Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

AH, and here we circle back around to the question addressed in Posting # 12523.

Palestine has been under military occupation for a hundred years. This has prevented them from exercising their right to sovereignty.

The Arab Palestinians are demanding that Israel give up the control of the territory even in the face of very distinct threats of the use of force. And these are not idle threats. three times before, the Arab League banded together substantial forces and attempted a Regime Change by military invasion. And for the last half-century, the Arab Palestinians, through more than a half-dozen Jihadist, Insurgent, Radicalized Islamic Troublemakers, Adherent, Guerrillas and Asymmetric Fighter organizations have launch attacks on commercial air flights, cruise ships, suicide bombing, direct attacks attacks in public places against unarmed civilians, launched thousands of rockets and mortars, kidnappings, murders visited upon women and children, etc etc, etc. The Arab Palestinians have openly threatened the lives of Israeli citizens and threaten to end the Jewish National Home.

The Arab Palestinians want the Israelis to drop their guard and allow the Arab Palestinian threat the freedom to take advantage of that freedom to mount yet another assault on the territorial integrity of Israel just because of a few words on paper about the "right to sovereignty." Now it would be damn foolish of the Israelis to think that the words on paper can protect the Israelis from the Arab Palestinians carrying-out their threats.

No, I don't think the Israelis are going to allow the conditions to exist that would permit yet another major confrontation to "Liberate Palestine" through the destruction of Israel. The Arab Palestinians have not set the conditions through deeds that would rationally set the conditions for a reduction in the suppression of these threats. The Arab Palestinians continue to extend, not the olive branch, but the sword.

At the end of the day, the lack of security operations that suppress the Arab Palestinian potential to pursue further danger to the State of Israel would be a dereliction of duty on the part of the Israeli Leadership.

Most Respectfully,
Israel must defend its occupation and settler colonial project.

Actually, no. Hamas is looking to impose their settler colonial project. The goals of which are written out in their charter.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Actually, you have this backward and you are 180º out of phase with the reality of the situation.

Israel must defend its occupation and settler colonial project.

The Settler outposts in the West Bank are in Area "C". Area "C" represents some very strategic approach lanes or other key terrain. The Settler Outposts are an allied (friendly) residential components introduced in close proximity over these approaches and key terrain. This is an aspect of security in depth that cannot be relied upon from the Arab Palestinians inhabitants that have provided all manner of support to the Arab League and the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP); → there is no reasonable expectation that the local inhabitants will support in peace with its neighbors.

The key terrain and approach lanes necessary for a swift takeover of the Jewish State need a level of surveillance and observation that cannot be afforded in any other way → as the local residents are composed of HoAP (meaning the Jihadists, Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Troublemakers, Adherents, Guerrillas and Asymmetric Fighters). Thus, not only do the Jewish Settlements make economic and commercial improvements to these areas; at a pace the beyond which the Arab Palestinians can achieve, but the mere proximity of these settlments to the critical terrain adds to the early detection of HoAP activities that could be harmful to the sovereign integrity of Israel.

There are many many advantages or objective goals that these settlements contribute to Israel. The security in depth is just one; albeit a big one. However, there are significant non-military contributions the settlements make on the impact at the political and diplomatic level. The growth of the settlement and the increase in numbers has a direct correlation to the political and diplomatic failures on the part of the Arab Palestinian Leadership.

Most Respectfully,
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Hamas is not denying that they are members. They merely say that they should be released because they "have never entered into any of Libya's internal affairs, and did not tamper with its security."

Which is pretty much an admission that they were smuggling weapons.

Their families say Libya should release them because there is fear that they will be extradited to Israel, which seems highly improbable.

Islamic Jihad issued a statement today supporting them, saying "Resistance is not a crime, it is an honor and pride for all those who support it."

(full article online)

Hamas, Islamic Jihad defend terrorists jailed in Libya ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

This is a type of defense comes in two Parts.

