Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The recent delivery by the IDF of some islamic terrorist behavioral modifications, (as'plodins in Gaza'istan), seems to have had the desired effect on the islamic terrorists.

It seems odd that the islamic terrorists call for saving a truce amid Islamic terrorist rocket and incendiary attacks.


Hamas calls on mediators to save Gaza truce

Arab-Israeli Conflict
19:36 | 06/13/19


Holding Israel responsible for failing to fully implement the understandings, Khalil al-Haya, a senior Hamas official, warned that Hamas may be forced to respond to the alleged foot-dragging.
Egyptian security officials are expected to visit the Gaza Strip to discuss ways of preserving the truce understandings between Hamas and Israel.

The planned visit comes amid increased tensions in light of continued projectile and incendiary balloon attacks from the Gaza Strip towards Israel.

Hamas officials claimed that Israel was searching for excuses to avoid the implementation of the truce understandings that were reached earlier this summer under the auspices of Egypt, the UN and Qatar.
Holding Israel responsible for failing to fully implement the understandings, Khalil al-Haya, a senior Hamas official, warned that Hamas may be forced to respond to the alleged foot-dragging.
They didn't mention what that was.

I suppose the Arabs-Moslems are in a predicament about what to do when their athletes lose to Israeli competitors.

I suppose the Arabs-Moslems could throw their losers off a rooftop?

Palestinian hypocrisy:

Jibril Rajoub forbids Palestinian-Israeli sports,
yet in Paris says sports is "a bridge of love and connection
with the international community"

Palestinian hypocrisy: Jibril Rajoub forbids Palestinian-Israeli sports, yet in Paris says sports is “a bridge of love and connection with the international community” - PMW Bulletins
By Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Maurice Hirsch, Adv.

It's ironic to hear senior PA leader Jibril Rajoub say at a football exhibition in Paris that sports is "a bridge of love and connection with the international community," considering that he has forbidden Palestinian players, coaches, and teams to ever engage in sports with Israelis.
Reading about the latest underground facility that the IDF as’plodid in Gaza’istan, it’s easy to see that the Islamic terrorists moles do their tunnel building the way they do everything else: incompetently.

Your Complete Guide to Hamas' Network of Terror Tunnels - The Tower

Is another Gaza war inevitable? Judging by the latest reports in the Israeli media, it might seem that way. At a funeral for seven Hamas militants killed in a tunnel collapse, Hamas’ Gaza-based chief Ismail Haniyeh declared that the so-called “terror tunnels” are a mainstay of the terrorist group’s strategy against Israel. A senior Israeli defense official told reporters that Hamas has mostly rebuilt its tunnel infrastructure, which Israel destroyed in Operation Protective Edge in 2014. During the operation, the IDF demolished 32 tunnels, 14 of which crossed into Israel for the purpose of conducting terror attacks. Hamas publically confirmed their ongoing efforts to rebuild the tunnels by praising its subterranean heroes who are “toiling day and night” on reconstruction. Meanwhile, reports have trickled out of Gaza that six tunnels collapsed over the past two months, killing at least thirteen Gazans.
Reading about the latest underground facility that the IDF as’plodid in Gaza’istan, it’s easy to see that the Islamic terrorists moles do their tunnel building the way they do everything else: incompetently.

Your Complete Guide to Hamas' Network of Terror Tunnels - The Tower

Is another Gaza war inevitable? Judging by the latest reports in the Israeli media, it might seem that way. At a funeral for seven Hamas militants killed in a tunnel collapse, Hamas’ Gaza-based chief Ismail Haniyeh declared that the so-called “terror tunnels” are a mainstay of the terrorist group’s strategy against Israel. A senior Israeli defense official told reporters that Hamas has mostly rebuilt its tunnel infrastructure, which Israel destroyed in Operation Protective Edge in 2014. During the operation, the IDF demolished 32 tunnels, 14 of which crossed into Israel for the purpose of conducting terror attacks. Hamas publically confirmed their ongoing efforts to rebuild the tunnels by praising its subterranean heroes who are “toiling day and night” on reconstruction. Meanwhile, reports have trickled out of Gaza that six tunnels collapsed over the past two months, killing at least thirteen Gazans.

