Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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I came across the following article and it speaks to a broad range of sociopathic behaviors that apply to the Arabs-Moslems calling themselves "Pal'istanians". What is important to point out is that the cradle to grave indoctrination of hate / self hate and sociopathic behaviors that define the Palistanians are evident across so much of the islamic Middle East.

Enablers of Palestinian child terrorists

(JNS)—Last Thursday, a Palestinian teenager stabbed a young Jewish father to death and wounded two others. On Sunday, a Palestinian teenager who assaulted Israeli soldiers was released from prison to international acclaim. Later on Sunday, two Palestinian teenagers with machine guns and bullet magazines were intercepted on their way to massacre Jews.

Palestinian children are not born hating Jews or loving violence. Who is to blame for encouraging and inspiring these young people to engage in such murderous behavior?
Palestinian children are not born hating Jews or loving violence. Who is to blame for encouraging and inspiring these young people to engage in such murderous behavior?
Good question.

I came across the following article and it speaks to a broad range of sociopathic behaviors that apply to the Arabs-Moslems calling themselves "Pal'istanians". What is important to point out is that the cradle to grave indoctrination of hate / self hate and sociopathic behaviors that define the Palistanians are evident across so much of the islamic Middle East.

Enablers of Palestinian child terrorists

(JNS)—Last Thursday, a Palestinian teenager stabbed a young Jewish father to death and wounded two others. On Sunday, a Palestinian teenager who assaulted Israeli soldiers was released from prison to international acclaim. Later on Sunday, two Palestinian teenagers with machine guns and bullet magazines were intercepted on their way to massacre Jews.

Palestinian children are not born hating Jews or loving violence. Who is to blame for encouraging and inspiring these young people to engage in such murderous behavior?
Palestinian children are not born hating Jews or loving violence. Who is to blame for encouraging and inspiring these young people to engage in such murderous behavior?
Good question.


You’re obviously hoping to convey something sinister with a cut and paste photo. However, an undated photo, absent any context and appearing to be sourced from the Pallywood Studios makes you appear to be quite the propagandist, or quite the gullible fool.

Which is the correct description?
While common sense voices have been heard questioning the rationality of rewarding Arab-Moslem terrorism, those voices were not always at the heart of the discussion.

Fortunately, both here in the Great Satan and abroad, there is a growing awareness that funding a forever Islamic terroristwelfare fraud syndicate (known as UNRWA), which rewards Islamic terrorism is a fool’s errand.

It’s Time To Stop Enabling The Terrorist Palestinian Movement

Consider this nightmare: Imagine that the United States helps create a militant regime hostile to individual liberty. Suppose this U.S.-funded, authoritarian regime becomes notorious for inciting violent attacks. Now imagine that Washington enables jihadists to gain political power within the regime. Then the authoritarians and jihadists join forces.

Chilling? Yes. Irrational? Yes. Far-fetched? Sadly, no. That, in a nutshell, is America’s actual relationship with the Palestinian Authority, a state-in-the-making. To fathom how we ended up in this absurd situation, look at America’s approach to the Palestinian movement.
While common sense voices have been heard questioning the rationality of rewarding Arab-Moslem terrorism, those voices were not always at the heart of the discussion.

Fortunately, both here in the Great Satan and abroad, there is a growing awareness that funding a forever Islamic terroristwelfare fraud syndicate (known as UNRWA), which rewards Islamic terrorism is a fool’s errand.

It’s Time To Stop Enabling The Terrorist Palestinian Movement

Consider this nightmare: Imagine that the United States helps create a militant regime hostile to individual liberty. Suppose this U.S.-funded, authoritarian regime becomes notorious for inciting violent attacks. Now imagine that Washington enables jihadists to gain political power within the regime. Then the authoritarians and jihadists join forces.