◈ The "Safe Haven" Defense.
◈ The Glorification of terrorism and Individual Terrorist Acts.​

Reaffirming also the imperative to combat terrorism S/RES/1624 (2005) said:

1. Calls upon all States to adopt such measures as may be necessary and appropriate and in accordance with their obligations under international law to:

(a) Prohibit by law incitement to commit a terrorist act or acts;
(b) Prevent such conduct;
(c) Deny safe haven to any persons with respect to whom there is credible and relevant information giving serious reasons for considering that they have been guilty of such conduct;​
2. Calls upon all States to cooperate, inter alia, to strengthen the security of their international borders, including by combating fraudulent travel documents and,to the extent attainable, by enhancing terrorist screening and passenger security procedures with a view to preventing those guilty of the conduct in paragraph 1 (a )from entering their territory;
SOURCE LINK: UN Security Council Resolution ...
Reaffirming also the imperative to combat terrorism S/RES/1624 (2005) said:

Condemning also in the strongest terms the incitement of terrorist acts repudiating attempts at the justification or glorification (apologie) of terrorist acts that may incite further terrorist acts,

Deeply concerned that incitement of terrorist acts motivated by extremism and intolerance poses a serious and growing danger to the enjoyment of human rights, threatens the social and economic development of all States, undermines global stability and prosperity,
SOURCE LINK: UN Security Council Resolution ...
Hamas is not denying that they are members. They merely say that they should be released because they "have never entered into any of Libya's internal affairs, and did not tamper with its security."

Which is pretty much an admission that they were smuggling weapons.

Their families say Libya should release them because there is fear that they will be extradited to Israel, which seems highly improbable.

Islamic Jihad issued a statement today supporting them, saying "Resistance is not a crime, it is an honor and pride for all those who support it."

(full article online)

Hamas, Islamic Jihad defend terrorists jailed in Libya ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

The logic being used here is that the various Jihadists, Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Troublemakers, Adherents, Guerrillas and Asymmetric Fighter should be given a free pass, because their history of past criminal behaviors did not damage Libya or the Rule of Law within Libya.

The Citizens of the (so-called) State of Palestine actively supports the barbarity to the degree that they pay tribute each month to the perpetrator of terrorist acts.

Most Respectfully,
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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

This is a type of defense comes in two Parts.

◈ The "Safe Haven" Defense.
◈ The Glorification of terrorism and Individual Terrorist Acts.​

Reaffirming also the imperative to combat terrorism S/RES/1624 (2005) said:

1. Calls upon all States to adopt such measures as may be necessary and appropriate and in accordance with their obligations under international law to:

(a) Prohibit by law incitement to commit a terrorist act or acts;
(b) Prevent such conduct;
(c) Deny safe haven to any persons with respect to whom there is credible and relevant information giving serious reasons for considering that they have been guilty of such conduct;​
2. Calls upon all States to cooperate, inter alia, to strengthen the security of their international borders, including by combating fraudulent travel documents and,to the extent attainable, by enhancing terrorist screening and passenger security procedures with a view to preventing those guilty of the conduct in paragraph 1 (a )from entering their territory;
SOURCE LINK: UN Security Council Resolution ...
Reaffirming also the imperative to combat terrorism S/RES/1624 (2005) said:

Condemning also in the strongest terms the incitement of terrorist acts repudiating attempts at the justification or glorification (apologie) of terrorist acts that may incite further terrorist acts,

Deeply concerned that incitement of terrorist acts motivated by extremism and intolerance poses a serious and growing danger to the enjoyment of human rights, threatens the social and economic development of all States, undermines global stability and prosperity,
SOURCE LINK: UN Security Council Resolution ...
Hamas is not denying that they are members. They merely say that they should be released because they "have never entered into any of Libya's internal affairs, and did not tamper with its security."

Which is pretty much an admission that they were smuggling weapons.

Their families say Libya should release them because there is fear that they will be extradited to Israel, which seems highly improbable.

Islamic Jihad issued a statement today supporting them, saying "Resistance is not a crime, it is an honor and pride for all those who support it."

(full article online)

Hamas, Islamic Jihad defend terrorists jailed in Libya ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

The logic being used here is that the various Jihadists, Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Troublemakers, Adherents, Guerrillas and Asymmetric Fighter should be given a free pass, because their history of past criminal behaviors did not damage Libya or the Rule of Law within Libya.

