Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

Well, I sure do. It is a matter of intensity and magnitude.

Do you have a point?

There is (clearly) a world of difference between the few instances wherein the Israeli Defence Force (IDF) called a fire mission of white phosphorus - and - the multiple uses of incendiary devices nearly every day.

BTW: While the UN did look into the IDF incidents involving white phosphorus (WP) and recommended against it, No treaty specifically prohibits the use of WP. However, there are several treaties that regulate munitions containing white phosphorus (WP). I recommend you look at the 1980 Protocol on Incendiary Weapons (Protocol III on Incendiary Weapons of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons) before making too many sweeping remarks. Again, the is a world of difference between using WP in the lumination (to mark targets).

The IDF prohibited (in all circumstances) the use of WP to make the civilian population as such, individual civilians or civilian objects the object of attack by incendiary weapons. I believe the IDF further made the use of WP to illuminate legitimate targets in target areas where the HoAP use civilian persons and objects by the placement of them in the vicinity of legitimate HAMAS hostile objectives and activities.

The UN objected as (a matter of media amplification and circus ride) the IDF use of WP located within a concentration of civilians (protected persons). I think there were a total of five incidents involving the IDF use of WP. It was, in the aftermath of those responses to Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) activity that - the IDF would discontinue the use of WP under those conditions where the HoAP are intentionally locating legitimate objectives within or near densely populated areas.

Most Respectfully,
OK, but whatever the Palestinians do, Israel does more and first.

Ya’ Allah, sweetie. Are you 5 years old?
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

You might want to keep this in the back of your mind; relative to these "Incendiary Weapons." Pull it out every time people like our friend "P F Tinmore" asks the question: "What law did they commit?" Technically, the leaders of HAMAS are guilty of Plotting and Planning plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful, while the Gazan Launchers are each in violation for every act committed.

International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombing New York said:
[LINK: UN Resolution and the International Convention as the Annex: A/RES/52/164]
Article 1
For the purposes of this Convention

3."Explosive or other lethal device" means: a.An explosive or incendiary weapon or device that is designed, or has the capability, to cause death, serious bodily injury or substantial material damage;​
Article 2
1.Any person commits an offence within the meaning of this Convention if that person unlawfully and intentionally delivers, places, discharges or detonates an explosive or other lethal device in, into or against a place of public use, State or government facility, a public transportation system or an infrastructure facility:

a.With the intent to cause death or serious bodily injury; or

b.With the intent to cause extensive destruction of such a place, facility or system, where such destruction results in or is likely to result in major economic loss.​
2.Any person also commits an offence if that person attempts to commit an offence as set forth in paragraph 1 of the present article​
Article 9
The offences set forth in Article 2 shall be deemed to be included as extraditable offences in any extradition treaty existing between any of the States Parties before the entry into force of this Convention. States Parties undertake to include such offences as extraditable offences in every extradition treaty to be subsequently concluded between them.​

Yes, it has been a principle weapon of criminals and terrorist since before the time of the Roman Empire.

Most Respectfully,

I certainly don't expect the poster P F Timore to address the actions of Hamas or any of the other Islamic terrorist organizations in Gaza or the West Bank. He needs to defend that Arab honor. In that part of the world, rather than having an intrinsic moral sense, honor is more a matter of getting ones way as per a xenophobic, intolerant, misogynistic, and violent desert code. It simply doesn't matter that the Hamas and Fatah leadership create the conditions that kill countless Arab/Moslem men, women, and children and had countless others tortured and killed. Hamas and Fatah are his monsters. Throw Israel into the weird, senseless conspiracy mix, and voila!— Arab/Moslem terrorists are the victims and Jews are (as usual) the villains.

