Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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In direct breach of its commitments, the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS), which is a member of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), is set to host a BDS conference.

In a notice posted on its Facebook page, the Boycott, Divest and Sanction (BDS) movement announced that it will hold its bi-annual conference on Saturday March 16, on the premises of the Palestinian Red Crescent.

Posted text: “Under the auspices of the Palestinian people, the Palestinian National Boycott Movement invites you to participate in the Sixth National Conference of the Movement to Boycott, Divest, and Sanction (BDS) Israel, under the title ‘Another boycott and struggle against normalization in order to resist the colonialist and racist Israeli regime and to isolate it.’ This is on Saturday, March 16, 2019, from 10:30 a.m. until 3:00 p.m., at the Congress Hall in the Palestinian Red Crescent [Building] in El-Bireh.”
[Facebook page of BDS Arabic, March 10, 2019]

The PRCS is a member of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) that is associated with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

In order for the PRCS to join the IFRC, it had to commit to upholding seven fundamental principles set down by the latter, which mirror the same fundamental principles set down by the ICRC.

In particular, the PRCS would have had to commit to upholding the principle of Neutrality, which requires that “In order to continue to enjoy the confidence of all, the Movement may not take sides in hostilities or engage at any time in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature.”

Needless to say, the use of the facilities of the PRCS to host a BDS conference named “Another boycott and struggle against normalization in order to resist the colonialist and racist Israeli regime and to isolate it,” is a direct breach of the principle of neutrality, and should be condemned in the strongest form.

Unfortunately, the politicization of the PRCS is not new. Palestinian Media Watch reported that the organization cancelled its 50th year anniversary in December last year to honor three terrorists:

"Out of respect for the blood of the Martyrs (Shahids) who ascended to Heaven recently after being shot by the Israeli occupation..."
[WAFA, official PA news agency, Dec. 13, 2018]

(full article online)

Palestinian Red Crescent to host BDS conference - PMW Bulletins
There was a rather.... how shall we say..... "emphatic" beat down of the Gaza franchise of islamic terrorists in response to missiles fired at Israel.

Hamas is going to need to do some world class bending and scraping before their Shia masters in Iran for welfare money to repair the damage.

IDF: Hamas rocket fire on Tel Aviv was a 'mistake'

100 targets struck across the Gaza Strip following first rocket fire towards central Israel since 2014.
[ Linda Sarsour continues the Palestinian display of admiration and loyalty for the Nazis Al Husseini did when he joined the Nazis in killing Jews in Bosnia ]

Linda Sarsour proudly displays the V For victory sign as she poses with the Nazi symbol

Matthew Levine
There were others in Israel like the Mercaz Harav attack, but Issa's fellow Palestinians also have targeted synagogues worldwide.
The attack on the Great Synagogue of Rome in 1982 by five Palestinians killed a three year old.

In 1986 two Palestinians mowed down 22 worshipers in an Istanbul synagogue.

There were other attacks on synagogues that killed non Jews, like in Ghriba and another in Istanbul, by Islamists who were incited by Palestinian propaganda. Also a number of plots to blow up synagogues in the US by Islamists were foiled by the FBI.

If you want an analogy to today's coordinated massacre, apparently fueled by incitement and hate, there are plenty of better examples than Hebron - incidentally a city whose synagogues were ransacked in 1929 by Amro's heroes.

Amro's glee in trying to make the horrific New Zealand massaacres about Palestinians shows that he really diesdoe give a damn about the victims. They are just pawns in his anti Israel crusade.

(full article online)

Issa Amro politicizes today's massacre to make it all about Palestinians ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Then, for the first time ever, it goes on to very briefly address the Tamimi extradition:

"A U.S. criminal complaint was unsealed in March charging Ahlam Aref Ahmad Al-Tamimi, a Jordanian national in her mid-30s, with conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction against U.S. nationals outside the United States resulting in death. The charge is related to her participation in an August 9, 2001, suicide bomb attack at a restaurant in Jerusalem that killed 15 people, including two U.S. nationals. Four other U.S. nationals were among the approximately 122 others injured in the attack. Also unsealed was a warrant for Al-Tamimi’s arrest and an affidavit in support of the criminal complaint and arrest warrant. Jordan’s courts have ruled that their constitution forbids the extradition of Jordanian nationals."

That last sentence is astounding; it's also quite revealing. Why does this important State Department report to Congress not go on to explain, which is certainly the case, that while Jordan says it's invalid, the US says the exact opposite. The US says the 1995 Jordan/US Extradition Treaty is fully in effect. Isn't that worth noting in a report to Congress? Shouldn't they at least say the US does not agree with Jordan? And that the US believes Jordan is wrong?

Tamimi has become an iconic figure, a person of huge influence in a region where terrorism is a daily and manifest threat to public stability. She lives a life to which no one with a violent history of savagery like hers should ever be entitled.

