Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Despite the constant refrain from the J Street and the international news media about the so-called “Israeli occupation of the Palestinians,” the reality is that 98 percent of the Palestinian Arabs live under Palestinian rule. Therefore, there are no settlers or soldiers in the towns where Daraj and Anqawi live. When they decided they wanted to murder some Jews, they had to leave their villages and drive some distance.

Together with a third friend (whose name has not yet been released), they drove to an area where Israeli soldiers sometimes patrol for terrorists. No doubt the trio couldn’t believe their eyes when they spotted an Israeli vehicle that had broken down and several soldiers trying to help its occupants.

Normal people who see a car broken down by the side of the road will stop to lend a helping hand—or at least call 911. But not if the people who broke down are Jews and the passersby are Palestinian Arabs on a Jew-hunt.

Daraj, Anqawi and their friend probably couldn’t believe their luck. Unsuspecting Jews, sitting ducks, easy targets. And Daraj had the perfect weapon at his command—his car. He turned the steering wheel sharply and drove straight into the Jews, seriously injuring two of them.

But this isn’t 1939. It’s 2019—these Jews fight back. The soldiers fired at the attackers, killing Daraj and Anqawi, and wounding their friend. In the terrorists’ car, the Israelis found several unexploded firebombs. The captured terrorist confessed that before the car-ramming attack, he and his buddies had driven over to the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv road known as Route 443 and tried to set some Jews on fire there.

That’s what happens when a firebomb, also called a Molotov cocktail, strikes an automobile. It engulfs the vehicle, the driver and the passengers in a hellish inferno. That was the terrorists’ intention.

Despite the discovery of the firebombs and the terrorist’s admission, the mayor of a nearby P.A. village immediately told reporters that they were not terrorists at all. Mayor Khaldoun Al Seek, of the village of Kafr Ni’ma, announced that the collision was “a road accident, not a ramming attack.” The P.A. Foreign Ministry issued a statement accusing Israel of carrying out “a brutal execution” of two innocent Palestinians.

(full article online)

Looking for Jews to kill
It's rather strikng that women in the islamist world suffer oppression, limited rights, discrimination and the effects of a socio-religious ideology that requires they be kept in Shame-Sacks.

There are a few exceptions.

PA TV uses International Women's Day
to glorify female terrorists

PA TV uses International Women’s Day to glorify female terrorists - PMW Bulletins

By Itamar Marcus and Maurice Hirsch
Read on our website here

To mark International Women's Day, PA TV broadcast an interview with the Director of the Palestinian Women's Union in Gaza, Amal Hamad.

Instead of discussing the achievements of Palestinian women or the inequality that they suffer in Palestinian society, Hamad chose to highlight that Palestinian women have played an important role in violence and terror, what she calls the "Palestinian national struggle".

"We have had female Martyrs, wounded, and prisoners... The women were the first to take part in the battle. That is why we also have female Martyrs - Shadia Abu Ghazaleh (i.e., terrorist, prepared bombs for terror attacks), Dalal Mughrabi (i.e., terrorist who led murder of 37, 12 of them children), Wafa Idris (i.e., first female suicide bomber, murdered 1), Ayyat Al-Akhras (i.e., youngest female suicide bomber, murdered 2), Darin Abu Aisheh (i.e., female suicide bomber, wounded 3)..."
Anybody have some spare bitcoins they can send to Hamas?

Oh woe is Hamas. The worlds second richest islsmic terrorist franchise has woes.

Hamas calls for supporters to send bitcoins
Ezzedine al-Qasaam Brigades launches appeal for support using digital currency amid financial woes.

Hamas calls for supporters to send bitcoins

30 Jan 2019

Hamas has accused Israel of seeking to cut off its financial sources [Khalil Hamra/AP]
The armed wing of the Hamas group, which has fought three wars with Israel and faces financial isolation, called on supporters to send funds using bitcoins.
Swift and certain retaliation will help islamic terrorists understand that there are consequences to the gee-had.

20:30 07.03.2019
TEL AVIV (Sputnik) - An Israeli tank struck on Thursday a post belonging to Hamas in the Gaza Strip in response to shelling against Israel from the territory of the enclave, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) press service said.

"Moments ago, shots were fired from Gaza at an IDF position. In response, an IDF tank struck a Hamas military post in the northern Gaza Strip," the IDF press service said.

Israeli Tank Hits Hamas Position in Response to Shelling From Gaza Strip - IDF
Those "Poor, Oppresed Pal'istanians" seemingy have endless welfare fraud dollars to spend on burrowing underground.

Money for electricity and modern plumbing? Not so much.


Egypt destroys nine tunnels near Gaza border

Egypt destroyed nine tunnels that have opening along the Gaza border, Channel 13 reported on Friday

Isn’t that a shame. Two islsmic terrorist franchises are having a difficult time playing nicely. One would hope that with guns and ammunition, these lovely folks can settle their differences in an appropriately Islamic way.

PA pulls staff from Rafah crossing after 'abuse' of its members.

