Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Hamas is doing their best to, as the saying goes, put lipstick on a pig, but another Hamas jr. terrorist has broken ranks with the Death Cult.

Hamas on advocacy blitz to counter Israeli TV expose of internal corruption

Terror group launches public display of support for co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef after his son reveals his disillusionment with organization

Today, 3:01 am
  • Hamas fighters take part in a military maneuver in Gaza City on March 25, 2018. (AFP Photo/Mahmud Hams)

    The Gaza-based Hamas terror group has launched an expansive effort to counter an Israeli television news interview with the son of one of the terror group’s founding fathers in which he accused the organization of being corrupt and power hungry, Channel 12 news reported Thursday, a day after it broadcast the interview.

Uh oh. They’re on to us.

It does seem that Arab-Moslem totalitarians will always to look elsewhere for the source of their failures. I cannot make excuses for a theocratic code of law that calls for: the hanging or stoning to death of sexually active women and homosexuals; imparting to a woman half the value of one man; flogging someone for having a beer; requiring Jews and Christians to live as second class citizens; and so much more. Sadly, in the Arab/Moslem world, theocratic totalitarianism is thought to be the natural alternative to western style representative democracy. I find it increasingly difficult to hope that Arabs-Moslems may one day manage to find leaders who are not their own worst enemy, I’m just reality challenged.

Who is responsible for the Arab Spring? Fatah officials blame US

The Palestinian Media Watch watchdog organization highlighted in a report several recent instances in which Fatah officials blame the US - and in some cases Israel - for weakening the Arab states.
Interesting to note that the rivalries separating the competing Islamic terrorist franchises are as contentious as always.

Hamas: There is progress with Israel, challenges may harm the calm

Members of Hamas told the Lebanese paper Al-Akhbar that "The number of merchants permitted to pass through the Erez crossing to the West Bank increased and the flow of fuel continues."

The Egyptian security delegation delayed its visit to the Gaza Strip for the fourth consecutive time despite it being in Israel since Wednesday.

The delegation's representatives did not specify the reason for the delay, but according to estimations, the delay is mostly due to a negative response from Fatah and from the Palestinian Authority regarding internal Palestinian reconciliation.
The latest ceasefire with the Islamic terrorists looked suspiciously like the war time conditions with the Islamic terrorist gee-had attacks at the border.

7,000 protest on Gaza border after latest understandings between Israel, Hamas

7,000 protest on Gaza border after latest understandings between Israel, Hamas

Army says some burn tires, hurl rocks and explosive devices at soldiers; Hamas-run health ministry says 40 injured by IDF response; 2 Palestinians nabbed crossing border with knife
The gee-had rolls on in that little corner of the world where psychopaths are a generational norm.

Islam's gee-had is a matter of historical record. There simply isn't any other movement in the world today, religious or secular, whose adherents willfully and regularly murder unarmed civilians en masse.

There are thousands” of willing murderers
- PA leaders implicitly threaten more terror against Israel

“There are thousands” of willing murderers - PA leaders implicitly threaten more terror against Israel - PMW Bulletins

  • Abbas' deputy in response to US-led Bahrain Conference: "There are thousands" like Omar Abu Laila - murderer of 2 Israelis
  • Fatah official: We “will continue to provide more Martyrs and prisoners”
Another of the politburo mouthpieces for Islamic terrorism, Hamas franchise, is making blustering claims about expanding their conflict with Israel.

What he means is that Hamas and Islamic gee-had have Iranian welfare money and are thus beholden to the Shiacrats. What “al” doesn’t understand is that the Iranian mullahs want nothing more than to see a pile of dead Sunni holy warriors.

The blood feud that divides the Shia and Sunni is a contemptuous rivalry that dates back to the death of the man-god they worship.

Hamas threatens to expand conflict with Israel

Senior Hamas official praises military coordination between Hamas and Islamic Jihad, threatens to expand conflict with Israel.

Hamas threatens to expand conflict with Israel

Dalit Halevi, 05/07/19 04:08


Reuters: Khalil al-Hayya, a member of the Hamas political bureau, said on Thursday that the Palestinian “resistance organizations” had recently increased their strength and are preparing to expand the conflict with Israel.

Speaking at the closing ceremony of an Islamic Jihad summer camp in Gaza, al-Hayya said the organizations are unfazed by the threats made by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and are adhering to the path of resistance
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