Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Another day and another reason for Arabs-Moslems to riot.

Another day in the angry, dark world that is the Arab-Moslem psyche.


Arabs riot as Jews are allowed to enter Temple Mount on Jerusalem Day

Chairs and objects thrown on the ground after Arabs rioted the decision to allow Jews to enter the Temple Mount on Jerusalem Day (photo credit: POLICE SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

As the police attempted to enter the place, Arab worshipers began throwing stones, chairs and other objects at the forces.
Following the report that Jews will be allowed to enter the Temple Mount for Jerusalem Day, riots broke out on the Temple Mount on Sunday, according to the Police Spokesperson's Unit.

The commander of the Jerusalem district, Maj.-Gen. Doron Yedid, ordered the police to enter the Temple Mount and take care of the rioters.
Maybe the thing to do is placate the Arab-Moslems with a nod and a smile and explain, “yes Mr. Emir of Sinwar’istan, you now have a state”.

When the first gee-had rocket attack emerges from the “ Caliphate of Sinwar’istan”, it’s time for the IDF to respond on a war footing and stop the nonsense.

INSIGHT-Palestinians say U.S. 'deal of the century' will finish off their state

INSIGHT-Palestinians say U.S. 'deal of the century' will finish off their state

BEIRUT, May 31 (Reuters) - The U.S. blueprint to end the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, still in draft form after almost two years, is seen by Palestinians, and by some Arab officials and politicians, as a plan to finish off the Palestinian cause.

The initiative, driven by Jared Kushner, Donald Trump's son-in-law and White House adviser, was billed by the U.S. president as the "deal of the century".

While its precise outlines have yet to be revealed, Palestinian and Arab sources who have been briefed on the draft plan say Kushner has jettisoned the two-state solution - the long-standing U.S. and international formula that envisages an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel in the West Bank, east Jerusalem and Gaza.
In typical fashion, the Islamic terrorists in the Fatah franchise are seeking out a confrontation.

Fatah calls for violence in order to prevent the Jerusalem Day Parade to the Western Wall

Fatah calls for violence in order to prevent the Jerusalem Day Parade to the Western Wall - PMW Bulletins

Fatah calls to come to the Damascus Gate of the Old City at 5:00 p.m., the exact same time at which the traditional flag parade will pass the spot on its way to the Western Wall

By Itamar Marcus and Maurice Hirschby
June 2, 2019

Palestinian Media Watch turned to the Israeli police to warn about violence that the Fatah Movement has called for today, Jerusalem Day. Yesterday Fatah posted on its official Facebook page a call to Palestinians to "come... to the Damascus Gate at 5:00 p.m. in order to emphasize the Arabness and Islamicness of Jerusalem to the herds of settlers who want to desecrate the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the streets and alleys of Jerusalem."

5:00 p.m. this afternoon is the time that the traditional Jerusalem Day Parade is scheduled to pass that location on its way to the Western Wall. The purpose of Fatah's call was to have Palestinians violently disrupt the parade.

In the notice published on the Fatah Facebook page, three events in which Palestinians used violence to achieve political gain were stressed as precedents for today's call to Arabs:

"As the [Palestinian] public has succeeded in thwarting the Zionist plan of imposing a division of [prayer] times and the invasions during the Jewish holidays in September 2015; and the cancellation of the decision to place metal detectors at the Al-Aqsa Mosque gates during the Lion's Gate protest; and the opening of a place of worship at the Gate of Mercy by force after a Zionist closure that had lasted 16 years."
In typical fashion, the Islamic terrorists in the Fatah franchise are seeking out a confrontation.

Fatah calls for violence in order to prevent the Jerusalem Day Parade to the Western Wall

Fatah calls for violence in order to prevent the Jerusalem Day Parade to the Western Wall - PMW Bulletins

Fatah calls to come to the Damascus Gate of the Old City at 5:00 p.m., the exact same time at which the traditional flag parade will pass the spot on its way to the Western Wall

By Itamar Marcus and Maurice Hirschby
June 2, 2019

Palestinian Media Watch turned to the Israeli police to warn about violence that the Fatah Movement has called for today, Jerusalem Day. Yesterday Fatah posted on its official Facebook page a call to Palestinians to "come... to the Damascus Gate at 5:00 p.m. in order to emphasize the Arabness and Islamicness of Jerusalem to the herds of settlers who want to desecrate the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the streets and alleys of Jerusalem."