I guess that is my fundamental difference with P F Tinmore and his murderous Islamic terrorist heroes. He describes violent gee-had as "resistance" and murderous Islamic psychopaths as pious Moslems. I think of Martin Luther King and Ghandi when I think of the word freedom fighter as I use it to describe people who seek to bring about social and political change without resorting to the use of religiously motivated mass murder / suicide. In my world, I can't ascribe the term "freedom fighter" to those who seek to impose a xenophobic, intolerant, misogynistic, and violent politico-religious code. Because Islamic terrorists use religiously sanctioned hatreds to promote car bombings, street murders, gee-had, they can never be considered "freedom fighters". They are nothing but Islamic terrorists. A soldier obeys a distinct hierarchy of leadership and wears a uniform. A soldier is a military representative for a state, and as a result, he can be held accountable for crimes committed while serving in that capacity.

As for the Islamic terrorist, they do not obey a strict hierarchy, do not wear clearly identifiable uniforms, and they use civilians and population centers as places to wage war. They seek accountability for their terrorist actions. They are funded and given shelter by an authority that uses international welfare to commit their acts of Islamic terrorism.
There is quite a consortium of Islamic terrorist misfits aligning.

I'm just curious to know when these angry throwbacks are going to turn on each other.

Good idea. Put Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Palestinian Communist Party and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in close contact with each other to "brainstorm". What could go wrong?

Scorn for US peace plan brings Hamas, Hezbollah closer

The Lebanon-based Alliance of Palestinian Forces — comprised of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Palestinian Communist Party and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine — recently requested a meeting with Hezbollah. According to Ataya, the process is at a preliminary stage, but is being pursued. The goal will be to agree on practical measures to resist Trump's plan and protect Lebanese and Palestinian interests. He remarked that converting Palestinian and Lebanese rejection of naturalization into practical steps will require brainstorming on the political and legal dimensions of the issue.
Oh, my. It seems Assad is holding a grudge. What is the world coming to when Arab psychopaths can't get along?

Syria says no to restoring ties with 'terrorist-supporting' Hamas

Middle East
16:42 | 06/11/19


A GIRL holds an image of Syrian President Bashar Assad.. (photo credit:" REUTERS)
Hamas’s refusal to support the regime of Bashar Assad in the civil war that erupted in Syria in 2011 prompted the Syrians to cut their relations with the movement.
It will be interesting to see where this goes.

Republicans To Send Letter To Twitter Calling For Hamas Ban

Republicans To Send Letter To Twitter Calling For Hamas Ban
June 11th, 2019

Palestinian protesters pull a metal cable as they try to take down a section of barbed wire during clashes with Israeli forces on April 20, 2018, east of Khan Yunis, in the southern Gaza Strip during mass protests along the border of the Palestinian enclave, dubbed "The Great March of Return," which has the backing of Gaza's Islamist rulers Hamas. (SAID KHATIB/AFP/Getty Images)

Sixteen Republican congresspeople plan to send a letter to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Tuesday encouraging the platform to ban all content promoting terror specific to Hamas, The Daily Caller has learned.
The man Mahmoud Abbas hand-picked to parade around as something called a “Prime Minister” is effectively announcing the looming failure of Abbas’istan. Muhammad Shtayyeh makes all the usual appeals to “it’s everyone else’s fault for our incompetence and inadequacies”.

However, the so-called “financial crisis” within the West Bank falls squarely on an Islamic terrorist syndicate that has no business attempting to manage the affairs of civil government.

New Palestinian Premier Warns of a ‘Very Hot Summer’

RAMALLAH, West Bank — Pressured by the Trump administration, confronted with Israeli talk of annexing the West Bank, increasingly isolated in the Arab world and running out of money, the beleaguered Palestinian Authority is staring at what its new prime minister acknowledges could be its own demise.

“We are in a collapsing situation,” the premier, Muhammad Shtayyeh, said in an interview.

A new Israeli antiterrorism law that withholds some Palestinian revenue has precipitated a financial crisis that could bankrupt the authority by July or August, he said. If that happens, the authority would have to furlough its police officers, he said — a not-so-veiled threat to Israel, which depends on Palestinian security forces to police the West Bank.
There is quite a consortium of Islamic terrorist misfits aligning.

I'm just curious to know when these angry throwbacks are going to turn on each other.

Good idea. Put Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Palestinian Communist Party and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in close contact with each other to "brainstorm". What could go wrong?

