Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Israel is NOT a rogue state under the control of an organization with a past history of "criminal acts" intended or calculated to create "terror" in the minds of the citizenry and general public, to destabilize the overall security of the region.

WOW, how does Israel get all its stuff?

Israel may be a lot of things, but few nations in the world have a profile like the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) have. The HoAP hold the image of the classic model pictured of Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters. The HoAP represent a failed nation of people ingrained in a culture → to that end → encourage activities directed against the State of Israel (and allies) intended or calculated to instill an atmosphere of fear. The HoAP represents and promotes a regime that furthers the unlawful and intentional use of weaponry against public places with intent to kill or cause serious bodily injury, or with intent to cause extensive destruction of the public place. In short the HoAP import and retain conventional arms for criminal purposes.

Israel is now, and has been for more than half a century, involved in self-defense operations. It has, since it beginning, been a country that has made → and continues to make → positive contributions to the international community.

Most Respectfully,
Israel may be a lot of things, but few nations in the world have a profile like the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) have.
Indeed, Israel's worldwide bullshit machine has done well.

Indeed, that doesn't make sense.

Indeed, you can't be surprised that the image of the Pal'istanian / islamic terrorist derives from the actions of Pal'istanian / islamic terrorists.
In case anyone missed the announcement, the Pal'istanian franchise of islamic gee-had has voiced its "natural right to capture Israeli soldiers".

The video was shown on Iranian TV networks. While the Sunni and Shia versions of islam will grudgingly come together to cooperate in their shared Jew hatreds, nothing will stop these deranged loons from continuing their 1400 year long blood feud. They will continue to slaughter each other. Their favorite targets are each others mosques and shopping areas which present a target rich environment.

"Palestinian Islamic Jihad Showcases Military Capabilities on Iranian TV: It Is Our Natural Right to Capture Israeli Soldiers; We Have Rockets, New Tunnels"

On February 24, 2019, Al-Alam TV (Iran) aired a report about the Al-Quds Brigades, which is one of the military wings of the Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip. Abu Hamza, the Brigades' spokesman, said that the Al-Quds Brigades are a comprehensive military system that has many offensive and defensive capabilities and that Iran has been supporting the Palestinian fighters since the its establishment. The report showed fighters performing a drill that involved clearing rooms and the use mortars, RPGs, machine guns, .50-caliber sniper rifles, and explosives.
So how does this Arab-Israeli academic lay blame on Israel for that horrible Arab tribal institution of honor killings? Well, Shalhoub-Kevorkian hit upon the idea that Israeli soldiers must be raping these Arab girls who are then murdered by their families to preserve family honor because of these imaginary rapes.

Do you follow the tribalism here? As a women's rights expert, Shalhoub-Kevorkian opposes honor killings, but if it weren't for those nasty Israelis, this historic and horrendous Arab practice would not take place among the Arab population. It's the "occupation" that causes this to happen. (She ignores the growing spread of honor killings in the US perpetrated by immigrant Arabs), Currently, the PA has a six month prison sentence on the books for murderers of women in the Palestinian Authority. It has never been enforced.

This would no doubt have been discussed at a conference she wanted to attend in Tunisia, but she never made the trip, having put up such a fuss at Ben Gurion over the security procedures that she missed her flight. However, her suggestions of Israeli culpability are not limited to the academic conferences of the totalitarian Arab states; Shalhoub-Kevorkian has also expressed similar ideas to students at USC and UCLA and now she’s at it again.

The fact that the Hebrew U, rape study showed that Israeli soldiers do not go near Palestinian Arab women does not deter Ms. Shalhoub-Kevorkian from repeating standard Arab propaganda buzz words and libel about Israel's Jews and the Arabs. In other words, Arabs are "humiliated" when they go through checkpoints that are set up by the Israeli government with an "apartheid wall", actually built to protect not only Israeli Jews, but even Israeli Arabs (like Ms. Shalhoub-Kevorkian) from terrorists and suicide bombers.

(full article online)

Lecture at Columbia University: Israel is selling Arab body parts
A video put out by Islamic Jihad on its military capabilities completely dispels the myth that Gazans cannot get the raw materials they need to build and manufacture things.

The progressive terror group's documentary has a woman interviewing masked terrorists whose voices are electronically altered as she gets tours of their extensive tunnel network.

They built an entire (bomb-proof) Israeli village to attack and shoot rockets to, over and over again.