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 14-Mar-19: Two years after Federal charges are unsealed, Ahlam Tamimi remains free. How is this happening?
Awww. Those "Poor, Oppressed Pal'istanians"

EU court upholds freeze on Hamas funds

An EU court rejected a challenge by Hamas against its 2015 listing as a 'terrorist' organization.

EU court upholds freeze on Hamas funds

6 Mar 2019

Hamas describes itself as 'a lawful political movement' that won the Palestinian elections [Khalil Hamra/Associated Press]
A European Union court has rejected a challenge by Hamas against its 2015 listing as a "terrorist" organisation, a decision that made the Palestinian group liable to EU sanctions.

The EU General Court's ruling was the latest rejection of Hamas's efforts to be struck from an EU blacklist created in 2001 - a list based on a UN resolution following the 9/11 attacks in the United States.
Now this is funny.

The Arabs-Moslems occupying Gaza’istan are rioting, with this version of riots in protest of Hamas.

As a part of those riots, Arabs-Moslems are burning tires in the streets.

Will we see a balloon gee-had directed at Hamas?

Hamas Violently Puts Down Riots Against Its Misrule in Gaza

In the wake of two rockets fired toward Tel Aviv and retaliatory Israeli air strikes, Hamas, the terrorist group that exercises political and military control over Gaza, was caught on video violently putting down protests against its misrule, The Times of Israel reported Friday.

Though Hamas canceled its so-called Great March of Return on Friday, hundreds of Gazans in Deir el-Balah and Khan Younis protested the poor living conditions under the terror group.

According to reports in Hebrew media, protesters burned tires in Deir el-Balah and blocked its main street.

Ynet reported on Friday that forces loyal to the terror group beat protesters. Sounds of gunfire were also heard.

It’s a party. We need some female Gaza medics to attend.
As the Islamic knuckledraggers have demonstrated so often, they’re as much a danger to themselves as they are to others.

Giving Islamic retrogrades access to complicated machinery is like letting children play with matches,

Like Monty Python: TV details how Hamas ‘accidentally’ fired rockets at Tel Aviv

Like Monty Python: TV details how Hamas ‘accidentally’ fired rockets at Tel Aviv

Low-level member touched rockets, setting them off by mistake, Israeli report says; fire came as Hamas chiefs were meeting with incredulous Egyptian mediators

By TOI STAFF15 March 2019, 9:19 pm

  • Palestinian members of the al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of the Hamas terror movement, display Qassam home-made rockets during an anti-Israel military parade on August 21, 2016 in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. (Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)
    The two Gaza rockets that almost brought Israel and Hamas to war late Thursday were fired by accident, Israel’s Channel 13 news reported Friday, when low-level Hamas operatives “messed with” a Gaza beach rocket launcher that was set up to fire toward Tel Aviv in the event of future conflict.

    The report said the farcical chain of events that almost led to war was “like something out of Monty Python,” referring to the legendary British comedy group.

    The report said news of rocket sirens blaring in Tel Aviv broke as Yihya Sinwar and other Hamas leaders were meeting with an Egyptian delegation trying to mediate eased Israeli economic restrictions on Gaza.

    “You’re meeting with us at the same time as you’re firing on Tel Aviv?” the Egyptians reportedly asked Sinwar in fury.

    He told them he knew nothing about the matter, went to check, and established what had happened, the report said.

    I thought I read somewhere that Yahya issued the following statement: “Oops”

    Although, I might have misread that.

    The Egyptians then called Israeli defense chiefs and relayed what they had been told. Israel told the Egyptian delegation to leave Gaza — the delegates crossed into Israel at the Erez crossing — and then began its retaliatory strikes on Hamas targets.


    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (top right) meets with security brass at the IDF’s Kirya military headquarters in Tel Aviv on March 14, 2019. (Ariel Hermoni/Defense Ministry)
    Had the rocket fire been deliberate, the Israeli response would have been five times heavier, the TV report said. The rocket fire was the first at Tel Aviv since 2014.

    The Egyptians reportedly told Hamas that if it responded heavily to the Israeli strikes, there would be a major escalation of conflict. Hamas did fire several more rockets across the border early Friday.

    The TV report said Hamas has arrested one or more operatives over the “accidental” fire.

    It also said that Hamas had proved that it fully controls the weekly Gaza border protests by acting to cancel Friday’s gatherings to ensure relative calm prevailed.

    The report noted that Palestinian Authority sources in Ramallah doubt the Hamas account of accidental fire. Israeli army sources, however, have indicated they also consider the rocket launches to have been accidental.

    In response to the two rockets fired at Tel Aviv, which did not hit residential areas and caused no direct injury, Israeli war planes hit over 100 Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip overnight Thursday-Friday. Israel holds Hamas, the Islamist terror group that rules the Strip, responsible for any attacks emanating from the coastal enclave.


