Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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From the Islamic terrorist handbook of “How to win friends and influence people”

Arab governments must be thrilled at being threatened. Maybe more will follow Jordan’s lead and understand that segregating Pal’istanians is in their interest

Fatah Militants Threaten Bahrain Workshop Participants: We Still Remember Black September, Our Gun is Capable of Roaming Arab Capitals

Video at the link:
"Fatah Militants Threaten Bahrain Workshop Participants: We Still Remember Black September, Our Gun is Capable of Roaming Arab Capitals"
Maybe on the way to interrogation, he’ll fall down a flight of stairs... repeatedly.

Palestinian forces arrest participant in US Mideast workshop

Palestinian forces arrest participant in US Mideast workshop

Associated PressJune 29, 2019
JERUSALEM (AP) — The Palestinian Authority on Saturday arrested one of the few Palestinian participants in the White House-led Mideast peace conference after he returned to the West Bank.

A Palestinian security official said intelligence forces detained businessman Saleh Abu Mayala in the city of Hebron for interrogation, without elaborating on the reason for the arrest.
It's so nice when islamic theocratic totalitarians and dictators can find common ground. How typucal, however, that these Death Cultists are quick to embrace the "revolution" slogan when their power grabs bring only dictatorial rule, suppression or elimination of human rights and the imposition of an oppressive patriarchy of angry, pious islamists.

Hamas member details long history of Iranian financial, political support

Middle East
17:16 | 07/01/19


Hamas PM Ismail Haniyeh arrives in Tehran Iran 390 (R). (photo credit:" REUTERS/Morteza Nikoubazl)
"Since it's inception, the Iranian Islamic Revolution has been building a special relationship with the parties of the Palestinian revolution."
It would be rewarding to see the Brits assign the same Islamic terrorist designation to Hamas as they do Hezbollah.

Islamic terrorism operates under many names. Islamic Jihad, Harakat al-Muqawamah al-Islamiyyah (Hamas), Abu Sayyaf, Tanzim Qa'idat Al-Jihad in Bilad al-Rafidayn (al-Qaeda in Iraq), Hizbullah, Al-Ikhwan Al-Moslemoon (the Muslim Brotherhood), and countless others. Whatever name you call them, it always means the same thing: Kill the infidels (and more often than not – moslems) who stand between Islam and its delusions of world supremacy

The names they operate under are subordinate to the cause of their ideology. That ideology, of course, is gee-had—warfare to expand the dominion of Muhammud’s religion, as elucidated in the hate and war manual known as the Koran..

Outlaw Hamas in Britain'

Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan hosts British Home Secretary, asks him to outlaw Hamas as Britain did with Hezbollah.

'Outlaw Hamas in Britain'

Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan met on Monday with British Home Secretary Sajid Javid.

The two discussed cooperation on issues related to counter-terrorism as well as the fight against anti-Semitism and BDS.
The usual rant from one of the more excitable franchises of Islamic Terrorism Intl. Inc.

Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas: No Peace as Long as Israel Exists

“The Muslim Brotherhood condemns all forms of normalization with the Zionist enemy, and all the actions leading up to the Zionist-American deal, and confirms that all Arab regimes involved in the ‘Deal of the Century’ are anti-Arab peoples and traitors to the Palestinian cause,” the Muslim Brotherhood saidon its Facebook page Tuesday. “The Arab and Islamic people’s position will remain firm in support of the Palestinian cause, not recognized by the Zionist entity.”

The Zionist Entity™️
The equally longstanding and self-serving Palestinian legislator Hanan Ashrawi, who lauded Saddam Hussein for “standing up for Arab rights, Arab dignity, Arab pride” following Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, and notoriously opposed the historic Oslo Accords because they recognized Israel, called the Bahrain conference “delusional, irresponsible” and “an insult to our intelligence”.

Ashrawi has a Sydney Peace Prize to her name and the adoration of Bob Carr and parts of the global left, but not a single, tangible legislative or diplomatic achievement in three decades of public life.

The petulant refusal of the Palestinian leadership to even consider a proposal intended to offer ordinary Palestinian Arabs an alternative to war, conflict and victimhood is a betrayal and a crime but is impeccably consistent with earlier Palestinian responses to international efforts aimed at giving them statehood.

When in 1937 the British first proposed resolving competing Jewish and Arab claims to the land through partition and the creation of a first-ever independent Arab Palestinian state, alongside a Jewish state on just 4 per cent of the British Mandate territory, the reaction of the Palestinian leadership was an outright “no”, backed by widespread violence and calls for the “liberation of the country and establishment of an Arab government”.

When the UN held consultations throughout the country in 1947, again seeking to mediate peacefully rival claims to the land, the Arab leaders boycotted the proceedings.