(full article, photos and video online)

Who says Gazans don't have resources to build and manufacture stuff? Terror groups sure can! ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
An opioid crisis has quietly spread in the Gaza Strip, trapping thousands in the hell of addiction and adding another layer of misery to the blockaded and impoverished Hamas-controlled coastal territory.

The scourge can be traced to the mass import of cheap opioid-based ( )ramadol pain pills through smuggling tunnels under Gaza’s border more than a decade ago. A more addictive black-market form of the drug called Tramal has since taken hold.

(full article online)

Opioid crisis quietly engulfs Hamas-run Gaza Strip
  • Hamas and Islamic Jihad should be given credit for their clarity and honesty regarding their ambitions. The two groups are clearly saying that their ultimate goal is to see Israel removed from the region and replaced with an Islamic state. As far as they are concerned, the conflict with Israel is not about a settlement, a checkpoint or even Jerusalem. Instead, it is about the presence of Jews in what they regard as their own state and homeland.

  • What will happen the day after a Palestinian state is established? The answer, according to Hamas and Islamic Jihad (and other Palestinians) is that they will use it to continue the "armed struggle" until the liberation of the supposedly occupied cities of Tel Aviv, Nazareth, Tiberias, Haifa and Ashdod. Under these current circumstances, a Palestinian state will pose an immediate existential danger to Israel.

  • The Islamic Jihad threat to turn Israeli cities into "hell" by firing missiles at them needs to be taken seriously by those who are working on the upcoming US peace plan. Any land that is given to Abbas and his Palestinian Authority in the West Bank will be used in the future by Hamas and Islamic Jihad as a base for launching rockets and missiles at Israeli cities. Then, the terror groups will not need accurate, long-range rockets to achieve their plan to destroy Israel's population centers: they will be sitting right across the street from them.
(full article online)

Palestinians: "No Place for the Zionist Entity in Palestine"
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

Yes, I agree.


And herein lays the rub, in terms of any successful negotiation, mediation, conciliation, settlement, peaceful means.

While the Declaration of Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States (A/RES/2625) operates under the assumption that both the Israeli and Arab Palestinian Governments not only has the duty to refrain from → criminal behaviors and acts of terrorism, → but has gone well beyond the threat of force, and has → for more than half a century → participated in the unprecedented use of force. This use of force has the calculated criminal intent to create a mental picture of foreboding suspicion in the minds of the Israeli citizenry and an apprehensiveness in the atmosphere that an attack from Hostile Arab Palestinians is impending.

And, yes indeed, that HoAP is quite clear and concise about the barbaric nature of the HoAP and the willingness to not only engage in attacks that are strikes against civilians or civilians without distinction from a military objective.

  • Hamas and Islamic Jihad should be given credit for their clarity and honesty regarding their ambitions. The two groups are clearly saying that their ultimate goal is to see Israel removed from the region and replaced with an Islamic state. As far as they are concerned, the conflict with Israel is not about a settlement, a checkpoint or even Jerusalem. Instead, it is about the presence of Jews in what they regard as their own state and homeland.

  • What will happen the day after a Palestinian state is established? The answer, according to Hamas and Islamic Jihad (and other Palestinians) is that they will use it to continue the "armed struggle" until the liberation of the supposedly occupied cities of Tel Aviv, Nazareth, Tiberias, Haifa and Ashdod. Under these current circumstances, a Palestinian state will pose an immediate existential danger to Israel.

  • The Islamic Jihad threat to turn Israeli cities into "hell" by firing missiles at them needs to be taken seriously by those who are working on the upcoming US peace plan. Any land that is given to Abbas and his Palestinian Authority in the West Bank will be used in the future by Hamas and Islamic Jihad as a base for launching rockets and missiles at Israeli cities. Then, the terror groups will not need accurate, long-range rockets to achieve their plan to destroy Israel's population centers: they will be sitting right across the street from them.

The characteristics of their culture, the eyes of the HoAP, are characterized by persistent antisemitic behaviors and the anti-Israeli tendencies, the culturally impaired mental capacity to practise tolerance → and → living together in peace with one another → as good neighbours, to show any empathy and remorse, and a notion of right and wrong → or → good and evil. The application of moral judgment on the part of the HoAP is essentially nonexistent in the pursuit of their political goal → unreasonable agenda and violence to influence governments or prevent a negotiated settlement...

Most Respectfully,
Grinding out the next generation of Death Cultists.

The Arab-Moslem Death Cult is a literal cradle to (early) grave plan that establishes a life of vicious hate / self-hate that assures another generation of Death Cultists.

