Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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It looks like Qatar is making a token effort to compete with Shia Iran for the hearts and gee-had of the Arabs-Moslems.

Cash Splash: Qatar to Distribute Funds to Hamas Supporters

Cash Splash: Qatar to Distribute Funds to Hamas Supporters

(AFP) — Gulf state Qatar is set to distribute more than $10 million in aid to thousands of cash-strapped Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, a Qatari official said on Monday
Is everyone ready for the New Phase?

Middle East
16:53 | 06/17/19

Hamas announces a new phase in its relations with Israel


While the Sunni and Shia versions of Islam despise each other, they will occasionally allow a brief interruption in their bombings of each other's mosques and food markets to perform some blustering before the Great Satan.

Iran, Hamas agree to fight US peace plan

Iran, Hamas agree to fight US peace plan

Iranian intelligence minister meets leaders of Hamas terror group in Beirut to discuss need to 'confront' Trump's 'Deal of the Century.'
They're so cute when they launch themselves into these
saliva-slinging tirades.

What Arab-Moslem retrogrades don't want to acknowledge is that the existence of Israel has had and will have no impact on the slaughter that Arabs-Moslems are so anxious to mete out to each other.

The numbers of dead Arabs-Moslems slaughtered across Iraq and Syria during the ISIS led dalliance extends toward 500,000. Arabs-Moslems found the most inventive ways to slaughter each other.

Hamas not to rest until Israel is “obliterated”


Hamas not to rest until Israel is "obliterated" - TV7 Israel News

The Islamist Hamas organization insists that “the region (e.g. Middle East) will not enjoy calm as long as the enemy (Israel) is on Palestinian land, and Gaza is besieged.” This according to Hamas Deputy Chief Khalil al-Haya in an article by the Wall Street Journal, asserting that Hamas and its Iranian-backed ally the Islamic Jihad have replenished their arsenal of some 10,000 missiles through smuggling and local manufacturing. The report was confirmed to TV7 by both Israeli officials and Hamas sources, affirming that the jointly imposed Israeli-Egyptian blockade on the Gaza Strip has not hindered the Gaza-rulers from restocking its supply of rockets and mortar shells to the level it amounted before the 2014 Gaza war.
The Emir giveth, the competing islamic terrorist franchises taketh away.


Qatari funds transferred to Gaza withdrawn, not paid out to poor families

Clashes between Hamas ruled Gaza Strip and the West Bank lead to a disagreement over the usage of funds.

The Qatari funds which Israel transferred to Hamas on Sunday was not passed on to poor families as was intended, according to Gazan media. The instruction was allegedly given by the Welfare Ministry in Ramallah.

The reports said that the delay comes due to the removal of 5,000 families from the list of whom is supposed to be given the money. According to Palestinian sources, a disagreement between the Welfare Ministries in the West Bank and Gaza led to the delay and that "the [Palestinian] Authority believes the families were removed to be replaced by Hamas clerks," insisting that the original list be upheld.

With the “Deal of the Century” approaching, Hamas is getting more desperate and closer to panic mode.

The latest blustering from Haniyeh comes with the usual demands that the Islamic terrorists put on their welfare checks; that there are no conditions attached to that welfare money.

Unfortunately, this is the reality that the west, and others, have created such that the Islamic terrorist franchises just assume that their welfare is a forever entitlement that allows for Islamic terrorists to accumulate incredible fortunes.

Hamas Spurns U.S.-Led Aid Effort

Palestinian group’s political leader opens door to investment but rejects any economic plan without a solution to Mideast conflict

Hamas Spurns U.S.-Led Aid Effort

GAZA CITY—The Palestinian militant group Hamas signaled it was only open to receiving humanitarian aid generated by a Trump administration peace effort if the assistance is unconditional and doesn’t come at the expense of a Palestinian state.
Gee whiz. Those Islamic terrorist welfare “shipping and handling fees” are pretty steep.

I’m curious to see how much theft of their welfare money Qatar will allow before they abandon any more welfare contributions.

