Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Egypt is in quite a difficult position as a mediator. Whatever dialogue the Egyptians may have with Hamas means little when the Iranian Mullocrats are dictating terms to the islamic terrorist franchises in Gaza.

Egypt Vows to Stop Mediation Efforts If Hamas Continues Rocket Strikes Against Israel - Reports

Egypt Vows to Stop Mediation Efforts If Hamas Continues Rocket Strikes Against Israel - Reports
Why do the Palestinians have to give up violence while Israel gets to keep theirs?

Keep what?
Egypt is in quite a difficult position as a mediator. Whatever dialogue the Egyptians may have with Hamas means little when the Iranian Mullocrats are dictating terms to the islamic terrorist franchises in Gaza.

Egypt Vows to Stop Mediation Efforts If Hamas Continues Rocket Strikes Against Israel - Reports

Egypt Vows to Stop Mediation Efforts If Hamas Continues Rocket Strikes Against Israel - Reports
Why do the Palestinians have to give up violence while Israel gets to keep theirs?

Keep what?
Why do the Palestinians have to give up violence while Israel gets to keep theirs?

Ummmm, could it be because Israel is a fully functioning State correctly and responsibly using organized and legal military response to actual threats while Hamas and IS are terror organizations indiscriminately and illegally attacking civilians?
It sure appears that the Egyptians are nearing a point where they may decide to walk away from their role of trying to contain Hamas.

Ultimately, Hamas has to come to terms with the reality that unlike UNWRA welfare fraud money, Iranian welfare money comes with conditions. The Iranian Mullocrats are not going to fund the Sunni Islamics without the expectation that Shia welfare money is used to attack Israel.

Egypt warns Hamas: Stay out of conflict between Israel and Hezbollah

Egypt warns Hamas: Stay out of conflict between Israel and Hezbollah

Cairo threatens to abandon its mediation efforts between Israel and Gaza if the coastal enclave continues to fire rockets at the Jewish state.
I really find it unconscionable that social media sites such as twitter and Facebook allow their services to be used for explicit promotion of violence and encouraging acts of Islamic terrorism by Hamas and Fatah.

We will have to wait and see if the German actions are followed by other nations.


German federal criminal police investigate Hamas Twitter for propaganda

“The accounts of Hamas must disappear from Twitter! Twitter supports a terrorist organization by providing infrastructure," said Volker Beck.

German Green Party politician Volker Beck filed a formal police complaint, seeking to remove the jihadist terror organization Hamas from the micro-blogging site Twitter.

“The accounts of the Hamas must disappear from Twitter! Twitter supports a terrorist organization by providing infrastructure. This is punishable in Germany according to §129b StGB,” leading pro-Israel advocate Beck wrote on Twitter on Tuesday.
Some more Islamic terrorist behavior modification / early retirement from the gee-had.

Israel strikes Palestinian base on Lebanon-Syria border, state news claims

Israeli strike on position belonging to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command, Lebanon's An-Nahar newspaper reports

The Associated Press, Reuters and Yaniv Kubovich Aug 27, 2019 9:28 AM

It's looking much more likely that the more pious ISIS franchise was responsible for the martyrdom operation in Gaza.

And Allah knows best.

ISIS suspected in terror bombings against ... Hamas?

That’s not all that new, as it turns out, although it’s a new sign that ISIS remains a transnational threat. The BBC reported today that Hamas has begun rounding up ISIS sympathizers after two bombings killed three police officers in Gaza. It’s part of an ongoing turf war between Islamist factions that extends far beyond Gaza.
New Zealand is joining a growing list of nations that are suspending funding of contributions to UNRWA amid charges of "misconduct, corruption, links to terror groups, perpetuation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and anti-Semitism."

It really is gratifying to see that accountability is being demanded of the Islamic terrorist welfare fraud endowment.

The government of New Zealand has suspended funding to the United Nations’ aid agency for Palestinians.

The funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency is on hold until the release of the October report by the U.N. Office of Internal Oversight Services on allegations against the agency including misconduct, corruption, links to terror groups, perpetuation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and anti-Semitism.

New Zealand suspends funding to UN aid agency for Palestinians

“We expect UNRWA to cooperate fully with the investigation under way and to report back on the investigation’s findings and recommendations,” the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade said in a statement. “The Ministry will review the findings of the UN OIOS report once the investigation is complete and, after that point, will provide advice to the Minister of Foreign Affairs on future funding.”

