Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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As Arabs Riot Across Israel, Swastika Flag Seen Hoisted Above Palestinian Town (VIDEO)

As Arabs Riot Across Israel, Swastika Flag Seen Hoisted Above Palestinian Town (VIDEO)

The swatika flag once again hosited above the Palestinian town of Beit Ummar. Photo: Screenshot/Tazpit.

As dozens of Gaza rockets were launched into Israel on Sunday and Arabs rioted across the country,partially in response to the slaying of an Arab teen allegedly by Jewish extremists, a Nazi flag bearing a large black swastika was seen waving above the Palestinian village of Beit Ummar.

The flag, which was clearly visible to drivers on Israel’s north-south Highway 60 intercity road, was captured on camera by Abraham Weiss of the Israel based Tazpit News Agency.

Reacting to the flag, a resident of nearby Carmei Tsur said, “The Arabs are no longer fearful of hiding their intentions. To kill, destroy and uproot the Jewish People.” Local residents have notified the Israel Defense Forces of the flag’s presence, according to Tazpit.

The town of 13,000 is located northwest of Hebron, relatively close to where the bodies of three Israeli teens were discovered in a shallow grave last Monday. The youths — Gilad Shaar, Naftali Frankel and Eyal Yifrah — were kidnapped on June 12 and murdered, allegedly by Hamas terrorists.

It is not the first time the Nazi banner has been hoisted up over the town.

In May 2013, the IDF Civil Administration ordered the Palestinian Electrical Company to remove a swastika flag that had been hung on one Beit Ummar’s electric wires, Israel Hayom reported. The offending flag, also first spotted by Tazpit, was subsequently removed.

In the latest video, it appears the flag is not connected to an electrical wire but is flying from a pole embedded in the ground.
As Arabs Riot Across Israel, Swastika Flag Seen Hoisted Above Palestinian Town (VIDEO)

As Arabs Riot Across Israel, Swastika Flag Seen Hoisted Above Palestinian Town (VIDEO)

The swatika flag once again hosited above the Palestinian town of Beit Ummar. Photo: Screenshot/Tazpit.

As dozens of Gaza rockets were launched into Israel on Sunday and Arabs rioted across the country,partially in response to the slaying of an Arab teen allegedly by Jewish extremists, a Nazi flag bearing a large black swastika was seen waving above the Palestinian village of Beit Ummar.

The flag, which was clearly visible to drivers on Israel’s north-south Highway 60 intercity road, was captured on camera by Abraham Weiss of the Israel based Tazpit News Agency.

Reacting to the flag, a resident of nearby Carmei Tsur said, “The Arabs are no longer fearful of hiding their intentions. To kill, destroy and uproot the Jewish People.” Local residents have notified the Israel Defense Forces of the flag’s presence, according to Tazpit.

The town of 13,000 is located northwest of Hebron, relatively close to where the bodies of three Israeli teens were discovered in a shallow grave last Monday. The youths — Gilad Shaar, Naftali Frankel and Eyal Yifrah — were kidnapped on June 12 and murdered, allegedly by Hamas terrorists.

It is not the first time the Nazi banner has been hoisted up over the town.

In May 2013, the IDF Civil Administration ordered the Palestinian Electrical Company to remove a swastika flag that had been hung on one Beit Ummar’s electric wires, Israel Hayom reported. The offending flag, also first spotted by Tazpit, was subsequently removed.

In the latest video, it appears the flag is not connected to an electrical wire but is flying from a pole embedded in the ground.

When someone shows you who they are, believe them.
As Arabs Riot Across Israel, Swastika Flag Seen Hoisted Above Palestinian Town (VIDEO)

As Arabs Riot Across Israel, Swastika Flag Seen Hoisted Above Palestinian Town (VIDEO)

The swatika flag once again hosited above the Palestinian town of Beit Ummar. Photo: Screenshot/Tazpit.

As dozens of Gaza rockets were launched into Israel on Sunday and Arabs rioted across the country,partially in response to the slaying of an Arab teen allegedly by Jewish extremists, a Nazi flag bearing a large black swastika was seen waving above the Palestinian village of Beit Ummar.

The flag, which was clearly visible to drivers on Israel’s north-south Highway 60 intercity road, was captured on camera by Abraham Weiss of the Israel based Tazpit News Agency.

Reacting to the flag, a resident of nearby Carmei Tsur said, “The Arabs are no longer fearful of hiding their intentions. To kill, destroy and uproot the Jewish People.” Local residents have notified the Israel Defense Forces of the flag’s presence, according to Tazpit.