Chilling? Yes. Irrational? Yes. Far-fetched? Sadly, no. That, in a nutshell, is America’s actual relationship with the Palestinian Authority, a state-in-the-making. To fathom how we ended up in this absurd situation, look at America’s approach to the Palestinian movement.
Suppose this U.S.-funded, authoritarian regime becomes notorious for inciting violent attacks.
Like Israel.
While common sense voices have been heard questioning the rationality of rewarding Arab-Moslem terrorism, those voices were not always at the heart of the discussion.

Fortunately, both here in the Great Satan and abroad, there is a growing awareness that funding a forever Islamic terroristwelfare fraud syndicate (known as UNRWA), which rewards Islamic terrorism is a fool’s errand.

It’s Time To Stop Enabling The Terrorist Palestinian Movement

Consider this nightmare: Imagine that the United States helps create a militant regime hostile to individual liberty. Suppose this U.S.-funded, authoritarian regime becomes notorious for inciting violent attacks. Now imagine that Washington enables jihadists to gain political power within the regime. Then the authoritarians and jihadists join forces.

Chilling? Yes. Irrational? Yes. Far-fetched? Sadly, no. That, in a nutshell, is America’s actual relationship with the Palestinian Authority, a state-in-the-making. To fathom how we ended up in this absurd situation, look at America’s approach to the Palestinian movement.
Suppose this U.S.-funded, authoritarian regime becomes notorious for inciting violent attacks.
Like Israel.

Like you are clueless.

It was funny to watch you retreat from any attempt at defending the photo you cut and pasted. Like so much of your cutting and pasting, it’s as phony as a frozen falafel.

Tell us who is inciting violence by attempting to breach the israel border and “rip the hearts out” of Israelis?

You can find the answer on YouTube. Cut and paste a video.
Josh Hasten conducts an interview with Dr. Harold Rhode, one of the world’s preeminent scholars on Islam.

Rhode, who served as an adviser on Islamic Affairs at the US Department of Defense, has a new book coming out titled “Modern Islamic Warfare.” The work exposes modern day terrorism as the classic style of Islamic warfare meant to instill fear in one’s enemy, whether they are fellow Muslims, Jews, Christians or others, in order to achieve one’s goals.

(full article online)

Peace? Islam doesn't recognize it
  • Under the current circumstances, when Arabs are being widely shamed and condemned for sitting in the same room with an Israeli prime minister, it is hard to see how the Trump administration will be able to convince Arab states and leaders to normalize their relations with Israel. Some of these Arab leaders may be privately telling US administration officials things they like to hear about peace and coexistence with Israel. The very same leaders, however, are fully aware of the opposite sentiments, not only in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, but throughout the Arab world.

  • All that is left for the Trump administration to do is to try and persuade the Arab states to abandon the Palestinians, and to continue focusing on the regional threat from Iran. If the US completes its pullout from Syria, Iran will successfully complete its long-desired "land-bridge" to the Mediterranean through Yemen, Syria and Lebanon. This encirclement of the area will position Iran, via its proxies, to be the hegemon controlling the region, as it has clearly been trying to bring about. Russia, of course, is standing in the wings, thanks to the gift that then US President Barack Obama handed Putin in 2011 by pulling American troops out of Syria.

  • For decades now, not only Palestinian leaders but Arab ones as well, have been radicalizing their people against Israel. Using every available platform, including mosques, media outlets and United Nations organizations, these leaders, with the collaboration of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, have demonized Israel. They have poisoned the hearts and minds of their people with the hate that exists towards Israel all over the Arab world. To promote normalization with Israel, a leader must prepare his people for the possibility of peace with Israel. Meanwhile, Arab leaders are doing the exact opposite -- which is why some of them are currently being denounced as traitors and pawns in the hands of Israel and the US. It would be wise for President Trump's advisers, if they wish to grasp what is really going on in the Arab world, to listen to the voices of the Arab street.
(full article online)

Palestinians: "The Slap of the Century"
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

Ms (Linda) Sarsour has, in a way, already accomplished her approach and set her bearing to the presentation at the University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill).

