Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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There is a telling detail in Hamas' Al Qassam Brigades website where it brags about the 2014 Gaza war.

" The Brigades of the Martyr Izz el-Deen al-Qassam, the military wing of the Hamas movement, , is celebrating the victory against the Zionist enemy during the [2014 Gaza war], and the enemy soldiers are still talking about the courage of fighters in the fierce battles on the threshold of Gaza, and of the fear chasing usurpers because of the rockets."

I doubt that any Israeli soldiers are talking about what fantastic fighters Hamas had.

But Hamas needs to believe that this is true.

When you live in an honor/shame society, the worst thing that can happen is to be publicly shamed. But the second-worst thing is to be irrelevant.

(full article online)

Hamas wants Israel to respect it ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has issued a special report on "Children in Violent Conflict'" which strongly criticizes the use of children by terrorist organizations.

Guterres notes in the document that one of the UN's biggest challenges in this regard is preventing the recruitment of minors for terrorist organizations. "Children who work for terrorist organizations are victims," Guterres said. "They are exposed to high-level violence and exploitation that influences them physically and mentally."

The report detailed the various terrorist organizations which recruit children, including Hamas and Hezbollah. The report confirmed that children in Gaza and Judea and Samaria have been recruited by Islamic Jihad, Hamas and other terrorist groups.

(full article online)

United Nations: Hamas recruits children for terror activity
I thought it was interesting that with Hamas begging like an underpaid prostitute to her pimp in Tehran, the ongoing civil war of Shia financed Hamas vs, West Bank Sunni Moslems extends the blood feud that has divided these retrograde throwbacks for 1,400 years.

Palestinian security forces routinely torture critics, rights group says

Palestinian Authority and Hamas target each other’s supporters, says Human Rights Watch

A member of the Hamas security forces patrols in a street in Gaza City. Photograph: Wesam Saleh/AP
The Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank and its political rival Hamas in Gaza regularly detain and torture critics and dissenters, Human Rights Watch (HRW) has said in a report.

Both have carried out “scores of arbitrary arrests for peaceful criticism of the authorities, particularly on social media, among independent journalists, on university campuses, and at demonstrations,” the New York-based advocacy group said.
When Tlaib and Omar recently announced that they wanted to visit Israel and the PA, it seemed as if their purpose was just to do some old-fashioned Israel-bashing. But now their trip will take on a much more urgent mission: to see all of the Auschwitzes there, and then share their eyewitness testimony with the outside world.

The Auschwitz allegation was leveled by Palestinian official Jibril Rajoub in a July 8 interview with the Kuwaiti television station Sawt Al-Arab. He said that as a result of Israel’s “barbaric and racist” policies, “Auschwitz is here in every city in Palestine.” (Thanks to Palestinian Media Watch for the translation.)

Lest you think Rajoub is some just some run-of-the-mill lunatic, note that he holds a number of senior positions within both the PA and the PLO. To begin with, he is secretary-general of the Central Committee of Fatah, which is the PA’s ruling party (chaired by PA head Mahmoud Abbas).

But that’s not all: Rajoub is also the head of the PLO Supreme Council for Sport and Youth Affairs, chairman of the Palestinian Football Association, chairman of the Palestine Olympic Committee, and chairman of the Palestinian Scout Association, which are all official PA government agencies.

Rajoub’s revelation that there is “an Auschwitz in every city in Palestine” may puzzle some people, because every major Palestinian Arab city (and most minor ones, too) are under the exclusive rule of the PA, not Israel. Everyone knows that Israel pulled all of its troops out of those cities more than twenty years ago, following the signing of the Oslo Accords.

Is Rajoub claiming that the Israelis have been sneaking into Palestinian cities late at night to set up gas chambers, torture rooms, and facilities for medical experiments on humans?

(full article online)

Omar and Tlaib must be sure to investigate 'Auschwitz in Palestine'
[ We are Muslims. And the whole world is ours
PS: They can try but.....reality bites ]

The Palestinian Authority will treat all of Judea and Samaria as being under its administrative and security control, P.A. Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh said on Sunday.

Speaking at a meeting in his Ramallah office with owners of homes demolished by Israel last month in Wadi Hummus, Shtayyeh said that “Israel no longer respects any of the signed agreements and deals, [treating] all areas [in Judea and Samaria] as if they were Area C. Accordingly, we will deal with all areas as if they are Area A.”

(full article online)

Palestinians Declare ‘Control’ Over Israeli Territory

I was just reading about this. Evidently, the wannabe splodeydopes were acting with the full knowledge of Hamas and presumably, the Shia Iranians now being the Hamas handlers.

Israeli Security Forces Bust West Bank Hamas Cell Planning Major Jerusalem Terror Attack

A breakthrough in the investigation was reportedly the arrest of Tamer Rajah Rajbi, 22, in Hebron, a Hamas recruit who set up a bomb-making facility in his home.

