Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Gazans aren’t abandoning their children at the border; they’re earning a living

Now it’s time to add another negative trait to the numerous shortcomings of the Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip. They’re also heartless toward their sick children! They’re not only naïve people being manipulated by Hamas, people who riot on the Israeli border, lazy people who don’t know themselves that, if they just bothered working, their situation would improve.
Sheesh! I suspect the alleged bugging device was nothing more than an electronic anti-theft / inventory control tag that most stores use.

I guess these new-fanged gadgets have the Islamic terrorist knuckledraggers completely befuddled.

Hamas claims Israel sent bugged shoes to spy on the terrorist group

The shipment of suspicious shoes that came through the Kerem Shalom Crossing were sent to Hamas to examine.

A Fatah breakaway group in the Gaza Strip claimed its members have intercepted a shipment of military boots equipped with “secret electronic tracking chips,” that were on their way to market, according to a Palestinian news source.
The clear message is that when funds are short, the top priority of the Palestinian leadership is payment of money to terrorists and their families. The major policy that encourages terrorists to continue to murder Jews is considered sacrosanct - more important than paying employees, more important than building schools, more important than building hospitals, more important than paying social security or to help those who are sick or wounded from not attempting to murder Jews.

(full article online)

Palestinian leaders - and their "progressive" fans - support their paying terrorists above education, infrastructure, hospitals.... ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
If Abbas follows through with his decision and the PA refuses to accept this money next month, it will conclusively confirm that Abbas and the PA prioritize rewarding terrorists and murderers rather than the best interests of the entire PA population. Instead of accepting that Israel refuses to transfer $11.6 million/month for terror rewards, Abbas prefers to punish the entire PA population by refusing $174.5 million of tax money, which would benefit all PA residents.

Indeed, if Abbas maintains this decision, the entire PA economic infrastructure could ground to a halt. At least since 2014, the taxes collected by Israel have accounted for approximately 50% of the PA's operational budget - i.e. the PA's entire budget less its debt payments. In 2018, the average monthly tax income was $186,121,569 million/month (670 million shekels). By refusing the remainder of this sum after the sum of the terrorist salaries is deducted, Abbas is intentionally preventing his people from receiving a huge part of their annual needs.

Why would Abbas be bringing such a financial and humanitarian crisis on the Palestinian population?

(full article online)

'Abbas about to inflict serious humanitarian crisis on PA'
If Abbas follows through with his decision and the PA refuses to accept this money next month, it will conclusively confirm that Abbas and the PA prioritize rewarding terrorists and murderers rather than the best interests of the entire PA population. Instead of accepting that Israel refuses to transfer $11.6 million/month for terror rewards, Abbas prefers to punish the entire PA population by refusing $174.5 million of tax money, which would benefit all PA residents.

Indeed, if Abbas maintains this decision, the entire PA economic infrastructure could ground to a halt. At least since 2014, the taxes collected by Israel have accounted for approximately 50% of the PA's operational budget - i.e. the PA's entire budget less its debt payments. In 2018, the average monthly tax income was $186,121,569 million/month (670 million shekels). By refusing the remainder of this sum after the sum of the terrorist salaries is deducted, Abbas is intentionally preventing his people from receiving a huge part of their annual needs.

Why would Abbas be bringing such a financial and humanitarian crisis on the Palestinian population?

(full article online)

'Abbas about to inflict serious humanitarian crisis on PA'

To incite a major intifada.
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Angry Mahmoud is going off on another Angry Mahmoud tirade. It seems Angry Mahmoud was miffed at the idea of Arab states attending a summit in cooperation with Israel.

I thought it was comical that Angry Mahmoud and the PA were engaging in some world class whining about a "boycott" of the summit.

How interesting that Angry Mahmoud wasn't real keen on boycotts as he and the criminal franchise he ran - the PA, spent decades stealing welfare money from the UNRWA welfare fraud; money supplied by the Great Satan and various Arab-Moslem states.

Palestinian Authority Boycotts Warsaw Summit: The Trump Administration Wants To Transform Warsaw Into A Place Of Holocaust And Elimination Of The Palestinian Cause.

Palestinian Authority Boycotts Warsaw Summit: The Trump Administration Wants To Transform Warsaw Into A Place Of Holocaust And Elimination Of The Palestinian Cause

The U.S.- and Poland-sponsored Warsaw summit, taking place in Poland February 13-14, 2019, was originally planned for discussing the issue of Iran, but was later defined as the "Ministerial to Promote a Future of Peace and Security in the Middle East."[1] U.S. Vice President Mike Pence and U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo are participating in the summit, along with foreign ministers and representatives of European countries, Arab countries, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Another Abu is making a lot of bellicose claims / threats and really, no one cares.

