Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Another "scholar", of the kind churned out by the Arab-Moslem Death Cult.

Just a pious Moslem who accepts and worships the literal word of a 7th century Arab warlord.

"Gazan Scholar Dr. Muhammad Suleiman Al-Farra: It Is Our Religious Duty to Fight the Jews and "Kill them Wherever You May Find Them""

Gazan scholar Dr. Muhammad Suleiman Al-Farra, a lecturer at the Shari'a and Law College of the Islamic University of Gaza, said in a February 3, 2019 interview on Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/Gaza) that it is a religious duty to fight the Jews in Palestine who, he said, occupy the land, violate Muslim holy sites, and kill Muslims.
So, Avraham Bromberg would be gone and utterly forgotten—if not, ironically, for the Palestinian Authority. Yes, the P.A. regime that is bound by the Oslo Accords to reject terrorism, to disarm and extradite terrorists, to shut them down and outlaw them and imprison them—but instead honors them, praises them and finances them.

The Jews may have forgotten Avraham Bromberg. But the Palestinians have not forgotten his murderers.

Palestinian Media Watch reports that last week, a ceremony honoring Karim Younes was held at the Palestinian Ministry of Education. That’s right, at the Ministry of Education. Not in some private residence. Not out in the forest. But front and center in the very seat of the Palestinian government.

And who led the ceremony? Not some clerk or secretary or fringe figure, but rather, the Minister of Education himself, Sabri Saidam. As Karim Younes’s mother smiled approvingly, the minister called the gathering “a gesture of loyalty to prisoner Younes and his family.”

Saidam added that he was “conveying the greetings of the Palestinian leadership and the Fatah Central Committee members” to the Younes family. Fatah is chaired by P.A. leader Mahmoud Abbas, by the way.

The ceremony was held at something called “the Martyr Yasser Arafat Auditorium.” And Saidam presented the mother of the murderer with a plaque featuring a photo of Arafat. I suppose it was fitting that an event honoring a murderer should be so closely tied to the memory of one of the most notorious mass murderers of the 20th century.

(full article online)

A Jewish terror victim is remembered, thanks to the killers’ friends
Lifestyles of the rich and Islamic Terrorist

The dedicated UNRWA welfare fraud has netted incredible wealth for various islsmic terrorist franchises and those at the top of the welfare fraud pyramid scheme.

Gaza’s Millionaires and Billionaires — How Hamas’s Leaders Got Rich Quick

One of the mysteries of the current war in Gaza can be seen in the photos coming out of the tiny enclave: On the one hand, there is the desolation and squalor of Gaza neighborhoods where hundreds of thousands of Gazans live, and on the other, pictures of the homes owned by Hamas’s top officials, complete with gym equipment and fancy furniture, or else images of the five-star hotel suites where they stay.

Also on Thursday, a car windshield was smashed on the road between Adam and Hizma, and police were attacked with four Molotov cocktails at Qalandiya crossing.

Gaza hasn't been quiet either. A number of incendiary balloons were launched on Tuesday near Ofakim.

The mainstream media, and even the English language Israeli media, barely mention these attacks. But stone throwing at vehicles have killed many people. The intention is the same - to kill Jews.

Yesterday, Hamas held an "AskHamas" session on Twitter. When someone asked how they can justify attacking and murdering Israeli civilians, they said it was a natural "reaction" to Israeli actions. And this is how Palestinians feel as a whole - all Jews are considered to be fair game, and they claim that international law justifies it. (It doesn't.)

(full article online)

Palestinians still trying to murder Jews every day. (We only hear about the "successes.") ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

Among the "shailos" (halachic questions) so far, under the hastage #AskRabbiSarsour:

o Do you still say Kaddish for Hamas terrorists that blow themselves up?
o What bracha do you make upon seeing Louis Farrakhan in all his might and glory?
o How long should you wait between hanging out with PFLP terrorists and Hamas terrorists, 3 hours or 6?
o If I have limited funds and can only donate to help either a terrorist or a leading voice for bigotry, who should I support first? Farrakhan? Or Rasmea?
o Does donating to Ethiopian-Israelis count as supporting Jews of color, or does that make me over issur Zionism?
o I accidentally bought Israeli produce. May I donate it to the intersectional poor, or is that assur according to hilkhot BDS?
o if I purchased a book written by a progressive who went off the path and became a, lo aleinu, conservative, should I burn the book with my chometz?