5:00 p.m. this afternoon is the time that the traditional Jerusalem Day Parade is scheduled to pass that location on its way to the Western Wall. The purpose of Fatah's call was to have Palestinians violently disrupt the parade.

In the notice published on the Fatah Facebook page, three events in which Palestinians used violence to achieve political gain were stressed as precedents for today's call to Arabs:

"As the [Palestinian] public has succeeded in thwarting the Zionist plan of imposing a division of [prayer] times and the invasions during the Jewish holidays in September 2015; and the cancellation of the decision to place metal detectors at the Al-Aqsa Mosque gates during the Lion's Gate protest; and the opening of a place of worship at the Gate of Mercy by force after a Zionist closure that had lasted 16 years."

“Fatah calls for violence...”

“Hamass calls for Jihad”

(me too ! V & J )

Something to hide, Mahmoud?

Even a small glimpse into the finances of the Fatah Islamic terrorist Syndicate is startling.

Why is the PA suddenly hiding its financial expenditures?

By Maurice Hirsch, Adv. and Itamar Marcus

Why is the PA suddenly hiding its financial expenditures? - PMW Bulletins

Since 2014, the PA Ministry of Finance had been publishing an annual anticipated budget in the first part of the year as well as monthly reports of actual expenditures in each budget category. Based on the PA's 2018 monthly reports, Palestinian Media Watch was able to expose that the PA spent at least 502 million shekels on salaries and other benefits to terrorist prisoners and released prisoners in 2018. A short time later the Israeli government announced that in order not to fund PA terror support, it was deducting the 502 million shekel from the tax transfers to the PA, divided into 12 monthly deductions of 42 million shekels.

Having understood that the financial transparency was used by PMW and then the Israeli government to see the precise amount the PA was spending to reward terrorist prisoners, the PA decided to hide these figures from the international community. The website of the PA Ministry of Finance, in place of the financial reports now has this announcement:

"Due to the contingency law and legal dependencies with the Israeli side,
the financial reports were temporarily suspended."


This notice has appeared for at least 2 months.

Significantly, the donor countries to the PA have demanded full financial transparency as a condition for giving the PA financial support. Currently, the PA is suffering from a self-imposed financial crisis due to its refusal to accept hundreds of millions of dollars a month that Israel has been sending it, and has turned to the international community asking them for additional financial aid.

Were the PA to publish today the current monthly budgetary report the international community would be horrified. They would see PA expenditures in all budget categories were slashed significantly in 2019, except for the payments of salaries to terrorists and payment to so-called "Martyrs'" families, which will be the same or higher than last year. Whereas last year these two budget categories which include the financial support for terrorists were 7% of the PA budget, this year, as a result of the PA refusal to accept the tax revenues which account for 50% of its budget, the actual expenditures in these terror support categories will be a much greater percentage of PA expenses, possibly as high as 15%.
So, I'm thinking the Hamas politburo mouthpiece is speaking to a narrow audience of Hamas Death Cultists.

Salah Al-Bardawil was whing about a perceived affront to Arab-Moslem "dignity, their religion, and their moral values."

So let's bring it on home: The above coming from an islamic terrorist franchise with a history of kidnapping, torture, mass murder, suicide bombings....I'm feeling a little queasy so I'll leave it there.

Hamas official: Arab nations 'footing the bill' for Trump plan

Hamas political bureau member Salah Al-Bardawil said in a speech last week that “Palestine” belongs to the Palestinians, and criticized the Arab nations for "footing the bill" for the "rope and gallows" and the shackles that are being placed on the Palestinians and their dignity, their religion, and their moral values.
During the last rocket gee-had, Hamas was sent a message that the IDF will not hesitate to offer Hamas leadership a generous Hellfire Missile Early Retirement Package. Hamas obviously got that message with a rather spectacular as’plodin of the formerly living, waste of oxygen Hamas
pavement stain.

I have to believe that Islamic gee-had is on the Early Retirement Package list.