Rajbi was apparently part of Hamas’ student wing, al-Kotla al-Islamiya, which the Shin Bet described as “the future generation of Hamas activists.”

When he was arrested, Rajbi surrendered a three-kilogram bomb covered with dozens of metal shards, intended to cause maximum damage to victims when detonated.

With Iran now apparently directing some or all of the Hamas Islamic terrorist syndicate, I suspect it is just a matter of time before Israel is attacked with bombs intended to “cause maximum damage”.

We will have to wait and see if Israel decides to deliver maximum deterrence when Its citizens are cut down in large numbers.
Oh, snap. There was another silly islamic terrorist fashion show in Gaza'istan.

The theme was: islamic terrorists-children in ski masks.

Hamas holds major snap military drill in Gaza

Hamas holds major snap military drill in Gaza

Spokesman for Strip's interior ministry says exercise meant to simulate how to deal with a 'sudden security threat,' check preparedness of terror group's forces.

Stolen valor on a large scale by a bunch of posers.

The linked article is a rather thorough analysis of the bloated, fraudulent and utterly welfare black hole that is UNRWA.

The article also covers some familiar ground in connection with the unique and similarly fraudulent definition of "refugee" to describe the islamic terrorist entitlement that describes UNRWA.

UNRWA Donors Put Off by Sex, Lies, Nepotism (but not Terrorism)

UNRWA Donors Put Off by Sex, Lies, Nepotism (but not Terrorism)

Last August the Trump Administration closed the US taxypayers’ checkbook to a 70-year old bloated and chronically mismanaged international aid program: The United Nations Refugee Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). A handful of nations are now following President Trump’s lead.

But the reason those nations are rethinking the $billions in international aid which has enabled the Arab Palestinian leadership to focus on – including the diversion of that international aid towards efforts to – eliminating Israel, rather than on infrastructure, education and health care, is a sizzling report of illicit sex, nepotism, retaliation and discrimination.
Did Twitter vet the account when it joined? And when you consider that Hamas is deemed a terrorist organization in the United States, and Twitter is an American company, the mind boggles further. Why is it even legal to be on the platform?

Then there’s the question of monitoring. Lets’s say this Hamas account is deactivated. Is that better or worse for the world overall?

(full article online)

Hamas Just Violated Twitter’s Rules. Now What?
Palestinian diplomats are engaged in a full court press to convince European and Arab countries to continue UNRWA's mandate - a mandate that ensures a parallel infrastructure for education, healthcare and housing in areas under Palestinian control.

They are also trying to convince Latin American countries to vote to extend UNRWA's mandate.

The agency's mandate has been rubber stamped to be extended every three years for decades, but in light of the recent corruption scandal at UNRWA's highest levels and the US opposition to the group, this year the extension will be a little more visible. The chances that it will not be extended are still very small.

But under the leadership of Mahmoud Abbas and is foreign ministry, the PLO's diplomats worldwide and at the UN are initiating contacts with every country they can find to ensure that the vote remains overwhelmingly towards continuing the agency's operations.

UNRWA's model of providing free education, healthcare and housing to an ever-increasing number of descendants of refugees for ever is not sustainable. No one even pretends it is. But instead of having the agency curtail operations in areas where the local government can and should take over the role as any normal nation would, the "pro-UNRWA" crowd is not willing to even consider a change in its responsibilities to keep it financially viable.

(full article online)

PLO strenuously trying to avoid independence by pushing to extend @UNRWA mandate ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
I was surprised that the UAE and the UK newspapers had the courage to call out Qatar for its funding of the Pal’istanian Islamic terrorists.

UAE and UK papers urge Qatar to stop funding terrorism

Two stinging editorials this week in the United Arab Emirates’ The National and The Times of Britain demanded that the Gulf monarchy in Qatar pull the plug on its international financing of Islamic terrorism.

The UAE titled its Tuesday editorial “Stop Qatar’s funding of global terrorism,” noting that, “from Syria to France and now the UK, Qatar has repeatedly funded terror groups that have wreaked havoc across the Middle East and beyond.”

What prompted the editorials against Qatar was an August investigation by The Times into the Qatar-owned bank Al Rayan’s business with terrorist entities.

According to the London-based paper, “Al Rayan counts among its customers a charity banned in the US as a terrorist entity, groups that promote hardline preachers and a mosque whose long-term trustee is a Hamas leader.”

The paper’s eye-popping article added that the banks former “executive until April, Sultan Choudhury, was also an unpaid director, for seven years until 2016, of the British arm of a global religious institute whose speakers and instructors have included advocates of child marriage, female circumcision and the death penalty for adultery and apostasy.”
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