The Citizens of the (so-called) State of Palestine actively supports the barbarity to the degree that they pay tribute each month to the perpetrator of terrorist acts.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

This is a type of defense comes in two Parts.

◈ The "Safe Haven" Defense.
◈ The Glorification of terrorism and Individual Terrorist Acts.​

Reaffirming also the imperative to combat terrorism S/RES/1624 (2005) said:

1. Calls upon all States to adopt such measures as may be necessary and appropriate and in accordance with their obligations under international law to:

(a) Prohibit by law incitement to commit a terrorist act or acts;
(b) Prevent such conduct;
(c) Deny safe haven to any persons with respect to whom there is credible and relevant information giving serious reasons for considering that they have been guilty of such conduct;​
2. Calls upon all States to cooperate, inter alia, to strengthen the security of their international borders, including by combating fraudulent travel documents and,to the extent attainable, by enhancing terrorist screening and passenger security procedures with a view to preventing those guilty of the conduct in paragraph 1 (a )from entering their territory;
SOURCE LINK: UN Security Council Resolution ...
Reaffirming also the imperative to combat terrorism S/RES/1624 (2005) said:

Condemning also in the strongest terms the incitement of terrorist acts repudiating attempts at the justification or glorification (apologie) of terrorist acts that may incite further terrorist acts,

Deeply concerned that incitement of terrorist acts motivated by extremism and intolerance poses a serious and growing danger to the enjoyment of human rights, threatens the social and economic development of all States, undermines global stability and prosperity,
SOURCE LINK: UN Security Council Resolution ...
Hamas is not denying that they are members. They merely say that they should be released because they "have never entered into any of Libya's internal affairs, and did not tamper with its security."

Which is pretty much an admission that they were smuggling weapons.

Their families say Libya should release them because there is fear that they will be extradited to Israel, which seems highly improbable.

Islamic Jihad issued a statement today supporting them, saying "Resistance is not a crime, it is an honor and pride for all those who support it."

(full article online)

Hamas, Islamic Jihad defend terrorists jailed in Libya ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

The logic being used here is that the various Jihadists, Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Troublemakers, Adherents, Guerrillas and Asymmetric Fighter should be given a free pass, because their history of past criminal behaviors did not damage Libya or the Rule of Law within Libya.

The Citizens of the (so-called) State of Palestine actively supports the barbarity to the degree that they pay tribute each month to the perpetrator of terrorist acts.

Most Respectfully,

Nothing but people being loud, at a loud protest.

Israel has the right to resist being destroyed by Christian and Muslim extremists.

Just remember that.
The gauntlet has been laid down.

The Abbas mini-caliphate is challenging the competiing Hamas mini-caliphate to allow elections as a way to bring democracy to Arabs-Moslems. Among Arab-Moslem retrogrades whose last foray into democracy was engaged with a civil war that included street shootings, torture, throwing people off of rooftops and other Islamo fun and games, the circus of islamic dictators continues.

"Abbas Advisor Mohammed Ishtayeh Responds to MEMRI Analysis: We Challenge Hamas to Elections; PLO, Abbas Legitimate Representatives Regardless of Authority Split"

In a February 25, 2019 interview on SophieCo on Russia Today TV, Mohammed Ishtayeh, an advisor to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, was asked about his opinion regarding a MEMRI analysis that said that Hamas and the PLO both claim that the other no longer represents the Palestinian people (see MEMRI TV Inquiry & Analysis Series No. 1433). Ishtayeh answered that the testing field for this assumption is the opinion polls and ballot boxes and that the PLO challenges Hamas to accept the idea of elections in order to return democracy to the Palestinian political arena. Ishtayeh said that attempts to discredit the opposite parties only harm the Palestinian people because they will eventually cause the international community to reject both sides. He said that reconciliation is the solution to the problem, and added that Abbas and the PLO are internationally recognized as the legitimate representatives of the Palestinians even if there is a split in authority.
[Muslims from Bosnia feel they are being "occupied" in Judea/Samaria ]

Teenage Palestinian Authority soldier-slapper Ahed Tamimi is back to inciting against Israel and Israelis again – the same kind of behavior that landed her in an Israeli prison barely a year ago – and may yet send her back if she doesn’t learn to watch her Ps and Qs, or at least her mouth.

