Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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even if if WAS true, what difference does it make?

It wouldn't make any difference at all. What matters today is what they do now, not what they may or may not have done in the past.

I pray they change their ways :)-
What Jews DO NOW is keep the Arab Palestinians, who want to kill them on a daily basis, taken care of in the matter of Health, Jobs and Education.

What Jews DO NOW is defend themselves in a way they did not have the right to do for the previous 1300 years under Muslim oppression.

What THEY DO now, is make sure that the targets they hit are military targets and that Israel is the ONLY country in the world which "Knocks" on the enemy's roof to make civilians leave and save their lives, before they hit the enemy building where those attacking Israel are hiding.

Do you really want the endless number of examples of how Jews continue to be one of the most moral people in the world, unlike those who insist in lying, stealing their identity, stealing their land, raping, dismembering, murdering, attacking or expelling Jews for the past 1400 years?
Palestine was called Southern Syria, if You don't know such basic facts, go cure Your ignorance, then talk about truth.

Here is a bit of ignorance for you to chew on---

32 Thou shalt be for fuel to the fire; thy blood shall be in the midst of the land; thou shalt be no more remembered: for I the LORD have spoken it.

According to a 2002 study by the Jewish Agency, "the number of Jews in the world is declining at an average of 50,000 per year."
Jewish population by country - Wikipedia

Whatever you claim it was called you are not claiming it was called "Israel" because Israel was a person, not a place.
King James Bible
And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.

And you support all this, right?

I support biblical and historical truth, not fairytales

Palestine was called Southern Syria, if You don't know such basic facts, go cure Your ignorance, then talk about truth.

Here is a bit of ignorance for you to chew on---

32 Thou shalt be for fuel to the fire; thy blood shall be in the midst of the land; thou shalt be no more remembered: for I the LORD have spoken it.

According to a 2002 study by the Jewish Agency, "the number of Jews in the world is declining at an average of 50,000 per year."
Jewish population by country - Wikipedia

Whatever you claim it was called you are not claiming it was called "Israel" because Israel was a person, not a place.
King James Bible
And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.

Whatever you say, you do know you are full of it with this game you are playing.

Wiping out ancient Israel in your head will not wipe it out from history books and all the ancient documents which are being preserved to this day.

So, what do you have to gain with this game?

nothing, absolutely nothing until there is nothing left, except for your
attempts to wipe out a whole Nation and its people along with it for your religious satisfaction.

It does not work with intelligent people, anywhere in the world.

Remember that :)
What Jews DO NOW is keep the Arab Palestinians, who want to kill them on a daily basis, taken care of in the matter of Health, Jobs and Education

Oh how sweet, tears are coming from my eyes. But, but, but; your propaganda spill is nothing more than a pile of crapola for the blind to hear and never see.

What Jews DO NOW is defend themselves in a way they did not have the right to do for the previous 1300 years under Muslim oppression.

Just more bla, bla, bla--- I have joined a large number of other Americans who are petitioning Congress to stop giving Israel $billions a year in handouts. We ask why do we give Israel a dime; they are not America's 51st state

What THEY DO now, is make sure that the targets they hit are military targets and that Israel is the ONLY country in the world which "Knocks" on the enemy's roof to make civilians leave and save their lives, before they hit the enemy building where those attacking Israel are hiding.

Just more bla, bla, bla--- I have joined a large number of other Americans who are petitioning Congress to stop giving Israel $billions a year in handouts. WE ask why do we give them a dime; they are not America's 51st state

Do you really want the endless number of examples of how Jews continue to be one of the most moral people in the world

In the Bible God tried over and over to get the Israeli's to love their neighbors as they love themselves but it was all in vain.

BTW: When I read where you used the term "moral" I had to rush to the sink to throw up!!. Now that I have washed away the filth I'm back

I have one request and only one-----------
Stop using the term "Jew"; use Israeli instead, you are giving the Jewish people a bad name.

just a request
no animosity intended or implied
What Jews DO NOW is keep the Arab Palestinians, who want to kill them on a daily basis, taken care of in the matter of Health, Jobs and Education

Oh how sweet, tears are coming from my eyes. But, but, but; your propaganda spill is nothing more than a pile of crapola for the blind to hear and never see.

What Jews DO NOW is defend themselves in a way they did not have the right to do for the previous 1300 years under Muslim oppression.

Just more bla, bla, bla--- I have joined a large number of other Americans who are petitioning Congress to stop giving Israel $billions a year in handouts. We ask why do we give Israel a dime; they are not America's 51st state

What THEY DO now, is make sure that the targets they hit are military targets and that Israel is the ONLY country in the world which "Knocks" on the enemy's roof to make civilians leave and save their lives, before they hit the enemy building where those attacking Israel are hiding.

Just more bla, bla, bla--- I have joined a large number of other Americans who are petitioning Congress to stop giving Israel $billions a year in handouts. WE ask why do we give them a dime; they are not America's 51st state

Do you really want the endless number of examples of how Jews continue to be one of the most moral people in the world

In the Bible God tried over and over to get the Israeli's to love their neighbors as they love themselves but it was all in vain.