IDF Intel Chief: Hamas Is Deterred, but Islamic Jihad Is a Wild Card

IDF Intel Chief: Hamas Is Deterred, but Islamic Jihad Is a Wild Card

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

I would agree with this IF and only IF there is any intelligent life within HAMAS.


In this context, IDF MG Tamir Haiman MI, remarks on the increasing impact the IDF deterrence on the HAMAS Leadership. I believe the remarks were without regard to the UN's perception on the on-going (some class it as an) international armed conflicts (IAC) or (others class it as) non-international armed conflicts (NIAC). But rather, MG Tamir is talking about the adverse impact the IDF response has relative to the level of intensity, the increased lethality, AND the decrease in the "Quality of Life" (QoL) the conflict has on the Gazans. And it is that "Quality of Life" (QoL) MG Tamir is speaking of when he refers to "modus vivendi."

In the case of the Arab Palestinians, Israel → cannot consider IAC components or the NAIC components, at an end as long as the will of the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) is totally not subdued. And that must include all the new offspring of the HoAP that have been generationally infected → with no other role model than the Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters generationally passed down by parents → with no gainful employment and a lack of any valuable skill sets. MG Tamir might be hinting the general Gazan population has reached a point that the measure of the sacrifices by the general population is coming to an end. The Gazans may be exhausted → no longer willing to sacrifice any more (of what little they have) against an objective they have been working (to attain) for half a century and can still see no light at the end of the never-ending tunnel.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

I would agree with this IF and only IF there is any intelligent life within HAMAS.


In this context, IDF MG Tamir Haiman MI, remarks on the increasing impact the IDF deterrence on the HAMAS Leadership. I believe the remarks were without regard to the UN's perception on the on-going (some class it as an) international armed conflicts (IAC) or (others class it as) non-international armed conflicts (NIAC). But rather, MG Tamir is talking about the adverse impact the IDF response has relative to the level of intensity, the increased lethality, AND the decrease in the "Quality of Life" (QoL) the conflict has on the Gazans. And it is that "Quality of Life" (QoL) MG Tamir is speaking of when he refers to "modus vivendi."

In the case of the Arab Palestinians, Israel → cannot consider IAC components or the NAIC components, at an end as long as the will of the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) is totally not subdued. And that must include all the new offspring of the HoAP that have been generationally infected → with no other role model than the Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters generationally passed down by parents → with no gainful employment and a lack of any valuable skill sets. MG Tamir might be hinting the general Gazan population has reached a point that the measure of the sacrifices by the general population is coming to an end. The Gazans may be exhausted → no longer willing to sacrifice any more (of what little they have) against an objective they have been working (to attain) for half a century and can still see no light at the end of the never-ending tunnel.

Most Respectfully,
I would agree with this IF and only IF there is any intelligent life within HAMAS.
Indeed, instead of doing all of that other stuff they should have had tree planting parties.
Another leftist found helping Hamas.

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

I would agree with this IF and only IF there is any intelligent life within HAMAS.


In this context, IDF MG Tamir Haiman MI, remarks on the increasing impact the IDF deterrence on the HAMAS Leadership. I believe the remarks were without regard to the UN's perception on the on-going (some class it as an) international armed conflicts (IAC) or (others class it as) non-international armed conflicts (NIAC). But rather, MG Tamir is talking about the adverse impact the IDF response has relative to the level of intensity, the increased lethality, AND the decrease in the "Quality of Life" (QoL) the conflict has on the Gazans. And it is that "Quality of Life" (QoL) MG Tamir is speaking of when he refers to "modus vivendi."

In the case of the Arab Palestinians, Israel → cannot consider IAC components or the NAIC components, at an end as long as the will of the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) is totally not subdued. And that must include all the new offspring of the HoAP that have been generationally infected → with no other role model than the Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters generationally passed down by parents → with no gainful employment and a lack of any valuable skill sets. MG Tamir might be hinting the general Gazan population has reached a point that the measure of the sacrifices by the general population is coming to an end. The Gazans may be exhausted → no longer willing to sacrifice any more (of what little they have) against an objective they have been working (to attain) for half a century and can still see no light at the end of the never-ending tunnel.

Most Respectfully,
I would agree with this IF and only IF there is any intelligent life within HAMAS.
Indeed, instead of doing all of that other stuff they should have had tree planting parties.

