Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Somewhere in the boxes that accumulated over the years in our basement are videotapes of our five children at summer camp. We see our kids in various activities—playing baseball and basketball, jumping into the pool, holding the rabbits in the “nature shack,” and, the mother of all activities, “color war.”

Color war is a good kind of war; it’s bloodless, unless you bang your nose during a hotly contested rebound under a basketball hoop, and perhaps the most fun part of it is watching your child sing his or her heart out in the song competition. In the end, one team won, the other lost, and the war came to an end. You hope your child comes away with the lesson that competition requires teamwork, and that, in turn, builds character.

Videos have now emerged of children at summer camp practicing for war of a different sort. For instance, from Turkey there’s a video that has gone viral of a teacher prompting a group of young girls in a camp setting by shouting the word yahudiye—Turkish for “to the Jew,” which results in the children responding by raising their fists and shouting “death.”

The video is seemingly so disturbing within Turkey that a member of its parliament has demanded an explanation from the government as to how this could have happened.

Perhaps more chilling than the Turkish episode are the video scenes coming out of Gaza’s summer camps. No basketball contests or visits to the nature shack. No, instead we are treated to young boys going through military training, running obstacle courses and crawling under barbed wire with what appears to be live fire overhead. We are also shown images of these “campers” field-stripping rifles while blindfolded. This is done in all armies to simulate nighttime fighting conditions.

(full article online)

Summer camp, a time for fun?
Since this was written, Israel's GDP has increased to $41,000 per capita and it has risen from a rank of 41 to 22 in the world.

Even though I believe that BDS' goals are not economicbut propaganda, the failure of its economic program has been stunning when looked upon from this perspective.

Note also that this document's primary wish for this BDS plan was to force Jews to move out of Israel.

(full article online)

Palestinian Foreign Affairs Ministry published BDS guidelines that criticizes its own government ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Well, this won't go well with Sinwar's bossss in Tehran.

It suggests an interesting dynamic in that Tehran supplying money and weapons to Hamas implies an expectation that Hamas will use those weapons against israel. That expectation has been realized with the termination of breathing suffered by four gee-had wannabes attempting to breach Israeli border protections with rifles, grenades and RPG's just a few days ago.

Hamas must realize that an Israeli response to a deadly attack on Israeli citizens may well result in a major Israeli response resulting in a lot of dead Arabs-Moslems and significant damage to Gaza.

The Iranians would like nothing better than to stoke a war between their hated enemies; Sunni Arabs and the Jewish people. They can watch CNN as the beating down is delivered to Hamas.


Hamas deploys security forces to stop terrorists reaching Israel – report

Hamas did not comment on the report, which came after the IDF thwarted three attempts by terrorists to infiltrate the border into Israel.

AUGUST 13, 2019 17:26
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Islamic terrorists - world leaders in "welfare will pay for our bad choices"

I suspect Yahya Sinwar, the Emir of Sinwar’istan, is playing to his audience of children and burqa clad women with such pompous blustering.

Outside of his time fleecing UNWRA, Yahya also fancies himself commanding the French forces at Waterloo.

Hamas leader vows terror group will defeat IDF if its forces enter Gaza

Sinwar praises Palestinian man who opened fire on Israeli troops earlier in month after infiltrating from Gaza, describing attack as a ‘sacrificial and heroic operation’

It seems that Tehran is looking to undermine the Abbas mini-caliphate.

What’s a Mahmoud to do when the competing mini-caliphate in Gaza is raking in $30 million per month in Iranian welfare money and those enemies have designs on your empire?

PA official: Iran helping Hamas rebuild West Bank terror network


Hamas deputy leader Saleh Arouri "gets military aid and economic support from the regime in Tehran, and is rigorously working to rehabilitate Hamas' terrorist cells in the West Bank while exploiting the [PA's] diplomatic standstill [with Israel] and the fact that the leadership in Ramallah has reduced to a minimum its security cooperation with Israel," senior PA official tells Israel Hayom.
The angry, belligerent politico-religious ideology invented by an Arab warlord still survives.

The PA initiated clashes
on the Temple Mount

The PA initiated clashes on the Temple Mount - PMW Bulletins

By Maurice Hirsch, Adv. and Itamar Marcus
A guide to the Temple Mount published in 1925 by the Supreme Moslem Council of Mandate Palestine declares that its "identity with Solomon's Temple is beyond dispute." This senior Muslim authority repeated this confirmation of Jewish and Christian traditions in 1950 in a new guide, when Jerusalem and the Temple Mount were then under Jordanian rule. Despite these repeated affirmations by the top Muslim authority of the land, the Palestinian Authority is constantly attempting to rewrite even Muslim tradition, by denying the Jewish nature of the Temple Mount. Accordingly, it refers to visits by Jews to this holy site as "invasions" and calls on Palestinians and the International community to defend the site and prevent its "Judaization." The PA deceptively refers to the entire Temple Mount as the "Al Aqsa Mosque", even though the actual mosque sits on a relatively small area in the south-western corner of the mount.
Notice how in 1965 the Arabs still considered the areas between the partition lines and armistice lines as being stolen land; no one considered the 1949 armistice lines to be borders.