    A Palestinian man walks past a crater on the ground following an Israeli air strike targeting a site belonging to Gaza’s terror group Hamas, in Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, March 15, 2019. Israel struck Gaza terror targets after 2 rockets were fired at Tel Aviv from Gaza. (Said Khatib/AFP)

Life in the mini-caliphate of Yahya’istan is not all date palms and camel’s milk.

Hamas forces open fire again on Gazans' protesting cost of living

Hamas forces open fire again on Gazans' protesting cost of living

3:25:28 PM
Written by
Masked Palestinian Hamas gunmen take part in the funeral of Hamas militant, Jan. 23, 2019
AP Photo/ Khalil

Various Palestinian factions expressed their opposition to the suppression of the popular demonstrations

Hamas forces opened fire for the second straight day at Palestinians protesting on Friday the cost of living in the Gaza Strip and demanding a halt on taxes.

Hamas security broke up protests in the Gaza Strip Thursday and Friday, cracking down on a rare public show of dissent in the Palestinian territory that resulted in several arrests of Gazans who blocked roads and burned tires at several points in the Strip.

I can’t help but see some comedy gold in that tires meant for the border gee-had are being diverted for use at the street corner gee-had by the same group of tire burning chuckleheads.

And Allah knows best.
It would seem that the Egyptians are getting tired of making excuses for the acts of Islamic terrorism perpetrated by Hamas and their Iranian bed-mates.

Egypt threatens Hamas: Israel will defeat you

Egyptian official tells Hamas: 'You're endangering our lives,' 'blood of Gaza residents is on your hands.' Sinwar: We didn't fire anything.

Egypt threatens Hamas: Israel will defeat you

Arutz Sheva Staff, 17/03/19 08:28


Egyptian intelligence officials seethed with anger on Thursday night after missiles were fired from Gaza at Tel Aviv, Israel Hayom reported.

One official, who was one of the Egyptian delegates present in Gaza during those dramatic moments, told Israel Hayom's Daniel Sirioti about the delegation's conversation with Hamas Thursday night.

At the beginning of the meeting, the atmosphere was very relaxed," the Egyptian official told Sirioti. "We had just returned from Israel with answers, we estimated that Hamas would accept them and allow us to begin a stable, long-term peace. A few minutes later, one of the Egyptian delegation's aides entered the room looking worried, and gave the delegation leaders his cellular phone."

"The smiles immediately turned into frowns, and senior delegates turned to Hamas leader Yahyah Sinwar and yelled at him: 'Where do you think you'll end up with your double play? We're sitting here to finalize a peace agreement with Israel, and behind our backs you allow your people to fire missiles at Tel Aviv??'

"'If Israel decides to start a widescale operation in Gaza, this time we're not going to do anything to stop the Israeli attacks. Even if Israel decides to bring down your rule in Gaza by assassinating every single one of you, while they reconquer Gaza. Egypt and its regional allies will not lift a finger to stop the Israeli response.'"
It would seem that the Egyptians are getting tired of making excuses for the acts of Islamic terrorism perpetrated by Hamas and their Iranian bed-mates.

Egypt threatens Hamas: Israel will defeat you

Egyptian official tells Hamas: 'You're endangering our lives,' 'blood of Gaza residents is on your hands.' Sinwar: We didn't fire anything.

Egypt threatens Hamas: Israel will defeat you

Arutz Sheva Staff, 17/03/19 08:28

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Egyptian intelligence officials seethed with anger on Thursday night after missiles were fired from Gaza at Tel Aviv, Israel Hayom reported.

One official, who was one of the Egyptian delegates present in Gaza during those dramatic moments, told Israel Hayom's Daniel Sirioti about the delegation's conversation with Hamas Thursday night.

At the beginning of the meeting, the atmosphere was very relaxed," the Egyptian official told Sirioti. "We had just returned from Israel with answers, we estimated that Hamas would accept them and allow us to begin a stable, long-term peace. A few minutes later, one of the Egyptian delegation's aides entered the room looking worried, and gave the delegation leaders his cellular phone."

"The smiles immediately turned into frowns, and senior delegates turned to Hamas leader Yahyah Sinwar and yelled at him: 'Where do you think you'll end up with your double play? We're sitting here to finalize a peace agreement with Israel, and behind our backs you allow your people to fire missiles at Tel Aviv??'

"'If Israel decides to start a widescale operation in Gaza, this time we're not going to do anything to stop the Israeli attacks. Even if Israel decides to bring down your rule in Gaza by assassinating every single one of you, while they reconquer Gaza. Egypt and its regional allies will not lift a finger to stop the Israeli response.'"
Egypt has been siding with Israel for 60 years. What is their point?
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