappy memories are mostly edited out.

On the other hand, Palestinian nationalism is [itself] resolutely negative, in that it relies on the existential evils of “settler-colonialist” Zionism and ever-perfidious Jews. Consider the essential symbols of Palestine: a fighter holding a rifle and a map that erases Israel completely. It is a nationalism—and thus an identity—based in large part on negation of [another nation], preferably through violence. [These symbols] also imply that Palestinian identity exists only through struggle. . . .

In terms of creating an actual state, the Palestinian problem is one that is also endemic to Arab and Islamic states. Because the state is fundamentally an extension or tool of the ruling tribe, sect, or ideology, the state’s security institutions are exceptionally strong but its social institutions are weak, both by default and by design. In Palestinian society, the proliferation of security organizations maps onto tribal and clan groups. But, as in many Arab and Islamic states, health, education, and welfare services are either neglected or (just as often) funded by external sources. . . . For the Palestinians, it is foreign aid, nongovernmental organizations, and the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).

Joffe concludes that until Palestinian leaders reject their traditional tools of “threats, shaming, and blackmail” and accept that Israel isn’t going anywhere—both of which he deems unlikely in the foreseeable future—the failure will continue.

(full article online)

The Failure of Palestinian Nationalism
The Israelis clearly are doing something intelligent; they are protecting their borders from the Islamic gee-had.
Stupid plan is not working.

The israelis cleary have a plan to prevent islamic terrorists from breaching their border. What part of that plan hasn't worked?
Every time Israel shoots a Palestinian, it is shooting itself in the foot.
You are really on a losing streak today.

Brainwashed Tinmore is not worth a response. The poor Arabs are dying because of their worthless ideology of "Jews have no rights", and this senseless being can only gloat that one of those terrorists dying is "bad" for Israel.

Ha !

I'll go have some ice cream, instead.
In a likely war crime, IDF soldiers deliberately shot at children and people with disabilities when it quelled Hamas-led protests on the Gaza border during the last 11 months, a United Nations Human Rights Council commission of inquiry reported on Thursday morning.

UN: IDF deliberately shot children on Gaza border in apparent war crime

Hamas has instigated a war. They brought civilans.

Pass that on to the UN.
The Israelis clearly are doing something intelligent; they are protecting their borders from the Islamic gee-had.
Stupid plan is not working.

The israelis cleary have a plan to prevent islamic terrorists from breaching their border. What part of that plan hasn't worked?
Every time Israel shoots a Palestinian, it is shooting itself in the foot.
You are really on a losing streak today.

Brainwashed Tinmore is not worth a response. The poor Arabs are dying because of their worthless ideology of "Jews have no rights", and this senseless being can only gloat that one of those terrorists dying is "bad" for Israel.

Ha !

I'll go have some ice cream, instead.
In a likely war crime, IDF soldiers deliberately shot at children and people with disabilities when it quelled Hamas-led protests on the Gaza border during the last 11 months, a United Nations Human Rights Council commission of inquiry reported on Thursday morning.

UN: IDF deliberately shot children on Gaza border in apparent war crime
The UN ? That totally " NOT BIASED " organization which controls how many times it can decide to kick Israel in the chin?

That report comes from the same caca the UN is made of :)
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The concept of “settler colonialism” has been applied with almost unique vehemence against Israel. But the fact that Jews are the indigenous population of the Southern Levant can be proved with ease. In contrast, historical and genealogical evidence shows Palestinians descend primarily from three primary groups: Muslim invaders, Arab immigrants, and local converts to Islam. The Muslim conquest of Byzantine Palestine in the 7th century CE is a textbook example of settler-colonialism, as is subsequent immigration, particularly during the 19th and 20th centuries under the Ottoman and British Empires. The application of the concept to Jews and Zionism by Palestinians is both ironic and unhelpful.

(full article online)

Palestinian Settler-Colonialism
[ Planes, Mansions and expensive cars......Oh, my ! ]

QudsNews reports that the "Coalition for Integrity and Accountability," known as AMAL, released a report saying that the Palestinian Authority government of Rami Hamdallah that recently resigned purchased 5000 new vehicles, claiming that maintenance of old vehicles was too expensive.

Also, one of the government's ministers who was not named changed the furniture of his office not too long after a previous changes, at a cost of 300 thousand shekels.

Even though the Palestinian government announced austerity measures in 2015, it did not actually implement any austerity procedures. The operating budget rose during the years of "austerity" 2016-2018 from 6 billion to 7 billion shekels.

While the government officials spent lavishly on their own needs, employees were forced to retire early, according to this report.