Millions of Dollars in Qatar Funds for Gaza ‘Disappear’

Millions of Dollars in Qatar Funds for Gaza 'Disappear' | Clarion Project


Yahya Sinwar, head of Hamas in the Gaza Strip (Photo: MOHAMMED ABED/AFP/Getty Images)

Ten million dollars in Qatar funds for Gaza transferred by Israel for humanitarian relief have apparently disappeared. Hamas, a designated terror organization, took over Gaza from the Palestinian Authority 12 years ago.

One report says the funds, which were deposited in the Postal Bank late Sunday, June 16, 2019, and meant to be distributed to a list of poor families, were withdrawn by “unknown people.”

The Palestinian Authority believes that the families were removed from the list and replaced by Hamas clerks.

Yet another $15 million in cash was brought into the Strip by a Qatari delegation as well late Sunday. Residents, who were promised, $100 each, have yet to see the money.
With the “Deal of the Century” approaching, Hamas is getting more desperate and closer to panic mode.

The latest blustering from Haniyeh comes with the usual demands that the Islamic terrorists put on their welfare checks; that there are no conditions attached to that welfare money.

Unfortunately, this is the reality that the west, and others, have created such that the Islamic terrorist franchises just assume that their welfare is a forever entitlement that allows for Islamic terrorists to accumulate incredible fortunes.

Hamas Spurns U.S.-Led Aid Effort

Palestinian group’s political leader opens door to investment but rejects any economic plan without a solution to Mideast conflict

Hamas Spurns U.S.-Led Aid Effort

GAZA CITY—The Palestinian militant group Hamas signaled it was only open to receiving humanitarian aid generated by a Trump administration peace effort if the assistance is unconditional and doesn’t come at the expense of a Palestinian state.
You must have missed this. It was posted on another thread.

Can Trump buy Palestine for peanuts?

Last edited:
With the “Deal of the Century” approaching, Hamas is getting more desperate and closer to panic mode.

The latest blustering from Haniyeh comes with the usual demands that the Islamic terrorists put on their welfare checks; that there are no conditions attached to that welfare money.

Unfortunately, this is the reality that the west, and others, have created such that the Islamic terrorist franchises just assume that their welfare is a forever entitlement that allows for Islamic terrorists to accumulate incredible fortunes.

Hamas Spurns U.S.-Led Aid Effort

Palestinian group’s political leader opens door to investment but rejects any economic plan without a solution to Mideast conflict

Hamas Spurns U.S.-Led Aid Effort

GAZA CITY—The Palestinian militant group Hamas signaled it was only open to receiving humanitarian aid generated by a Trump administration peace effort if the assistance is unconditional and doesn’t come at the expense of a Palestinian state.
You must have missed this. It was posted on another thread.

With the “Deal of the Century” approaching, Hamas is getting more desperate and closer to panic mode.

The latest blustering from Haniyeh comes with the usual demands that the Islamic terrorists put on their welfare checks; that there are no conditions attached to that welfare money.

Unfortunately, this is the reality that the west, and others, have created such that the Islamic terrorist franchises just assume that their welfare is a forever entitlement that allows for Islamic terrorists to accumulate incredible fortunes.

Hamas Spurns U.S.-Led Aid Effort

Palestinian group’s political leader opens door to investment but rejects any economic plan without a solution to Mideast conflict

Hamas Spurns U.S.-Led Aid Effort

GAZA CITY—The Palestinian militant group Hamas signaled it was only open to receiving humanitarian aid generated by a Trump administration peace effort if the assistance is unconditional and doesn’t come at the expense of a Palestinian state.
You must have missed this. It was posted on another thread.

You must have missed it but the managers and proprietors of the Hamas welfare fraud syndicate have everything to lose with oversight of their welfare fraud theft ring.

You must have missed this. It was posted on another thread:

Millions of Dollars in Qatar Funds for Gaza 'Disappear' | Clarion Project
With the “Deal of the Century” approaching, Hamas is getting more desperate and closer to panic mode.

The latest blustering from Haniyeh comes with the usual demands that the Islamic terrorists put on their welfare checks; that there are no conditions attached to that welfare money.

