Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

This is just an example of the required enforcement, and what Israel does to meet the obligation.


The Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) establishes common international standards for the regulation of the international trade in conventional arms said:
4. National implementation Under Article 5, the Arms Trade Treaty requires that States parties take measures to implement its provisions and designate competent national authorities in order to have an effective and transparent national control system. This includes taking appropriate measures to enforce national laws and regulations that implement the provisions of the Treaty.


This is what the containment of the Arab Palestinian Territories is all about, in the spirit of Article 43, Hague Regulation, and the requirement to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety. Loose Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW), and the underground trafficking of SALW is a threat to regional security and the public order and safety of both the territories and Israel itself.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

This is just an example of the required enforcement, and what Israel does to meet the obligation.


The Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) establishes common international standards for the regulation of the international trade in conventional arms said:
4. National implementation Under Article 5, the Arms Trade Treaty requires that States parties take measures to implement its provisions and designate competent national authorities in order to have an effective and transparent national control system. This includes taking appropriate measures to enforce national laws and regulations that implement the provisions of the Treaty.


This is what the containment of the Arab Palestinian Territories is all about, in the spirit of Article 43, Hague Regulation, and the requirement to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety. Loose Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW), and the underground trafficking of SALW is a threat to regional security and the public order and safety of both the territories and Israel itself.

Most Respectfully,
Where is it illegal for Palestine to import weapons?
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

This is just an example of the required enforcement, and what Israel does to meet the obligation.


The Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) establishes common international standards for the regulation of the international trade in conventional arms said:
4. National implementation Under Article 5, the Arms Trade Treaty requires that States parties take measures to implement its provisions and designate competent national authorities in order to have an effective and transparent national control system. This includes taking appropriate measures to enforce national laws and regulations that implement the provisions of the Treaty.


This is what the containment of the Arab Palestinian Territories is all about, in the spirit of Article 43, Hague Regulation, and the requirement to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety. Loose Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW), and the underground trafficking of SALW is a threat to regional security and the public order and safety of both the territories and Israel itself.

Most Respectfully,
Where is it illegal for Palestine to import weapons?
Illigally Smuggling is not legally importing.

And when one means to kill a whole population, then there is really a need to stop ANY weapons from reaching those murderers wannabe.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

This is just an example of the required enforcement, and what Israel does to meet the obligation.


The Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) establishes common international standards for the regulation of the international trade in conventional arms said:
4. National implementation Under Article 5, the Arms Trade Treaty requires that States parties take measures to implement its provisions and designate competent national authorities in order to have an effective and transparent national control system. This includes taking appropriate measures to enforce national laws and regulations that implement the provisions of the Treaty.


This is what the containment of the Arab Palestinian Territories is all about, in the spirit of Article 43, Hague Regulation, and the requirement to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety. Loose Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW), and the underground trafficking of SALW is a threat to regional security and the public order and safety of both the territories and Israel itself.

Most Respectfully,
Where is it illegal for Palestine to import weapons?
Illigally Smuggling is not legally importing.

And when one means to kill a whole population, then there is really a need to stop ANY weapons from reaching those murderers wannabe.
Nice deflection.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

This is just an example of the required enforcement, and what Israel does to meet the obligation.


The Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) establishes common international standards for the regulation of the international trade in conventional arms said:
4. National implementation Under Article 5, the Arms Trade Treaty requires that States parties take measures to implement its provisions and designate competent national authorities in order to have an effective and transparent national control system. This includes taking appropriate measures to enforce national laws and regulations that implement the provisions of the Treaty.


This is what the containment of the Arab Palestinian Territories is all about, in the spirit of Article 43, Hague Regulation, and the requirement to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety. Loose Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW), and the underground trafficking of SALW is a threat to regional security and the public order and safety of both the territories and Israel itself.

Most Respectfully,
Where is it illegal for Palestine to import weapons?

“Pal’istan” is a not descriptive. It is not some legitimate nation that seeks to import weapons but a collection of Islamic terrorist franchise that wants to import.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

This is just an example of the required enforcement, and what Israel does to meet the obligation.


The Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) establishes common international standards for the regulation of the international trade in conventional arms said:
4. National implementation Under Article 5, the Arms Trade Treaty requires that States parties take measures to implement its provisions and designate competent national authorities in order to have an effective and transparent national control system. This includes taking appropriate measures to enforce national laws and regulations that implement the provisions of the Treaty.