Scorn for US peace plan brings Hamas, Hezbollah closer

The Lebanon-based Alliance of Palestinian Forces — comprised of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Palestinian Communist Party and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine — recently requested a meeting with Hezbollah. According to Ataya, the process is at a preliminary stage, but is being pursued. The goal will be to agree on practical measures to resist Trump's plan and protect Lebanese and Palestinian interests. He remarked that converting Palestinian and Lebanese rejection of naturalization into practical steps will require brainstorming on the political and legal dimensions of the issue.

Israel withdrew from all of Lebanon in the year 2000. So what exactly are the Lebanese resisting?
There is quite a consortium of Islamic terrorist misfits aligning.

I'm just curious to know when these angry throwbacks are going to turn on each other.

Good idea. Put Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Palestinian Communist Party and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine in close contact with each other to "brainstorm". What could go wrong?

Scorn for US peace plan brings Hamas, Hezbollah closer

The Lebanon-based Alliance of Palestinian Forces — comprised of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Palestinian Communist Party and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine — recently requested a meeting with Hezbollah. According to Ataya, the process is at a preliminary stage, but is being pursued. The goal will be to agree on practical measures to resist Trump's plan and protect Lebanese and Palestinian interests. He remarked that converting Palestinian and Lebanese rejection of naturalization into practical steps will require brainstorming on the political and legal dimensions of the issue.

Israel withdrew from all of Lebanon in the year 2000. So what exactly are the Lebanese resisting?
The mere presence of Jews in the Middle East is an affront to Arabs-Moslems and to the Shia Iranians. It is the Shia Iranian occupation army in Lebanon; Hezbollah, that is the greatest threat to Lebanon.
Oh, my. The angry islamists are, as usual, at each other's throats as they see the "Deal of the Century" affecting their viability.

With the status quo of the UNRWA welfare fraud in place, there are fortunes to be made by the islamic terrorist franchises. All of that is in jeapordy now.

Hamas to the PA: Stop security coordination with Israel

Hamas to the PA: Stop security coordination with Israel

Senior Hamas official calls on PA to return to path of resistance ahead of the publication of the Trump administration's peace plan.
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It is an interesting article that shines the harsh light of apartheid embraced by Arabs-Moslems toward their unwanted “Pal’istanian”, squatters.

Let’s be honest and admit that neighboring Arabs-Moslems will not accept the financial, political and social burden of angry, entitled “Pal’istanians”.

The Jordanians went to war with Yassir “it’s not AIDS” Arafat when he decided that King Hussein was vulnerable. The neighboring Arab-Moslem nations have a long memory and use the “Pal’istanians” as a regional flail against Israel. Although, that’s clearly changing as those neighboring Arab-Moslem nations see Israel as an ally against the Shia Iranians and their new-found errand boys in Hamas and Islamic gee-had.

Enjoy the show.

Arabs' Nightmare: Absorbing Palestinians

Arabs' Nightmare: Absorbing Palestinians

  • Lebanon says it fully supports the Palestinians in their fight against Israel -- but would like to see them leave the country as soon as possible.

  • This is the modern-day version of Arab "solidarity" with their Palestinian brothers: discrimination and apartheid -- no jobs, no citizenship, no health care and no social services.

  • Nor do Palestinian leaders give a damn about the welfare of their people. If they did, it would be hard to justify their impressive efforts to foil an economic conference whose main goal is to lift their people out of the economic hell these very leaders created and vigorously maintain.
It may be that the Iranian Mullocrats ordered their flunkies in Hamas to renew attacks aimed at Israel before they cut another welfare check.

Fortunately, Israel was quick to respond and the islamic terrorists will have to wait for orders from Tehran.


Israel strikes Gaza targets after rocket fire

A ball of fire is seen during Israeli air strikes in Gaza May 4, 2019 (photo credit: REUTERS/MOHAMMED SALEM)

First rocket fire in over a month came shortly after Israel closed the fishing zone off of the Gaza coast.
Israel struck Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip early Thursday morning after the launching of a rocket towards Israeli border communities.