Linda Sarsour • American-Palestinian Activist • Hostile towards Israel said:
“nothing is creepier than Zionism” and advising Muslims not to “humanize” Israelis.

SOURCE: The Tower, Article by Peter Reitzes | 02.21.19

It's free advertising and gives the conference on social media a running start.

Most Respectfully,
The statement went on to "affirm its rejection of the ideology based on defamation and abuse of the sacrifices of the Palestinian people and its honorable history....institutions of higher education are still defenders of the rights of this people and its national constants."

The Palestinian Ministry of Education is admitting that the purpose of their universities is not the pursuit of truth but the propagation of propaganda.

There is a pervasive knowledge among Palestinians that there are certain things that one never says in public, and the consequences of admitting basic truths can be severe. It is one of the facts that Western reporters and international NGOs cannot grasp - Palestinians are reluctant to tell the truth about how they really feel about their government or even what they themselves have witnessed, because what they say might be at odds with the official position of the PLO. This is why so many "eyewitnesses" will tell reporters that an Israeli bullet or bomb killed someone even when it is proven that the fatal shot came from their own side. Anything that contradicts the official narrative of the PLO is suppressed, and certainly nothing positive will ever be said about Israel.

The credulous Westerners then go and confidently report their stories based on interviews with people who are in fear of telling the truth.

This is a minor case, but the Ministry of Education - instead of defending one of its professors - instead decided to condemn him for saying something that is an obvious fact, because facts contradict the only "truth" that is allowed to be publicly spoken under Palestinian rule.

(full article online)

Palestinian Ministry of Education admits that its universities are meant for propaganda, not truth ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ Can anyone imagine the Jewish people at any time during the 1300 years of Muslim dominance and sometime refusal to allow the Jews to enter their holy sites, doing what the Arabs continue to be incited to do? Can anyone imagine what would have happened to the Jewish people then? ]

Hundreds of Arabs arriving for Friday prayers breached the Golden Gate and entered the site.

The Arabs shouted incitement against Jews and breached the area, which has been closed off for the past 16 years, since it was discovered that those running the site were connected to the Hamas terror organization.

Large police forces are at the scene and it has been decided not to remove the Muslims from the site.

(full article online)

Watch: Arabs force their way through Golden Gate
As Neuer claims, UNRWA's very own former General Counsel, James Lindsay, confirmed in a 2012 Middle East Quarterly essay that UNRWA calcualtes its "refugees" in a very different manner than does UNHCR:

The UNRWA definition makes no mention of citizenship, and UNRWA makes no effort to de-register persons who were formerly refugees but are now citizens of a state. As such, UNRWA is the only refugee organization in the world that considers citizens of a state to be refugees, and there are many of these oxymoronic "citizen-refugees" on UNRWA rolls.

As Lindsay noted in his essay, UNRWA's lack of mention of citizenship is hugely consequential — and it differs from UNHCR's definition of "refugee," which "specifically does not apply to any person who 'has acquired a new nationality, and enjoys the protection of the country of his new nationality.'"

Therefore, all the millions of descendants of the Palestinian-Arabs displaced by Israel's 1948 War of Independence — a genocidal war launched by the Jewish state's Arab neighbors only after those neighbors flatly rejected the incipient United Nation's previously proffered two-state partition proposal — who have since acquired citizenship in a distinct sovereign nation, such as the 1.8 million Jordanians Neuer references, would not be considered "refugees" under UNHCR's definition but are considered "refugees" under UNRWA's definition.
"The United States will no longer commit further funding to this irredeemably flawed operation," U.S. State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said, at the time. "We are very mindful of and deeply concerned regarding the impact upon innocent Palestinians, especially school children, of the failure of UNRWA and key members of the regional and international donor community to reform and reset the UNRWA way of doing business."

(full article online)

Pro-Palestinian Frauds: UNRWA Called Out For Lying About Its Own Definition Of ‘Refugee’
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