The town of 13,000 is located northwest of Hebron, relatively close to where the bodies of three Israeli teens were discovered in a shallow grave last Monday. The youths — Gilad Shaar, Naftali Frankel and Eyal Yifrah — were kidnapped on June 12 and murdered, allegedly by Hamas terrorists.

It is not the first time the Nazi banner has been hoisted up over the town.

In May 2013, the IDF Civil Administration ordered the Palestinian Electrical Company to remove a swastika flag that had been hung on one Beit Ummar’s electric wires, Israel Hayom reported. The offending flag, also first spotted by Tazpit, was subsequently removed.

In the latest video, it appears the flag is not connected to an electrical wire but is flying from a pole embedded in the ground.

When someone shows you who they are, believe them.

And Arabs-Moslems continually show us who they are.

IDF: Terror cell carried out two attacks in one night

IDF: Terror cell carried. out two attacks in one night

Terrorists' night of mayhem started with firebombings - ended with ramming attack. 'Why didn't army shoot them during first attack?

The terrorist cell responsible for a pre-dawn ramming attack early Monday morning was also responsible for firebomb attacks hours earlier, an IDF spokesperson said Monday
[ The art of blackmail ]

Hamas is again demanding money for salaries for its employees in Gaza at a sum of $20 million as a condition for restoring calm along the Gaza border, Kan 11 News reported on Monday.

According to the report, a source in Hamas said that "Israel violated the original ceasefire and if it wants to return to it, the salaries of the clerks must be renewed. At the moment there is no calm, you violated it and therefore the incendiary and explosive balloons returned.”

(full article online)

Hamas again demands money from Israel
[ The art of blackmail ]

Hamas is again demanding money for salaries for its employees in Gaza at a sum of $20 million as a condition for restoring calm along the Gaza border, Kan 11 News reported on Monday.

According to the report, a source in Hamas said that "Israel violated the original ceasefire and if it wants to return to it, the salaries of the clerks must be renewed. At the moment there is no calm, you violated it and therefore the incendiary and explosive balloons returned.”

(full article online)

Hamas again demands money from Israel

Ugh. Enough. Enough with the temper-tantruming. If Hamas wants to be treated like a viable government, they need to start acting like one. If they choose not to, tell me, why would the international community continue to fund a terrorist organization?
[ The art of blackmail ]

Hamas is again demanding money for salaries for its employees in Gaza at a sum of $20 million as a condition for restoring calm along the Gaza border, Kan 11 News reported on Monday.

According to the report, a source in Hamas said that "Israel violated the original ceasefire and if it wants to return to it, the salaries of the clerks must be renewed. At the moment there is no calm, you violated it and therefore the incendiary and explosive balloons returned.”

(full article online)

Hamas again demands money from Israel

Ugh. Enough. Enough with the temper-tantruming. If Hamas wants to be treated like a viable government, they need to start acting like one. If they choose not to, tell me, why would the international community continue to fund a terrorist organization?
To destroy Israel. Nothing else is on the table.
Think "Peace Partners" and "Roadmaps" to nowhere with a politico-religious ideology that has remained static since the 7th century.

Palestinians: No Peace or Reconciliation with the 'Infidels'

by Khaled Abu Toameh
March 4, 2019 at 5:00 am

Palestinians: No Peace or Reconciliation with the 'Infidels'

  • The ruling by the Palestinian Scholars' Association is also aimed at sending a message to the US administration that the Palestinians and the Muslims will have nothing to do with the "Deal of the Century." Moreover, it serves as a reminder that even if some Arabs do sign peace treaties with Israel, there will always be those Muslims who will denounce them as "traitors" and accuse them of acting against the Koran and the rulings of Islam.

  • Mahmoud Abbas, meanwhile, is acutely aware that Muslims will condemn him -- and perhaps issue a fatwa calling for his death -- if he ever dares to make peace with the Jews. That suspicion might explain his recent comment during a visit to Egypt, when he was reported to have said that he does not intend to end his life as a traitor by making concessions to Israel.

On February 23rd, 2019, a 15 year-old Palestinian, Yusef al-Daya, was shot in the chest at a weekly event called the March of Return. The event is held every Friday at the Gaza border. Al-Daya was rushed to a local hospital where he was resuscitated but a short time later, succumbed to his wound.

