Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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And still that verse is talking about the Ammonites, for that one at least has to read the whole chapter.

NO it is NOT. If I need too I will repost the verses in question once again.

Rylah, you are living in denial; period :)-
Can't read a chapter in full, talks about denial :20:
Yes and a bunny laid eggs, while an Arabian sheikh flew on a Muslim Pegasus to Jerusalem.
Chaver, there is no point anymore, is there?
I think the creature has made it very clear what it is about.
Wrong thread. Wrong community. Time for it to talk to itself in the mirror, don't you think?
And still that verse is talking about the Ammonites, for that one at least has to read the whole chapter.

NO it is NOT. If I need too I will repost the verses in question once again.

Rylah, you are living in denial; period :)-
Can't read a chapter in full, talks about denial :20:
Yes and a bunny laid eggs, while an Arabian sheikh flew on a Muslim Pegasus to Jerusalem.
Chaver, there is no point anymore, is there?
I think the creature has made it very clear what it is about.
Wrong thread. Wrong community. Time for it to talk to itself in the mirror, don't you think?

Looks very strange, here in Israel proselytazing is forbidden.
Muslims usually keep such talks to themselve, for the mosques...never seen them being so ignorant
as to pretend they actually know the Torah.
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You just think the Jewish culture developed elsewhere, contrary to things like evidence.

We are beating a dead horse here. Wherever the Israeli people came from is irrelevant. What matter is the here and now, the past can be debated until hell freezes over, so what-?

I am a religious person who takes biblical verses for their intent not content.

If I; for a moment take biblical verses literally then God chose the Jewish people and gave them instructions on how they should live their lives. God then told them what they would get if they obeyed his commands and what they would get if they disobeyed His commands. Jesus followed by restating His commands and pointed out to the Jewish people what the Old Testament said; only then; it was the only Bible, there was no old and new version.

Taking into account the above; I studied the Bible, His instruction to them and followed this from the past to the present. In the process I compiled this evidence and continue to present this evidence to the public through forums like this one.

I have a purpose for doing this and I pray I bear fruit from it.

The above is my confession of the day :)-

You need to STOP Christ-splaining the Jewish faith to Jews. It is not your job to "save" Jews from the horrific little god which you created when you usurped Jewish scripture and re-imagined it in a way which permits you to demonize, persecute, hate and wish genocide on the Jewish people. Honestly, the worst evil imaginable in the world has been created and perpetrated by those who claim a "corrected" and "superior" replacement theology by stealing another faith and then Christ- or Mohammed-splaining it to them.

ONLY the people who hold faith with a religion get to decide the terms and meanings of their religious faith and the interpretation of their scriptures. No one else.

It is a very, very small step from "You'd better smarten up or god will getcha!" to "little god gave me permission to getcha myself." Its ugly.

And please don't misunderstand me. There are beautiful concepts to be found in the Christian religion (and in Islam). They both have their place in the world and both can be used to bring about peace and goodness and G-d's Intent for the world. But THIS brand of Christianity is ugly, hateful and harmful.

Then "you" have a reading comprehension problem.
You stated--
"You need to STOP Christ-splaining the Jewish faith to Jews. It is not your job to "save" Jews from the horrific little god which you created when you usurped Jewish scripture and re-imagined it in a way which permits you to demonize, persecute, hate and wish genocide on the Jewish people."

I do not nor have I ever demonized, persecuted, hated, hate or wished genocide on the Jewish people. No, not even once.

It's you who has a problem and I cannot help you correct it. Your hate is too strong. the only way you can be saved is for you to save yourself. Hopefully you have friends who are willing to give a helping hand.

God willing :)-

Then "you" have a reading comprehension problem.
You stated--
"You need to STOP Christ-splaining the Jewish faith to Jews. It is not your job to "save" Jews from the horrific little god which you created when you usurped Jewish scripture and re-imagined it in a way which permits you to demonize, persecute, hate and wish genocide on the Jewish people."

I do not nor have I ever demonized, persecuted, hated, hate or wished genocide on the Jewish people. No, not even once.

It's you who has a problem and I cannot help you correct it. Your hate is too strong. the only way you can be saved is for you to save yourself. Hopefully you have friends who are willing to give a helping hand.

