Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

Even with witnesses, this is not so easy to prosecute; especially in The Hague.

Is there somehow an expectation that a totalitarian Islamists kleptocracy is going to respect human rights?
Special: 'We exposed the true face of the Palestinian Authority'
Israeli lawyer represents 52 Palestinian Arabs who were tortured by the PA at the International Criminal Court. Arutz Sheva accompanied him.

There is a couple of different ways I've seen this approached. But the hard thing will be to ask the ICC [Article 8(2a)(ii)] to accept jurisdiction under the The Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (into force 1987); and the case must be of sufficient gravity to justify further action by the Court [Article 17(1d)] Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. That is, it must be covered by the Geneva Convention, Common Article 3 prohibits “cruel treatment and torture.”

It will be interesting to see if the ICC accepts the case.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

Even with witnesses, this is not so easy to prosecute; especially in The Hague.

Is there somehow an expectation that a totalitarian Islamists kleptocracy is going to respect human rights?
Special: 'We exposed the true face of the Palestinian Authority'
Israeli lawyer represents 52 Palestinian Arabs who were tortured by the PA at the International Criminal Court. Arutz Sheva accompanied him.

There is a couple of different ways I've seen this approached. But the hard thing will be to ask the ICC [Article 8(2a)(ii)] to accept jurisdiction under the The Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (into force 1987); and the case must be of sufficient gravity to justify further action by the Court [Article 17(1d)] Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. That is, it must be covered by the Geneva Convention, Common Article 3 prohibits “cruel treatment and torture.”

It will be interesting to see if the ICC accepts the case.

Most Respectfully,
The US and Israel will not allow that prosecution.
Is there somehow an expectation that a totalitarian Islamists kleptocracy is going to respect human rights?

Special: 'We exposed the true face of the Palestinian Authority'

Israeli lawyer represents 52 Palestinian Arabs who were tortured by the PA at the International Criminal Court. Arutz Sheva accompanied him.
The PA is a foreign installed and supported entity.

Indeed, this is not the correct forum for your conspiracy theories.
I’m convinced that the Arabs-Moslems don’t understand that these displays of cheap theatrics would be much more entertaining if they got serious about the hosting.


Palestinians against Trump: Trump doll hanged and burned, Trump is a Nazi, his “Deal of the Devil” is dead, Fatah: Participants in Bahrain are backstabbing Palestine

by Nan Jacques Zilberdik
June 25, 2019

Palestinians against Trump: Trump doll hanged and burned, Trump is a Nazi, his “Deal of the Devil” is dead, Fatah: Participants in Bahrain are backstabbing Palestine - PMW Bulletins

Palestinians against Trump and Bahrain:
Effigy of Trump hung and burned


Trump is a Nazi, his Deal of the Century is
"the Deal of the Devil"

Fatah: Participants in Bahrain are backstabbing Palestine
How nice that some folks promote breeding for the purpose of creating the next generation of Islamo-bots for the gee-had.

Terror mom urges imprisoned terrorists to smuggle out sperm and father as many children as possible
by Nan Jacques Zilberdik
June 27, 2019

Terror mom urges imprisoned terrorists to smuggle out sperm and father as many children as possible - PMW Bulletins
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PA Minister of Women’s Affairs congratulated terror mom
over grandson born of smuggled sperm
" The agreements that took place between some Arab regimes and the Israeli regime proved that there is nothing sacred in Zionist thought. The Zionist entity gave up some of what was long promoted as sacred in the body of the Hebrew state. What happened to the slogan about a land from the Nile to the Euphrates? Where is Judea and Samaria? What happened to the settlements that Tel Aviv said were for security and were then demolished by their own hands in the Sinai and the Gaza Strip? All this has become nonsense .. The country of honey and milk is the country of explosives and violence and death and anxiety."

The rest of the article is similar nonsense, but this paragraph is useful because it shows that to many Arabs, Israeli concessions for peace are regarded not as noble but as evidence of weakness, to be mocked.

It doesn't mean that Israel should never make bargains with its enemies for peace. It does mean that Israel should not assume that there will be any goodwill in Arab countries as a result of its concessions.

(full article online)

Palestinian writer says Zionism failed - there is no Jew-only state between the Nile and the Euphrates ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
I suspect there is very little that will enrage a “Hamas official” more than an Arab / Bahraini official commenting that Israel is “ a country to stay” and that an Arab nations wants better relations with Israel.

The “Pal’istanians” still cling to a worldview wherein it’s the 1970’s, Arafat is the Sultan / Emir of the mini-caliphate he commanded over and a portion of the Arab world is plotting a last-gasp effort to destroy Israel.

