Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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[ The teaching of hatred for Jews continues. The teaching of having one's land stolen - when it is not their ancient homeland and Arabia which continues to be taken over by the Saudis.......need I say more...... continues. The teaching of desecrating a place which was NEVER important to Islam, continues. More wasted lives by those who have had the misfortune to be born an Arab, a Muslim and living in Judea and Samaria ]

The suspected killers of an 18-year-old yeshiva student in the West Bank in August told investigators they did so due to “the suffering of the Palestinian people” and “the situation at Al-Aqsa [Mosque],” according to transcripts of their interrogation obtained by the Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper.

Cousins Nasir and Qasseem al-Asafra were indicted earlier this month in the August 9 murder of Dvir Sorek near the Gush Etzion Junction. They were arrested in their homes in Beit Kahil, near Hebron, two days after the killing. Qasseem is believed to have driven the vehicle while Nasir stabbed Sorek to death.

“For months I’ve been going to pray at the mosque and hearing of the situation in al-Aqsa, that Muslim Palestinians are barred from entering and settlers are allowed,” Qasseem told investigators. “Also there is the construction in the settlements, and our land being raped by the Israeli occupier. I always wished to die as a martyr.”

(full article online)

‘Try to kidnap the settler. If you can’t, murder him’: Terrorists recount attack
UN “criticism” will do nothing to stop Cult-like indoctrination that is pervasive in Islamic extremist societies. Islamic terrorist support organizations like UNRWA need to be held accountable for their actions.

BREAKING: UN urges Palestinians to stop 'hate speech against Israelis that fuels antisemitism' - UN Watch

August 30, 2019 — In a rare UN criticism of the Palestinians, the world body’s racism watchdog urged Ramallah to combat “hate speech and incitement to violence,” saying it was “concerned” about statements by Palestinian public figures, politicians and media officials, as well as in school textbooks and curricula, pointing to “hate speech against Israelis” which it found “fuels hatred” and “may incite violence” and “antisemitism.”
UN Watch is an Israeli propaganda organization. It is hard to take anything they say seriously.
UN “criticism” will do nothing to stop Cult-like indoctrination that is pervasive in Islamic extremist societies. Islamic terrorist support organizations like UNRWA need to be held accountable for their actions.

BREAKING: UN urges Palestinians to stop 'hate speech against Israelis that fuels antisemitism' - UN Watch

August 30, 2019 — In a rare UN criticism of the Palestinians, the world body’s racism watchdog urged Ramallah to combat “hate speech and incitement to violence,” saying it was “concerned” about statements by Palestinian public figures, politicians and media officials, as well as in school textbooks and curricula, pointing to “hate speech against Israelis” which it found “fuels hatred” and “may incite violence” and “antisemitism.”
UN Watch is an Israeli propaganda organization. It is hard to take anything they say seriously.

It’s hard to take you seriously when you pretend that the Arabs-Moslems don’t have a campaign of propaganda funded largely by the UNRWA welfare fraud program.
New Palestinian Textbooks 'Indoctrinate for Death and Martyrdom,' Report Says

The report, by the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education, analyzed K-12 textbooks that were published in the past few years during the PA’s first curriculum revamp since 2000

New Palestinian textbooks 'indoctrinate for death and martyrdom,' report says

Sep 24, 20 953share on facebook

Screen shot of Palestinian text book taken from the ForwardScreen shot / The Forward
Textbooks created as part of the Palestinian Authority’s new K-12 educational curriculum “are teaching Palestinian children that there can be no compromise” and “indoctrinat[e] for death and martyrdom,” according to an analysis by a watchdog group.

The report, by the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education, analyzed K-12 textbooks that were published in the past few years during the PA’s first curriculum revamp since 2000. It found that textbooks for seemingly innocuous subjects are heavily politicized with violent streaks.
There have been many articles that delineate the theft and mismanagement of welfare money heaped on the Arab-Moslem criminal enterprises. The dollar value of the theft is staggering and just as bad is that western donors let it happen.

The Palestinian Authority and its money

A report on what happens to the funds that are collected through the Palestinian Authority Donor Machine.

The Palestinian Authority and its money

Arafat stole $1 billion in tax revenue relayed by Israel for Palestinian workers. The money went to Arafat’s personal account in Israel’s Bank Leumi in Tel Aviv.