Prominent media outlets such as Reuters stated; “Israeli troops shot dead a Palestinian teen.” The article makes no mention of important facts about al-Daya and what he was doing at the security fence.

This is a common framing of the “protests” at the security fence, which portray the participants as civilians and highlight people under 18 (“children”) killed. The death received considerable media attention, and came not long before the UN Human Rights Council issued a reportcondemning Israeli killings of “civilians” at the Gaza security fence.

Al-Daya wasn’t just a civilian protesting, he was a member of the Palestinian Mujahideen Movement who have a military wing called Mujahideen Brigades.

(full article online)

What media ignored: 15-year-old killed at Gaza border was active military member of terror groups
The taxes that Israel collects and transfers to the PA amount to, on average, 670 million shekels per month. Cumulatively, they account for almost 50% of the PA’s annual budget.

Abbas’s response was again quick to come. If Israel dares to implement the law, he will refuse to accept any of the remaining taxes.
Without these funds, the PA will no longer be able to provide essential services to the innocent Palestinian population or pay the tens of thousands of its law-abiding civil servants.

As if positively choosing to deprive the law-abiding Palestinians of hundreds of millions of shekels a year while instead squandering it to pay financial rewards to terrorists was not enough, Abbas is now positively choosing to inflict financial ruin on all the Palestinians. The PA has announced that public employees and employees in the private sector will have to take pay cuts in order for the PA to continue paying terrorist murderers in full.

In the absence of any other clear legacy, Abbas will certainly be remembered as the PA chairman who paid the most in financial rewards to terrorists, at the expense of and to the detriment of the millions of law-abiding and productive Palestinians.

(full article online)

Abbas’s legacy
[ Has Sarsour stopped calling herself "White" ? ]

Sarsour is saying that Nancy Pelosi is "upholding the patriarchy" and "doing the work of white men." Apparently, fighting antisemitism is something only racist white men do.

And doesn't Sarsour, who wears a hijab and defends Islam at every opportunity, doing the bidding of Muslim men who say that she cannot remove it without being in danger of being raped by sex-crazed men who cannot control themselves at the sight of her hair?

If Sarsour is so concerned about the patriarchy, why does she defend a misogynist religion?

Moreover, when House Resolution 569 was introduced in December 2016 "Condemning violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States," I can find no record of Sarsour speaking out against it because it didn't include other forms of bigotry besides that against Muslims. But a resolution against antisemitism is considered, and she is so upset that it is only on a single kind of hate!

(full article online)

Hypocrite Linda Sarsour is against Congressional resolution condemning antisemitism (ElderToons) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Political Propaganda in Violation of Professional Standards

The content of the Clinic’s sloppy and typo-laden submission is also highly disturbing and reflects the partnership with a PFLP-linked NGO. It is replete with egregiously false statements, gross distortions of the law and the facts, and the whitewashing of terror groups including Hamas. This publication is propaganda and not in accordance with professional standards for legal education or conduct required by the New York State Bar.

The following is just a small selection of the more outrageous statements made in the submission:

(full article online)

Letter to CUNYLaw Regarding its Joint UN Submission with Defense for Children International – Palestine (DCI-P)
A Muslim activist in Australia named Sam Ekermawi who has filed numerous racial vilification and discrimination complaints against prominent Australians was found guilty on Friday of assaulting pro-Israel activist Avi Yemini during a scuffle outside a courthouse in Sydney in June 2018.

In the incident, Ekermawi, a Palestinian immigrant to Australia, was attending a hearing involving a complaint he filed with the Australian Human Rights Commission, which investigates alleged infringements of anti-discrimination legislation, against TV news presented Sonia Kruger.

(full article online)

Muslim activist guilty of assaulting pro-Israel activist in Australia
Political Propaganda in Violation of Professional Standards

The content of the Clinic’s sloppy and typo-laden submission is also highly disturbing and reflects the partnership with a PFLP-linked NGO. It is replete with egregiously false statements, gross distortions of the law and the facts, and the whitewashing of terror groups including Hamas. This publication is propaganda and not in accordance with professional standards for legal education or conduct required by the New York State Bar.

The following is just a small selection of the more outrageous statements made in the submission:

(full article online)

Letter to CUNYLaw Regarding its Joint UN Submission with Defense for Children International – Palestine (DCI-P)
Exercise in Israeli desperation.:laugh::laugh::laugh:
Political Propaganda in Violation of Professional Standards

The content of the Clinic’s sloppy and typo-laden submission is also highly disturbing and reflects the partnership with a PFLP-linked NGO. It is replete with egregiously false statements, gross distortions of the law and the facts, and the whitewashing of terror groups including Hamas. This publication is propaganda and not in accordance with professional standards for legal education or conduct required by the New York State Bar.