God willing :)-
No, I do not think that you do have "friends" of any kind who can help you with your psychosis issues.

Not one of us does. We actually know that you do not.

And most of all , you will never go to a stranger to help you fix this perverse fixation you have with changing the history of the world to accommodate your religious leanings.

We really do not care.

We are fixing our "hatred" by taking care of lunatics like yourself and putting you in your place, and protecting the Jewish people in their ancient homeland, as it was done in the day of old.

You do not like it, you will never accept it, you will continue to distort everything in order to make yourself superior to something you will never have control over.

The ability to make Jews gravel at your feet the way your ancestors may have done once.

No more.

That is the meaning of the little country which can. It is called Israel.

It can and will continue to be able to do everything losers like yourself can only dream about.

Success, in any form is very alien to you, just as the ability to tell the truth, especially to yourself.

Keep twisting it around towards us. It does not work, and MOST OF ALL...


Because you are a

LOSER, and always will be.

This conversation is over.

Talk to your hand. It is the only thing which can put up with you.

And when your hand gets tired of you, let it slap you back into reality.

Then "you" have a reading comprehension problem.
You stated--
"You need to STOP Christ-splaining the Jewish faith to Jews. It is not your job to "save" Jews from the horrific little god which you created when you usurped Jewish scripture and re-imagined it in a way which permits you to demonize, persecute, hate and wish genocide on the Jewish people."

I do not nor have I ever demonized, persecuted, hated, hate or wished genocide on the Jewish people. No, not even once.

It's you who has a problem and I cannot help you correct it. Your hate is too strong. the only way you can be saved is for you to save yourself. Hopefully you have friends who are willing to give a helping hand.

God willing :)-

Allow me to clarify. You only posted the first sentence and that was the "you" I then clarified as being you, specifically.

Let me re-clarify. You individually need to stop Christ-splaining Judaism to Jews. And you individually need to stop trying to "save" Jews.

The rest of the "you"s in the post are generically Xtian "you"s. The whole releigion needs to stop doing all those things as well as the two I specifically called upon you to stop.

There is no need for me to be "saved" from anything. There is no hate in my heart. I believe in self determination for all peoples. I believe in the value of all faiths. I see the sanctity of all people.

The difference between me and you is that I don't use religious hatred last seen in the Middle Ages to a justify the vilification and demonization of only one people as though they bear the sole responsibility for acts of violence committed against them.
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I suspect that striking similarities are going to be apparent when female Israelis are killed by Arab-Moslem men.

The Arab-Moslem treatment of women (bagging them, marginalizing them, treating them like mere property, etc.), has a long lurid history in Arab-Moslem’ism.

The opportunity to vent his lack of self worth and his frailties is too much to resist for the opportunistic lslamic holy warrior when confronted with a lone Israeli female.

Striking similarities between stabbings
of 2 young Israeli women

Striking similarities between stabbings of 2 young Israeli women - PMW Bulletins

  • Terrorists stabbed and murdered Moran Amit, a 25-year-old Israeli woman while she was walking in the forest in 2002
  • Terrorist stabbed and murdered Ori Ansbacher, a 19-year-old Israeli woman while she was walking in the forest in 2019
Just days after the murder of Ori, the PA daily chose to write about Moran’s murderers and portray them as victims:

“The occupation stole their childhood from them”

By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

There are striking similarities between the murder of the 19-year-old Israeli woman Ori Ansbacher a few days ago and the murder of the 25-year-old Israeli woman Moran Amit in 2002. Both were attacked by Palestinian terrorists while walking peacefully in a Jerusalem forest. Both were stabbed to death.

In 2002, Moran was taking a walk with a friend in the Shalom Forest in Jerusalem when five teenage terrorists hunted them, attacked them, and stabbed Moran to death. Last week, Ori was walking through the Ein Yael forest in Jerusalem on the way from the youth center where she volunteered when a Palestinian terrorist brutally attacked her and then stabbed her to death.
Because nothing says "diseased misfits" quite like islamic terrorist misfits celebrating a murder, the diseased Arab-Moslem misfits pretending to be "Pal'istanians" are celebrating the killing of a young Israeli.

The pinnacle of Arab-Moslem manhood is achieved by killing young girls.


