Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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We’re seeing an interesting dynamic in some of the previously unexpected locations in the Arab-Moslem world. There are a lot of self-serving interests to be placated but seeing the Saudi’s defend Israel is really interesting. Possibly a case of “the lesser of two evils” from the Saudi perspective, but increasingly, Israel is (grudgingly), viewed as more an ally of the Arab-Moslem world as opposed to an ideological enemy. The “enemy” status is being directed at Shia Iran which clearly has designs to supplant Sunni influence in the region.

What’s next, a Synagogue in Riyadh?

Some journalists in Riyadh are defending Israeli actions against Palestinians and their allies, even rejecting the two-state solution.

Saudi journalists pray for Israel during Ramadan

Some prominent Saudi journalists have come out to defend Israeli aggression towards Palestinians, calling the Palestinian group Hamas "murderers and agents of Iran" and also expressing their sympathy with the Zionist state.

"Our hearts are with you. May Allah protect Israel and its people," prominent Saudi journalist and former director of the Jeddah-based Middle East Center for Strategic and Legal Studies, Abd al Hamid al Hakim, wrote on Twitter.

The Saudi-led Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is no longer secretive about its pro-Israel stance. Instead its member state Oman hosted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last year. The visit coincided with the visit of Israeli far-right Minister Miri Regev to the UAE, another GCC member state.
One of the primary imperatives in the maintenance of totalitarianism is to create an external enemy. This allows the totalitarian oppressor a means to deflect their failures and inadequacies onto others. Hamas as the totalitarian oppressor has The Zionist Entity™️ as their external enemy.

Hamas also understands that any change to the status quo will directly and negatively affect the welfare fraud entitlement / criminal enterprise syndicate that has made fortunes for those at the tip of the pyramid.

Hamas struggles to hold on to power five years after Gaza war

Hamas leaders appear to be well aware that under the current circumstances it’s almost impossible to reach any deal with Abbas and Fatah.

Five years after Operation Protective Edge, Hamas remains as defiant as ever, and there are no signs that its rule over the Gaza Strip is facing any real challenges.

Hamas has only one thing on mind: holding on to power.
It seems that Hamas is getting more reactionary and more delusional as they see their Islamic terrorist crime syndicate / welfare fraud entitlement in danger.

Hamas: We eroded Israel's deterrence

Terrorist organization make clear they will never agree to the solutions presented by the US to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
It's so nice when islamic terrorist psychopaths get together to share their psychopathy.

Such are pious Moslems following the traditions of the man-god they worship.

Fatah and Palestinian Authority glorify and support terrorists: The case of Omar Abu Layla, who murdered two Israelis near Ariel

Published: 07/07/2019

Abbas Zaki, a member of Fatah’s Central Committee, recently presented an award to the family of Omar Abu Layla, who carried out a shooting attack and a stabbing attack near Ariel (killing two Israelis, a soldier and a civilian).
The anti gee-had rolls on. As a means to thwart the islamic terrorist entity from using kuffar innovated technology to wage gee-had, the Israelis' have developed technology that allows interception / capture of the radio signal thus allowing the Islamo-drones to be redirected.


Israel News

17:12 | 07/08/19
Hamas has sent drones into Israel in the past, leading the IDF to scramble jets or fire missiles in order to down the aerial vehicle. But such options are extremely expensive.

DROM Done Defense Systems produced by ORAD, an Israeli company based in the city of Holon,can detect approaching drones at over 3.5 kilometers and take over the UAV’s piloting abilities, neutralize them and land them far from the operator.
Islamo-burrowing continues. Another enormous waste of welfare money that the international community can’t stop providing.


Another attack tunnel was discovered under the Israel-Gaza Strip border on Monday.

According to Israeli news site Mako, civilian construction crews building an underground barrier along the border discovered the tunnel early in the morning and informed the IDF.
At some point, the competing mini-caliphates will need to resume their civil war and one tribe will need to oblitetate the other in order to settle their differences.

It should be a good show.


Fatah movement Central Committee member Azzam al-Ahmad accused the Hamas movement of not being serious about ending its rift with the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank.

Ahmad noted that Egypt, who is acting as a mediator to broker peace between warring Palestinian parties, has proposed ideas to end the divisions arising from differences regarding the implementation of the 2017 agreement signed with Hamas.
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At some point, the competing mini-caliphates will need to resume their civil war and one tribe will need to oblitetate the other in order to settle their differences.

It should be a good show.


Fatah movement Central Committee member Azzam al-Ahmad accused the Hamas movement of not being serious about ending its rift with the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank.

Ahmad noted that Egypt, who is acting as a mediator to broker peace between warring Palestinian parties, has proposed ideas to end the divisions arising from differences regarding the implementation of the 2017 agreement signed with Hamas.
You don't know anything about it.