The last 3 are under the hashtag #DearRabbiSarsour.

Less than 24 hours and already we have a breakaway.

Maybe we should ask Rabbi Sarsour...?

(EoZ: As far as I can tell, my contribution to the #AskRabbiSarsour hashtag has been the most successful:)

A Jew and a Palestinian are holding a garment. The Jew says "We can split it" and the Palestinian says "I'll kill you and take the whole thing." What is the preferred way to kill the Jew, sword or bus bomb? #AskRabbiSarsour
— ElderOfZiyon (@elderofziyon) February 15, 2019

(full article online)

"Ask Rabbi Sarsour" (Daled Amos) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
It's fatwa time for another of the Islam's best and brightest.

It's just unconscionable that islamics don't cringe with embarrassment when these knuckheads issue religious decrees but there's really no accounting for the Islamist psyche.

Islamic cleric: Don't call it the Western Wall

Islamic cleric: Don't call it the Western Wall
Head of the Supreme Islamic Council in Jerusalem says there's not a single rock at the Western Wall which is connected to Jewish history.

Dalit Halevi, 13/02/19 06:35


Jews pray at the Western Wall

Sheikh Ikrima Sabri, head of the Supreme Islamic Council in Jerusalem, issued a fatwa (ruling on a point of Islamic law) stating that the Western Wall (which the Muslims refer to as the Al-Buraq Wall) is an inseparable part of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and is considered an Islamic sanctuary.

In the fatwa, Sabri writes that the Western Wall is part of the structure, in this case the Al-Aqsa Mosque. He claims that the Muslim prophet Muhammad had tied his wonderful horse Buraq to this wall before embarking on his heavenly journey.
It seems another of the frauds perpetrated by Arabs-Moslems posing as “Pal’istanians” is the myth of poverty in the mini-caliphate of Gaza’istan

Not all of the UNRWA welfare fraud money gets stolen by the Islamic terrorist franchises. Some of the welfare money is spent on war and gee-had planning centers sometimes called mosques.

US Professor Amazed at Wealth in Gaza City; Notes 900 Mosques, Only 2 Libraries

US Professor Amazed at Wealth in Gaza City; Notes 900 Mosques, Only 2 Libraries

A professor at the Jackson School of International Studies at the University of Washington in Seattle visited Gaza City for six hours a few weeks ago, and he was astonished that after reading years of propaganda about how poverty stricken Gazans are, they really aren’t.
Armed factions in Gaza: Region on verge of explosion.

<——- insert pause for dramatic effect...

Armed factions in Gaza: Region on verge of explosion

Blaming Israel for violence, Gaza factions warn: “We will not allow attacks on border protesters to continue” • Armed groups say they are “shocked by Arab world’s silence.”

I suspect the critical thinkers at The Hamas franchise of Islamic Terrorism Intl. Inc., may have overlooked that they are the entity pressing the violence with the gee-had at the Israeli border.

Following an emergency meeting in a situation room in Gaza, the factions issued a joint statement blaming Israel for the escalation in Gaza.”

A “situation room in Gaza”?

Islamic terrorists have situation rooms? Who knew?

Odd that Islamic terrorists would blame Israel for an escalation of violence at the border gee-had orchestrated by Hamas, but then, shiftless Islamic terrorist welfare cheats say the darndest things.

Not sure why this is an issue. Abbas needed a new 50 million dollar "presidential" jet. We can't have Mahmoud wanting, now can we.

Not sure why this is an issue. Abbas needed a new 50 million dollar "presidential" jet. We can't have Mahmoud wanting, now can we.

You have to remember that Abbas is a foreign appointed oligarch whose term in office expired in 2009.
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