Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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  • Instead of marching Palestinians towards democracy, the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Hamas have chosen the model of totalitarianism as a way of governing their people. The pro-Abbas demonstrations organized by Fatah in the West Bank are reminiscent of dictatorships in the Arab world that send their loyalists to the streets to voice support for the ruler. The Hamas-sponsored anti-Abbas demonstrations in the Gaza Strip will not solve any of the crises facing the Palestinians there. These protests are Hamas's way of distracting attention from its failure to improve the living conditions of the people living under its repressive regime.

  • The only way for the Palestinians to move forward is by protesting against their failed leaders in the PA and Hamas. Many Palestinians, however, are afraid to speak out against their rulers in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Why would any Palestinian speak out against Abbas when the PA arrests and harasses those who even dare to post critical remarks on Facebook? Why would any Palestinian in the Gaza Strip criticize Hamas when he or she knows that this would endanger their lives?

  • On April 9, Israelis will again celebrate democracy by voting in a free and democratic election. The Palestinians, meanwhile, will mark another year of dictatorship and failed leadership, and will continue to dream about heading to any ballot box at all.

    (full article online)

    Palestinians: Marching Backwards as Israel Prepares for Elections
Palestinian Propaganda “Own Goal”: A Map From National Geographic in 1947

Anti-Israel propaganda Facebook page Quds News Network has posted this “Map of Palestine from a 1947 issue of National Geographic,” presumably in a bid to show Israel did not exist at the time.

Once again, it is a huge own goal.

In order to understand why, look at the top left hand corner of the map.

It is a map of the Partition Plan – the plan that would have led to a palestinian state had the Arabs accepted it (like the Jews did), instead of rejecting it, engaging in terrorism, and threatening a Holy War. That’s why it appears in a 1947 edition of National Geographic to begin with.

No-one is discounting the fact that there was no state of Israel immediately prior to its (re)establishment in 1948 – this is a ‘strawman’ argument.

Yet again, palestinian propaganda fails; and it will inevitably continue to do, since they don’t have truth on their side.

Palestinian Propaganda 'Own Goal': A Map From National Geographic in 1947
It was Palestine with or without the partition plan.
Palestinian Propaganda “Own Goal”: A Map From National Geographic in 1947

Anti-Israel propaganda Facebook page Quds News Network has posted this “Map of Palestine from a 1947 issue of National Geographic,” presumably in a bid to show Israel did not exist at the time.

Once again, it is a huge own goal.

In order to understand why, look at the top left hand corner of the map.

It is a map of the Partition Plan – the plan that would have led to a palestinian state had the Arabs accepted it (like the Jews did), instead of rejecting it, engaging in terrorism, and threatening a Holy War. That’s why it appears in a 1947 edition of National Geographic to begin with.

No-one is discounting the fact that there was no state of Israel immediately prior to its (re)establishment in 1948 – this is a ‘strawman’ argument.

Yet again, palestinian propaganda fails; and it will inevitably continue to do, since they don’t have truth on their side.

Palestinian Propaganda 'Own Goal': A Map From National Geographic in 1947
It was Palestine with or without the partition plan.
Palestine was the name given by the Romans to the region where the Jewish homeland was in order to humiliate them.

Palestine Mandate was the name given by the British to humiliate and steal the ancient Jewish homeland for the Hashemites (78%) and themselves (22%).

The indigenous Jews could do nothing about the British stealing 78% and giving it to the Arab Muslim foreigners, but they did something to keep the 22% of their ancient homeland.

Jews accepted any part of their ancient homeland.

The invading, colonizing Arabs refused to give the Jews any land.

Partition, Shmartition, then, now and forever.

The 3 NOs, endless NO to any Jewish sovereignty over their own ancient homeland.


Because Muslims are masters of the Jews.

Let us never, ever ......forget that :)
Palestinian Propaganda “Own Goal”: A Map From National Geographic in 1947

Anti-Israel propaganda Facebook page Quds News Network has posted this “Map of Palestine from a 1947 issue of National Geographic,” presumably in a bid to show Israel did not exist at the time.

Once again, it is a huge own goal.

In order to understand why, look at the top left hand corner of the map.

It is a map of the Partition Plan – the plan that would have led to a palestinian state had the Arabs accepted it (like the Jews did), instead of rejecting it, engaging in terrorism, and threatening a Holy War. That’s why it appears in a 1947 edition of National Geographic to begin with.

No-one is discounting the fact that there was no state of Israel immediately prior to its (re)establishment in 1948 – this is a ‘strawman’ argument.

Yet again, palestinian propaganda fails; and it will inevitably continue to do, since they don’t have truth on their side.

Palestinian Propaganda 'Own Goal': A Map From National Geographic in 1947
It was Palestine with or without the partition plan.

You can continue to be befuddled, however, the geographic area was formerly a sanjak of the Ottoman Empire.
The wondrous Islamist social order.

Aww, those Poor, Oppressed Pal’istanians™️

Would more welfare fraud money ease their suffering?


Recent graduate of the Islamic Terrorist Training Academy.

He’s applying for an internship at the Abbas School of Money Laundering.