This is what the containment of the Arab Palestinian Territories is all about, in the spirit of Article 43, Hague Regulation, and the requirement to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety. Loose Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW), and the underground trafficking of SALW is a threat to regional security and the public order and safety of both the territories and Israel itself.

Most Respectfully,
Where is it illegal for Palestine to import weapons?

“Pal’istan” is a not descriptive. It is not some legitimate nation that seeks to import weapons but a collection of Islamic terrorist franchise that wants to import.
Still ducking.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

This is just an example of the required enforcement, and what Israel does to meet the obligation.


The Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) establishes common international standards for the regulation of the international trade in conventional arms said:
4. National implementation Under Article 5, the Arms Trade Treaty requires that States parties take measures to implement its provisions and designate competent national authorities in order to have an effective and transparent national control system. This includes taking appropriate measures to enforce national laws and regulations that implement the provisions of the Treaty.


This is what the containment of the Arab Palestinian Territories is all about, in the spirit of Article 43, Hague Regulation, and the requirement to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety. Loose Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW), and the underground trafficking of SALW is a threat to regional security and the public order and safety of both the territories and Israel itself.

Most Respectfully,
Where is it illegal for Palestine to import weapons?

“Pal’istan” is a not descriptive. It is not some legitimate nation that seeks to import weapons but a collection of Islamic terrorist franchise that wants to import.
Still ducking.

I never expect that you will be able to respond with anything but tired slogans or goofy YouTube videos.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

This is just an example of the required enforcement, and what Israel does to meet the obligation.


The Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) establishes common international standards for the regulation of the international trade in conventional arms said:
4. National implementation Under Article 5, the Arms Trade Treaty requires that States parties take measures to implement its provisions and designate competent national authorities in order to have an effective and transparent national control system. This includes taking appropriate measures to enforce national laws and regulations that implement the provisions of the Treaty.


This is what the containment of the Arab Palestinian Territories is all about, in the spirit of Article 43, Hague Regulation, and the requirement to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety. Loose Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW), and the underground trafficking of SALW is a threat to regional security and the public order and safety of both the territories and Israel itself.

Most Respectfully,
Where is it illegal for Palestine to import weapons?

“Pal’istan” is a not descriptive. It is not some legitimate nation that seeks to import weapons but a collection of Islamic terrorist franchise that wants to import.
Still ducking.
What we are all seeing is YOU deflecting and ducking at what is said, if it does not agree with your fantasyland of "Palestine is a country and Israel is not"

Keep at it :)
One of the Islamic terrorist franchises in the mini-caliphate of Gaza’istan is showing off some new toys claimed to be from their Shia friends in Iran. There’s no indication that Islamic gee-had actually has any missiles in Gaza. I suspect the video was largely a matter of Islamic gee-had looking for some Islamo street-cred.

These idiots have no clue that a) they will further enrage the Sunni/Salafi/wahabbi tribes siding with the apostate Shia and b) israel will waste no time in utterly flattening any location where Islamic terrorists would hope to use their new toys.

Islamic Jihad touts new missile that can hit Tel Aviv and beyond

Islamic Jihad touts new missile that can hit Tel Aviv and beyond

The Gaza-based organization made the claim in a documentary film broadcast on Iranian television, which included footage of various projectiles, other weapons and missile launches.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Sixties Fan, et al,

It has already been discussed the impact of enforcing Article 43, Hague Regulation, the measures in his power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety, within the territories.

BLUF: The answer to your question is S/RES/1624 (2005) and The Arms Trade Treaty

We have already discussed how it is known that the Governmental Authorities of the Palestinians both praise and support internationally recognized terrorist organizations, with (as an example) the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS). That HAMAS activities range from suicide bombings to other malevolent crimes against humanity, in attempts at a toppling of State of Israel. ("There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.") It is also widely known that it is not only acceptable but a policy of the Palestinian Leadership to praise and venerate members of such organizations as the HAMAS, Palestine Liberation Front (PLF), Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ), and Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) religion, all in the name of patriotism and acts of resistance.ª

We have also discussed at great length the "underlining the need to prevent and eradicate the illicit trade in conventional arms and to prevent their diversion to the illicit market, or for unauthorized end use and end users, including in the commission of terrorist acts;" as it pertains to to the territory and its impact on regional security. That it is a violation of International Law to incite terrorist acts motivated by extremism and intolerance of the Jewish National Home. That the action of HAMAS poses a serious and growing danger to the enjoyment of positive nationalism and its territorial economic stability, and social development of all States, and → their activities which further erodes and undermines global stability and national prosperity.