From January to June, New Zealand provided nearly $1.6 million to UNRWA.

Last month, the Netherlands and Switzerland announced the suspension of funding for UNRWA following a damning report alleging corruption at the organization’s highest levels.

Mahmoud is having a very bad day.

Palestine files complaint with UN over Honduras' opening of diplomatic office in Jerusalem

RAMALLAH - 29 August 2019: The Palestinian Foreign Ministry decided to file a complaint with the UN over Honduras' decision to open a diplomatic office in Jerusalem.

The ministry condemned the move, saying it is a flagrant violation of the international law and legitimacy resolutions.

In a press release, the ministry said such a decision will foil any regional or international effort aiming at achieving peace in the Palestinian territories in accordance with international terms of references and two-state solution.

The Honduran president wasn’t impressed.

President Juan Orlando Hernández of Honduras announced that he will pay an official visit to Israel Friday to open the country’s diplomatic office in Jerusalem, recognizing the occupied city as Israel’s capital.

I admittedly have only done the most rudimentary research on this issue.

That said, I don't even remotely know how to unpack this. Perhaps that Arab Palestinians are perfectly willing to put Jews in "re-education camps" but not so willing to be placed there themselves.

IOW, "Re-education camps" good, as long as the "right" people are in them.

Ugly no matter how you slice it.
  • Why are the details about Rina Shnerb's hometown and her age worth mentioning? Because the Palestinian media has again engaged in a campaign of fabrications and lies to justify the terror attack and the murder of an innocent Jewish teenager.

  • The Palestinian media, however, does not feel comfortable reporting the facts about the terror attack. In the eyes of Palestinian new editors and journalists, Rina was a "settler" and a "soldier." By using such terms, the Palestinians are trying to create the impression that she was not an innocent teenager, but a Jew who lived in a settlement and was even serving in the IDF.

  • Finally, it is important to note that many Palestinian media outlets and officials continue to refer to Israel as "occupied Palestine." They see zero difference between a Jew living in the West Bank and a Jew living inside Israel. For them, all Jews are settlers and colonizers, and all cities inside Israel -- Tel Aviv, Haifa, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Eilat, as well as Lod, the hometown of Rina -- are "occupied." In the eyes of Palestinians, in fact all of Israel is "occupied" and a "settlement."

  • When Palestinian terrorists fired three rockets at Sderot on August 25, Palestinian media outlets reported that Sderot is a "settlement." In case anyone had doubts, Sderot is an Israeli city in the Negev Desert, not a "settlement." By using the term "settlement," the Palestinians are again trying to create the impression that a city it is a legitimate target for rocket attacks because it is an "illegal settlement."

(full article online)

Palestinians: Why Allow Facts to Get in the Way?
I'm afraid that Mahmoud is reaffirming his image as a cartoon character.

Abbas: Palestinians are spreading peace

Abbas: Palestinians are spreading peace

"The Palestinian Authority continues to build national institutions, spread the culture of peace and fight terrorism in the region and around the world," claimed the PA chairman.
The competing islamic terrorist mini-caliphates are haggling a bit over which is embracing true "islamic values". Yes, wholesome islamic values to include suicide bombing, gee-had, mass murder, forcing women into Shame Sacks, etc.

It's a wonder to behold.

PA: Hamas is causing the problems in Gaza

Fatah blasts Hamas, claims it is "corrupting Islamic values."

PA: Hamas is causing the problems in Gaza

The Fatah movement, headed by Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmoud Abbas, on Wednesday rejected Hamas' accusations that the PA’s intelligence apparatus is behind the explosions in Gaza that killed three policemen on Tuesday night.
  • Why are the details about Rina Shnerb's hometown and her age worth mentioning? Because the Palestinian media has again engaged in a campaign of fabrications and lies to justify the terror attack and the murder of an innocent Jewish teenager.

  • The Palestinian media, however, does not feel comfortable reporting the facts about the terror attack. In the eyes of Palestinian new editors and journalists, Rina was a "settler" and a "soldier." By using such terms, the Palestinians are trying to create the impression that she was not an innocent teenager, but a Jew who lived in a settlement and was even serving in the IDF.