BTW: When I read where you used the term "moral" I had to rush to the sink to throw up!!. Now that I have washed away the filth I'm back

I have one request and only one-----------
Stop using the term "Jew"; use Israeli instead, you are giving the Jewish people a bad name.

just a request
no animosity intended or implied
I did not have to read beyond the first few words to realize that you are going to do anything in your power to delegitimize Israel andall Jews, AT ANY TIME IN HISTORY.

You stay that way sick human.

I will continue to use the right terminology for the country and the people from the time of Abraham to present time.

You go ahead and suffer.


32 Thou shalt be for fuel to the fire; thy blood shall be in the midst of the land; thou shalt be no more remembered: for I the LORD have spoken it.

According to a 2002 study by the Jewish Agency, "the number of Jews in the world is declining at an average of 50,000 per year."
Jewish population by country - Wikipedia

Oh lookie, more religious hatred. Go back to the Middle Ages where this sort of murderous Xtian religious hatred belongs.
Wiping out ancient Israel in your head will not wipe it out from history books and all the ancient documents which are being preserved to this day.

If believing this helps you sleep at night where you can dream the impossible dream who am I to disturb your sleep

So, what do you have to gain with this game?

God’s Chosen People

I have a personal attachment to the Old Testament and the verses contained therein. This includes the verses where the Lord talked directly to the Israelite people. In this one-way discussion the Lord laid out directives (commandments) for them to follow and the blessing they would get if they followed His suggestions. I took these directives and compared them to historical events and found them wanting. Personally, I would like to see the Israeli people change their ways by embracing the stranger (Palestinian) and treat them as one of their own, just as the Lord instructed them to do. I truly believe this “example” would create a wave of peace across the middle east.

I want the Israeli’s to embrace the Palestinians as one of their own, dismantle the illegal settlements and change the name of their country from “Israel” to “Palestine”.

I believe God is now judging them for the last time. If they do not ask God for forgiveness and repent for their past deeds; then all will be lost.

nothing, absolutely nothing until there is nothing left, except for your attempts to wipe out a whole Nation and its people along with it for your religious satisfaction.

I am just one person among billions on the face of this earth. It is not me you need to worry about, it is the Lord and He is watching and judging at this moment and He will make His final judgement in you lifetime.

If you are living in Israel today all I can say is MOVE NOW before it is too late

just a suggestion
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I did not have to read beyond the first few words

Oh come on, you can really read--?

Oh lookie, more religious hatred

Those words came out of the Bible, they were not my words; sweety; If you have a problem with God take it up with Him, not me; sweety

Go back to the Middle Ages where this sort of murderous Xtian religious hatred belongs.

I don't have to go back in history to find it, you are full of it in the here and now. Please give up the hate, embrace love and joy instead. Believe me you will feel a lot better for doing it.
You said just yesterday that you support Jewish history and the right of the Jewish people to their homeland.

I do support Jewish history; I do not support the false claim that the land now being cruelly and inhumanely occupied today as their "homeland".:)
You said just yesterday that you support Jewish history and the right of the Jewish people to their homeland.

I do support Jewish history; I do not support the false claim that the land now being cruelly and inhumanely occupied today as their "homeland".:)

So if it was their homeland you would totally support it. You just think the Jewish culture developed elsewhere, contrary to things like evidence.
Palestine was called Southern Syria, if You don't know such basic facts, go cure Your ignorance, then talk about truth.

Here is a bit of ignorance for you to chew on---

32 Thou shalt be for fuel to the fire; thy blood shall be in the midst of the land; thou shalt be no more remembered: for I the LORD have spoken it.

According to a 2002 study by the Jewish Agency, "the number of Jews in the world is declining at an average of 50,000 per year."
Jewish population by country - Wikipedia

Whatever you claim it was called you are not claiming it was called "Israel" because Israel was a person, not a place.
King James Bible
And God said unto him, Thy name is Jacob: thy name shall not be called any more Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name: and he called his name Israel.


That's just ridiculous.

And still that verse is talking about the Ammonites, for that one at least has to read the whole chapter.
But hey You're not the first ignoramus to attempt teach Jews about their Torah, You're merely repeating the same self contradictions that were already old during the times of Nachmanides.
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You just think the Jewish culture developed elsewhere, contrary to things like evidence.

We are beating a dead horse here. Wherever the Israeli people came from is irrelevant. What matter is the here and now, the past can be debated until hell freezes over, so what-?

I am a religious person who takes biblical verses for their intent not content.

If I; for a moment take biblical verses literally then God chose the Jewish people and gave them instructions on how they should live their lives. God then told them what they would get if they obeyed his commands and what they would get if they disobeyed His commands. Jesus followed by restating His commands and pointed out to the Jewish people what the Old Testament said; only then; it was the only Bible, there was no old and new version.

Taking into account the above; I studied the Bible, His instruction to them and followed this from the past to the present. In the process I compiled this evidence and continue to present this evidence to the public through forums like this one.

I have a purpose for doing this and I pray I bear fruit from it.

The above is my confession of the day :)-
And still that verse is talking about the Ammonites, for that one at least has to read the whole chapter.

NO it is NOT. If I need too I will repost the verses in question once again.

Rylah, you are living in denial; period :)-
Agha and a bunny laid eggs, while an Arabian sheikh flew on a Muslim Pegasus to Jerusalem.
Can't read a chapter in full, talks about denial :20:
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