This time she’s decided that she authority equal to that of any Islamic cleric, ruling it is “permissible (according to religion) to kill” MK Yehuda Glick.

“Justice Ahed’s” decision was handed down via her Instagram account:
“My soul is disgusted when I understand that he remains alive. It is better if he were dead. I hate him. Yehuda Glick is the most disgusting person on earth. It is permissible (according to religious) to kill him,” she wrote in Arabic.

Glick re-posted and translated her wishes for him into Hebrew to make sure all of Israel could understand, introducing the post with the cheery greeting, “What a sweetie Ahed Tamimi is, really!” and concluding with a “fare thee well” at the bottom of the post: “There is no sweetness like this, anywhere.”

(full article online)

Convicted PA Soldier-Slapper Ahed Tamimi Incites Against MK Yehuda Glick, Saying It’s ‘Permissible to Kill’ Him
On February 19, 2019, Hamas Political Bureau member Fathi Hammad said that the Arab regimes that have normalized relations with Israel will be "buried in the trash heaps of history" alongside the Jews, who are Allah's enemies. He said that the children of Gaza will be taught how to liberate their land in the kindergartens, elementary schools, and he praised one million of Gaza's "children" for having "enrolled" in a national, Islamic, Jihadi, religious "course" that included "fence-breaking and confrontation." Hammad called on the youth of Palestine and Gaza to join the mujahideen and the Al-Quds and Al-Qassam Brigades. Of February 22, 2019, Hammad said that the Palestinians will cleanse Palestine of the filth of the Zionist enemy and that they will stop only at martyrdom and victory. He then joined a chant of: "With our souls and blood we will redeem you, oh Al-Aqsa!" Fathi's statements on both occasions were aired on Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/Gaza).

(vide video online)

Hamas Political Bureau Member: Schools Will Teach Gaza's Children How to Liberate Palestine
  • Instead of marching Palestinians towards democracy, the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Hamas have chosen the model of totalitarianism as a way of governing their people. The pro-Abbas demonstrations organized by Fatah in the West Bank are reminiscent of dictatorships in the Arab world that send their loyalists to the streets to voice support for the ruler. The Hamas-sponsored anti-Abbas demonstrations in the Gaza Strip will not solve any of the crises facing the Palestinians there. These protests are Hamas's way of distracting attention from its failure to improve the living conditions of the people living under its repressive regime.

  • The only way for the Palestinians to move forward is by protesting against their failed leaders in the PA and Hamas. Many Palestinians, however, are afraid to speak out against their rulers in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Why would any Palestinian speak out against Abbas when the PA arrests and harasses those who even dare to post critical remarks on Facebook? Why would any Palestinian in the Gaza Strip criticize Hamas when he or she knows that this would endanger their lives?

  • On April 9, Israelis will again celebrate democracy by voting in a free and democratic election. The Palestinians, meanwhile, will mark another year of dictatorship and failed leadership, and will continue to dream about heading to any ballot box at all.

    (full article online)

    Palestinians: Marching Backwards as Israel Prepares for Elections
Q: What does the IDF do in the face of such complex challenges?

A: The IDF has developed a range of methods avoid harming noncombatants. We have developed an advanced system for alerting civilians of imminent strikes, giving them a chance to evacuate. When feasible, we also use “roof knocking”—the practice of dropping empty or low munitions on the roofs of structures, giving civilians who did not heed those warnings a second chance to escape before a strike. It saves lives. Sometimes, we also cancel attacks even after a missile is in the air when circumstances on the ground change, and we see civilians approach targets. We invest a lot in precision intelligence to achieve this. These techniques allow us to hit the enemy without hitting civilians, despite the fact that the enemy wants us to hit their civilians.