"rebuild the tunnels by [...] subterranean heroes.."

IDF attacks Hamas targets in Gaza flowing Sderot rocket hit
Army says targets include a Hamas naval facility, terror infrastructure; no casualties, injuries reported; week's events test stability of arrangement between Israel and Hamas

IDF attacks Hamas targets in Gaza flowing Sderot rocket hit

The IDF Spokesperson's Unit said targets included terror infrastructure in Hamas facilities as well as a facility belonging to the terror group's naval forces.


If anyone is going to Home Depot this weekend, could you pick up a new front door?
Memri has a video of the expected islamic lunacy oozing from an Iranian nutbar. He rants about the Iranian association with Hamas and islamic gee-had bringing about the destruction of Israel.

It's the same, shared psychosis that afflicts Moslems, even among the various tribes of Moslems who spend as much time Jew hating as they do as'ploding each other.

Video here:
"Iranian Official Hassan Rahimpour Azghadi: Iranians Fought Alongside Hamas, Islamic Jihad in Gaza; We Will Destroy Israel within 25 Years"

Hassan Rahimpour Azghadi, a member of Iran's Supreme Council for Cultural Revolution, said in remarks that aired on Ofogh TV (Iran) on May 31 that, even without the help of other countries, Iran will destroy Israel and liberate Palestine within 25 years, as Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has said in the past. Azghadi said that the Americans would end their sanctions if Iran stopped supporting the Palestinians, but that this is where Iran "draws the line." Giving the example of Israeli assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists, he said that Iran has paid a heavy price for its stance, and he added that Iranians had been present in Gaza and had fought alongside Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants during the recent conflict with Israel.
Anybody have an email address for the Iranian Mullocrats?

Hamas needs a welfare check.

Eh, islamic terrorists making demands. They're whining about Israel reducing the so-called "fishing zone" after the resumption of Islamic terrorist attacks.


Breaking news. (photo credit:" JPOST STAFF)

Hamas to Mladenov: We will not tolerant the current situation - report

UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Nikolay Mladenov, left the Gaza Strip through the Erez crossing on Friday, after he meeting with the Hamas leadership.

According to reports in the Gaza Strip, senior Hamas figures told the UN envoy that "they will not tolerate the current situation, and that Israel must immediately reopen the Gaza fishing zone."
Two Authorities, One Way, Zero Dissent


In the 25 years since Palestinians gained a degree of self-rule over the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, their authorities have established machineries of repression to crush dissent, including through the use of torture.

Both the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank and the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in Gaza have in recent years carried out scores of arbitrary arrests for peaceful criticism of the authorities, particularly on social media, among independent journalists, on university campuses, and at demonstrations.
It’s comical that the head spokes-terrorist representing the Gaza franchise of Islamic Terrorism Intl. Inc. is pleading ignorance regarding the most recent Islamic terrorist attack.

I suspect the swift Israeli response took Hamas by surprise. One can only hope that the Israeli response to the next Islamic terrorist attack will be similarly swift and decisive.

Oh, and how nice that more welfare cash will be coming to Hamas. More money they can use to burrow underground. It’s a way for Islamic terrorists to dig their own graves.

Hamas chief tells UN he doesn’t know who fired past week’s rockets at Israel

Hamas chief tells UN he doesn’t know who fired past week’s rockets at Israel

Ismail Haniyeh says terror group investigating who carried out attacks; United Nations envoy Nickolay Mladenov says Qatari cash to arrive in Gaza in coming days
Interesting article in RT.

It may be that the IDF is going to allow for civilian casualties caused by the various Islamic terrorist franchises waging war from civilian areas.

The Islamic terrorist franchises will hope that parading dead bodies around as prizes will win propaganda points but that tactic will fail. At some point, the civilian population is going to “have it up to here” with being disposable commodities.