Unfortunately, this is the reality that the west, and others, have created such that the Islamic terrorist franchises just assume that their welfare is a forever entitlement that allows for Islamic terrorists to accumulate incredible fortunes.

Hamas Spurns U.S.-Led Aid Effort

Palestinian group’s political leader opens door to investment but rejects any economic plan without a solution to Mideast conflict

Hamas Spurns U.S.-Led Aid Effort

GAZA CITY—The Palestinian militant group Hamas signaled it was only open to receiving humanitarian aid generated by a Trump administration peace effort if the assistance is unconditional and doesn’t come at the expense of a Palestinian state.
You must have missed this. It was posted on another thread.

With the “Deal of the Century” approaching, Hamas is getting more desperate and closer to panic mode.

The latest blustering from Haniyeh comes with the usual demands that the Islamic terrorists put on their welfare checks; that there are no conditions attached to that welfare money.

Unfortunately, this is the reality that the west, and others, have created such that the Islamic terrorist franchises just assume that their welfare is a forever entitlement that allows for Islamic terrorists to accumulate incredible fortunes.

Hamas Spurns U.S.-Led Aid Effort

Palestinian group’s political leader opens door to investment but rejects any economic plan without a solution to Mideast conflict

Hamas Spurns U.S.-Led Aid Effort

GAZA CITY—The Palestinian militant group Hamas signaled it was only open to receiving humanitarian aid generated by a Trump administration peace effort if the assistance is unconditional and doesn’t come at the expense of a Palestinian state.
You must have missed this. It was posted on another thread.

You must have missed it but the managers and proprietors of the Hamas welfare fraud syndicate have everything to lose with oversight of their welfare fraud theft ring.

You must have missed this. It was posted on another thread:

Millions of Dollars in Qatar Funds for Gaza 'Disappear' | Clarion Project

Ten million dollars in Qatar funds for Gaza transferred by Israel for humanitarian relief have apparently disappeared. Hamas, a designated terror organization, took over Gaza from the Palestinian Authority 12 years ago.​

Their first sentence is a lie. How can I trust the rest of it?
With the “Deal of the Century” approaching, Hamas is getting more desperate and closer to panic mode.

The latest blustering from Haniyeh comes with the usual demands that the Islamic terrorists put on their welfare checks; that there are no conditions attached to that welfare money.

Unfortunately, this is the reality that the west, and others, have created such that the Islamic terrorist franchises just assume that their welfare is a forever entitlement that allows for Islamic terrorists to accumulate incredible fortunes.

Hamas Spurns U.S.-Led Aid Effort

Palestinian group’s political leader opens door to investment but rejects any economic plan without a solution to Mideast conflict

Hamas Spurns U.S.-Led Aid Effort

GAZA CITY—The Palestinian militant group Hamas signaled it was only open to receiving humanitarian aid generated by a Trump administration peace effort if the assistance is unconditional and doesn’t come at the expense of a Palestinian state.
You must have missed this. It was posted on another thread.

With the “Deal of the Century” approaching, Hamas is getting more desperate and closer to panic mode.

The latest blustering from Haniyeh comes with the usual demands that the Islamic terrorists put on their welfare checks; that there are no conditions attached to that welfare money.

Unfortunately, this is the reality that the west, and others, have created such that the Islamic terrorist franchises just assume that their welfare is a forever entitlement that allows for Islamic terrorists to accumulate incredible fortunes.

Hamas Spurns U.S.-Led Aid Effort

Palestinian group’s political leader opens door to investment but rejects any economic plan without a solution to Mideast conflict

Hamas Spurns U.S.-Led Aid Effort

GAZA CITY—The Palestinian militant group Hamas signaled it was only open to receiving humanitarian aid generated by a Trump administration peace effort if the assistance is unconditional and doesn’t come at the expense of a Palestinian state.
You must have missed this. It was posted on another thread.

You must have missed it but the managers and proprietors of the Hamas welfare fraud syndicate have everything to lose with oversight of their welfare fraud theft ring.