PA pulls staff from Rafah crossing after 'abuse' of its members

Palestinian Authority cites 'arrest and abuse' of its members as reasons to withdraw staff - a move slammed by Hamas.

by Maram Humaid
7 Jan 2019


The PA accused Hamas, which governs the Gaza Strip, of "arresting and abusing" its employees and obstructing "the work of our crew".
Here's an interesting piece that lays out the emerging rivalry between the Islamic Jihad terrorist franchise and Hamas.

Islamic Jihad is the real threat from Gaza

Islamic Jihad is the real threat from Gaza

While Israel is busy negotiating ways to calm tensions in the coastal enclave, it would do well to pay attention to the organization that does not listen to Hamas and is only trying to make the situation worse.

Alex FishmanAlex Fishman|Published: 03.08.19 , 04:17

And so the Egyptians went to Gaza on Wednesday with a partial package. Last week, they tried to do their bit to ease tensions by releasing eight Hamas prisoners, but contrary to expectations, Hamas did not use this release to hold mass celebrations that would highlight the achievements of the organization's leadership. What Hamas wants is water and power, and it wants them now. It is demanding the immediate activation of Israel's Electric Corporation's plan to supply electricity to Gaza.

The impact of the last round of Egyptian mediation efforts will be seen in the weekend protests at the Israel-Gaza border fence: If the violence escalates, Gaza will not accept the Israeli-Egyptian proposal to calm the situation. If the tensions remain at their current levels, there is still room for compromise. At the moment, both sides are one step away from the abyss. One small trigger, and we will find ourselves in a real conflict.

Islamic Jihad was responsible for most of the rocket, anti-tank missiles and sniper attacks carried out in recent months against Israel. Its leaders, who are hiding in the Dahiya neighborhood of Beirut under the leadership of deputy secretary-general Ziad al-Nahla, have decided to renew military activity from the Gaza Strip. The organization's representatives in Gaza also stopped coordinating their military activities with Hamas, as part of a joint war room set up by all the terrorist organizations in the Strip.

Protests on the Gaza border
Now this is where it gets interesting. If the Shia Iranian Mullocrats play this correctly, they will want to pit the Sunni Islamic Jihad franchise against the Sunni Islamic terrorists in Hamas. That will not only establish a deadly rivalry between the two Sunni Islamic terrorist franchises but will also stack the wider Sunni world against those two Islamic terrorist encampments.

That would be a be a big, strategic win for the Shia.

Iran plays its “Palestinian Islamic Jihad” card in Tehran meetings

Iran plays its “Palestinian Islamic Jihad” card in Tehran meetings

Tehran considers Nakhala and a visit with his group an important event, even though PIJ is a relatively minor player on the Palestinian scene.
How nice that an Islamic Terrorist franchise in the mini-caliphate of Gaza’istan has its loyalties assigned to the Iranian Mullocrats.

That will only serve to enrage the Sunni Arab world.

New Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader ‘will seek to satisfy Iran

New Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader ‘will seek to satisfy Iran’

Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the second-largest armed terrorist faction in the Gaza Strip, announced at the end of last month that it had a new leader.

Ziad al-Nakhleh, formerly the deputy secretary-general of the Iranian-backed Palestinian group, was named as the successor to outgoing leader Ramadan Shalah.

Like Shalah, Nakhleh resides abroad, traveling back and forth between Syria and Iran. He will be PIJ’s third leader. Fathi Shiqaqi, the group’s founding leader, was reportedly killed by Israel in Malta in 1995. After that assassination, Nakhleh was appointed as PIJ’s deputy leader and remained in that position until becoming its head in recent weeks.
Since the Syrian conflict began in 2011, nearly 4,000 Palestinians have been killed in Syria, hundreds of whom were tortured to death in the Assad regime's notoriously brutal prisons. The regime has also imprisoned at least 1,732 Palestinians, including 108 women and girls, accordingto the human rights watchdog. Syrian authorities have detained thousands more. Has Omar ever mentioned these atrocities? What about her progressive defenders in Congress, in the media, and on college campuses, all of whom claim to care about Palestinian rights? Palestinian leaders, both in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, certainly do not seem to care, nor do most of the Arab states in the Middle East.

The Palestinians' plight extends beyond Syria. The Gatestone Institute reported last month on Palestinian suffering in Lebanon, where more than 500,000 Palestinians live. "Most of the Palestinians in Lebanon live in 12 refugee camps, where they suffer from poverty, overcrowding and violence, as well as Lebanon's discriminatory and apartheid laws and measures that deny them basic rights," according to the institute. What is the response from pro-Palestinian forces? Silence.

