Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The Hamas Welfare Entitlement Franchise is in full panic mode. They’re looking at the real possibility of their welfare entitlement and an entrenched criminal enterprise racket being dismantled.

Hamas official: Bahrain conference won't bring results


Senior Hamas official says economic conference in Bahrain is being held as part of US efforts to eliminate the Palestinian issue

Husam Badran, a member of the Hamas political bureau, on Sunday rejected any possibility that this week’s US-led economic conference in Bahrain will succeed.

In a press release, Badran said there would be no practical results for the economic conference in Bahrain, which, he claimed, is part of the American plan to "eliminate" the Palestinian issue.
[ Why exactly does the Arab League exist? Where was this organization during the centuries of Ottoman conquest of the land? Yes, we do now why they exist and what their purpose is.
No, Arab League. There isn't enough oil money capable of destroying Israel. Or enough money the Arab leaders will not be happy to put into their pockets. ]

The Arab League on Sunday reaffirmed a pledge to pay $100 million a month to the Palestinian Authority (PA).

Arab finance ministers meeting in Cairo renewed a promise first made in April to boost "the Palestinian Authority's budget with a $100 million monthly transfer... as it faces financial burdens", a statement quoted by AFP said.

Arab League reaffirms safety net for PA
There is a good read in the LA Times outlining some changing dynamics across Islam'istan. The darlings of the radical left (Pal'istanian terrorists) here in the Great Satan are not so warmly embraced by Arabs-Moslems in the Middle East.

Palestinians look to Arab governments for support, but the response is tepid

There has been no shortage of dramatic images from the Gaza Strip in recent weeks as Palestinian protesters have faced off against the Israeli military

Arab governments were measured in their condemnations of both Israel, which suffered no loss of life in the clashes, and its most important ally, the United States, which escalated tensions by moving its embassy from Tel Aviv to the disputed capital of Jerusalem.
The Islamic terrorist welfare fraud managers were out again making a lot of blustering threats.

Hamas warns against applying sovereignty in Judea and Samaria

Hamas warns against applying sovereignty in Judea and Samaria

Hamas calls on Palestinian organizations to prepare for fight against Bahrain conference and "Deal of the Century".

The Hamas terrorist organization on Monday issued an official statement rejecting the “Deal of the Century” of the Trump administration to resolve the longstanding conflict between Israelis and Palestinian Arabs.
I suppose feeling left behind in the pompous Islamic threat issuing business, the Fatah version of the Islamic Welfare Fraud decided it was time for their Islamo-yutes to offer some blustering.

Fatah youth threaten intifada in response to Bahrain Conference: "[We can] make the ground burn under the feet of the tyrants" - PMW Bulletins

Fatah youth threaten intifada
in response to Bahrain Conference:
"[We can] make the ground burn
under the feet of the tyrants"

US Ambassador Friedman, US Envoy Greenblatt,
and US Presidential Advisor Kushner are
"the Zionist hate triangle"

  • Secretary-General of Fatah Shabiba Youth Movement: "Shabiba... is prepared for every eventuality, and its members who ignited the first Intifada and the Al-Aqsa Intifada are still capable of making the ground burn under the feet of the tyrants"
  • The National and Islamic Forces called to consider Monday "a day of popular demonstrations of rage as a sign of resistance" and Tuesday "a day of escalation on the ground at the points of friction"

  • Shabiba Secretary-General: Palestinians who participate in the Bahrain workshop are considered traitors - Fatah youth will "respond... with full force"
Typical of the Islamist terrorist mindset. They are never responsible for their actions; they are not accountable and "it's always someone else's fault".

Hamas furious at Israel's response to balloon terror

Hamas furious at Israel's response to balloon terror

Senior Hamas member says Israel bears full responsibility for deterioration of situation near Gaza border.

Khalil al-Hayya, a senior member of the Hamas terrorist organization in Gaza, on Tuesday said Israel bore full responsibility for the deterioration of the situation due to what he called “Israeli procrastination in the implementation of the understandings regarding the lull.”

Wait. Regarding the "lull"?
Amnesia and willful ignorance seem to be running amok in today’s political arena, especially when it comes to Israel and the Palestinians — mostly due to the desperation for a peace agreement. And it is in this environment that we were introduced to President Trump’s plan to alleviate the economic hardships facing the Palestinian people.

But the uncomfortable reality of the situation is that the conflict is not about economics. Nor is it about two states. This festering conflict fails to cease because one side absolutely refuses to acknowledge the legitimacy of the other.

Even before being presented with the US plan, the Palestinians rejected it outright. They did not know any details, nor did they come to the table with any counter-proposals. They simply rejected it, just as they rejected the peace plans presented by former Israeli leaders Ehud Barak and Ehud Olmert.

And they will continue to reject any proposal that will end the conflict — because right now, they do not want it to end.

(full article online)

There Won’t Be Peace Until the Palestinians Accept Israel
A general strike was observed in the Gaza Strip in the Palestinian Authority on Tuesday in protest of the convening of a US-sponsored economic “workshop’ in Manama, Bahrain, WAFA reported, noting that the protesters in Judea and Samaria “are preparing for clashes with Israeli soldiers at the checkpoints around the cities.”

According to Ma’an, the protest activities are orchestrated by the Gaza and PA governments and will continue in coordination and partnership with national action groups and trade unions through Wednesday.

(full article online)

The Bahrain workshop, which places no demands on Palestinians, is an object lesson in how the "phased plan" is still being implemented.

A telling detail from Haaretz' coverage:

In the end, the Palestinians were there too. About 15 Palestinians attended, including Ashraf Jabari from Hebron, the only Palestinian scheduled to speak at the conference. They told Haaretz that they came from all parts of the West Bank and Jerusalem, and Jabari may be representing them as a speaker, but they support the conference, too. At one point, the former IDF Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, reserve general Yoav Mordechai, sat with them on the sofas in the hotel lobby. Mordechai attended the conference as a private businessman. Haaretz also saw other Palestinians at the event who were not part of Jabari’s group – but they asked to remain anonymous.
The Palestinian Authority, if they cared about their own people, would have said "we are against the conference but you can attend if you want." Instead, they pressured Palestinian businesspeople not to attend - with implicit threats - so the ones who showed up must remain nameless.

Is this how national leaders who want to build a state act?

(full article online)

Bahrain proves it again: If "peace" is not a stage to destroy Israel, then Palestinian leaders aren't interested ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
It's interesting that in the islamic terrorist version of a ceasefire, it's only the side opposing the islamic terrorists that is expected to abide by the ceasefire.

Hamas warns ceasefire in danger as Israel cuts fuel supply over arson attacks

Hamas warns ceasefire in danger as Israel cuts fuel supply over arson attacks

UN delegation reportedly arrives in Gaza for talks with terror group’s leaders, as wildfires ignited by airborne incendiary devices scorch south
As you might expect, the Islamic terrorists representing the Fatah franchise are just gushing over their home grown Death Cultists.

The Fatah branded psychopaths are “second only to Allah”.

PA top officials support terrorist murderers:

They are "before all" and second only to Allah

PA top officials support terrorist murderers - PMW Bulletins

Bahrain discusses ways to make the PA economy prosper,
but the PA stubbornly insists on prioritizing terrorists
and their pay-for-slay salaries

  • Head of PA General Intelligence: "After our faith in Almighty Allah, we bow before the Martyrs and prisoners"
  • PA Mufti: "We prioritize them over ourselves... The prisoners, the wounded, and the Martyrs too, are before all"
  • Abbas' Fatah deputy: They are "a laurel wreath on the forehead of this homeland"
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