(full article online)

Previous Palestinian government wasted millions on new cars despite "austerity" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
It’s quite clear that the Arab-Moslem Death Cult is suffering from a dangerous pathology.

"PA Minister Muhammad Ishtayeh Praises Mastermind of Munich Olympics Terror Attack, States: I Believe Palestinian History "Will Continue to Be Written in Red Ink""

Muhammad Ishtayeh: The martyr Abu Daoud continues the convoy of martyrs who fell for the sake of Palestine. We all follow this path.

As for the claim that history can be rewritten in a different way – I think it is unjust to say that Palestinian history can be written in a different ink. The ink in which the Palestinian history has been is red, and I believe that it will continue to be written in red ink.

In addition, the martyr Abu Daoud was officially eulogized by the Fatah movement and the Palestinian establishment.
IDF to Submit Accounts of Hamas War Crimes to ICC

IDF to Submit Accounts of Hamas War Crimes to ICC

Palestinian protesters during clashes with Israeli security forces on the Gaza Israeli border east of Khan Yunis, in the southern Gaza Strip. (Credit: Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)

Thirty-three testimonies of Israel Defense Forces’ combat soldiers were set to be submitted to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague on Thursday as proof that Hamas terrorists carry out war crimes and use Palestinian civilians as human shields.
[ Look who needs to go to war with Israel, again. Not to worry. It will be Israel's fault again. ]

The Arab Al-Hadaf news site on Tuesday reported that a senior Hamas source exposed the terror organization's intensified activities,Israel Hayom reported.

These activities, the source said, are intended to foil an "extensive Israeli operation" in Gaza, expected to take place before the April 9 elections.

The site quoted a Hamas official as saying that despite Egypt's efforts to broker peace, Hamasis preparing for an escalation with Israel, and Israel has intensified its activities in Gaza.

Hamas leaders have also changed the guidelines for the military wing in an attempt to prevent agents from operating within Gaza. The new guidelines demand terror activists avoid receiving any type of gifts from those who they do not know, avoid walking or driving alone at night, and completely avoid smartphones which have not been inspected.

(full article online)

Report: Hamas readying for Israeli attack
Around 2,000 pilgrims from the Palestinian territories, Israel and Jordan, some waving Palestinian flags, attend the mass as well as Abbas, who had a private audience with the pope on Saturday.

How can the so-called "Evangelical Christians" support the Anti-Christian Zionists in their fight against Palestinians, be these Palestinians Christians or Muslims?
There is no fight against the Palestinians, only against extremists.
What makes you think that Zionists are 'anti - Christian??? Because a small handful of religious Jews are racist, so all of them are?? Many Zionists are Christian BTW.. You are a massive bigot who is extremely uninformed and full of propaganda.
There are many Messianic Jews who believe that Jesus came as Messiah Bin Joseph and will return to rule Earth governing from Jerusalem as Messiah Bin David.
The PLO's Hanan Ashrawi spoke to representatives of the International Labor Organization on Tuesday. Most of her speech was about how Israel is terrible for Palestinian workers.

Here's what she didn't mention.

About 127,000 Palestinians work in Israel - including some 22,000 in Israeli "settlements." This is about 13% of the total Palestinian workforce, including Gaza.

The average daily wage for Palestinians working in the West Bank (as of June 2018) is 107 shekels, while the average daily wage for those who work for Israelis is 248 shekels. This means about 30% of the income from West Bank Palestinians is from Israel.

Palestinian "activists" fight tooth and nail against Israel building more industrial parks in the territories, when in fact they would provide a huge boost to the PA economy.

These facts must have just slipped Ashrawi's mind.

What Hanan Ashrawi didn't tell the International Labor Organization ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Israel's Border Police uncovered a terror cell in the Jerusalem-area Arab town of Qalandiya.

The cell, which included seven terrorists from Qalandiya, would hurl explosives and firebombs at a nearby crossing.

A senior Border Police investigative officer explained, "The investigations revealed organized terror activities, led by Mustafa Khaled Shakhada Kasaba, who was born in 2000 and lives in Qalandiya. Since March 2018, he has been involved in selling weapons, some of which were used in terror attacks on Israeli towns."

"In addition, it seems that Mustafa would supply explosives and firebombs to a cell of six suspects. He led this cell and sometimes would take part in its activities.

"As the investigation progressed, the conditions for the Border Police's special forces to act improved. Among other things, the Border Police unit of 'Mistarvim' (counter-terrorism officers who operate undercover in Arab areas - ed.) attempted to arrest the terrorists red-handed. As part of the operation, officers worked on December 25, 2018, at the Qalandiya Crossing. That night, they identified four people hurling explosives at the Crossing.

