Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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A video posted on Thursday evening on social media showed Arab workers abusing a Jewish haredi worker in the Gush Etzion branch of the supermarket chain Shufersal.

The video shows the Jewish worker standing without his kippah (skullcap), with his hands secured to his body with saran wrap, while an Arab worker insults him and slaps him in the face over and over.

(full article online)

Shocking video: Arab employees abuse Jewish colleague
The Hamas terror organization on Friday praised the perpetrators of a bombing in the West Bank that claimed the life of a 17-year-old Israeli girl and seriously injured her father and brother.

Hamas in a statement said the bomb attack was “proof of the vitality and bravery of the Palestinian people, and of the fact that it will not surrender to the crimes and terrorism of the occupation.”

(full article online)

Hamas lauds ‘brave, heroic’ perpetrators of bombing attack
David Abrams, a lawyer who has gone after anti-Israel groups before, has filed a lawsuit against UCLA to reveal the names of the speakers.

Abrams told me, "My argument is that UCLA permitted the conference to go forward on the ground that there should be 'open debate.' In my view, 'open debate' does not mean that you get to make a public presentation on the campus of a public university in secret. "

"Moreover," he continued, "the public has a right to investigate UCLA's compliance with anti-terrorism laws."

Abrams is suing based on his information that UCLA has received grants from USAID and therefore
must regularly certify to the State Department that it does not provide material support to anyone associated with terrorism. Hosting a known terrorist speaker at a conference may be considered material support for terrorism. Abrams points out in the official complaint that SJP has previously hosted Khader Adnan, an admitted member of Islamic Jihad, a U.S.-designated terrorist organization.

(full article online)

UCLA sued to reveal names of SJP conference speakers last November ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Lacasa Mall.

I need participants for some three part harmony. Wait for the chorus to come around.....

“Oh, those Poor, Oppressed Pal’istanians “

David Abrams, a lawyer who has gone after anti-Israel groups before, has filed a lawsuit against UCLA to reveal the names of the speakers.

Abrams told me, "My argument is that UCLA permitted the conference to go forward on the ground that there should be 'open debate.' In my view, 'open debate' does not mean that you get to make a public presentation on the campus of a public university in secret. "

"Moreover," he continued, "the public has a right to investigate UCLA's compliance with anti-terrorism laws."

Abrams is suing based on his information that UCLA has received grants from USAID and therefore
must regularly certify to the State Department that it does not provide material support to anyone associated with terrorism. Hosting a known terrorist speaker at a conference may be considered material support for terrorism. Abrams points out in the official complaint that SJP has previously hosted Khader Adnan, an admitted member of Islamic Jihad, a U.S.-designated terrorist organization.

(full article online)

UCLA sued to reveal names of SJP conference speakers last November ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Grasping at straws.
David Abrams, a lawyer who has gone after anti-Israel groups before, has filed a lawsuit against UCLA to reveal the names of the speakers.

Abrams told me, "My argument is that UCLA permitted the conference to go forward on the ground that there should be 'open debate.' In my view, 'open debate' does not mean that you get to make a public presentation on the campus of a public university in secret. "

"Moreover," he continued, "the public has a right to investigate UCLA's compliance with anti-terrorism laws."

Abrams is suing based on his information that UCLA has received grants from USAID and therefore
must regularly certify to the State Department that it does not provide material support to anyone associated with terrorism. Hosting a known terrorist speaker at a conference may be considered material support for terrorism. Abrams points out in the official complaint that SJP has previously hosted Khader Adnan, an admitted member of Islamic Jihad, a U.S.-designated terrorist organization.

(full article online)

UCLA sued to reveal names of SJP conference speakers last November ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Grasping at straws.