As Israel grieves a brutal murder, PA TV sings:
"We have given them a taste of grief"

As Israel grieves a brutal murder, PA TV sings: “We have given them a taste of grief” - PMW Bulletins

  • PA TV music video:
"We are not afraid of the enemy -
a bone in the throat of the Zionists...
Victory is certain, it's inevitable...
We have given them a taste of grief"

By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Two days after the brutal murder of the 19-year-old Israeli woman Ori Ansbacher, official Palestinian Authority TV broadcast a song celebrating that Palestinians cause Israelis grief:

"A bone in the throat of the Zionists...
We have given them a taste of grief
[Official PA TV, Feb. 9, 2019]
If you were expecting a great hue and cry, or possibly a lot of whining and wailing from the Arabs-Moslems posing as “Pal’istanians” about two tunnel rats gassed by Egypt; don’t.

Israel Haters Silent As Palestinians Gassed in Tunnel. Can You Guess Why?

Two Palestinians died Monday and several others injured after Egyptian troops pumped toxic fumes into a smuggling tunnel stretching into the Sinai Peninsula from the Gaza Strip.

The Hamas-run Gaza Interior Ministry was quoted by Wafa news as identifying the two as 39-year-old Hamas officer Abdul Hamid al-Aker, who was killed during a “security mission to inspect the tunnel,” and 28-year-old Sobhi Abu Qarshin. Abu Qarshin was said to have died during a rescue attempt.

It’s actually comical how Arabs-Moslems are nearly silent when it comes to Arabs-Moslems slaughtering other Arabs-Moslems. They a’splode each other’s mosques, cut down each other with machine gun fire, beat, starve, bomb and killeach other in the most gruesome fashion and nary a peep or whimper from the lot of them.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

I think it has been the policy, since the creation of the movement, that HAMAS use the news outlets and the various aspects of the internet media and television.

Shin Bet agency reports that Hamas tried to use Al Aqsa TV channel to recruit and direct terrorists in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria.
(full article online)
How Hamas uses TV to recruit, direct terrorists - in Jerusalem
EXCERPT Hamas' official position paper on the destruction of Israel → said:
Jihad and the armed resistance is the right and real method for the liberation of Palestine, and the restoration of all the rights, together with, of course, all forms of political and diplomatic struggle including in the media, public and legal; with the need to mobilize all the energies of the nation in the battle
Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement → The Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine is an Individual Duty → said:
EXCERPT: Article Fifteen:
It is necessary that scientists, educators and teachers, information and media people, as well as the educated masses, especially the youth and sheikhs of the Islamic movements, should take part in the operation of awakening (the masses). It is important that basic changes be made in the school curriculum, to cleanse it of the traces of ideological invasion that affected it as a result of the orientalists and missionaries who infiltrated the region following the defeat of the Crusaders at the hands of Salah el-Din (Saladin).​

Since the turn of the century, there has been a very gradual, but steadily increasing, application of the technology of the day. This incorporates the crafty re-shaping of the stories published by the various news outlets, -- and -- the staging of events that are of carefully choreographed to generate interest to the major media networks and easily sensationalized by both the media and the Hostile Arab Palestinians.

Hungry young journalist, searching for that one photo or story that will make their career --- are easily manipulated to create and project the image that is most favorable towards Hostile Arab Palestinians.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

I think it has been the policy, since the creation of the movement, that HAMAS use the news outlets and the various aspects of the internet media and television.

Shin Bet agency reports that Hamas tried to use Al Aqsa TV channel to recruit and direct terrorists in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria.
(full article online)
How Hamas uses TV to recruit, direct terrorists - in Jerusalem
EXCERPT Hamas' official position paper on the destruction of Israel → said:
Jihad and the armed resistance is the right and real method for the liberation of Palestine, and the restoration of all the rights, together with, of course, all forms of political and diplomatic struggle including in the media, public and legal; with the need to mobilize all the energies of the nation in the battle
Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement → The Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine is an Individual Duty → said:
EXCERPT: Article Fifteen:
It is necessary that scientists, educators and teachers, information and media people, as well as the educated masses, especially the youth and sheikhs of the Islamic movements, should take part in the operation of awakening (the masses). It is important that basic changes be made in the school curriculum, to cleanse it of the traces of ideological invasion that affected it as a result of the orientalists and missionaries who infiltrated the region following the defeat of the Crusaders at the hands of Salah el-Din (Saladin).​

Since the turn of the century, there has been a very gradual, but steadily increasing, application of the technology of the day. This incorporates the crafty re-shaping of the stories published by the various news outlets, -- and -- the staging of events that are of carefully choreographed to generate interest to the major media networks and easily sensationalized by both the media and the Hostile Arab Palestinians.