Periodically, some Palestinian Arab leaders have admitted that their strategy of boycott backed by violence has been utterly ruinous. Palestinian jurist Henry Cattan admitted the 1947 boycott had been “unfortunate”.

Palestinian unionist Majdi Shella admitted the Palestinians “have a long tradition of boycotting everything. Sometimes boycotting is the easier road. If you want to do nothing, boycott.”

Yet the Palestinians have refined their instinct for rejection and political self-immolation to such an extent that they appear to know no other path.

  • This is why Palestinian rioters destroyed greenhouses left to them by the Israelis following the unilateral Israeli withdrawal from Gaza in 2005.
  • This is why last year Palestinians in Gaza set fire to the Kerem Shalom border crossing through which medicine, aid and consumer products intended for the Palestinians are transferred.
(full article online)

If only the Palestinian leadership really wished for peace
Awww, they're so cute when they launch themselves into saliva-slinging tirades which include the “opened the gates of Hell..." slogans.

Fatah members threaten to ‘hunt down’ Bahrain conference participants

They go on to say that they will strike with “an iron fist the necks of anyone” who sells out the Palestinian rights and anyone who participates in the Bahrain workshop. Those who attend the workshop, they say, have “opened the gates of Hell on themselves.”
The equally longstanding and self-serving Palestinian legislator Hanan Ashrawi, who lauded Saddam Hussein for “standing up for Arab rights, Arab dignity, Arab pride” following Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, and notoriously opposed the historic Oslo Accords because they recognized Israel, called the Bahrain conference “delusional, irresponsible” and “an insult to our intelligence”.

Ashrawi has a Sydney Peace Prize to her name and the adoration of Bob Carr and parts of the global left, but not a single, tangible legislative or diplomatic achievement in three decades of public life.

The petulant refusal of the Palestinian leadership to even consider a proposal intended to offer ordinary Palestinian Arabs an alternative to war, conflict and victimhood is a betrayal and a crime but is impeccably consistent with earlier Palestinian responses to international efforts aimed at giving them statehood.

When in 1937 the British first proposed resolving competing Jewish and Arab claims to the land through partition and the creation of a first-ever independent Arab Palestinian state, alongside a Jewish state on just 4 per cent of the British Mandate territory, the reaction of the Palestinian leadership was an outright “no”, backed by widespread violence and calls for the “liberation of the country and establishment of an Arab government”.

When the UN held consultations throughout the country in 1947, again seeking to mediate peacefully rival claims to the land, the Arab leaders boycotted the proceedings.

Periodically, some Palestinian Arab leaders have admitted that their strategy of boycott backed by violence has been utterly ruinous. Palestinian jurist Henry Cattan admitted the 1947 boycott had been “unfortunate”.

Palestinian unionist Majdi Shella admitted the Palestinians “have a long tradition of boycotting everything. Sometimes boycotting is the easier road. If you want to do nothing, boycott.”

Yet the Palestinians have refined their instinct for rejection and political self-immolation to such an extent that they appear to know no other path.

  • This is why Palestinian rioters destroyed greenhouses left to them by the Israelis following the unilateral Israeli withdrawal from Gaza in 2005.
  • This is why last year Palestinians in Gaza set fire to the Kerem Shalom border crossing through which medicine, aid and consumer products intended for the Palestinians are transferred.
(full article online)

If only the Palestinian leadership really wished for peace
PLO official Hanan Ashrawi explains why Palestinians oppose US Middle East plan

The equally longstanding and self-serving Palestinian legislator Hanan Ashrawi, who lauded Saddam Hussein for “standing up for Arab rights, Arab dignity, Arab pride” following Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, and notoriously opposed the historic Oslo Accords because they recognized Israel, called the Bahrain conference “delusional, irresponsible” and “an insult to our intelligence”.

Ashrawi has a Sydney Peace Prize to her name and the adoration of Bob Carr and parts of the global left, but not a single, tangible legislative or diplomatic achievement in three decades of public life.

The petulant refusal of the Palestinian leadership to even consider a proposal intended to offer ordinary Palestinian Arabs an alternative to war, conflict and victimhood is a betrayal and a crime but is impeccably consistent with earlier Palestinian responses to international efforts aimed at giving them statehood.

When in 1937 the British first proposed resolving competing Jewish and Arab claims to the land through partition and the creation of a first-ever independent Arab Palestinian state, alongside a Jewish state on just 4 per cent of the British Mandate territory, the reaction of the Palestinian leadership was an outright “no”, backed by widespread violence and calls for the “liberation of the country and establishment of an Arab government”.