ªTop 15 Most Dangerous Terrorist Organizations in the World • Chris Diamond May 05, 2017 •

Where is it illegal for Palestine to import weapons?

It is, within the Treaty → previous commentary, an agreement that it NOT authorize any transfer of conventional arms covered under Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) → if it has knowledge at the time of that the arms or items would be used in the violation of customary and international humanitarian law (IHL), crimes against humanity, grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions of 1949, attacks directed against civilian objects or civilians protected as such, or other war crimes as defined by international agreements to which it is a Party. Arms transfer in an attempt to provide material support to any number of asymmetric actors is prohibited.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Sixties Fan, et al,

It has already been discussed the impact of enforcing Article 43, Hague Regulation, the measures in his power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety, within the territories.

BLUF: The answer to your question is S/RES/1624 (2005) and The Arms Trade Treaty

We have already discussed how it is known that the Governmental Authorities of the Palestinians both praise and support internationally recognized terrorist organizations, with (as an example) the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS). That HAMAS activities range from suicide bombings to other malevolent crimes against humanity, in attempts at a toppling of State of Israel. ("There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.") It is also widely known that it is not only acceptable but a policy of the Palestinian Leadership to praise and venerate members of such organizations as the HAMAS, Palestine Liberation Front (PLF), Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ), and Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) religion, all in the name of patriotism and acts of resistance.ª

We have also discussed at great length the "underlining the need to prevent and eradicate the illicit trade in conventional arms and to prevent their diversion to the illicit market, or for unauthorized end use and end users, including in the commission of terrorist acts;" as it pertains to to the territory and its impact on regional security. That it is a violation of International Law to incite terrorist acts motivated by extremism and intolerance of the Jewish National Home. That the action of HAMAS poses a serious and growing danger to the enjoyment of positive nationalism and its territorial economic stability, and social development of all States, and → their activities which further erodes and undermines global stability and national prosperity.

ªTop 15 Most Dangerous Terrorist Organizations in the World • Chris Diamond May 05, 2017 •

Where is it illegal for Palestine to import weapons?

It is, within the Treaty → previous commentary, an agreement that it NOT authorize any transfer of conventional arms covered under Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) → if it has knowledge at the time of that the arms or items would be used in the violation of customary and international humanitarian law (IHL), crimes against humanity, grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions of 1949, attacks directed against civilian objects or civilians protected as such, or other war crimes as defined by international agreements to which it is a Party. Arms transfer in an attempt to provide material support to any number of asymmetric actors is prohibited.

Most Respectfully,
WOW, how does Israel get all its stuff?
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Sixties Fan, et al,

It has already been discussed the impact of enforcing Article 43, Hague Regulation, the measures in his power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety, within the territories.

BLUF: The answer to your question is S/RES/1624 (2005) and The Arms Trade Treaty

We have already discussed how it is known that the Governmental Authorities of the Palestinians both praise and support internationally recognized terrorist organizations, with (as an example) the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS). That HAMAS activities range from suicide bombings to other malevolent crimes against humanity, in attempts at a toppling of State of Israel. ("There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.") It is also widely known that it is not only acceptable but a policy of the Palestinian Leadership to praise and venerate members of such organizations as the HAMAS, Palestine Liberation Front (PLF), Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ), and Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) religion, all in the name of patriotism and acts of resistance.ª

We have also discussed at great length the "underlining the need to prevent and eradicate the illicit trade in conventional arms and to prevent their diversion to the illicit market, or for unauthorized end use and end users, including in the commission of terrorist acts;" as it pertains to to the territory and its impact on regional security. That it is a violation of International Law to incite terrorist acts motivated by extremism and intolerance of the Jewish National Home. That the action of HAMAS poses a serious and growing danger to the enjoyment of positive nationalism and its territorial economic stability, and social development of all States, and → their activities which further erodes and undermines global stability and national prosperity.

ªTop 15 Most Dangerous Terrorist Organizations in the World • Chris Diamond May 05, 2017 •

Where is it illegal for Palestine to import weapons?

It is, within the Treaty → previous commentary, an agreement that it NOT authorize any transfer of conventional arms covered under Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) → if it has knowledge at the time of that the arms or items would be used in the violation of customary and international humanitarian law (IHL), crimes against humanity, grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions of 1949, attacks directed against civilian objects or civilians protected as such, or other war crimes as defined by international agreements to which it is a Party. Arms transfer in an attempt to provide material support to any number of asymmetric actors is prohibited.