The following is just a small selection of the more outrageous statements made in the submission:

(full article online)

Letter to CUNYLaw Regarding its Joint UN Submission with Defense for Children International – Palestine (DCI-P)
Exercise in Israeli desperation.:laugh::laugh::laugh:
Another one of your posts where you exercise utter intent in delegitimizing Israel, at any cost.
I couldn't find the report from the AOHR site. I found nothing at the WHO site that said that there was any evidence of health risks from RF radiation at any but the most extreme levels, although it pointed to some recommended standards.

The story goes on to say that Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons have appealed to the international community to dismantle these devices and prevent their use, and they are certain that the radiation issued by these devices affect their health. They claim headaches and ear pain, saying it feels like their brains are in a microwave.

If the prisoners were so concerned about their health, of course, they merely need to stop smuggling in cell phones so Israel wouldn't need jammers. Not to mention that there are equally unreliable reports that cell phone use itself is dangerous.

Somehow that solution seems too extreme to them, and their worries about their health do no extend to actually stopping using the equipment that is causing them this alleged pain.

(full article online)

Palestinian prisoners want Israel to stop jamming their cell phones - claiming health concerns! ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
While the article makes it clear that Palestinians in Lebanon have it really, really bad, to the AOHR the real problem is that when they leave they may no longer be pawns to pressure Israel for "return."

Which is an amazing stance for a supposedly human rights group to take.

Somehow, they are claiming that the exodus of Palestinians from Lebanon, which has been going on for decades, is connected with Trump's "Deal of the Century."

If the US was really behind finding new homes for oppressed Lebanese Palestinians, it should win a Nobel Peace Prize!*

A supposedly human rights group is upset that Palestinians are leaving a hellhole to find a better life elsewhere, The entire reason is because the fewer Palestinians in UNRWA camps, the less of a problem they are for Israel.

It is a breathtakingly cynical thought process that prefers that their human rights be abused daily just for the tiny extra amount of symbolism that comes from pointing to their miserable conditions and pretending that it is Israel's fault.

(full article online)

Arab "human rights" group prefers Palestinians stay in Lebanese open-air prisons to emigrating ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The Israeli Arab in this video Abdul Abed El Rachman talks about how the Left uses Arabs for their own benefit. They want to see the humiliated and downtrodden Arab so that the Arab will ask for their help. And then the Left uses that image for the public and blames Israel. But Abul tells the truth about Israel. Israel is a beautiful and wonderful country. He has been treated well his whole life. There is no discrimination, no apartheid. The public is wrong about Israel. The Left is wrong. And he wants everyone to know. Abdul even calls the Left an “occupier,” which is especially significant given that the world calls Israel the occupiers!

(full article online)

Israeli Arab reveals the Left's biggest secret
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

This is a frivolous complaint.

I couldn't find the report from the AOHR site. I found nothing at the WHO site that said that there was any evidence of health risks from RF radiation at any but the most extreme levels, although it pointed to some recommended standards.

The story goes on to say that Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons have appealed to the international community to dismantle these devices and prevent their use, and they are certain that the radiation issued by these devices affect their health. They claim headaches and ear pain, saying it feels like their brains are in a microwave.

If the prisoners were so concerned about their health, of course, they merely need to stop smuggling in cell phones so Israel wouldn't need jammers. Not to mention that there are equally unreliable reports that cell phone use itself is dangerous.

Somehow that solution seems too extreme to them, and their worries about their health do no extend to actually stopping using the equipment that is causing them this alleged pain.

(full article online)

Palestinian prisoners want Israel to stop jamming their cell phones - claiming health concerns! ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

These are standard security measure used by both High-Level Legal and Contract Negotiation Strategy Teams, Commercial and Industrial Research Facilities, Special Access Programs, Sensitive Compartmented Information Facilities, as well as detention activities. But these are not the only radiators used.

There is a whole host of Electronic Surveillance and Countermeasures systems and detection devices, as well as a family of devices that are used to remotely active hostile electronic mechanisms. Cell Phone Jammers one of many devices in the family of Meaconing, Electronic Intruders, and Mimicking Devices.

Bottom Line: This is just a prisoner strategy in an attempt to get around the communications security measures and the prevention of remote activation devices.

Most Respectfully,
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