When the UN held consultations throughout the country in 1947, again seeking to mediate peacefully rival claims to the land, the Arab leaders boycotted the proceedings.

Periodically, some Palestinian Arab leaders have admitted that their strategy of boycott backed by violence has been utterly ruinous. Palestinian jurist Henry Cattan admitted the 1947 boycott had been “unfortunate”.

Palestinian unionist Majdi Shella admitted the Palestinians “have a long tradition of boycotting everything. Sometimes boycotting is the easier road. If you want to do nothing, boycott.”

Yet the Palestinians have refined their instinct for rejection and political self-immolation to such an extent that they appear to know no other path.

  • This is why Palestinian rioters destroyed greenhouses left to them by the Israelis following the unilateral Israeli withdrawal from Gaza in 2005.
  • This is why last year Palestinians in Gaza set fire to the Kerem Shalom border crossing through which medicine, aid and consumer products intended for the Palestinians are transferred.
(full article online)

If only the Palestinian leadership really wished for peace
PLO official Hanan Ashrawi explains why Palestinians oppose US Middle East plan

She’s a recipient of UNRWA welfare fraud money, right?
Trying to weed whack through the landscape of Arab-Moslem governments is an exercise in fighting motion sickness. Among the non-functioning PLO, PLC, PNC and the alphabet soup of governments / agencies created to steal welfare fraud money, it is a bottomless pit of waste, mismanagement and fraud.

I can’t imagine either of the Islamist dictatorships in Gaza or the West Bank are afraid of elections because neither of those mini-caliphates are going to upset the UNRWA welfare fraud status quo.

Palestinians: “Hamas Is Not Afraid of Elections”

Hamas leaders have responded by welcoming the initiative to hold new elections. The leaders saythey are not afraid of elections: they are confident that their movement will win.

Hamas leaders are clearly hoping that if and when new elections are held, they would facilitate its takeover of the Palestinian Authority (PA) presidency and the Palestinian Legislative Council.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

Yes! And American should not give a damn either. They are terminally ill nation → no better than a failure at statehood.

→ Hamas leaders have responded by welcoming the initiative to hold new elections. The leaders say they are not afraid of elections: they are confident that their movement will win. →

→ Hamas leaders are clearly hoping that if and when new elections are held, they would facilitate its takeover of the Palestinian Authority (PA) presidency and the Palestinian Legislative Council.

Americans should in nearly all matters → approach the Arab Palestinian with extreme caution and very slowly → so as not to startle them.

◈ Introduce yourself carefully and with a quiet voice. “Hi, Achmed the Dead Terrorist!" "I would like to use you for a while → as a training target.” Remember, from the age six and up, they are trained in the way of the suicide vest. So you should use an overwatch with a M24 (SWS) firing SAR6-028API High-Explosive Armor-Piercing-Incendiary 7.62—51mm; and a mounted NXS 5.5 – 22x50 MILR.

◈ If you want, hold the person’s hand. → Start by telling the person what you are doing. “Achmed, I am going to hold your hand now.” This will help the overwatch to engage.

◈ If you have a specific Congressional Letter of Marque and Reprisal under Article I • Section 8(11) • of the US Constitution → read it softly.​

The End.

OK, me bad!

Most Respectfully,
More or the expected "cultural proclivities" derived from adherents to an identifiable politico-religious ideology.

While it may be convenient to argue that the views expressed by the deep thinker Marwan are "extremist", we can also make a case that these fine folks are just pious Arabs-Moslems who know their Koran and Sunnah (and their built-in Jew hatreds), and are following in the literal ideological footsteps of their "prophet" as the model for all Moslems for all time.

Hamas MP Marwan Abu Ras said in a June 23, 2019 show on Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas-Gaza) that the Jews have been abhorred throughout history and that Hitler wanted to get rid of them because their "deeds and crimes" made him hate them. He added that everything people say about the Holocaust is a lie.

Video here:
"Hamas MP Marwan Abu Ras: Hitler Hated the Jews Because of Their Crimes; Everything Said about the Holocaust Is a Lie"

It's as though these fine folks spend every waking moment of their miserable lives seeking out ways to buttress their hate / self-hate.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

Yes! And American should not give a damn either. They are terminally ill nation → no better than a failure at statehood.

→ Hamas leaders have responded by welcoming the initiative to hold new elections. The leaders say they are not afraid of elections: they are confident that their movement will win. →

→ Hamas leaders are clearly hoping that if and when new elections are held, they would facilitate its takeover of the Palestinian Authority (PA) presidency and the Palestinian Legislative Council.

Americans should in nearly all matters → approach the Arab Palestinian with extreme caution and very slowly → so as not to startle them.