"We worked at the scene for an extended amount of time, until we noticed several suspects arriving from Qalandiya. Suddenly the suspects pulled out explosives, lit them, and threw them at the Crossing. We immediately readied for their arrest, with the officers very close to the unsuspecting suspects. The moment we noticed them hurling explosives at the Crossing, we jumped from our positions and chased them down, arresting two of them.

"In that operation, we arrested Ahmad Mohammed Hussani Amatir (18) and another minor suspect (17), both residents of Qalandiya, and transferred them for interrogation.

(full article online)

Cleared for publication: Terror cell exposed near Jerusalem
Can you imagine driving around in The United States and just having people hurl dynamite or other types of explosives at you from a Street Corner?
[ Just where were all of these endless heroes during the Ottoman 800 year rule of the region called Palestine by the Romans, or during the Christian Crusade ? ]



Official PA TV host: “Palestinian women have created a history filled with their resolve, with their strength, and [for] some of them - with [sacrificing] their freedom in prison... Through their Martyrdom-deaths Palestinian women have participated in chapters of struggle in the most prominent events in Palestinian history... It will never be possible to review the struggle of the Palestinian women without [mentioning] the two self-sacrificing fighters Dalal Mughrabi and Laila Khaled - the first woman who hijacked an Israeli plane - as the most prominent names of the Palestinian resistance.”

Captions on images of the two terrorists in the PA TV studio:
Self-sacrificing fighter Laila Khaled, who hijacked an Israeli plane [in] 1969.”
Self-sacrificing fighter Dalal Mughrabi
[Official PA TV News, March 8, 2019]

Likewise Fatah, the ruling party in the PA and headed by PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, has emphasized Palestinian women’s role as terrorists using weapons. The image above of the face of a Palestinian woman with the barrel of a rifle was posted by Fatah with the following text:

Posted text: "And for International Women's Day:
To the mothers of the Martyrs (Shahids), to the mothers of the prisoners, to the mothers of the detainees, to the Palestinian mothers, who were nursed by Palestine with the milk of honor and glory, to the Palestinian women - may you be the masters of the land every year"

Text on image: “(In Arabic:) Palestine
(In Arabic and English:) 8th of March the International Woman (sic.) Day
(In Arabic:) General Union of Palestinian Women"
[Official Fatah Facebook page, March 8, 2019]

Another Fatah post promoted women as rock throwers with this image of masked Palestinian women using slingshots:

(full article online)

For the sake of equality: PA and Fatah honor female terrorists on International Women’s Day - PMW Bulletins
Here comes the islamic terrorist clown car. Piling out will be another islamic terrorist clown wearing gigantic clown shoes and waddling along in the clown footsteps of Arafat and his successor, Arafat II (Abbas).

It's another islamic terrorist / UNRWA welfare recipient who will have a meaningless title in one of the alphabet soup labels that "Pal'istan" front groups use to keep the welfare entitlement moving along.

Muhammad Shtayyeh:
Profile of the new Palestinian Prime Minister

Muhammad Shtayyeh: Profile of the new Palestinian Prime Minister - PMW Bulletins
By Maurice Hirsch, Adv. and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Since 2007, the position of Palestinian Authority Prime Minister has been held by a succession of so-called "technocrats" that were not seen as being openly aligned with either Fatah or Hamas.

Potentially signaling a deepening of the rift between Fatah and Hamas, and after his decision to dissolve the Palestinian Parliament (that had not functioned for 12 years), PA Chairman and head of Fatah, Mahmoud Abbas, has appointed Muhammad Shtayyeh - a member of Fatah's Central Committee - to replace Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah, the latest of the "technocrats."

Over the years, Palestinian Media Watch has exposed a number of statements by Shtayyeh, which show that he endorses terrorists as freedom fighters, and encourages the use of "all means" in the struggle against Israel.

Like many others, Shtayyeh believes that Palestinian terrorists, including terrorists and murderers imprisoned in Israel, are not terrorists but rather freedom fighters, or as he terms it - "freedom seekers":

"The homeland is more precious than a human being for us. Our brothers that are in the prisons, the 6,500 prisoners - why did they go to prison? Because they wanted to sacrifice themselves for Palestine. Honestly, [Israel's] false claim and distorted picture that these people are terrorists - these people, to put it very succinctly, [belong to] a people that is under occupation that is fighting the occupying state. When Britain occupied America, in short, the US [was] claiming and saying that it freed its land from the British colonialism. All of the states that were under occupation - international law allows them to fight this occupation. Therefore, these prisoners are 'freedom seekers' and we are with them. These prisoners defended the dignity of their land and human dignity."
[Official PA TV, April 29, 2017
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