‘Very thin thread’: IDF may strike Gaza quietly & unexpectedly amid tensions with Hamas

The IDF reportedly wants to scrap the policy of warning Gaza residents before conducting airstrikes against alleged Hamas targets, as cross-border tensions with the enclave have once again flared up this week.
Israeli military typically warns the residents of Gaza, either by automatic phone calls or leaflets, to stay clear of buildings which could be affiliated with Hamas militants prior to striking them. But the never-ending violence along the Gaza-Israeli border, triggered by Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish state, is making the IDF reconsider their tactics.
Amid the latest ceasefire with Islamic terrorists, (where ceasefire means a minor reduction in Islamic terrorist attacks), Israel is displaying a willingness to ramp up retaliation for those attacks.

The “proportional response” program Israel has used so far has allowed Islamic terrorists the ability to strike Israel without the fear of a devastating retaliation. That may change.

Israel strikes Gaza for 2nd night in response to rocket fire (VIDEO)

‘Very thin thread’: IDF may strike Gaza quietly & unexpectedly amid tensions with Hamas

As Israel remains “on the verge of a serious military campaign,” the IDF wants to end the policy of warning Gaza residents before airstrikes, even if it results in more casualties, a senior military source was quoted as saying by Channel 12.

“Everything is hanging by a very thin thread and the situation could change dramatically,” the source added, noting that top generals are expected to push for a much stronger response soon.
It really is laughable that the Islamic Terrorist Welfare and Gee-had Endowment (aka UNRWA), still exists.

Hamas endorsement of UNRWA elections underscores the agency’s inherent flaws


While the agency, which has long been tied to terror links and promotes incitement through its textbooks, says its mandate will end with the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, even though UNRWA’s very existence is a factor that prevents any resolution.

According to David Bedein, director of the Israel Resource News Agency and Center for Near East Policy Research, while the endorsement is no surprise for an agency that was “effectively taken over” by Hamas 18 years ago, the news further underscores the problematic education that UNRWA provides—an indoctrination and brainwashing that is “beyond the imagination.”
Ready for a heapin’ helpin’ dose of islamo-melodrama?

Abbas' advisor Al-Habbash, (hereinafter, Al), was on a tirade about “the entire world will pay”, seemingly a thinly veiled threat that the Arabs-Moslems are going to whine, complain and hold their breath till they turn blue if “the world” doesn’t pay attention to their tantrums.

Thanks, Al.

"The entire world will pay" if Muslims don't "act" to save Al-Aqsa from "the Israeli plot," threatens Abbas' advisor on Islam
by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
June 13, 2019

"The entire world will pay" if Muslims don't "act" to save Al-Aqsa from "the Israeli plot," threatens Abbas' advisor on Islam - PMW Bulletins

"The entire world will pay" if Muslims don't "act" to save Al-Aqsa from "the Israeli plot,"
threatens Abbas' advisor on Islam

Abbas' advisor Al-Habbash: Conflict with Israel is "between good and evil"
  • Al-Habbash: "If the Muslims don't act now, something will occur whose end is bad and bitter, and then the entire world will pay dearly"
  • Al-Habbash: "The battle over Jerusalem... is... a battle between facts and myth, between truth and falsehood, between justice and injustice, between integrity and distortion, between tolerance and fanaticism, and between good and evil..."
  • Al-Habbash: Israel is "Satan's project"; Israel has "Culture of Satan"
By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Activist Nate Chase of the World Workers Party said that Israel never has and never will exist and he described the “Zionist entity” as the “racist puppet” of U.S. imperialism. He led the chant: “We don’t want no two-state [solution]; we want all of it!” Rokeya Begum from Within Our Lifetime led chants that said “globalize the Intifada” and “smash the settler Zionist state.” Joe Catron of Samidoun led a chant that went: “There is only one solution – intifada, revolution!” The MC also led the chant: “Netanyahu, what do you say? How many kids did you kill today?”

(full article online)

Anti-Israel Rally at Times Square in New York with Horrific Idiotic Chants
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