The IDF said fighter jets “attacked an underground terror infrastructure on a military compound belonging to the Hamas terror group in the southern Gaza Strip.The attack was carried out in response to the rocket fire from the Gaza Strip earlier in the night.”
While there were rumors of a ceasefire with the islamic terrorists in Gaza, not so much.

While there were rumors of a ceasefire with the islamic terrorists in Gaza, not so much.


Islamic terrorism carries consequences.

You need more violins.

Israel strikes Hamas targets in Gaza after intercepting rocket

The Israeli army said it struck Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip following interception of a rocket fired at Israeli border-communities early Thursday morning. The escalation follows an Israeli decision to impose a maritime blockade on the Strip after continued launching of incendiary balloons from Gaza into Israel.
Lebanon Wants Its Palestinians Kept in Refugee Camps and Out of Lebanese Society

In the wake of recent outbreaks of violence in Palestinian refugee camps in the country, the Lebanese parliament is now considering a law that would reform the governance of these twelve camps, where most of Lebanon’s 450,000 Palestinians live. The public discussion over the bill, writes Khaled Abu Toameh, reveals much about Lebanese attitudes toward the Palestinians, and Arab attitudes more broadly:

The Lebanese security forces do not operate inside the [refugee] camps, which have long been the scene of armed clashes among Palestinian groups, including Hamas, Fatah, and Islamic State terrorists. Last month, the Palestinians reached an agreement with the Lebanese authorities to “demilitarize” the Mieh Mieh refugee camp in southern Lebanon, which was the scene of armed clashes among rival Palestinian groups in the past two years. The agreement allows the Lebanese army to operate inside the camp, home to some 5,000 Palestinians.

Yet not all Lebanese seem to be satisfied with the way their government is handling the issue of the Palestinians in Lebanon. Many fear that the new law to manage the Palestinian refugee camp is nothing but a disguise to “resettle” the Palestinians in Lebanon, thus tampering with the country’s demographics. . . .

Lebanon Wants Its Palestinians Kept in Refugee Camps and Out of Lebanese Society
The recent delivery by the IDF of some islamic terrorist behavioral modifications, (as'plodins in Gaza'istan), seems to have had the desired effect on the islamic terrorists.

It seems odd that the islamic terrorists call for saving a truce amid Islamic terrorist rocket and incendiary attacks.


Hamas calls on mediators to save Gaza truce

Arab-Israeli Conflict
19:36 | 06/13/19


Holding Israel responsible for failing to fully implement the understandings, Khalil al-Haya, a senior Hamas official, warned that Hamas may be forced to respond to the alleged foot-dragging.
Egyptian security officials are expected to visit the Gaza Strip to discuss ways of preserving the truce understandings between Hamas and Israel.

The planned visit comes amid increased tensions in light of continued projectile and incendiary balloon attacks from the Gaza Strip towards Israel.

Hamas officials claimed that Israel was searching for excuses to avoid the implementation of the truce understandings that were reached earlier this summer under the auspices of Egypt, the UN and Qatar.
The recent delivery by the IDF of some islamic terrorist behavioral modifications, (as'plodins in Gaza'istan), seems to have had the desired effect on the islamic terrorists.

It seems odd that the islamic terrorists call for saving a truce amid Islamic terrorist rocket and incendiary attacks.


Hamas calls on mediators to save Gaza truce

Arab-Israeli Conflict
19:36 | 06/13/19


Holding Israel responsible for failing to fully implement the understandings, Khalil al-Haya, a senior Hamas official, warned that Hamas may be forced to respond to the alleged foot-dragging.
Egyptian security officials are expected to visit the Gaza Strip to discuss ways of preserving the truce understandings between Hamas and Israel.

The planned visit comes amid increased tensions in light of continued projectile and incendiary balloon attacks from the Gaza Strip towards Israel.

Hamas officials claimed that Israel was searching for excuses to avoid the implementation of the truce understandings that were reached earlier this summer under the auspices of Egypt, the UN and Qatar.
Holding Israel responsible for failing to fully implement the understandings, Khalil al-Haya, a senior Hamas official, warned that Hamas may be forced to respond to the alleged foot-dragging.
They didn't mention what that was.
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