".... he praised one million of Gaza's "children" for having "enrolled" in a national, Islamic, Jihadi, religious "course" that included "fence-breaking and confrontation."

It should be noted that "fence breaking and confrontation" are among the skills truly in demand by employers most everywhere.

"Hamas Political Bureau Member Fathi Hammad: Kindergartens, Elementary Schools, Middle Schools Will Teach Gaza's Children How to Liberate Palestine; Our Youth Should Join Al-Aqsa and Al-Qassam Brigades"

On February 19, 2019, Hamas Political Bureau member Fathi Hammad said that the Arab regimes that have normalized relations with Israel will be "buried in the trash heaps of history" alongside the Jews, who are Allah's enemies. He said that the children of Gaza will be taught how to liberate their land in the kindergartens, elementary schools, and he praised one million of Gaza's "children" for having "enrolled" in a national, Islamic, Jihadi, religious "course" that included "fence-breaking and confrontation." Hammad called on the youth of Palestine and Gaza to join the mujahideen and the Al-Quds and Al-Qassam Brigades. Of February 22, 2019, Hammad said that the Palestinians will cleanse Palestine of the filth of the Zionist enemy and that they will stop only at martyrdom and victory. He then joined a chant of: "With our souls and blood we will redeem you, oh Al-Aqsa!" Fathi's statements on both occasions were aired on Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/Gaza).
[ Just look at all the spiffy gadgets Abbas buys for the population in order to avoid a peace treaty with Israel. Feeding a war against Jews is more important than feeding a people, or clean water, building electricity infrastructure..........Where is all of these money coming from? ]

Zakaria Zubeidi, the local commander of Fatah's military wing, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, and other gunmen march along the streets of the West Bank town of Jenin on April 2, 2005. (Mohammed Ballas/AP Photo)

(full article online)

Israel arrests former terrorist leader, citing ‘serious’ current activities
In 1974, the PLO established the "phased plan" to destroy Israel. Even then, the goal was not an independent Palestinian state, but to destroy Israel in stages - to grab whatever territory it can by any means, using it as a platform to grab more - with an independent Palestinian Arab state just a temporary step on the way towards a pan-Arab state:

2. The Palestine Liberation Organization will employ all means, and first and foremost armed struggle, to liberate Palestinian territory and to establish the independent combatant national authority for the people over every part of Palestinian territory that is liberated. This will require further changes being effected in the balance of power in favor of our people and their struggle.

3. The Liberation Organization will struggle against any proposal for a Palestinian entity the price of which is recognition, peace, secure frontiers, renunciation of national rights, and the deprival of our people of their right to return and their right to self-determination on the soil of their homeland.

4. Any step taken towards liberation is a step towards the realization of the Liberation Organization’s strategy of establishing the democratic Palestinian State specified in the resolutions of the previous Palestinian National Councils.

8. Once it is established, the Palestinian national authority will strive to achieve a union of the confrontation countries, with the aim of completing the liberation of all Palestinian territory, and as a step along the road to comprehensive Arab unity.

And immediately after Arafat signed the Oslo Accords in 1993, he told a radio station that the accords

"...will be a basis for an independent Palestinian state in accordance with the Palestine National Council resolution issued in 1974... The PNC resolution issued in 1974 calls for the establishment of a national authority on any part of Palestinian soil from which Israel withdraws or which is liberated."

Arafat habitually referred to the 1974 plan during Oslo. This is the basis for the "good cop, bad cop" routine we are seeing between Abbas and Hamas - one trying to grab territory by ostensibly peaceful means, one by war, both with the same ultimate goal that was codified in Cairo in 1974.

Seen in this context, it makes perfect sense that while the PLO now has all Western countries pressuring Israel to withdraw to the Green Line, that the next stage start to be prepared now.

(full article online)

"Galilee Freedom Batallions" and the 1974 PLO "phased plan" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
  • Impending PA financial crisis follows Abbas decision to not accept Israeli transfers of approx. 670 million shekels/month after Israel decided to deduct 41 million shekels/month from PA tax money equivalent to the amount PA pays terrorist prisoners
  • “PA Minister of Finance announced that the [PA] government will pay the salaries of the public employees on time, but they are likely to be partial, other than the pension stipends and the allowances of the families of the Martyrs, the wounded, and the prisoners, which will be paid in full.”
  • PA TV: “Our Martyrs and prisoners (i.e., terrorists and murderers) are the source of our glory and pride. They are more honorable than all of us.”
  • PA Prime Minister: “The payment of the money to the prisoners and Martyrs' families is our responsibility, not a gift or grant but rather an inseparable part of the social contract between the state and its citizens.”
  • PA Minister of Finance: “There is an official decision... not to accept the tax money if even a single penny is missing from it."
  • PLO Director of Prisoners’ Affairs threatens violence: “The blatant theft ... will be tantamount to an actual bomb that will blow up in the face of the occupation.”