I suspect angry Abu is a bit miffed that Arabs-Moslems posing as "Pal'istanians" are something of a nuisance to the Arab-Moslem world which doesn't have a need or desire to be drawn into the bottomless pit of want and entitlement that is Fatah and Hamas.

"Fatah Secretary in Jenin Ata Abu Rmeila Brandishes Assault Rifle, Says: This Gun Will Never Drop from Our Hands; We Pledge to Continue on Path of Armed Struggle"

Ata Abu Rmeila, the secretary of Fatah's branch in Jenin, was shown brandishing an assault rifle and surrounded by cheering Palestinian men in a video that was uploaded to the internet on February 17, 2019. Gunshots could be heard in the background and the men chanted: "With our souls and our blood we will redeem you, oh Ata!" Holding the gun up in the air, Rmeila said: "We pledge before the Palestinian people to continue on this path… Fatah is coming with the option of the armed struggle." ...
The teachers are told to tell the students that they will go on an exciting trip to somewhere in "Palestine." They hype up the trip for weeks, and discuss what they will see and do when they get there. The children are told to bring cameras and paper and pens to write notes, and how they will present their reports to the class when they get back. They are told to get consent forms signed from their parents for the trip. They bring food from home on the day of the field trip.

Then, the morning of the trip, when the students are excited about a day away from the classroom, the teacher tells them that the trip is canceled. They cannot go because Israel won't let them into their land.

(full article online)

Palestinian teachers psychologically torture 3rd grade students to indoctrinate hate for Israel by "canceling" fake field trip to "1948 Palestine" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Oh my. Somebody dialed back the money spigot that drenches the Fatah franchise of Islamic Terrorism Intl. Inc., with welfare dollars to finance Islamic terrorism.

This might be the right time for Mahmoud to join the competing Islamic terrorist mini-caliphate in Gaza and convert to the Shia version of Islamism. Getting in the good graces of the Iranian Mullocrats could mean mo’ money for the gee-had.

Israel approves million dollar freeze to PA tax revenue to offset terrorist wages

Israel's security council approved a million dollar freeze on funds transferred to the Palestinian Authority (PA) in a bid to offset terrorist's salaries, after months of bureaucratic wrangling culminated in the government's sizable to slash the West Bank-based body on Sunday.

11:16:24 AM

2:07:00 PM
Oh my. Somebody dialed back the money spigot that drenches the Fatah franchise of Islamic Terrorism Intl. Inc., with welfare dollars to finance Islamic terrorism.

This might be the right time for Mahmoud to join the competing Islamic terrorist mini-caliphate in Gaza and convert to the Shia version of Islamism. Getting in the good graces of the Iranian Mullocrats could mean mo’ money for the gee-had.

Israel approves million dollar freeze to PA tax revenue to offset terrorist wages

Israel's security council approved a million dollar freeze on funds transferred to the Palestinian Authority (PA) in a bid to offset terrorist's salaries, after months of bureaucratic wrangling culminated in the government's sizable to slash the West Bank-based body on Sunday.

11:16:24 AM

2:07:00 PM
It will be interesting to see what happen when the PA collapses.

Particularly the 70,000 man PA police force who will have no leadership and no paychecks.
Oh my. Somebody dialed back the money spigot that drenches the Fatah franchise of Islamic Terrorism Intl. Inc., with welfare dollars to finance Islamic terrorism.

This might be the right time for Mahmoud to join the competing Islamic terrorist mini-caliphate in Gaza and convert to the Shia version of Islamism. Getting in the good graces of the Iranian Mullocrats could mean mo’ money for the gee-had.

Israel approves million dollar freeze to PA tax revenue to offset terrorist wages

Israel's security council approved a million dollar freeze on funds transferred to the Palestinian Authority (PA) in a bid to offset terrorist's salaries, after months of bureaucratic wrangling culminated in the government's sizable to slash the West Bank-based body on Sunday.

11:16:24 AM

2:07:00 PM
It will be interesting to see what happen when the PA collapses.

Particularly the 70,000 man PA police force who will have no leadership and no paychecks.
Israel applies its law and police.
PA gets 70,000 tickets back to Tunis.
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I wonder if this applies, even to this day.

