Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Click on the video below and watch a hate-filled elderly Arab woman recalling with delight her memories of those murders, some of which involved rape, torture and sexual mutilations. They’ve all have remained with this woman to this day, without a hint of remorse or shame, only glee and satisfaction, and a hearty blessing that her children and grandchildren share in future massacres of Jews:

(full article online)

Vile Woman Rejoices in the Massacre of 67 Hebron Jews

Very hard to read. I thank you for posting it.
Hamas is losing grip in the sense that Iranian welfare money for Hamas comes with conditions.

The Shia mullahs are dictating islamic terrorist attacks and Hamas will, at some point, see the Israeli response.

Analysis: Escalating Incidents on Gaza-Israel Border Indicate Hamas Is Losing Its Grip

Hamas: Israeli strikes in Gaza meant to distract from West Bank attacks

Spokesman for terror group says Israeli raids after rocket fire from Strip send a ‘message of escalation and aggression’

It seems the spokes-terrorist for Hamas missed the part in his statement that identified "...Israeli raids after rocket fire from..."

PA lies, but video tells the truth

By Itamar Marcus and Maurice Hirsch, Adv.

PA lies, but video tells the truth - PMW Bulletins

On Thursday afternoon, two 14 year old Palestinians exited the Temple Mount and immediately stabbed and attempted to murder an Israeli policeman. Video footage shows the attack, the wounded policeman falling to the ground, and the quick response of the other policemen who shot the 2 terrorists before they could continue stabbing the fallen policeman or others. As soon as the terrorists fell to the ground, one policeman is seen raising his hand signaling to the others to stop shooting. The entire terror attack lasted only a few seconds, and left one officer wounded, one terrorist dead, while the second terrorist died later of his wounds.






Notwithstanding the video footage, official PA TV in reporting the story totally ignored the terror attack and referred rather to the children being shot and a "summary execution," as if these were innocent children. In addition, the would be murderer was called a "Martyr", which Palestinian religious leaders have repeatedly explained represents the highest achievement that can be attained by a Muslim.
This immoral Palestineism ideology manifests itself in many ways:

  • The Palestinian Authority has a law which calls for the death penalty for any Arab who sells land to a Jew.
  • The PA gives lifetime stipends to Arabs who murder Jews.
  • The Palestinians refuse to allow Jews to step foot on Arab college campusesin the West Bank, even journalists who loudly condemn Israel.
  • When Muslims ruled Hebron, they refused to allow Jews from entering their second holiest place, the Tomb of the Jewish Patriarchs.
  • Muslim Arabs continue to refuse to let the Jews pray at their holiest location, the Jewish Temple Mount.
The list goes on.

Palestineism, in its very essence, is about the repression of the dignity and integrity of Jews as human beings, with full rights to live and worship freely in their holy land. The toxicity has spread from the leadership and the state-controlled media to infuse the people who are the most anti-Semitic in the world.

(full article online)

Palestineism is Toxic Racism
  • PA police: Gay activities are "a violation of the highest ideals and values of the Palestinian society."
  • "The police will prevent any activity by the homosexual group."
  • "Police are searching for the organizers of this [Gay] gathering - and they will be transferred to the legal authorities the moment they are caught."
  • Police called on Palestinians "to contact the police and report any person who has a connection to this [Gay rights] organization."

(full article online)

PA chasing down Homosexuals - PMW Bulletins

[ And in the meantime, Trump "the defender of Israel" hunts down Transgender people in the US ]

How Palestinian Arab society weaponizes its children and encourages stabbing attacks in particular has troubled us for years.

It's a chronic form of incitement that starts at the highest levels of the Palestinian Arab power structure: click for indexed articles.

Three years ago we wrote about how there is no way of avoiding the reality of large swathes of Palestinian Arab society being in the obvious thrall of a passionate embrace of vicious bigotry, murderous savagery and explicit incitement of their own children and grandchildren to murder and to be killed.