What do all of these tragedies have in common? First, they do not involve Israel, and second, they receive no attention from all of the usual pro-Palestinian individuals—where are you, Linda Sarsour?—and organizations. The two commonalities are related. The media and activists obsessively cover any incident involving Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, portraying Israel as the evil aggressor even when Israeli forces kill a Palestinian terrorist trying to murder them. Yet these same journalists and college students (and their professors) never mention Palestinian suffering when the Jewish state is not involved. In fact, they probably do not even know about the Palestinian plight throughout the Arab world, which for the most part treated the Palestinians as lesser humans, political props to be exploited, after the creation of the modern state of Israel in 1948. This inconsistency is no coincidence: many of the usual pro-Palestinian forces do not actually care about Palestinians; their concern is hurting Israel, demonizing and delegitimizing the country until it ceases to exist as a Jewish state.

(full article online)

The Pro-Palestinian Charade
Another of the frauds perpetrated by Islamics is the notion of
the Poor, Oppressed Pal’istanians™️

While luxury and wealth arevcommon in the mini-caliphate of Gaza’istan, there’s also no shortage of welfare fraud money for the islsmic terrorist gophers to build tunnels.

For some reason, the West continues to finance Islamic terrorism.

Egypt destroys 37 tunnels which infiltrated from Gaza in 2018

The Egyptian military destroyed 37 cross-border tunnels linking the Gaza Strip to the Sinai Peninsula over the past year, the country’s military has announced.

Egypt has in the past flooded Hamas tunnels along the Gaza Strip with sea-water or sewage, and has destroyed hundreds of homes on the Egyptian side of Rafah to remove the tunnels.
Here's an interesting piece that lays out the emerging rivalry between the Islamic Jihad terrorist franchise and Hamas.

Islamic Jihad is the real threat from Gaza

Islamic Jihad is the real threat from Gaza

While Israel is busy negotiating ways to calm tensions in the coastal enclave, it would do well to pay attention to the organization that does not listen to Hamas and is only trying to make the situation worse.

Alex FishmanAlex Fishman|Published: 03.08.19 , 04:17

And so the Egyptians went to Gaza on Wednesday with a partial package. Last week, they tried to do their bit to ease tensions by releasing eight Hamas prisoners, but contrary to expectations, Hamas did not use this release to hold mass celebrations that would highlight the achievements of the organization's leadership. What Hamas wants is water and power, and it wants them now. It is demanding the immediate activation of Israel's Electric Corporation's plan to supply electricity to Gaza.

The impact of the last round of Egyptian mediation efforts will be seen in the weekend protests at the Israel-Gaza border fence: If the violence escalates, Gaza will not accept the Israeli-Egyptian proposal to calm the situation. If the tensions remain at their current levels, there is still room for compromise. At the moment, both sides are one step away from the abyss. One small trigger, and we will find ourselves in a real conflict.

Islamic Jihad was responsible for most of the rocket, anti-tank missiles and sniper attacks carried out in recent months against Israel. Its leaders, who are hiding in the Dahiya neighborhood of Beirut under the leadership of deputy secretary-general Ziad al-Nahla, have decided to renew military activity from the Gaza Strip. The organization's representatives in Gaza also stopped coordinating their military activities with Hamas, as part of a joint war room set up by all the terrorist organizations in the Strip.

Protests on the Gaza border
While Israel is busy negotiating ways to calm tensions in the coastal enclave,
Oh yeah, like what?
Here's an interesting piece that lays out the emerging rivalry between the Islamic Jihad terrorist franchise and Hamas.

Islamic Jihad is the real threat from Gaza

Islamic Jihad is the real threat from Gaza

While Israel is busy negotiating ways to calm tensions in the coastal enclave, it would do well to pay attention to the organization that does not listen to Hamas and is only trying to make the situation worse.

Alex FishmanAlex Fishman|Published: 03.08.19 , 04:17

And so the Egyptians went to Gaza on Wednesday with a partial package. Last week, they tried to do their bit to ease tensions by releasing eight Hamas prisoners, but contrary to expectations, Hamas did not use this release to hold mass celebrations that would highlight the achievements of the organization's leadership. What Hamas wants is water and power, and it wants them now. It is demanding the immediate activation of Israel's Electric Corporation's plan to supply electricity to Gaza.

The impact of the last round of Egyptian mediation efforts will be seen in the weekend protests at the Israel-Gaza border fence: If the violence escalates, Gaza will not accept the Israeli-Egyptian proposal to calm the situation. If the tensions remain at their current levels, there is still room for compromise. At the moment, both sides are one step away from the abyss. One small trigger, and we will find ourselves in a real conflict.

Islamic Jihad was responsible for most of the rocket, anti-tank missiles and sniper attacks carried out in recent months against Israel. Its leaders, who are hiding in the Dahiya neighborhood of Beirut under the leadership of deputy secretary-general Ziad al-Nahla, have decided to renew military activity from the Gaza Strip. The organization's representatives in Gaza also stopped coordinating their military activities with Hamas, as part of a joint war room set up by all the terrorist organizations in the Strip.

Protests on the Gaza border
While Israel is busy negotiating ways to calm tensions in the coastal enclave,
Oh yeah, like what?

Like using sniper fire to calm the Islamist gee-had at the border riots.
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