Some Muslim commentators assert that extremism within Islam goes back to the 7th century to the Kharijites. From their essentially political position, they developed extreme doctrines that set them apart from both mainstream Sunni and Shi'a Muslims. The Kharijites were particularly noted for adopting a radical approach of takfir, whereby they declared other Muslims to be unbelievers and therefore deemed them worthy of death.

Oh my. Somebody dialed back the money spigot that drenches the Fatah franchise of Islamic Terrorism Intl. Inc., with welfare dollars to finance Islamic terrorism.

This might be the right time for Mahmoud to join the competing Islamic terrorist mini-caliphate in Gaza and convert to the Shia version of Islamism. Getting in the good graces of the Iranian Mullocrats could mean mo’ money for the gee-had.

Israel approves million dollar freeze to PA tax revenue to offset terrorist wages

Israel's security council approved a million dollar freeze on funds transferred to the Palestinian Authority (PA) in a bid to offset terrorist's salaries, after months of bureaucratic wrangling culminated in the government's sizable to slash the West Bank-based body on Sunday.

11:16:24 AM

2:07:00 PM
It will be interesting to see what happen when the PA collapses.

Particularly the 70,000 man PA police force who will have no leadership and no paychecks.

There will be lawlessness and chaos. Pretty much nothing will have changed.

Islamism is its own enemy.
Promising money to families of terrorists is a life insurance policy that encourages terrorists to want to die during attacks on Jews.

Also, yesterday, Abbas met with a delegation from J-Street and Democratic members of Congress. He told them how much he wanted peace and how the "peace process" is in danger - because of Israel.

He went on to blame Israel for everything, and described "Israeli violations in the Palestinian territories,", Israel's "ongoing attacks on Islamic and Christian sanctities in the occupied city of Jerusalem," and how the PLO is trying to stop these alleged attacks (meaning, things like Jews visiting Jewish holy sites) by going to international institutions and courts.

He answered questions, but I cannot find any transcript of that, and J-Street doesn't even admit when it meets with Abbas, for some reason.

The photo above shows J-Street leader Jeremy Ben-Ami asking a question from the group that includes Abbas and Saeb Erekat, under the smiling face of Yasir Arafat.

(full article online)

Mahmoud Abbas says paying terrorists is his absolute highest priority. (And tells J-Street he wants peace.) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
I came across the following article and it speaks to a broad range of sociopathic behaviors that apply to the Arabs-Moslems calling themselves "Pal'istanians". What is important to point out is that the cradle to grave indoctrination of hate / self hate and sociopathic behaviors that define the Palistanians are evident across so much of the islamic Middle East.

Enablers of Palestinian child terrorists

(JNS)—Last Thursday, a Palestinian teenager stabbed a young Jewish father to death and wounded two others. On Sunday, a Palestinian teenager who assaulted Israeli soldiers was released from prison to international acclaim. Later on Sunday, two Palestinian teenagers with machine guns and bullet magazines were intercepted on their way to massacre Jews.

Palestinian children are not born hating Jews or loving violence. Who is to blame for encouraging and inspiring these young people to engage in such murderous behavior?
Slowlly, slowly there is a growing realization that throwing welfare money at Islamic terrorists in spite of their continuing and brazen announcements that acts of Islamic terrorism will continue only rewards Islamic terrorism.

I do applaud the work that PMW puts forth showing the dangers of supporting and rewarding Islamic terrorists,

PMW impact: Swedish and Norwegian MPs to seek funding cuts to PA - PMW Bulletins

PMW impact:
Swedish and Norwegian MPs to seek funding cuts to PA

Swedish MP:
"We want to do as they've done in the Dutch parliament
to cut the funding to the PA [by 7%]."
Mikael Oscarsson (Christian Democrats)

Norwegian MP:
"I do not think it's a good idea to give any funding to prisoners...
We have to use Norwegian money to make peace."
Ingjerd Schou (Conservative Party)

Swedish MP:
"Thank you Itamar Marcus for coming to Sweden. The job you're doing with Palestinian Media Watch is very important. It gives us information. We're very thankful that you're giving us the facts so that we in the Swedish parliament can use these facts in order to change Swedish attitudes."
Mikael Oscarsson (Christian Democrats

Following Palestinian Media Watch Director Itamar Marcus' recent briefings before members of parliament and government officials in Norway and Sweden, MPs from both countries said they would seek changes in their governments' funding to the Palestinian Authority (PA).
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