Two outside actors deserve a special mention in this grotesquerie:
  • The central role of UNRWA, ostensibly an agency that exists to ameliorate the suffering of Arab refugees (Palestinian Arab refugees to be more precise) but in reality a cornerstone of the seven-decades-long Arab strategy to keep the Palestinian Arabs displaced, as miserable as possible and in the news - ought to be acknowledged at this point. By their own reckoning, they play a huge role in the education of Palestinian Arab children. They are certainly part of the problem and not of the solution.
  • Amnesty International's increasingly explicit identification with the practitioners of the Palestinian Arab brand of terror makes plain their abandonment of principle and betrayal of their supporters' values. As we have noted several times [most recently here: "20-Sep-16: Another Pal Arab boy with a knife died today - exactly as the PA intended him to"], there's no longer anything to expect from them.
More than 80 of our blog posts have the tag "Weaponizing Children". This would be an excellent time to re-acquaint ourselves with the betrayal of, and the outrages perpetrated on, the children of Palestinian Arab society by those responsible for their well-being.

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 16-Aug-19: Children with knives and another Arab-on-Israeli stabbing frenzy
They're like MS-13 with korans.

Hamas: Murder Israeli policeman who shot 17-year-old Palestinian stabber

Israel News
19:11 | 08/19/19


Israeli police officers . (photo credit:" IM TIRTZU)
The teen stabbed a police officer in a terrorist attack near the entrance to the Temple Mount last week
Palestinians are calling to murder the Israeli police officer who shot and killed 17-year-old Nassim Abu Rumi.

The teen stabbed a police officer in a terrorist attack near the entrance to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem’s Old City last Thursday. He was accompanied by 14-year-old Hamoudeh Al-Sheikh, who was critically wounded in the event.
Islamic protesters call for strikes against Israel.

Good decision. Go with that.

Breaking News
03:47 | 08/18/19


Protesters in Gaza call on Hamas to launch more attacks on Israel

Protesters called on the terrorist movements in Gaza to launch more rockets at Israel as a spontaneous march broke out in the northern Gaza Strip in support of the terrorists who were killed while attempting to infiltrate into southern Israel on Saturday night, according to the Palestinian Quds news agency.
This week is the 50th anniversary of the burning of part of the Al Aqsa Mosque by a crazed Australian Christian, Denis Michael Rohan.

Every year the Arab media claims that Jews and Israelwere the ones who set the fire. On this half century anniversary, get ready for some serious incitement.

Hamas is starting by declaring that this Friday they this week's theme for the Friday "March of Return" demonstration is dedicated against the "Judaization of Jerusalem," with the 1969 arson as exhibit A.

(full article online)

Get ready for Arabs to falsely blame Jews for burning of Al Aqsa 50 years ago ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
It seems all you can do is shrug your shoulders and understand that for some, “ignorance is bliss” denotes a lifestyle.

Tlaib, Omar Hope to Visit a ‘Free’ Bethlehem, Which Has Been Under Palestinian Control for Years

(CNSNews.com) – Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) tweeted Sunday that she and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) would someday “see Bethlehem and InshAllah [Allah willing] it will be free when we do.”

Omar retweeted her colleague’s post, and added the words, “One day very soon
It seems all you can do is shrug your shoulders and understand that for some, “ignorance is bliss” denotes a lifestyle.

Tlaib, Omar Hope to Visit a ‘Free’ Bethlehem, Which Has Been Under Palestinian Control for Years

(CNSNews.com) – Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) tweeted Sunday that she and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) would someday “see Bethlehem and InshAllah [Allah willing] it will be free when we do.”

Omar retweeted her colleague’s post, and added the words, “One day very soon
Stupid article.The PA only "controls" 18% of the governate of Bethlehem. (Israel controls all travel, trade, and tourism. The PA can control what is left.) The city itself is cut off from its supporting territory that has the resources it needs to survive.
It seems all you can do is shrug your shoulders and understand that for some, “ignorance is bliss” denotes a lifestyle.

Tlaib, Omar Hope to Visit a ‘Free’ Bethlehem, Which Has Been Under Palestinian Control for Years

(CNSNews.com) – Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) tweeted Sunday that she and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) would someday “see Bethlehem and InshAllah [Allah willing] it will be free when we do.”