Senior Hamas official lashes out at Bahraini FM over comments to ToI

In a wide-ranging interview on the sidelines of the US-led Peace to Prosperity conference in Manama on Wednesday, Khalifa told ToI that Israel’s existence is a fact.

In his interview with ToI, Khalifa did not call on Arab states to recognize Israel, but he did say, “We do believe that Israel is a country to stay, and we want a better relation with it, and we want peace with it.”

He also reiterated his stance that Israel has a right to defend itself from aggression.
I cant say I'm real clear as to why there should be an expectation that the islamic terrorists will abide by any ceasefire agreement.

Fires rage across southern Israel despite reported agreement with Hamas

Israel News
14:31 | 06/28/19


The results of a fire started by an incendiary balloon in the Beeri forest, September 24, 2018. (photo credit:" YOAV SAAD/KKL-JNF)
The balloons came despite Israel expanding the Gaza fishing zone up to 15 nautical miles starting at 10am and agreed to return 60 boats that had been confiscated from Gazans.
Fatah is the majority faction in the Palestinian Authority. It is by far the largest faction of the PLO, of which the P.A. is an arm. Fatah is led by Mahmoud Abbas, who is also the chairman of the P.A. and the PLO.

In a word, Fatah is the ruling party.

So when a Fatah spokesperson or publication says something, it’s the equivalent of an official statement by the Republican Party in the United States, the Conservatives in Great Britain or the Liberals in Canada. It’s a big deal.

Can you imagine the Republicans threatening violence to stop some conference of which they disapproved? How would the world react if the leaders of the Conservative Party in England called for “escalation of the confrontation” to halt an event it disliked? Or if Liberal leaders in Canada posted a photo of one of their followers poised to throw a rock at one of their opponents?

That’s what Fatah did. That’s what Jason Greenblatt was referring to.

Fatah Revolutionary Council Secretary Majed Al-Fatiani said Fatah’s council “is committed to leading the struggle to stop the great plot that is being woven against our people” and will use “all means available to it, in order to defeat the occupation.” Since Palestinian Arabs have for the past century been using bombs, knives, axes, machine-guns and rocks to “defeat the occupation,” we can assume that the Palestinian public understands what “all means available” means.

Al-Fatiani’s comments were published prominently in the official P.A. newspaper, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, on June 13.

On June 16, Fatah posted on its official Facebook page a large photo of a masked Palestinian about to throw a rock—that is, about to attempt to stone a Jew to death. The accompanying text urging Palestinians to undertake “An escalation of the confrontations with the Israeli occupation in all districts of the homeland as a sign of opposition to the deal of the century and the workshop in Manama [Bahrain]”

(full article online)

When the ruling party threatens violence

They don't want peace and Iran's game is done.
So, stop me if you’ve heard this one before.

More fires, protests erupt after new Israel-Hamas agreement

June 28 (UPI) -- Israeli firefighters fought several new fires Friday, sparked by what the government believes are Hamas balloons carrying disguised explosive devices over the border.

Many may not know this but ceasefire in Arabic translates from the Latin term “just a small reduction in the overall number of attacks on Jews”.

Something like that.


Despite Israel-Hamas understandings, 49 Palestinians said wounded in border protests

Forty-nine Palestinians were wounded during protests along the Israel-Gaza border on Friday, 19 of those by live fire, the Gaza Health Ministry reported. According to the ministry, eight of the wounded were volunteer paramedics and one was a journalist.

Many may not know this but the Hebrew term for gee-had denied derives from the Hebrew term “gee-had denied”.
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It’s not surprising that the Hamas leadership is demanding millions of Qatari welfare money for Hamas “employees”. The Islamic terrorist / criminal enterprise of Hamas has developed an entire syndicate to maintain and that includes a lot of mouths to feed on its payroll.

The Islamic terrorists paid by Hamas are the same Islamic terrorists who won’t tolerate their welfare payments being scaled back.

Report: Hamas demands $5 million


Hamas reportedly demanding that $5 million of the monthly Qatari grant go towards the salaries of its employees in Gaza.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

Any person commits an offence within the meaning of the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombing if that person unlawfully and intentionally delivers, places, discharges or detonates an explosive or incendiary weapon or device that is designed, or has the capability, to cause death,serious bodily injury or substantial material damage, into or against a place of public use, a State or government facility, a public transportation system or an infrastructure facility:

a. With the intent to cause death or serious bodily injury; or

b. With the intent to cause extensive destruction of such a place, facility or system, where such destruction results in or is likely to result in major economic loss.​

Any person that also commits an offense if that person attempts to commit an offense as set forth in the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombing of the present article.