You must have missed this. It was posted on another thread:

Millions of Dollars in Qatar Funds for Gaza 'Disappear' | Clarion Project

Ten million dollars in Qatar funds for Gaza transferred by Israel for humanitarian relief have apparently disappeared. Hamas, a designated terror organization, took over Gaza from the Palestinian Authority 12 years ago.​

Their first sentence is a lie. How can I trust the rest of it?

So.... your real complaint is that despite all your Pom Pom flailing for Hamas, you’re not getting any of that stolen welfare money.

You poor, dear.
I would consider revising the title below to read” Making Sense of Pal’istanian Mentality”

Making Sense of Palestinian Logic

May 4, 2019 1:37 PM

Palestinians' Blackmail Logic | National Review

Palestinians do weird things. A few days ago, the Palestinian Authority (PA), which rules most of the West Bank, refused to accept the tax revenues it is owed by the Israeli government. Today, Hamas, which rules all of Gaza, launched more than 200 rockets into Israel.

Both of these are, on the surface, self-defeating steps that make no sense. Not taking the money means the PA could collapse; firing rockets means Hamas is getting battered militarily by the far superior Israeli forces.

thriving in nearly every domain, from demographics to economics, from democracy to cultural creativity.
  • The Palestinians feel isolated and weak because the Arab states have basically come to terms with Israel’s existence, leaving the struggle to secondary players such as Iran, Turkey, and the global Left.
  • No matter their weakness, the leaders of the PA and Hamas remain committed to the elimination of the Jewish state, meaning that they cannot live in peace next to Israel.
  • Contrarily, the Israeli public cherishes normality and, especially since the 1993 Oslo accords, has been ready to pay a price for it.
As the Islamic terrorist franchises see their welfare entitlement in jeopardy, they’re getting quite desperate.

Fatah calls for violence against Israel
during Bahrain Conference

Fatah calls for violence against Israel during Bahrain Conference - PMW Bulletins

US Deal of the Century coined "The Holocaust of the Century,"
by Palestinian group

* Fatah calls for violence:
"On Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, June 24, 25, and 26, 2019
An escalation of the confrontations with the Israeli occupation in all districts of the homeland as a sign of opposition to the Deal of the Century and the workshop in Manama [in Bahrain]"

* Fatah official threatens violence:
"The great plot... will push our Palestinian people to protect its rights by all means available to it"

* Fatah official:
"The Fatah members and the vital forces on the Palestinian lands [should dedicate] the 24th, 25th, and 26th [of June] to Palestine and Jerusalem, in order to express their rejection of the Bahrain Conference"

* Director of anti-Bahrain Conference event:
"The Zionist-American 'Holocaust of the century' has come to eliminate the Palestinian cause, and in order to pass this, it was necessary to convene the Bahrain conference for Arab normalization with the Israeli racism, under the cover of 'the illusion of economic prosperity'"
I know folks will find this shocking, but:

PLO, Hamas Representatives Reject Kushner Peace Plan - Report


© AP Photo / Evan Vucci
According to the representatives, the only solution to the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict is for Israel to leave Palestinians to themselves and remove all obstacles to their existence and trade. The entirety of the US peace plan for the Middle East will be presented later next week.

Leaving the Arabs-Moslems to themselves is a bit naive. They have this peculiar notion that slaughtering Jews and erasing Israel is a religious duty.
My, how things have changed in the Arab-Islamic world.


Saudi official says 'Deal of Century' leads to full Palestinian statehood

The official slammed Palestinian leadership as “irresponsible” for not even considering the Deal of the Century, which will bring 60 billion USD to their people.

“History and Allah brought a real opportunity,” a top-ranking Saudi diplomat told Israelis via an interview in Globes on Friday. “The blood conflict had lasted too long. Us Saudis and all Gulf States plus Egypt and Jordan realize that the age of going to war with Israel is over.”

Pointing to “the advantages of normalizing relations,” he argued that “the whole Arab world could benefit from it,” Globes reported.

The Saudi diplomat told Globes that “Israeli technology is very advanced and the Arab world, including those who hate you, looks at Israel in admiration due to this success and hopes to copy it.”

If it’s approved by Allah, that’s all anyone needs to know.
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