  • Finally, it is important to note that many Palestinian media outlets and officials continue to refer to Israel as "occupied Palestine." They see zero difference between a Jew living in the West Bank and a Jew living inside Israel. For them, all Jews are settlers and colonizers, and all cities inside Israel -- Tel Aviv, Haifa, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Eilat, as well as Lod, the hometown of Rina -- are "occupied." In the eyes of Palestinians, in fact all of Israel is "occupied" and a "settlement."

  • When Palestinian terrorists fired three rockets at Sderot on August 25, Palestinian media outlets reported that Sderot is a "settlement." In case anyone had doubts, Sderot is an Israeli city in the Negev Desert, not a "settlement." By using the term "settlement," the Palestinians are again trying to create the impression that a city it is a legitimate target for rocket attacks because it is an "illegal settlement."
(full article online)

Palestinians: Why Allow Facts to Get in the Way?
Palestinian media outlets reported that Sderot is a "settlement." In case anyone had doubts, Sderot is an Israeli city in the Negev Desert, not a "settlement."
I have heard this Israeli talking point a gazillion times but nobody has ever posted any evidence that this is true.
With ISIS coming to cleanse Pal’istan of the Hamas apostates, it was only a matter of time before bright orange flashes of light, loud explosions and red hot shrapnel flying through the air at supersonic speeds would happen.

Hamas has participated in elections. This is intrinsic to the sin that is absolute anathema in Islam: shirk. It can mean polytheism, but effectively it means equating anything to God, or allowing anything to supercede God's law, which was given to Moslems in divine, unalterable perfection. Democracy falls under this rubric, by the way, since it elevates man to a position of making law, rather than following God's law on Earth (Khilafah, a Pax Islamica as it were). Democracy is Islam's greatest threat since it puts into man's hands the power that is reserved for God alone.

I've often wondered if Muhammad was afflicted with some sort of obsessive compulsive disorder in light of the fanatic zeal with which he pontificated regarding all the facets and minutiae of ones life, and how they were to be cast in the favorable light of the revealed word of God.

Hamas and ISIS hate Israel - and each other - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

ISIS, which stands for Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, belongs to the Salafist branch within Islam that wants to re-create the Islamic caliphate and impose Sharia law throughout the region. ISIS views Hamas and its supporters as “apostates.”

That is, in part, because Hamas participated in Palestinian democratic elections in the West Bank and Gaza, and worked to improve relations with Egypt, with which ISIS has been at war since at least 2013.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Sderot was formed in 1951, after the Armistice Arrangements. It was never an incorporated city of the State of Palestine.

I have heard this Israeli talking point a gazillion times but nobody has ever posted any evidence that this is true.

ROSANO Working Paper 2015 • SDEROT ISRAEL •.png

• What kind of "proof" are you looking for?
• Why would you even question that?​

I must be missing something here.

Most Respectfully,
To European Leaders, Jewish Flesh Is Cheap.
by Guy Millière
August 30, 2019 at 5:00 am

To European Leaders, Jewish Flesh Is Cheap

  • The Oslo Accords were based on the illusion that the PLO could totally change and suddenly become a "partner for peace"... It soon became clear that the Palestinian Authority was still the PLO: terrorist attacks quickly multiplied. The money received by the Palestinian Authority was used to continue incitement to murder and payments to incentivize it.

  • In 1967, a change of strategy took place. No one, the PLO decided, would speak of a "war for the destruction of Israel". Instead, they would call it a "war of national liberation". From then on, the PLO was presented as a "liberation movement".

  • Arabs who had left Israel in 1948-49, many of whom remained in refugee camps, were defined as the "Palestinian people"; in this way were the Palestinian people invented. As PLO Executive Council member Zuheir Mohsen said in 1977: "The Palestinian people does not exist... Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people..."

  • The leaders of the Palestinian Authority have, in fact, never stopped resorting to "armed struggle", the name they give to terrorism and murdering Jews. To "frustrate all the schemes of Zionism", they invented the Palestinian people; their "struggle for national liberation" gave them international recognition. By renaming terrorism and murdering Jews "armed struggle", they made their use of terrorism and murder acceptable. By signing the Oslo Accords, they could appear interested in peace without having to renounce terrorism. They could even demonize Israel and give it the image of a barbaric and cruel country while continuing to murder Jews.
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