Omar retweeted her colleague’s post, and added the words, “One day very soon
Stupid article.The PA only "controls" 18% of the governate of Bethlehem. (Israel controls all travel, trade, and tourism. The PA can control what is left.) The city itself is cut off from its supporting territory that has the resources it needs to survive.

I understand you’re hoping to deflect. I just find it laughable that the half-squad Islamic activists have no knowledge of what they’re rattling on about , similar to your half-baked notions of Bethlehem.
It seems all you can do is shrug your shoulders and understand that for some, “ignorance is bliss” denotes a lifestyle.

Tlaib, Omar Hope to Visit a ‘Free’ Bethlehem, Which Has Been Under Palestinian Control for Years

(CNSNews.com) – Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) tweeted Sunday that she and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) would someday “see Bethlehem and InshAllah [Allah willing] it will be free when we do.”

Omar retweeted her colleague’s post, and added the words, “One day very soon
Stupid article.The PA only "controls" 18% of the governate of Bethlehem. (Israel controls all travel, trade, and tourism. The PA can control what is left.) The city itself is cut off from its supporting territory that has the resources it needs to survive.

I understand you’re hoping to deflect. I just find it laughable that the half-squad Islamic activists have no knowledge of what they’re rattling on about , similar to your half-baked notions of Bethlehem.
Why do you post here when you know so little? The governate (actually governorate) of Bethlehem goes from Jerusalem to the dead sea. How much of that is under PA control?

It seems all you can do is shrug your shoulders and understand that for some, “ignorance is bliss” denotes a lifestyle.

Tlaib, Omar Hope to Visit a ‘Free’ Bethlehem, Which Has Been Under Palestinian Control for Years

(CNSNews.com) – Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) tweeted Sunday that she and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) would someday “see Bethlehem and InshAllah [Allah willing] it will be free when we do.”

Omar retweeted her colleague’s post, and added the words, “One day very soon
Stupid article.The PA only "controls" 18% of the governate of Bethlehem. (Israel controls all travel, trade, and tourism. The PA can control what is left.) The city itself is cut off from its supporting territory that has the resources it needs to survive.

I understand you’re hoping to deflect. I just find it laughable that the half-squad Islamic activists have no knowledge of what they’re rattling on about , similar to your half-baked notions of Bethlehem.
Why do you post here when you know so little? The governate (actually governorate) of Bethlehem goes from Jerusalem to the dead sea. How much of that is under PA control?

Why do you spam with cartoons you don’t understand?

You know less about Bethlehem than the half-squad.
Those poor, oppressed Islamic terrorists are infuriated. They want their entitlement to commit acts of Islamic terrorism while maintaining their entitlement to Qatari welfare dollars to support the gee-had.

They must be serious with these new threats. They’re wearing their ski-masks.

In ultimatum, Hamas tells Israelis to ease blockade or face renewed violence

Amid surge in ‘lone-wolf’ perpetrators, Gazan terror group says assaults will escalate unless Israel ups electricity supply and permits Qatari funds to enter the enclave
Today, 10:37 am 5

  • Hamas has reportedly issued a direct threat to escalate the violence along the Gaza-Israel border if Israel hinders the entry of Qatari cash into the Gaza Strip and fails to increase the supply of electricity.

Is anyone buying into the Islamic terrorist “lone-wolf”, nonsense?

How many lonely wolf Islamic terrorists happen to have hand grenades, automatic weapons and RPG’s laying around?
Those poor, oppressed Islamic terrorists are infuriated. They want their entitlement to commit acts of Islamic terrorism while maintaining their entitlement to Qatari welfare dollars to support the gee-had.

They must be serious with these new threats. They’re wearing their ski-masks.

In ultimatum, Hamas tells Israelis to ease blockade or face renewed violence

Amid surge in ‘lone-wolf’ perpetrators, Gazan terror group says assaults will escalate unless Israel ups electricity supply and permits Qatari funds to enter the enclave
Today, 10:37 am 5

  • Hamas has reportedly issued a direct threat to escalate the violence along the Gaza-Israel border if Israel hinders the entry of Qatari cash into the Gaza Strip and fails to increase the supply of electricity.

You played the terrorist card.

Good girl.
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