Of course, Abbas and his cronies, living in castles and driving in luxury vehicles, do not have to worry about how to put food on the table for their kids, nor how to warm their homes in the winter. From the start, they have been siphoning off humanitarian funds into their own coffers before allowing for some of it to be used for providing services and building infrastructure for their people. Yasser Arafat was a great role model in this regard.

I imagine that just before the PA comes crashing down on the heads of the hapless brainwashed Palestinian Arab people, Abbas et al will skedaddle out of the PA, taking their families to live out the rest of their lives in safety and with obscene wealth. Joining Arafat’s wife and daughter in Europe, perhaps?

My source ends his report by saying:

People here are fed up with these scumbags, this Tunisian mafia that is oppressing the people and stealing all the aid.

And my question to those who continue to provide “humanitarian aid” to the Palestinian Authority and sponsor all kinds of so-called “pro-Palestinian” events around the globe is this: Do you really hate Jews so much that you prefer to vilify us and blame us for “oppressing” the Palestinians even though, by doing so, you are diverting attention from what is really happening there? By focusing on the Jews as evil incarnate, you are, yourselves, destroying the Palestinian Arab population and absolutely ruining the chances for kids growing up there now to have a normal life. Is Jew-hate so overwhelming that it blinds you to the true humanitarian disaster that the PA is bringing down upon its own people?

(full article online)

Palestinian Authority Residents Fed Up With Their Ruling Tunisian Mafia | Israel Diaries
The Arab-Moslems calling themselves "Pal'istanians" sure do have a rather OCD-like obsession with all things Jewish.

Holocaust explained by Fatah:

Jews deserved to be killed because of “who they are”

Holocaust explained by Fatah: Jews deserved to be killed because of “who they are” - PMW Bulletins
  • Fatah justifies murder of Jews in the Holocaust with story of alleged Jewish selfishness and evil

By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

On Facebook, Fatah posted the three photos above from World War II together with a story it presented as authentic. According to the version posted by Fatah, Jews willingly and eagerly agreed to bury Russian civilians alive in order to save their own lives. Seeing this, a Nazi soldier proclaimed to the Russians:

"I just wanted you to know who the Jews are and why we are killing them!"
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Feb. 27, 2019]
Palestinians Fly Nazi Flag Over Main Highway
Arab village of Beit Umar located just north of spot where murdered Israeli teens' bodies discovered; swastika regularly flown there.

Palestinians Fly Nazi Flag Over Main Highway


Palestinian Arabs hold Nazi flag at Netzarim
For at least the third time in recent months, Arab residents of Beit Umar have flown a Nazi flag over the village facing the main highway, angering Jewish residents.

The choice of timing is all the more appalling, coming less than a week after the bodies of three Israeli teens were discovered in Hevron.

Beit Umar itself is located between Hevron and Jewish town of Alon Shvut in the Gush Etzion region - it was outside Alon Shvut that the boys were abducted by their killers as they were on their way home. It lies just north of the Arab village of Halhoul, where the murdered teens' bodies were discovered last Tuesday by security forces.

The video was filmed on Sunday, and the flag appears to have been flown to coincide with countrywide riots by Arab extremists over the murder of Arab teen Mohammed Abu-Khder, who was killed in a suspected "revenge attack" for the murder of Eyal Yifrah, Gilad Sha'ar and Naftali Frenkel.
People like Saeb Erekat and Hanan Ashrawi love to tell their Western audiences that it is Jews, not Muslims, who are trying to turn this into a religious conflict.

Um, no.

On Sunday, the Association of Palestinian Scholars issued a fatwa - a Muslim religious legal ruling - entitled "The ruling of Islam concerning normalization with the Zionist enemy occupying the land of Palestine."

Not surprisingly, they come out against it.

The fatwa said that "normalization is one of the most dangerous initiatives, and a threat to the security of the nation and a corruption of its faith."

"Peace and normalization means the empowerment of Jews in the land of the Muslims, and over the necks of the Muslim people, [which is forbidden on] this or any Islamic land," the document continued.

"Reconciliation and normalization with the Zionist enemy means surrender to the infidels and their affairs, and the loss of religion and Islamic lands. "

It is notable that the scholars are referring to Jews here as "infidels" and not "dhimmis." The usual apologia that Muslims respect Jews as people of the book is absent in this document.

The fatwa notes that a long term truce is possible with infidels if it serves the larger Muslim interest, but treating them a regular people is always forbidden.

(full article online)

Palestinian scholars issue a fatwa against "normalization" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
But a look at Google search trends on the Palestinian problem in the Arab world casts this claim into serious doubt.

The Palestinian problem, like most other political issues, is a function of personal involvement and geographical proximity to the crisis area. This means that it is the Palestinians themselves who search the conflict most frequently, followed by nearby countries, and thinning out the farther the searchers are from “Palestine.”

So if one plots searches for “Palestinian resistance” (in Arabic, al-muqawama al-Filastiniyya), searches relative to the size of population in “Palestine” are over four times more numerous than among Arabs in Israel, 10 times more than in nearby Jordan, 40 times more than in Syria, and nearly 400 times more than in distant Morocco.

(full article online)

Arab Support for ‘Palestine’ Is Dependent on the Use of Religion
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