Hurt feelings.
The Islamic terrorists represented by the Hamas franchise must be taking it as a slight that the Islamic gee-had franchise is not kowtowing to their demands. That shouldn’t come as a surprise. Both franchises have accepted a measure of obedience to the Shia mullahs in Iran who are financing both Sunni terrorist franchises. The mullahs will be the ones making decisions about those matters as they have an interest in furthering attacks aimed at Israel by Islamic gee-had. That puts both of the hated enemies of Shia Iran, (the Sunni and the Jewish people), at risk of war and it opens the possibility of tribal war between the competing Sunni tribes.


Following Wednesday night's rocket attack on southern Israel, the third such attack in less than a week, Hamas asks Palestinian Islamic Jihad to hand over the operatives behind the rocket attack for interrogation. PIJ has thus far refused the request.
Did The Emir of West Bank’istan just give himself a raise?

'Fuel crisis between PA and Israel over': Palestinians to accept $568 million in tax money

Defense establishment recommended move in light of grave financial crisis endured by the PA, which agreed to receive the funds days after Abbas fired top advisers

It may be that tribal warfare in the Islamic terrorist free-for-all, (sometimes called the new zip code for Tehran), is warming up.

Something called the “PLO’s Department for Refugee Affairs” (one of the various post office boxes that constitute a distribution point for UNRWA welfare money to disappear), labeled the break in as an “assault”.

PLO: Hamas responsible for assault on our Gaza offices

The assailants stormed the PLO’s Department for Refugee Affairs, destroyed furniture and stole various items, sources in the Gaza Strip said.

The PLO on Sunday condemned an “assault” on its offices in the Gaza Strip and said the unknown assailants were backed by Hamas.

The assailants stormed the PLO’s Department for Refugee Affairs, destroyed furniture and stole various items, sources in the Gaza Strip said. No group claimed responsibility for the “assault” and the motives of the attackers were unknown.
Lovely, lovely folks those Arabs-Moslems.

The article notes that the IDF soldier who took the photo wears the uniform of one of the strongest militaries. Israel, being one of the strongest militaries in the world is what has prevented the Arabs-Moslems from carrying on the legacy of Hitler’s Nazi regime.

IDF Soldier With Relatives Who Died in Holocaust Horrified at Hamas Swastika
By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz August 25, 2019 , 3:25 pm

IDF Soldier With Relatives Who Died in Holocaust Horrified at Hamas Swastika

Photographed today by a soldier stationed on the border fence with Gaza. Her relatives were murdered in the Holocaust by Nazis. Like them, she knows what the swastika means. But today, she saw that symbol while wearing the uniform of one of the world’s strongest militaries.

Call’em psychopaths or just pious Moslems.

Moslem leaders who are just following the doctrinal elements of their beliefs are difficult to dismiss. Any reasonable person can listen to their rantings and come to conclusions about their interpretation of the ideology. From the nearly daily occurrences of Islamic terrorism we can derive patterns of behavior. The sheiks, muftis, clerics and mosque leaders get their message of hate for the infidel from somewhere.

In an August 16, 2019 Friday sermon at the Kawthar Badran Mosque in Nablus, Palestinian Sheikh Muhammad Nour Malhas cited an antisemitic hadith that says that the Muslims will fight and kill the Jews on Judgement Day and that the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, which will call out to the Muslims to kill the Jews hiding behind them. Sheikh Nour pointed out that the hadith refers to "servants of Allah," and he said that this serves to exclude hypocrites and Muslims who normalize relations with Israel. He added a prayer asking Allah to make the congregation from among His mujahideen and murabiteen.

"In Nablus Friday Sermon, Sheikh Muhammad Nour Malhas: People Who Normalize Relations with Israel Will Not Be Among Muslims to Kill Jews on Judgement Day"
Breeding the next generation of psychopaths.

Teaching Palestinian Children to Value Terrorism

Teaching Palestinian Children to Value Terrorism

A new study of Palestinian textbooks finds that Palestinian children are being taught to glorify and value terrorism and violence. The study, called "Palestinian Elementary School Curriculum 2016–17: Radicalization and Revival of the PLO Program," was conducted by the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (in Jerusalem) and can be found here.
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