Why do you keep blabbering on?
At some point, the competing mini-caliphates will need to resume their civil war and one tribe will need to oblitetate the other in order to settle their differences.

It should be a good show.


Fatah movement Central Committee member Azzam al-Ahmad accused the Hamas movement of not being serious about ending its rift with the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank.

Ahmad noted that Egypt, who is acting as a mediator to broker peace between warring Palestinian parties, has proposed ideas to end the divisions arising from differences regarding the implementation of the 2017 agreement signed with Hamas.
You don't know anything about it.

Why do you keep blabbering on?

Your usual lashing out like a petulant child. You're frustrated because you can't find a handy YouTube video?

I could help educate you but your silly one-liners and cut and paste cartoons don't represent an argument.
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Inside The Ties Between Anti-Israel BDS Groups And Palestinian Terror Orgs

Inside The Ties Between Anti-Israel BDS Groups And Palestinian Terror Orgs
May 9th, 2019

A masked Palestinian militant of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine is pictured. (PFLP) MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/Getty Images)
  • Several groups active in the BDS movement have ties to Palestinian terrorist organizations, an investigation by The Daily Caller News Foundation found.
  • BDS groups have coordinated with terrorist groups and promoted their leaders, according to TheDCNF’s investigation.
  • Leaders of the group Samidoun, whose U.S. coordinator recently met with Rep. Rashida Tlaib, are members of the terrorist group Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), according to the PFLP.
Several groups in the anti-Israel boycott, divest and sanction (BDS) movement operating in the United States have ties to Palestinian groups on the U.S. State Department’s list of designated terrorist organizations, a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation has found.
PayPal among online payment platforms that shut down services to BDS group with terror links

PayPal among online payment platforms that shut down services to BDS group with terror links
Samidoun is a North American-based NGO with a wide network of ties with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a designated terrorist group, both in the United States and across Europe.

Supporters of Samidoun, a Palestinian BDS group that advocates for prisoners, hold a rally. Credit: Samidoun via Facebook.

(May 15, 2019 / JNS) PayPal has joined other major online payment systems in shutting down services to the BDS group Samidoun, which has close ties with Palestinian terror groups.

Over the last several weeks, the International Legal Forum, along with the Zionist Advocacy Centre, successfully petitioned PayPal, along with Donorbox and Plaid, to shut down financial services to Samidoun.
In case anyone missed it, the Islamic terrorists held another fashion parade in Gaza’istan.

As is the case with these media photo-ops, the Islamic terrorists rolled out their military style uniforms and goose stepped their way around the block.

Curious that these cowards aren’t wearing military uniforms at the border gee-had, preferring instead to use women and children as human shields.

Hamas conducts massive surprise drill simulating IDF incursion into Gaza

Highly rare exercise appears linked to botched IDF special forces raid in November, comes a day after Israel located 18th attack tunnel under Gaza border
9 July 2019, 10:03 pm 0
Last week:
" Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has approved the measurement phase ahead of the construction of a huge 40-dunam international field hospital with 16 different departments near the Erez crossing, to be managed by an international medical team.

The Yediot Aharonot newspaper reports that the hospital will be funded by a private American organization and is meant to ensure a significant improvement and a response that is not currently available in the Gaza Strip to Palestinian Arab patients."

If Israel agrees to build a hospital to help Palestinians, you know what will happen next.

(full article online)

Palestinian leaders oppose a new hospital to help Gazans ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Last week:
" Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has approved the measurement phase ahead of the construction of a huge 40-dunam international field hospital with 16 different departments near the Erez crossing, to be managed by an international medical team.

The Yediot Aharonot newspaper reports that the hospital will be funded by a private American organization and is meant to ensure a significant improvement and a response that is not currently available in the Gaza Strip to Palestinian Arab patients."

If Israel agrees to build a hospital to help Palestinians, you know what will happen next.

(full article online)

Palestinian leaders oppose a new hospital to help Gazans ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Why don't they just upgrade the existing hospitals in Gaza?
Last week:
" Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has approved the measurement phase ahead of the construction of a huge 40-dunam international field hospital with 16 different departments near the Erez crossing, to be managed by an international medical team.

The Yediot Aharonot newspaper reports that the hospital will be funded by a private American organization and is meant to ensure a significant improvement and a response that is not currently available in the Gaza Strip to Palestinian Arab patients."

If Israel agrees to build a hospital to help Palestinians, you know what will happen next.

(full article online)

Palestinian leaders oppose a new hospital to help Gazans ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Why don't they just upgrade the existing hospitals in Gaza?

Money for the gee-had / paying islamic terrorists is a priority for the welfare fraud money.

PA to pay imprisoned and released terrorists in full, as it cuts pay for other employees
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