Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Yeah, islamic terrorists have conferences.

I suppose when your islamic terrorist franchise has suitcases full of Qatari welfare money to burn, you might as well waste it on pointless islamic terrorist Pom Pom flailing.

Sixth BDS National Conference and its Terror Ties - Brandeis Center

On March 16, the BDS National Committee hosted its sixth annual BDS National Conference in Ramallah. The conference, which received a statement of support from internationally recognized terrorist organizations such as Hamas, the Palestinian National and Islamic Forces (PNIF), and the People’s Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), was heavily attended by individuals associated with terrorism. Khitam Saafin, a leader in the PFLP, attended as a panelist for a workshop on BDS policy. Also in attendance was Abu Marsel Karaja, a member of the PFLP who has been arrested numerous times by Israeli security forces. Lastly, Dr. Wasel Abu Yousef, who currently acts as secretary of the PNIF in the West Bank, attended the conference as a speaker.
As far as I can tell, nothing has changed. Kids are smoking in schools, as are teachers (but generally not in front of students.)

Ironically, Hamas has implemented anti-smoking measures that are effective. While 26.9% of the West Bank Arab adults are smokers; only 14.6% in the Gaza Strip are.

To give an idea of how dysfunctional this PA government is, yesterday - after 14 years, the Ministry of Health finally decided to ban smoking in its own buildings.

The Health Ministry itself didn't bother to ban smoking in its own facilities until now!

This is only a single example among many about how incompetent the Palestinian Arab leaders are at actually running a government. These types of stories are unreported for whatever politically correct reason, but the fact remains. The EU comes in and spends hundreds of millions to teach them how to run a country and they do the minimum necessary to get that cash, but show little interest in pro-actively governing on their own. Sure, there are lots of committees and meetings but nothing to show for it.

One reason is that the government is a dictatorship, with Mahmoud Abbas controlling Fatah, the PA, the PLO, the cabinet and the judicial system. This is why the priorities are paying terrorists and opposing Israel in international venues as opposed to actually trying to build a state.

(full article online)

Just how dysfunctional is the Palestinian Authority? The story of a 2005 anti-smoking law ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Ok, a rhetorical question.

Would you name a kids’ summer camp after a murderer?

Would you name a kids’ summer camp after a murderer? - PMW Bulletins

by Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Maurice Hirsch, Adv.
July 10, 2019
Share |the PA's role model terrorist murderer Dalal Mughrabi who led the most lethal terror attack in Israel’s history, when she and other Fatah terrorists hijacked a bus on Israel's Coastal Highway in March 1978, murdering 37 civilians, 12 of them children, and wounding over 70:

The Dalal Mughrabi Summer Camp

So let’s dwell on this for a moment. A “summer camp” named after (in recognition and honor of) a mass murdering psychopath.

That is a proscription for a maladjusted personality.

There’s more at the link but I’m feeling a little queasy after reading about a shared mental illness afflicting these Cultists.

These are the Arabs who call themselves "Palestinians" and live in a virtual state.

The word virtual defines as unstable.
A dysfunctional enclave of psychopaths who continually act upon the proscription of their mental illness.

PA doubles the salary of murderer of 3 Israeli teenagers

PA doubles the salary of murderer of 3 Israeli teenagers - PMW Bulletins

  • The PA today doubled the monthly salary it pays to the terrorist prisoner who planned the murder of 3 Israeli teens in 2014
  • To date, the PA has paid the murderer almost 100,000 shekels
  • The PA has paid the families of the two other terrorist murderers of the teenagers a total of 255,200 shekels. They were killed - becoming so-called "Martyrs" - when they resisted arrest
By Maurice Hirsch, Adv. and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Since the kidnapping and murder of the three Israeli teens Eyal Yifrach, 19, Gilad Shaar, 16, and Naftali Fraenkel, 16, in June 2014, the Palestinian Authority has paid over 350,000 shekels (over $ 98,000 today) in terror rewards to the Hamas terrorist convicted of planning their kidnapping and murder and to the families of the other two terrorists who carried out the kidnapping and murder and who were later killed while resisting arrest.
When Palestinian media cry out that Silwan is in danger, they lie twice: once, because the Israeli excavators and authorities do not move in the City of David without the authorization of safety engineers, and they comply with the strictest standards; and a second time, because the City of David, which covers about 15 acres, constitutes about 6 percent of the territory of Silwan.

When Palestinian leaders and clerics cry out that the excavations in the City of David endanger Al-Aqsa, they are deliberately lying. The excavations do not extend beyond the wall of the Temple Mount compound. For years, Israel has made sure to excavate around the Mount and not under it. That was the case regarding the Western Wall and along the Southern Wall of the Temple Mount, and the same is true regarding the City of David. Rven when the excavation comes close to the wall of the Mount from the south, it never goes beyond it. The visitors who walk on the Pilgrimage Road, or through the “Herodian drainage tunnel,” ascend to the Davidson Center, which is at the foot of the walls of the Mount and not within it.

(full article online)

The Truth about Jerusalem’s City of David – The Lies about Silwan
"We are about to explode and the explosion will not be in Gaza, but in the occupied West Bank and abroad as well," Hamad said.

He then said, "We must attack, slaughter and kill every Jew who exists in the world."

Hamad was chided for that last statement by Hamas leaders.

Hamas leader Ahmed Yousef sent an open letter to Hamad, saying that his speech was in error.