Hungry young journalist, searching for that one photo or story that will make their career --- are easily manipulated to create and project the image that is most favorable towards Hostile Arab Palestinians.

Most Respectfully,
Since the turn of the century, there has been a very gradual, but steadily increasing, application of the technology of the day. This incorporates the crafty re-shaping of the stories published by the various news outlets,
Hamas has expended a little from armed resistance only. However, the Palestinians, as a whole, are working a much broader strategy. So when Israel shouts Hamas, Hamas, Hamas, they are only getting a small slice of the pie. There is a lot more going on. Israel is out there playing Whack-A-Mole with all of these things.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

I think it has been the policy, since the creation of the movement, that HAMAS use the news outlets and the various aspects of the internet media and television.

Shin Bet agency reports that Hamas tried to use Al Aqsa TV channel to recruit and direct terrorists in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria.
(full article online)
How Hamas uses TV to recruit, direct terrorists - in Jerusalem
EXCERPT Hamas' official position paper on the destruction of Israel → said:
Jihad and the armed resistance is the right and real method for the liberation of Palestine, and the restoration of all the rights, together with, of course, all forms of political and diplomatic struggle including in the media, public and legal; with the need to mobilize all the energies of the nation in the battle
Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement → The Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine is an Individual Duty → said:
EXCERPT: Article Fifteen:
It is necessary that scientists, educators and teachers, information and media people, as well as the educated masses, especially the youth and sheikhs of the Islamic movements, should take part in the operation of awakening (the masses). It is important that basic changes be made in the school curriculum, to cleanse it of the traces of ideological invasion that affected it as a result of the orientalists and missionaries who infiltrated the region following the defeat of the Crusaders at the hands of Salah el-Din (Saladin).​

Since the turn of the century, there has been a very gradual, but steadily increasing, application of the technology of the day. This incorporates the crafty re-shaping of the stories published by the various news outlets, -- and -- the staging of events that are of carefully choreographed to generate interest to the major media networks and easily sensationalized by both the media and the Hostile Arab Palestinians.

Hungry young journalist, searching for that one photo or story that will make their career --- are easily manipulated to create and project the image that is most favorable towards Hostile Arab Palestinians.

Most Respectfully,
Since the turn of the century, there has been a very gradual, but steadily increasing, application of the technology of the day. This incorporates the crafty re-shaping of the stories published by the various news outlets,
Hamas has expended a little from armed resistance only. However, the Palestinians, as a whole, are working a much broader strategy. So when Israel shouts Hamas, Hamas, Hamas, they are only getting a small slice of the pie. There is a lot more going on. Israel is out there playing Whack-A-Mole with all of these things.

I really couldn't make heads not tails out of the above but wasn't it the "Pal'istanians" who elected the Hamas, Hamas, Hamas terrorists?

Say it with me.... "Caliphate"
[ Those who joined and helped the Nazis come up with the Final Jewish Solution, lie and cry that some "Holocaust" is being designed for them by Israel. The Ultimate in Hypocrisy, from those who follow their Quran to the very Last Jew to be expelled or killed on the planet ]

Editorial in official PA daily:
  • Warsaw Conference is "a plan to carry out a 'holocaust' against this [Palestinian] cause"
  • "Perhaps it is not a coincidence that Warsaw will serve as the site for the convening of this conference"
  • "This is the just ruse of history, which wishes to remind humanity that the holocausts of racist eradication that Nazi Germany carried out in Poland can happen again today as a result of this American policy."
  • "It wishes to turn Warsaw - as the Nazis did - into an arena of holocaust of eradication against a small, oppressed, and tortured people, the Palestinian people"
Fatah and other groups call on Arab countries to boycott the conference because it is "normalization" with Israel

(full article online)

"There is an Israeli Auschwitz to massacre Palestinians" - Senior Fatah official condemns Warsaw Conference - PMW Bulletins
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