In situations where enemy targets are surrounded by large numbers of civilians to an extent where the collateral damage might be excessive, the IDF will not strike. “Operation Protective Edge” resulted in some 2,000 casualties on the Palestinian side, half of which were combatants and the other half were civilians. Every loss of civilian life is tragic. But this ratio is far lower than other civilian-to-combatant ratios in the world. There were more than 6,000 air attacks in that conflict and thousands more from ground platforms.

The IDF is always investing more in this—learning, improving intelligence and developing technology for accurate strikes. I travel the world and speak with colleagues in other militaries. I can say with full confidence that we have nothing to be ashamed of in this field. We have at the very least the same standard as other modern militaries, and in many ways, we are ahead of them. Delegations that visit us have people telling us, “Why have you raised the bar so high? It will be hard to match it.”

(full article online)

Hamas, Hezbollah ‘hide missiles in children’s rooms,’ says ex-IDF senior officer on US tour
Jason Greenblatt, the United States Special Representative for International Negotiations, on Thursday, slammed a senior Palestinian official for sabotaging the Trump administration’s peace initiative.

Greenblatt wrote on Twitter that Saeb Erekat, the Secretary-General of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s Executive Committee, had characterized efforts to broker a lasting peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians as “an apartheid system with ghettos for Palestinians.”

The envoy blasted Erekat for disparaging a peace deal which has not get been revealed to relevant parties. “Saeb, regretfully you continue to deceive your people – you know nothing about the contents of our plan,” Greenblatt said.

“Your speculation is not helpful and to the contrary, it harms the Palestinian people and the prospects for peace. What exactly do you hope to achieve with this speculation?” he asked.

Greenblatt cited a comment by Erekat in which the Palestinian official suggested that “Hamas and all those calling on President Abbas to resign and the PLO to dissolve itself are tools being used to implement the deal of the century …”

The envoy dismissed the comment as conspiracy theory devoid of evidence. “Saeb- We aren’t working w/ Hamas. You know that,” Greenblatt tweeted.

(full article online)

U.S. Envoy Slams PA for "Disparaging" Peace Efforts
Jason Greenblatt, the United States Special Representative for International Negotiations, on Thursday, slammed a senior Palestinian official for sabotaging the Trump administration’s peace initiative.

Greenblatt wrote on Twitter that Saeb Erekat, the Secretary-General of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s Executive Committee, had characterized efforts to broker a lasting peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians as “an apartheid system with ghettos for Palestinians.”

The envoy blasted Erekat for disparaging a peace deal which has not get been revealed to relevant parties. “Saeb, regretfully you continue to deceive your people – you know nothing about the contents of our plan,” Greenblatt said.

“Your speculation is not helpful and to the contrary, it harms the Palestinian people and the prospects for peace. What exactly do you hope to achieve with this speculation?” he asked.

Greenblatt cited a comment by Erekat in which the Palestinian official suggested that “Hamas and all those calling on President Abbas to resign and the PLO to dissolve itself are tools being used to implement the deal of the century …”

The envoy dismissed the comment as conspiracy theory devoid of evidence. “Saeb- We aren’t working w/ Hamas. You know that,” Greenblatt tweeted.

(full article online)

U.S. Envoy Slams PA for "Disparaging" Peace Efforts
had characterized efforts to broker a lasting peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians as “an apartheid system with ghettos for Palestinians.”
True, of course.

Watch this space.
Jason Greenblatt, the United States Special Representative for International Negotiations, on Thursday, slammed a senior Palestinian official for sabotaging the Trump administration’s peace initiative.

Greenblatt wrote on Twitter that Saeb Erekat, the Secretary-General of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s Executive Committee, had characterized efforts to broker a lasting peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians as “an apartheid system with ghettos for Palestinians.”

The envoy blasted Erekat for disparaging a peace deal which has not get been revealed to relevant parties. “Saeb, regretfully you continue to deceive your people – you know nothing about the contents of our plan,” Greenblatt said.

“Your speculation is not helpful and to the contrary, it harms the Palestinian people and the prospects for peace. What exactly do you hope to achieve with this speculation?” he asked.