Indeed, you don’t understand.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

I would agree with this IF and only IF there is any intelligent life within HAMAS.


In this context, IDF MG Tamir Haiman MI, remarks on the increasing impact the IDF deterrence on the HAMAS Leadership. I believe the remarks were without regard to the UN's perception on the on-going (some class it as an) international armed conflicts (IAC) or (others class it as) non-international armed conflicts (NIAC). But rather, MG Tamir is talking about the adverse impact the IDF response has relative to the level of intensity, the increased lethality, AND the decrease in the "Quality of Life" (QoL) the conflict has on the Gazans. And it is that "Quality of Life" (QoL) MG Tamir is speaking of when he refers to "modus vivendi."

In the case of the Arab Palestinians, Israel → cannot consider IAC components or the NAIC components, at an end as long as the will of the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) is totally not subdued. And that must include all the new offspring of the HoAP that have been generationally infected → with no other role model than the Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters generationally passed down by parents → with no gainful employment and a lack of any valuable skill sets. MG Tamir might be hinting the general Gazan population has reached a point that the measure of the sacrifices by the general population is coming to an end. The Gazans may be exhausted → no longer willing to sacrifice any more (of what little they have) against an objective they have been working (to attain) for half a century and can still see no light at the end of the never-ending tunnel.

Most Respectfully,

Thar was another good read, Rocco.

I saw two parts in the comments from MG Haiman. One was alluding to Hamas being “deterred”. I think the spectacular failure of the border march, achieving nothing but dead and wounded Arabs, was seen by many as a disaster for Hamas. Their tunnel building has achieved nothing but throwing money into a hole in the ground, literally, and israel’s new-found willingness to whack the Hamas leadership has a “deterring” effect. The decision by the Hamas leadership to align with Iran was a complete disaster. While that relationship may have brought in needed cash and assistance with rockets, the Sunni Arab neighbors have no sense of humor about Iran gaining more influence in the region.

Whether the Arab-Moslem population really has had enough with failure and retrogression to make a change is, to me, unlikely. As you noted, generations of these folks have known only a cradle to grave program of hatred and rage directed at Jews and Israel. The infrastructure that enforces the hate and self-hate doesn’t appear to be getting dismantled any time soon.
Here’s some cool footage of the IDF putting the had in the Islamic terrorist gee-had.

I wonder how Hamas is going to explain this to their Shia masters when they go begging for their next welfare check.

Watch: IDF Foiled Hamas Rocket Making Materials Smuggling on the High Seas

On May 11, Israel’s security forces foiled an attempt to smuggle materials intended for the manufacture of missiles by the Hamas terrorist organization in the Gaza Strip. The video published Friday morning shows the activity of IDF forces off the Gaza coast, during which two vessels were seized with 24 barrels containing rocket-making materials. The vessels were on their way to the Sinai.

Shia Iran has every interest in furthering the conflict with Israel. The Shia are despised by the majority Sunni Arab. Iran will gladly throw welfare money at Hamas to cause more violence and cause more dead Sunni Arabs.

Iran seems to have never stopped funding Hamas families

Read more: Iran seems to have never stopped funding Hamas families

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — Iran has renewed its funding for the Hamas movement through aid to the families of Palestinians killed in resistance activities, numbering 1,700 families in the Gaza Strip, who stopped receiving their monthly salaries in February because of a decision by the Palestinian Authority (PA). A limited amount of funds also went to families affiliated with the Islamic Jihad movement.
The winner of the identity politics sweepstakes is still rattling on with her impeachment gee-had.

Rashida Tlaib doesn’t understand that it would be in good form to actually have stuff we call “facts” supporting an impeachable offense before parading around like an out of touch loon.

Tlaib backs impeachment as 'our job, our duty and responsibility' as Omar tweets 'call to action'

Reps. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and Ilhan Omar, D-Minn. both called for Trump's impeachment on Wednesday, with Tlaib describing Special Counsel Robert Mueller'sreport as an "impeachment referral."

Comparing her class of lawmakers to Democrats elected to Congress following Richard Nixon's resignation in 1974, Tlaib said it was her duty and responsibility to uphold the Constitution through impeachment.

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