(full article online)

PA will cut all Palestinian salaries, except for terrorists and their families - PMW Bulletins
In 1974, the PLO established the "phased plan" to destroy Israel. Even then, the goal was not an independent Palestinian state, but to destroy Israel in stages - to grab whatever territory it can by any means, using it as a platform to grab more - with an independent Palestinian Arab state just a temporary step on the way towards a pan-Arab state:

2. The Palestine Liberation Organization will employ all means, and first and foremost armed struggle, to liberate Palestinian territory and to establish the independent combatant national authority for the people over every part of Palestinian territory that is liberated. This will require further changes being effected in the balance of power in favor of our people and their struggle.

3. The Liberation Organization will struggle against any proposal for a Palestinian entity the price of which is recognition, peace, secure frontiers, renunciation of national rights, and the deprival of our people of their right to return and their right to self-determination on the soil of their homeland.

4. Any step taken towards liberation is a step towards the realization of the Liberation Organization’s strategy of establishing the democratic Palestinian State specified in the resolutions of the previous Palestinian National Councils.

8. Once it is established, the Palestinian national authority will strive to achieve a union of the confrontation countries, with the aim of completing the liberation of all Palestinian territory, and as a step along the road to comprehensive Arab unity.

And immediately after Arafat signed the Oslo Accords in 1993, he told a radio station that the accords

"...will be a basis for an independent Palestinian state in accordance with the Palestine National Council resolution issued in 1974... The PNC resolution issued in 1974 calls for the establishment of a national authority on any part of Palestinian soil from which Israel withdraws or which is liberated."

Arafat habitually referred to the 1974 plan during Oslo. This is the basis for the "good cop, bad cop" routine we are seeing between Abbas and Hamas - one trying to grab territory by ostensibly peaceful means, one by war, both with the same ultimate goal that was codified in Cairo in 1974.

Seen in this context, it makes perfect sense that while the PLO now has all Western countries pressuring Israel to withdraw to the Green Line, that the next stage start to be prepared now.

(full article online)

"Galilee Freedom Batallions" and the 1974 PLO "phased plan" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
How can liberated Palestine not be an independent state?
In 1974, the PLO established the "phased plan" to destroy Israel. Even then, the goal was not an independent Palestinian state, but to destroy Israel in stages - to grab whatever territory it can by any means, using it as a platform to grab more - with an independent Palestinian Arab state just a temporary step on the way towards a pan-Arab state:

2. The Palestine Liberation Organization will employ all means, and first and foremost armed struggle, to liberate Palestinian territory and to establish the independent combatant national authority for the people over every part of Palestinian territory that is liberated. This will require further changes being effected in the balance of power in favor of our people and their struggle.

3. The Liberation Organization will struggle against any proposal for a Palestinian entity the price of which is recognition, peace, secure frontiers, renunciation of national rights, and the deprival of our people of their right to return and their right to self-determination on the soil of their homeland.

4. Any step taken towards liberation is a step towards the realization of the Liberation Organization’s strategy of establishing the democratic Palestinian State specified in the resolutions of the previous Palestinian National Councils.

8. Once it is established, the Palestinian national authority will strive to achieve a union of the confrontation countries, with the aim of completing the liberation of all Palestinian territory, and as a step along the road to comprehensive Arab unity.

And immediately after Arafat signed the Oslo Accords in 1993, he told a radio station that the accords

"...will be a basis for an independent Palestinian state in accordance with the Palestine National Council resolution issued in 1974... The PNC resolution issued in 1974 calls for the establishment of a national authority on any part of Palestinian soil from which Israel withdraws or which is liberated."

Arafat habitually referred to the 1974 plan during Oslo. This is the basis for the "good cop, bad cop" routine we are seeing between Abbas and Hamas - one trying to grab territory by ostensibly peaceful means, one by war, both with the same ultimate goal that was codified in Cairo in 1974.

Seen in this context, it makes perfect sense that while the PLO now has all Western countries pressuring Israel to withdraw to the Green Line, that the next stage start to be prepared now.

