Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Gee-had denied.

It seems the Iranian welfare money is buying the Arabs-Moslems some new toys such as RPG’s.

I don’t think the Sunni Arab-Moslems quite understand that the Shia Iranian welfare money comes with the expectation that the Sunni dhimmi will be expected to die by the hundreds, if not thousands attacking Israel in the service of hastening the return of the Shia hidden Imam. .

IDF foils infiltration by Gazans armed with rifles, RPGs, grenades

Four Palestinians killed by troops in attempt to scale barrier into Israel; army says grenade hurled at soldiers during incident; military aircraft strike Hamas post
Today, 7:56 am
  • The IDF arrests a Hamas operative suspected of running a cash transfer network between the Gaza Strip and Ramallah on July 16, 2019. (Israel Defense Forces)
  • WhatsApp_Image_2019-08-10_at_08.33.31_4-640x400.jpeg

    This photo shows RPGs carried by four Palestinians who attempted to infiltrate into Israel through the border fence with Gaza, August 10, 2019. (Israel Defense Forces)
In the service of the Shia hidden Imam, dead Sunni holy warriors is the price to pay for Shia welfare money.

Did the Sunni schlubs believe that like the UNRWA welfare endowment, the Shia welfare comes without conditions?

IDF reportedly strikes Hamas outpost in central Gaza

Palestinian terrorists had attacked Israeli soldiers with grenades while trying to breach the border fence and had likely been killed in the attempt, Channel 13 reported. Israeli aircraft struck multiple Hamas sites in response, the report said.
jpost is reporting that Hamas is denying involvement in the recent gee-had attack aimed at Israel. In terms of the weapons cache carried by the now, former gee-had wannabes, the Hamas claim that they acted independently is a bit of a stretch. From the Iranian perspective, attacks aimed at Israel and an Israeli military response resulting in dead Sunni Hamas terrorists is a net positive. That serves the Iranian interests.

While I have to believe that Iran is anxious to press for a shooting war between Sunni Hamas terrorists and Israel, Hamas must also understand that the statements from Israel about a major escalation in response to an attack from Hamas is not a hollow threat.

The toys taken from the formerly breathing Islamic terrorist wannabes are an order of magnitude over what Hamas has had pre-Shia welfare money.

Photo from ynet:

Hamas distances itself from terror attack, wants to keep Israel truce

Hamas has distanced itself from the Saturday’s botched attempt to infiltrate into Israel from the Gaza Strip by arguing that the four terrorists who were killed by the IDF had acted independently.

This was the second time in the past 10 days that Hamas has distanced itself from a terror attack along the Gaza-Israel border. By disassociating itself from the recent terror attacks, Hamas is signaling that it is keen on preserving the ceasefire understandings reached with Israel earlier this year under the auspices of Egypt and the United Nations, Palestinian political analysts explained.
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The eternally aggrieved, always whining, (hereinafter called Moslems), are making the usual bellicose threats when their tender sensibilities are offended.


Muslims confronted Jews waiting at the entrance, as Police forces were forced to storm the area and fire at the Muslims to disperse the crowd and prevent further altercation.

Islamic Jihad and Hamas threatened increased violence after 1,729 Jewish worshipers ascended the Temple Mount Sunday, according to police numbers cited by the Internal Security Ministry. Earlier in the day, Israel Police had closed the mount and short but violent protests erupted.
Looking for any reason to start a confrontation. Hamas is hoping to rouse the rabal.


Call comes after hours of clashes on Temple Mount. Muslim worshippers began throwing chairs and other objects at a group of Jewish visitors that was allowed to enter under close police escort. Israel Police says at least four officers wounded.

Did you hear that they deliberately closed all the mosques except Al Aqsa, so any Muslim wanting to pray was forced to go there?
Looking for any reason to start a confrontation. Hamas is hoping to rouse the rabal.


Call comes after hours of clashes on Temple Mount. Muslim worshippers began throwing chairs and other objects at a group of Jewish visitors that was allowed to enter under close police escort. Israel Police says at least four officers wounded.

Did you hear that they deliberately closed all the mosques except Al Aqsa, so any Muslim wanting to pray was forced to go there?

A cynical tactic by the Arabs-Moslems to do whatever they can to cause rioting, injuries and the desecration of religious sites.
  • The Palestinian Authority's silence over the murder of the Jewish teenager sends one clear message to the Palestinian public: It is fine to kill a Jew.

  • Abbas's silence, in fact, encouraged many Palestinians to express joy over the terrorist attack.

  • It was hard to find even one Palestinian who was willing to express his or her revulsion over the terrorist attack. But this makes sense. Why should any Palestinian come out against terrorism when their leaders are either silent or joyously celebrating the murder of a Jewish teenager?

  • This is the hate that has been embedded in the hearts and minds of Palestinians toward Israel and Jews. When Palestinians run to link the Palestinian slaughter of a Jewish teen to a Muslim feast and the tradition of sacrificing sheep, it is clear that the time has come for Palestinians to take a hard look at themselves – and if they are nonetheless unwilling to do so, perhaps the international community might finally bring a mirror to them.

(full article online)

Palestinians: In Need of a Mirror?
The letter said that "the occupation seeks to provide an arena for the establishment of settler Talmudic rituals, as a first step towards the full occupation of Al-Aqsa fully, and then to demolish it".

This is not a single imam or leader of Hamas. The official position of the Palestinian government is that Israel is attempting to destroy Al Aqsa (and presumably the Dome of the Rock.)

This is the exact same false charge that Palestinian Arabs have been hurling at Jews since the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem first made the accusation in the 1920s.

It is pure incitement against Jews being pushed by a member of the UN.

(full article online)

Palestinian government tells UN and UNESCO that Israel plans to demolish Al Aqsa ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
But as many videos from Eid al Adha show (this one from Gaza,) the requirement of a single stroke is almost never done, at least in front of the crowds recording the slaughter.

(Warning: this is horrific to watch.)

The slaughterer does not even hold the blade so the sharp end severs the neck. Instead, he is stabbing the poor creature in the neck, repeatedly, to the cheers of the crowd watching it painfully die over the course of minutes - as the next animal watches and is clearly agitated when its turn comes up.

Forget PETA. Shouldn't religious Muslims themselves be upset over this fairly clear violation of Muslim law?

(full article online)

Horrific slaughter of animals during Eid doesn't seem to be Halal (graphic video) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Another gee-had attempt denied by the IDF.

Other news sources are reporting that Hamas is denying involvement with these latest gee-had attempts/failures. It may be that the Iranians are pushing Hamas aside and funding the more excitable of the gee-had wannabes.

Hamas gunman shot after firing at troops in fresh Gaza border battle

Israeli forces shot dead a Palestinian gunman who opened fire at them while attempting to sneak into Israel from Gaza early Sunday, the military said, as fresh fighting broke out on the tense border.

This was the third infiltration attempt by armed terrorists from the Gaza Strip into Israel in 10 days.
Those angry Fatah and Hamas warring caliphate’ists are still facing a common enemy: each other. I guess Abbas isn’t quite ready to convert to Shia Islam as Hamas has done.

Hamas: PA foiling terror attacks on behalf of Israel


Hamas accuses the PA of cooperating with Israel to thwart some 600 attacks in the past year.
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