◈ Introduce yourself carefully and with a quiet voice. “Hi, Achmed the Dead Terrorist!" "I would like to use you for a while → as a training target.” Remember, from the age six and up, they are trained in the way of the suicide vest. So you should use an overwatch with a M24 (SWS) firing SAR6-028API High-Explosive Armor-Piercing-Incendiary 7.62—51mm; and a mounted NXS 5.5 – 22x50 MILR.

◈ If you want, hold the person’s hand. → Start by telling the person what you are doing. “Achmed, I am going to hold your hand now.” This will help the overwatch to engage.

◈ If you have a specific Congressional Letter of Marque and Reprisal under Article I • Section 8(11) • of the US Constitution → read it softly.​

The End.

OK, me bad!

Most Respectfully,
Might I suggest we amend your first bullet point, (snark), and substitute an AI-AX chambered in .300 WM fitted with an S&B 5-25x56? Those speedy 230 gr. projectiles are, umm, persuasive.
I suppose Hamas was anticipating they would end the current Hudna when their psychopath had completed preparations for his Jew killing gee-had.

The holy warriors of hamas and all other gee-had groups are simply pious Moslems who know their Koranology and who are following the book to the letter.

Israel Detains Hamas Terrorist Who Snuck Into Israel and Tried Creating Bomb Factory

JERUSALEM, Israel - Israel's Security Agency, better known as Shin Bet, says it arrested a Hamas terrorist who managed to infiltrate Israel under the guise of a humanitarian permit with the goal of setting up an explosives factory.

Shin Bet says Fadi Abu al-Sabah, 35, was recruited and trained by Hamas in July 2018 to be an explosives expert and commit terror attacks against Israelis.
Yesterday I noted that Palestinians were saying that Jews who were reverently and quietly praying on the Temple Mount were "desecrating Al Aqsa."

Obviously, treating a holy place with respect isn't desecration.

However, StandWithUs tweeted a photo that is one of desecration:

Back in time: #Jerusalem during Jordanian occupation before Israel reunited the city on June 5, 1967: when Jordan destroyed the entire Jewish Quarter of the Old City, including 52 synagogues. Pictured is a Jordanian soldier standing on the remains of Hurva Synagogue. pic.twitter.com/G7qda8GFye
— StandWithUs (@StandWithUs) July 3, 2019

Let's look closer at the photo:

The Jordanian soldier is inside the main sanctuary of the destroyed Hurva synagogue. You can see the mural of the Ten Commandments behind him.

And he is posing triumphantly holding an unrolled Torah Scroll, splayed across the rubble.

This is what desecration of a holy site, and holy object, looks like.

(full article online)

This is what desecration looks like ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
A senior Palestinian official Monday condemned the participation of US envoys in the unveiling of an archaeological site in East Jerusalem and scoffed at the “fake” account of Jewish history attributed to the subterranean road.

Saeb Erekat said he believed the tunnel was a project being used by Israeli right-wingers to further Israel’s claim on East Jerusalem and advance settlement growth there.

“It has nothing to do with religion, it is fake,” he told journalists at his office in Ramallah in the West Bank.

He cited reports by two Israeli NGOs questioning the archaeological methods used.

One of the organizations, Peace Now, also says cracks emerged in multiple houses in Silwan after the digging began.

Erekat said: “It’s a settlement project. It’s based on a lie that has nothing to do with history."This is a person regarded as a "moderate." This is a person that was a lead negotiator for, ahem, "peace."

And this is a person who is actually more reasonable than most other Palestinian leaders!

"Questioning archaeological methods" does not mean that the road discovered that leads up to the Temple Mount is not real. It was clearly used by hundreds of thousands of Jewish pilgrims to visit the Second Temple. No archaeologist in the world denies this.

But Saeb Erekat does.

Which means that (yet again) Erekat is proven to be a liar. You literally cannot believe a word he says.

The Western media, unfortunately, doesn't hold him to the same standards that any Western politician would be held to when they are shown to be knowingly lying. On the contrary, they are eager to interview him. The Forward published an op-ed from this liar just this week (claiming that the US supports "Greater Israel" based on the Bahrain workshop that didn't talk about politics or borders at all.)

A number of years ago, Erekat issued a quote referring to Israel's prime minister, with a saying I never heard and couldn't find anywhere else. Perhaps it is an Arabic saying, but it is clearly Saeb Erakat's personal motto:

“There’s a saying that if you don’t stop a man who is lying after 24 hours, the lies turn into facts."

[ Sixties Fan: this saying possibly being badly repeated by Erakat. It is probably Goebbles' saying that if one repeats a lie long enough.... :
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."

(full article online)

Saeb Erekat calls archaeology fake and says Jewish history is a lie ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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