(full article online)

"Galilee Freedom Batallions" and the 1974 PLO "phased plan" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
How can liberated Palestine not be an independent state?

A portion of Palestine is already an independent state liberated from a failed Islamist caliphate.

The State of Israel.
  • Impending PA financial crisis follows Abbas decision to not accept Israeli transfers of approx. 670 million shekels/month after Israel decided to deduct 41 million shekels/month from PA tax money equivalent to the amount PA pays terrorist prisoners
  • “PA Minister of Finance announced that the [PA] government will pay the salaries of the public employees on time, but they are likely to be partial, other than the pension stipends and the allowances of the families of the Martyrs, the wounded, and the prisoners, which will be paid in full.”
  • PA TV: “Our Martyrs and prisoners (i.e., terrorists and murderers) are the source of our glory and pride. They are more honorable than all of us.”
  • PA Prime Minister: “The payment of the money to the prisoners and Martyrs' families is our responsibility, not a gift or grant but rather an inseparable part of the social contract between the state and its citizens.”
  • PA Minister of Finance: “There is an official decision... not to accept the tax money if even a single penny is missing from it."
  • PLO Director of Prisoners’ Affairs threatens violence: “The blatant theft ... will be tantamount to an actual bomb that will blow up in the face of the occupation.”
(full article online)

PA will cut all Palestinian salaries, except for terrorists and their families - PMW Bulletins
The Palestinians are not going to accept a change of the treaty.
In 1974, the PLO established the "phased plan" to destroy Israel. Even then, the goal was not an independent Palestinian state, but to destroy Israel in stages - to grab whatever territory it can by any means, using it as a platform to grab more - with an independent Palestinian Arab state just a temporary step on the way towards a pan-Arab state:

2. The Palestine Liberation Organization will employ all means, and first and foremost armed struggle, to liberate Palestinian territory and to establish the independent combatant national authority for the people over every part of Palestinian territory that is liberated. This will require further changes being effected in the balance of power in favor of our people and their struggle.

3. The Liberation Organization will struggle against any proposal for a Palestinian entity the price of which is recognition, peace, secure frontiers, renunciation of national rights, and the deprival of our people of their right to return and their right to self-determination on the soil of their homeland.

4. Any step taken towards liberation is a step towards the realization of the Liberation Organization’s strategy of establishing the democratic Palestinian State specified in the resolutions of the previous Palestinian National Councils.

8. Once it is established, the Palestinian national authority will strive to achieve a union of the confrontation countries, with the aim of completing the liberation of all Palestinian territory, and as a step along the road to comprehensive Arab unity.

And immediately after Arafat signed the Oslo Accords in 1993, he told a radio station that the accords

"...will be a basis for an independent Palestinian state in accordance with the Palestine National Council resolution issued in 1974... The PNC resolution issued in 1974 calls for the establishment of a national authority on any part of Palestinian soil from which Israel withdraws or which is liberated."

Arafat habitually referred to the 1974 plan during Oslo. This is the basis for the "good cop, bad cop" routine we are seeing between Abbas and Hamas - one trying to grab territory by ostensibly peaceful means, one by war, both with the same ultimate goal that was codified in Cairo in 1974.

Seen in this context, it makes perfect sense that while the PLO now has all Western countries pressuring Israel to withdraw to the Green Line, that the next stage start to be prepared now.

(full article online)

"Galilee Freedom Batallions" and the 1974 PLO "phased plan" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
How can liberated Palestine not be an independent state?

A portion of Palestine is already an independent state liberated from a failed Islamist caliphate.

The State of Israel.
  • Impending PA financial crisis follows Abbas decision to not accept Israeli transfers of approx. 670 million shekels/month after Israel decided to deduct 41 million shekels/month from PA tax money equivalent to the amount PA pays terrorist prisoners
  • “PA Minister of Finance announced that the [PA] government will pay the salaries of the public employees on time, but they are likely to be partial, other than the pension stipends and the allowances of the families of the Martyrs, the wounded, and the prisoners, which will be paid in full.”
  • PA TV: “Our Martyrs and prisoners (i.e., terrorists and murderers) are the source of our glory and pride. They are more honorable than all of us.”
  • PA Prime Minister: “The payment of the money to the prisoners and Martyrs' families is our responsibility, not a gift or grant but rather an inseparable part of the social contract between the state and its citizens.”
  • PA Minister of Finance: “There is an official decision... not to accept the tax money if even a single penny is missing from it."
  • PLO Director of Prisoners’ Affairs threatens violence: “The blatant theft ... will be tantamount to an actual bomb that will blow up in the face of the occupation.”
(full article online)

PA will cut all Palestinian salaries, except for terrorists and their families - PMW Bulletins
The Palestinians are not going to accept a change of the treaty.