Any person also commits an offense if that person:

a. Participates as an accomplice in an offence; or

b. Organizes or directs others to commit an offence; or

c. In any other way contributes to the commission of one or more offences;​

Any person also commits an offense if they make such a contribution with the aim of furthering the general criminal activity or purpose of the group or be made in the knowledge of the intention of the group to commit the offense or offenses concerned.

This Convention shall enter into force on the thirtieth day following the date of the deposit of thetwenty-second instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession with the Secretary-General of theUnited Nations. (A/RES/52/1649 January 1998)

Yesterday’s truce with the Islamic terrorists didn’t go so well, so, there’s every reason to expect today’s truce will be better, right?
Israel, Hamas reach truce after incendiary balloons spread fire in southern Israel
Politicians reacted with criticism and dismay in response to some 30 fires, including 17 substantial ones, ignited by devices flown from Gaza.

As I'm sure that I mentioned before, the mere fact that on a daily basis, at any time the International Criminal Court or the International Court of Justice, may look over the border and observe the Arab Palestinians engaging in criminal act define as terrorism as well as the violation of Customary and International Humanitarian Law (IHL)>

Having said that, it is clear that under the Counterterrorism Convention cited above, what the Arab Palestinians are doing is also a violation of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (1980 Protocol III) (AKA: The Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons).

I find it extraordinary that the United Nations (UN), the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the International Criminal Court (ICC), and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) have, for months, openly observed the Hostile Arab Palestinian act that is unequivocally illegal, and remain totally silent. Yet, these three international agencies have spent millions and millions of dollars, and used a forest of trees, to condemn Israel of wrongful.

None of these agencies, or the States for which they represent, have any room to talk about Israel, not at all.

Most Respectfully,
Since 2014, the PA Ministry of Finance had been publishing an annual anticipated budget in the first part of the year as well as monthly reports of actual expenditures in each budget category. Based on the PA's 2018 monthly reports, Palestinian Media Watch was able to expose that the PA spent at least 502 million shekels on salaries and other benefits to terrorist prisoners and released prisoners in 2018. A short time later the Israeli government announced that in order not to fund PA terror support, it was deducting the 502 million shekel from the tax transfers to the PA, divided into 12 monthly deductions of 42 million shekels.

Having understood that the financial transparency was used by PMW and then the Israeli government to see the precise amount the PA was spending to reward terrorist prisoners, the PA decided to hide these figures from the international community. The website of the PA Ministry of Finance, in place of the financial reports now has this announcement:

"Due to the contingency law and legal dependencies with the Israeli side,
the financial reports were temporarily suspended."

(full article online)

Why is the PA suddenly hiding its financial expenditures? - PMW Bulletins
It will be interesting (although I suspect predictable), to see where this goes. I think it’s more symbolic as the UN has no practical means of enforcement even if the sun rose from the east and the UN ruled in favor of Israel. Aside from that, I wouldn’t expect the UN to issue any opinion favorable to Israel. The only action that Israel can take to affect the behavior of the Islamic terrorists is swift and punishing retaliation in response to attacks.

In UN appeal, southern Israelis to accuse Hamas of violating their human rights

Local residents look to issue a plea to international body after repeated, unofficial ceasefire deals fail to achieve peace while arson attacks continue.
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Three years ago today, a 17-year-old Palestinian terrorist murdered 13-year-old Hallel Yaffa Ariel while she slept in her bed. The terrorist was killed by Israeli security personnel at the scene.

Since the murder, the Palestinian Authority has paid the family over 50,000 shekels, just because their son murdered an Israeli 13-year-old girl and died a “Martyr” as they call it.

A substantial part of the PA’s "Pay for Slay" program is to pay the families of dead terrorists a monthly allowance. Since being elected as Chairman of the PA in 2005, Mahmoud Abbas has repeatedly approved increasing the monthly allowances paid to the families of dead terrorists. Currently, the PA pays such families at least 1,400 shekels/month, with additions for terrorists who were married, terrorists who had children and terrorists who lived in Jerusalem or other parts of Israel.


The different institutions headed by Abbas have all referred to the murderer as a “Shahid” (Martyr) - the highest honor achievable in Islam according to the Palestinian Authority.

Reporting on the murder, both the PA’s official daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida and WAFA, the official PA news agency, referred to the murderer as a “Shahid,” as did PLO Executive Committee member Hanan Ashrawi.

Also honoring the murderer, Fatah immediately posted his picture on Facebook, declaring him a “Martyr.”

The murderer’s mother expressed her pride in her son, stating that “My son is a hero. He made me proud.” She also encouraged other young Palestinians to carry out similar murders:

(full article online)

For 3 years, the PA has paid family of murderer of a 13-year-old Israeli girl - PMW Bulletins
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