Most Respectfully,
WOW, how does Israel get all its stuff?

A great deal is developed and manufactured in Israel.

Now, you’re a little bit more educated than you were before. You will be sure to waste it, right?
Last edited:
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Sixties Fan, et al,

It has already been discussed the impact of enforcing Article 43, Hague Regulation, the measures in his power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety, within the territories.

BLUF: The answer to your question is S/RES/1624 (2005) and The Arms Trade Treaty

We have already discussed how it is known that the Governmental Authorities of the Palestinians both praise and support internationally recognized terrorist organizations, with (as an example) the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS). That HAMAS activities range from suicide bombings to other malevolent crimes against humanity, in attempts at a toppling of State of Israel. ("There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.") It is also widely known that it is not only acceptable but a policy of the Palestinian Leadership to praise and venerate members of such organizations as the HAMAS, Palestine Liberation Front (PLF), Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ), and Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) religion, all in the name of patriotism and acts of resistance.ª

We have also discussed at great length the "underlining the need to prevent and eradicate the illicit trade in conventional arms and to prevent their diversion to the illicit market, or for unauthorized end use and end users, including in the commission of terrorist acts;" as it pertains to to the territory and its impact on regional security. That it is a violation of International Law to incite terrorist acts motivated by extremism and intolerance of the Jewish National Home. That the action of HAMAS poses a serious and growing danger to the enjoyment of positive nationalism and its territorial economic stability, and social development of all States, and → their activities which further erodes and undermines global stability and national prosperity.

ªTop 15 Most Dangerous Terrorist Organizations in the World • Chris Diamond May 05, 2017 •

Where is it illegal for Palestine to import weapons?

It is, within the Treaty → previous commentary, an agreement that it NOT authorize any transfer of conventional arms covered under Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) → if it has knowledge at the time of that the arms or items would be used in the violation of customary and international humanitarian law (IHL), crimes against humanity, grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions of 1949, attacks directed against civilian objects or civilians protected as such, or other war crimes as defined by international agreements to which it is a Party. Arms transfer in an attempt to provide material support to any number of asymmetric actors is prohibited.

Most Respectfully,
WOW, how does Israel get all its stuff?

Reading. Try it sometime.
The wondrous Islamist social order.

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Israel is NOT a rogue state under the control of an organization with a past history of "criminal acts" intended or calculated to create "terror" in the minds of the citizenry and general public, to destabilize the overall security of the region.

WOW, how does Israel get all its stuff?

Israel may be a lot of things, but few nations in the world have a profile like the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) have. The HoAP hold the image of the classic model pictured of Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters. The HoAP represent a failed nation of people ingrained in a culture → to that end → encourage activities directed against the State of Israel (and allies) intended or calculated to instill an atmosphere of fear. The HoAP represents and promotes a regime that furthers the unlawful and intentional use of weaponry against public places with intent to kill or cause serious bodily injury, or with intent to cause extensive destruction of the public place. In short the HoAP import and retain conventional arms for criminal purposes.

Israel is now, and has been for more than half a century, involved in self-defense operations. It has, since it beginning, been a country that has made → and continues to make → positive contributions to the international community.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Israel is NOT a rogue state under the control of an organization with a past history of "criminal acts" intended or calculated to create "terror" in the minds of the citizenry and general public, to destabilize the overall security of the region.

WOW, how does Israel get all its stuff?

Israel may be a lot of things, but few nations in the world have a profile like the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) have. The HoAP hold the image of the classic model pictured of Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters. The HoAP represent a failed nation of people ingrained in a culture → to that end → encourage activities directed against the State of Israel (and allies) intended or calculated to instill an atmosphere of fear. The HoAP represents and promotes a regime that furthers the unlawful and intentional use of weaponry against public places with intent to kill or cause serious bodily injury, or with intent to cause extensive destruction of the public place. In short the HoAP import and retain conventional arms for criminal purposes.

Israel is now, and has been for more than half a century, involved in self-defense operations. It has, since it beginning, been a country that has made → and continues to make → positive contributions to the international community.

Most Respectfully,
Israel may be a lot of things, but few nations in the world have a profile like the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) have.
Indeed, Israel's worldwide bullshit machine has done well.
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