Mullah Pffffft Tinmore has issued his fatwa.
In 1974, the PLO established the "phased plan" to destroy Israel. Even then, the goal was not an independent Palestinian state, but to destroy Israel in stages - to grab whatever territory it can by any means, using it as a platform to grab more - with an independent Palestinian Arab state just a temporary step on the way towards a pan-Arab state:

2. The Palestine Liberation Organization will employ all means, and first and foremost armed struggle, to liberate Palestinian territory and to establish the independent combatant national authority for the people over every part of Palestinian territory that is liberated. This will require further changes being effected in the balance of power in favor of our people and their struggle.

3. The Liberation Organization will struggle against any proposal for a Palestinian entity the price of which is recognition, peace, secure frontiers, renunciation of national rights, and the deprival of our people of their right to return and their right to self-determination on the soil of their homeland.

4. Any step taken towards liberation is a step towards the realization of the Liberation Organization’s strategy of establishing the democratic Palestinian State specified in the resolutions of the previous Palestinian National Councils.

8. Once it is established, the Palestinian national authority will strive to achieve a union of the confrontation countries, with the aim of completing the liberation of all Palestinian territory, and as a step along the road to comprehensive Arab unity.

And immediately after Arafat signed the Oslo Accords in 1993, he told a radio station that the accords

"...will be a basis for an independent Palestinian state in accordance with the Palestine National Council resolution issued in 1974... The PNC resolution issued in 1974 calls for the establishment of a national authority on any part of Palestinian soil from which Israel withdraws or which is liberated."

Arafat habitually referred to the 1974 plan during Oslo. This is the basis for the "good cop, bad cop" routine we are seeing between Abbas and Hamas - one trying to grab territory by ostensibly peaceful means, one by war, both with the same ultimate goal that was codified in Cairo in 1974.

Seen in this context, it makes perfect sense that while the PLO now has all Western countries pressuring Israel to withdraw to the Green Line, that the next stage start to be prepared now.

(full article online)

"Galilee Freedom Batallions" and the 1974 PLO "phased plan" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
How can liberated Palestine not be an independent state?

A portion of Palestine is already an independent state liberated from a failed Islamist caliphate.

The State of Israel.

Lots. Do a search.

dissolution of the ottoman empire
Gee whiz. I suppose the globe needs to step up their welfare payments.

PMW Bulletins

PA will cut all Palestinian salaries, except for terrorists and their families - PMW Bulletins

by Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus
Feb. 27, 2019 "

PA to cut salaries of all Palestinian workers
but won’t cut salaries
of imprisoned terrorists and murderers
who will be paid in full

  • Impending PA financial crisis follows Abbas decision to not accept Israeli transfers of approx. 670 million shekels/month after Israel decided to deduct 41 million shekels/month from PA tax money equivalent to the amount PA pays terrorist prisoners
  • “PA Minister of Finance announced that the [PA] government will pay the salaries of the public employees on time, but they are likely to be partial, other than the pension stipends and the allowances of the families of the Martyrs, the wounded, and the prisoners, which will be paid in full.”
  • PA TV: “Our Martyrs and prisoners (i.e., terrorists and murderers) are the source of our glory and pride. They are more honorable than all of us.”
  • PA Prime Minister: “The payment of the money to the prisoners and Martyrs' families is our responsibility, not a gift or grant but rather an inseparable part of the social contract between the state and its citizens.”
  • PA Minister of Finance: “There is an official decision... not to accept the tax money if even a single penny is missing from it."
  • PLO Director of Prisoners’ Affairs threatens violence: “The blatant theft ... will be tantamount to an actual bomb that will blow up in the face of the occupation.”
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Surely you jest.

How can liberated Palestine not be an independent state?

Independence implies two things:

◈ No latent government or government in exile takes immediate control and begins exercising sovereignty.

◈ No other real authority exercises the control over the territory maintains the real control.​

In the case of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, there was no (working) Palestinian government waiting and no territory to which the Arab Palestinian exercised sovereign governmental powers. In other words, there had to be a Palestinian Government that was displaced and in exile or a (which there was not) or upon liberation, there was no other government already in control.

Most Respectfully,
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