"My brother, Fathi Hamad (Abu Musab), I understand your anger at the crimes of the occupation against our people, but the language of knives and explosive belts is not the language of politicians, and talk about the killing of Jews is a violation of religious and moral law, and even contrary to what is stated in the Hamas political document."

He is referring to the Hamas manifesto released with much fanfare in 2017 that was more conciliatory to Jews but was falsely reported as a replacement for their charter which indeed calls to kill all Jews.

Yousef's letter continues to say, "O brother, Abu Musab, your hurried enthusiasm [caused you to say things that] will give all pretexts to the occupation to tighten the siege and the practice of further aggression, and will contribute to the abandonment of our people in the Gaza Strip.

Yousef said: "The leadership of Hamas and the head of its political bureau needs to correct the error and explain the situation, because the cost of this speech can be high, and its consequences painful."

Other Palestinians disavowed Hamad's words, saying they do not hate Jews.

Mahmoud al-Zaq, a member of the political bureau of the Palestinian Popular Struggle Front, said "This speech can is harmful, which harms our people and turns us from victim to murderer."

Dr. Hossam al-Dajani, a writer and political analyst who is close to Hamas, called Hamad's call to kill the Jews a "strategic mistake and a coup against the Hamas political document."

He said: "This is a serious mistake that Hamas will pay for and should immediately disavow this speech because its repercussions will be serious, especially if a Jew were killed in any foreign capital, the charge would be justified."

"The language of slaughtering in the media is not successful, especially as it is linked to world public opinion which closely links [Hamas] with terrorism and brings the consequent phobia of Islam."

This pushback is rare, as there are antisemitic articles in Arab media all the time. However they rarely reach the level of explicit calls to genocide, and much (but not all) of the criticism centers more on the ramifications of Hamad's words in world public opinion than the immorality of his call to kill all Jews.

(full article online)

Hamas official says the group wants to slaughter every Jew in the world ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,

My initial impression was that this obsevation was pen'd in the wrong place.
He then said, "We must attack, slaughter and kill every Jew who exists in the world."

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Dr. Hossam al-Dajani, a writer and political analyst who is close to Hamas, called Hamad's call to kill the Jews a "strategic mistake and a coup against the Hamas political document."

He said: "This is a serious mistake that Hamas will pay for and should immediately disavow this speech because its repercussions will be serious, especially if a Jew were killed in any foreign capital, the charge would be justified."

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"The language of slaughtering in the media is not successful, especially as it is linked to world public opinion which closely links [Hamas] with terrorism and brings the consequent phobia of Islam."

This pushback is rare, as there are antisemitic articles in Arab media all the time. However they rarely reach the level of explicit calls to genocide, and much (but not all) of the criticism centers more on the ramifications of Hamad's words in world public opinion than the immorality of his call to kill all Jews.

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Hamas official says the group wants to slaughter every Jew in the world ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

But as I though about it, this was the right place. This is exactly who the Arab Palestinians are.

Most Respectfully,
Lots of fun stuff to learn at the Islamic terrorist version of the Hitler Youth.

“... two terrorist murderers - Abu Jihadand Dalal Mughrabi - are among their leaders.”

Lovely, lovely folks.

And a lovely “religion” that teaches religiously based hatred and fascism.

What do recycling, first aid, and terrorist murderers have in common?

What do recycling, first aid, and terrorist murderers have in common? - PMW Bulletins

By Nan Jacques Zilberdik
What could recycling, first aid, and terrorist murderers possibly have in common? Nothing, right?

But in the Palestinian Authority they are related - because they are all part of the program taught to kids at the PLO summer camps.
In a video posted by the PLO Supreme Council for Sport and Youth Affairs - an institution that arranges and runs summer camps in the PA - Palestinian kids explain what they learned at one such camp.
Young girls and boys describe that they have learned about recycling, first aid, and that sports help to keep a healthy lifestyle. But in between these positive educational messages, the kids were also taught that the Palestinians are “one hand against the enemies,” and that two terrorist murderers - Abu Jihadand Dalal Mughrabi - are among their leaders.
Significantly, one girl singled out these two killers who were involved the most lethal attack in Israel’s history - the Coastal Road massacre planned by Abu Jihad and carried out by Dalal Mughrabi - in which 37 Israeli civilians were murdered, among them 12 children. This is not surprising because both have been turned into role models for society by the PA, as documented by Palestinian Media Watch.
What could recycling, first aid, and terrorist murderers possibly have in common? Nothing, right?

But in the Palestinian Authority they are related - because they are all part of the program taught to kids at the PLO summer camps.
In a video posted by the PLO Supreme Council for Sport and Youth Affairs - an institution that arranges and runs summer camps in the PA - Palestinian kids explain what they learned at one such camp.

Young girls and boys describe that they have learned about recycling, first aid, and that sports help to keep a healthy lifestyle. But in between these positive educational messages, the kids were also taught that the Palestinians are “one hand against the enemies,” and that two terrorist murderers - Abu Jihadand Dalal Mughrabi - are among their leaders.

Significantly, one girl singled out these two killers who were involved the most lethal attack in Israel’s history - the Coastal Road massacre planned by Abu Jihad and carried out by Dalal Mughrabi - in which 37 Israeli civilians were murdered, among them 12 children. This is not surprising because both have been turned into role models for society by the PA, as documented by Palestinian Media Watch.

(full article online)

What do recycling, first aid, and terrorist murderers have in common? - PMW Bulletins
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