Greenblatt cited a comment by Erekat in which the Palestinian official suggested that “Hamas and all those calling on President Abbas to resign and the PLO to dissolve itself are tools being used to implement the deal of the century …”

The envoy dismissed the comment as conspiracy theory devoid of evidence. “Saeb- We aren’t working w/ Hamas. You know that,” Greenblatt tweeted.

(full article online)

U.S. Envoy Slams PA for "Disparaging" Peace Efforts
had characterized efforts to broker a lasting peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians as “an apartheid system with ghettos for Palestinians.”
True, of course.

Watch this space.

Those entitled Arab-Islamist welfare fraud recipients view anything less than a Judenrein mini-caliphate as unacceptable.
“Angry Mahmoud” was off on another rant recently, confirming his commitment to reward Islamic terrorism.

Ya’ Alla, homie. Let’s hope this prompts more of the western world to cut of funding of the Islamic terrorist franchises in both Gaza and your personal slush fund.

WATCH: ‘Paying terrorists is Palestinians’ top priority,’ brags Abbas

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said in a speech aired last week on Palestinian Authority TV that he remains unfazed by cuts in tax revenues initiated by Israel based on the PA’s decision to continue paying salaries to terrorists and the families of those killed committing terror-related crimes.

Abbas was speaking in front of a delegation of U.S. congressmen and the left-wing American organization, J-Street.

In front of this crowd, Abbas doubled down on the PA’s commitment to pay the families of “martyrs” and “prisoners,” declaring “[If] the PA had no more than 20-30 million Shekels,” which he said is how much the monthly stipends to the families cost “it would still pay that sum to [prisoners and martyrs’ families].”
Palestinian Propaganda “Own Goal”: A Map From National Geographic in 1947

Anti-Israel propaganda Facebook page Quds News Network has posted this “Map of Palestine from a 1947 issue of National Geographic,” presumably in a bid to show Israel did not exist at the time.

Once again, it is a huge own goal.

In order to understand why, look at the top left hand corner of the map.

It is a map of the Partition Plan – the plan that would have led to a palestinian state had the Arabs accepted it (like the Jews did), instead of rejecting it, engaging in terrorism, and threatening a Holy War. That’s why it appears in a 1947 edition of National Geographic to begin with.

No-one is discounting the fact that there was no state of Israel immediately prior to its (re)establishment in 1948 – this is a ‘strawman’ argument.

Yet again, palestinian propaganda fails; and it will inevitably continue to do, since they don’t have truth on their side.

Palestinian Propaganda 'Own Goal': A Map From National Geographic in 1947
Does anyone seriously believe, for example, that Hamas would abandon its religiously-inspired commitment to conduct a jihad to drive the Jews from the Middle East if Israel treated the group more nicely? Wasn’t it nice that Israel withdrew every Jew and soldier from Gaza? And what was the response? Hamas bombarded Israel with rockets. In doing so, they demonstrated that the idea that Israel could trade land for peace was a myth.

We also hear how Palestinian human rights are trampled by the Israelis, but it is not Israel that muzzles Palestinian journalists, locks up proponents of peace, looks the other way while women are murdered in “honor killings,” persecutes gays, and denies Palestinians the civil rights that many Americans take for granted. No, the Palestinian Authority and Hamas are solely responsible for those deprivations, and yet the Palestinians’ fan club doesn’t care.

While foreigners call for boycotts of Israel and condemn its treatment of Palestinians, the Arabs in the West Bank and inside Israel vote with their feet. More than 100,000 Palestinians are grateful to have the opportunity to work in Israel; thousands are also employed in the settlements derided by critics. These Palestinians care more about putting food on their families’ tables than ideology and the empty slogans of the BDS movement.

Palestinians with Israeli citizenship react with horror and disdain at any suggestion that they should move to a Palestinian state. Having experienced the freedom and benefits of living in a democracy, they have no desire to give that up to become subjects of the corrupt autocrats in Ramallah and Gaza. I wonder how many members of the Palestinian fan club would give up their lives to live under Palestinian rule.

(full article online)

The Palestinian Fan Club
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