The idea that the Jews are like the Crusaders and will eventually be forced out is mainstream Palestinian thought, taught for generations.

And even then the Palestinians used the word "justice" to mean the destruction of Israel. Nothing has changed there.

Eshkol's offer would generate a little interest today, since it is based on what are now called the 1967 lines, but even then the "right of return" was considered sacred and a deal breaker. Nothing has changed there either.

(full article online)

A peace proposal rejected by the PLO in 1965 ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Salam Alaykom,

For two years we have been meeting in one room, Palestinians and Israelis. At every meeting we talked about ourselves: our daily lives and the future that we want to build together. We used to meet every two weeks, bringing together young men between the ages of 18 and 25.

Every time, it was a great opportunity to talk, and we invited some friends to join us , one of them was Ahmad Manasra, I personally invited him to join the group, he agreed, and after his first meeting, and the good impression he took from the group, he was killed on the way home.

Everyone was shocked by what happened, Palestinians and Israelis cried together to lose our new friend.

Harsh reality hits us again. A few days ago, our yeshiva friend from Migdal Oz was abducted and killed, When I got the news that morning, I was shocked. I told my Palestinian friends what happened and they didn't believe me.

Dvir Sorek, 19, who was stabbed to death in the West Bank….Dvir Sorek was one of the participants in this discussion group. In no way we can imagine that someone we met yesterday will be the victim of tomorrow.

We send our condolences to his family and our friends in the yeshiva.

And for us as a group, we condemn this kind of vicious violence that target us all for our residence place, religion, identity, citizenship. It is so sad we reached the point where we are talking about the right to not be killed.

We will stay in this way until we achieve the goal of freedom and the right to life. We are building a bridge between peoples on this land and we will continue to work on it.

We hope that this incident will be the last grief on both sides.

Signed: Palestinian friends from the religious dialogue group

(full article online)

PA Arab youths pen special letter to Dvir Sorek's family
As you might expect, the islamic terrorists in Hamas have put themselves in an untenable position. As usual, they have made a number of poorly thought-out choices and now find that their options go from bad to worse.

With the Iranian supplied welfare money and weapons comes expectations that those assets will be used for attacks aimed at Israel. Hamas also has relied heavily on Egypt to broker a ceasefire with Israel that will result in economic opportunities for Gaza in exchange for cessation of gee-had attacks.

I'm guessing Hamas will bow to their masters in Iran and take the welfare money rather than stop the gee-had attacks and allow for an improved economy. Iran is the winner with lots of dead Sunni Arab-Moslems.

Hamas claims they won't stop individuals from attacking Israel

Hamas officials told Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar that recent attacks were unauthorized by them, despite the terrorists use of Hamas-issued weapons.

Hamas officials stated before the Eid al-Adha holiday which began on Sunday that they would not prevent attacks by individual Gazans on Israel, after multiple infiltration attempts occurred in the past week, according to the Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar.

The terror movement laid responsibility for the recent infiltrations on Israel, citing the harsh living conditions in the Gaza Strip

Hamas sources said that an internal investigation showed that the "last three operations were carried out by members of the military wing of the movement who planned the attacks themselves on the spot and without instructions from the military and political leadership of the movement."
I'm not sure that I see why anyone would, or could, be surprised at this.

Gaza witnessing most severe crackdown on dissent in last decade, Amnesty warns

'The crackdown on freedom of expression and the use of torture in Gaza has reached alarming new levels', says the charity
Hamas has arbitrarily arrested and tortured hundreds of protesters, rights workers and journalists in Gaza in the most severe crackdown on dissent in a decade, a rights group has warned.

Amnesty International urged the militant group that runs the strip to immediately stop the attacks on those behind “the revolt of the hungry”.
Here’s a reall good article by Daniel Greenfield delineating the waste, fraud and mismanagement that defines UNRWA, the Islamic terrorist welfare agency


A civil war in UNRWA.

How Trump Started a Civil War Between Hamas and a UN Agency

Even within the United Nations, a sprawling multinational bureaucracy linked by luxury dining, corruption and complicity in terrorism, the UNRWA stands out for waste, corruption and terror.

The UNRWA’s abbreviation leaves out its full title, United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, and its heavy focus on Gaza. The UNRWA classifies 1.4 million or 73% of the people living in Gaza as “refugees” even though it’s an independent territory run by Hamas.

There are really two UNRWA agencies. One is a UN agency run by a small number of international staffers. Another is an arm of Hamas which employs thousands of “Palestinians”. Many if not most of these are members of Hamas. Some, like Suhail al-Hindi, the former head of the UNRWA union, who was also a member of Hamas’ leadership, serve in the upper echelons of the terror group.
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