$100,000 a month went to Arafat’s wife, Suha, living in Paris. Arafat was estimated by U.S. investigators to be worth between $1 billion and $3 billion. [1]

Within three years of the PA’s establishment, Palestinian auditors found that 40 percent of the PA budget, $326 million, was misappropriated, a figure that rose to $700 million a decade later. [2]

Not one Western government objected. This set the tone for theft at all levels in the PA. PA officials paid themselves high salaries and skimmed from others. [3]


Enter Abbas

Under Arafat’s successor, Mahmoud Abbas, nepotism reached every level of civil service. Officials, often related to Abbas, commanded salaries of $10,000 per month, more than 10 times that of ordinary civil servants, and opened secret accounts in Jordan with money received in bribes. [4]

The difference between Abbas and Arafat: Instead of stealing from the PA, Abbas employed his two sons, Tareq and Yasser, to set up businesses that dominate foreign investment, building a consortium called Falcon, which took over Palestinian commerce. [5]

Abbas has pumped at $890,000 into Falcon, with branches in Jordan and the United Arab Emirates, and a monopoly on sale of U.S. cigarettes.

Then there is Al Mashreq Insurance Co. operating 11 branches in the PA with a worth of $35 million, headed by Yasser Abbas. [6]
It looks like Hamas is preemptively performing arrests as a way to avoid street protests and some ugly images of heavily armed islamic terrorists roughing up protesters. The wondrous islamic social order might look a bit tarnished with tires set aflame in the streets of Gaza'istan as opposed to be israeli border.

Hamas arrests dozens of Palestinian activists in Gaza
Published: 10.24.19

Hamas arrests dozens of Palestinian activists in Gaza

Hamas has in recent days arrested dozens of activists associated with left and center-leaning parties to crack down on the possibility of civil protests in the Gaza Strip, after mass anti-corruption protests erupted Lebanon.
It's Friday and you know what that means:

Happy-Fun Border Gee-had Riots.

Today is extra special because it's also

Suitcases Full of Qatari Cash Day.

Good times.

Several thousand Palestinians protest on Gaza border; 16 injured in riots

Several thousand Palestinians protest on Gaza border; 16 injured in riots

Weekly protests come despite visit by Qatari envoy to distribute another round of cash payments to 100,000 families in enclave
It’s satisfying to know that the PA forces are enforcing the rule of dictatorial brute force and intimidation law

Palestinian man beaten by PA forces after converting to Judaism

A 50-year old Palestinian resident of the West Bank was severely beaten by Palestinian Authority security forces after he converted to the Jewish faith , Ynet reported on Tuesday.

The man was arrested two weeks ago and kept in custody after he was asked by his sons to meet them somewhere in the West Bank.
Like most things the Arabs-Moslems find a way to ruin.

Once a vibrant natural reserve, Gaza's coastal wetland is now a health hazard

By Amjad Yaghi


A pool of wastewater seen east of Wadi Gaza in the Gaza Strip.
Who needs clean water when you have the gee-had?


FILE Photo: Children cross through sewage water in Mighraqa neighborhood on the outskirts of Gaza City
Lots of Islamic terrorist gee-had welfare dollars for the bank accounts of Hamas leaders. Not so much for cleanup after the wars they start.

Here is Husam Zomlot, the PLO representative in the UK (who calls himself the "Ambassador of Palestine at the UK,") discussing how the Palestinians never wanted a two state solution next to a Jewish state.

Two states, he says, was merely a concession to the international community, but it is not a Palestinian desire. The entire land is solely theirs, and Jews have no rights there.

(full article online)

PLO diplomat admits, in English, that Palestinians never wanted to live side by side with Israel (video) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Here is Husam Zomlot, the PLO representative in the UK (who calls himself the "Ambassador of Palestine at the UK,") discussing how the Palestinians never wanted a two state solution next to a Jewish state.

Two states, he says, was merely a concession to the international community, but it is not a Palestinian desire. The entire land is solely theirs, and Jews have no rights there.

(full article online)

PLO diplomat admits, in English, that Palestinians never wanted to live side by side with Israel (video) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The two state solution has always been a foreign imposition.

Solution? What problem was it supposed to resolve?
Here is Husam Zomlot, the PLO representative in the UK (who calls himself the "Ambassador of Palestine at the UK,") discussing how the Palestinians never wanted a two state solution next to a Jewish state.

Two states, he says, was merely a concession to the international community, but it is not a Palestinian desire. The entire land is solely theirs, and Jews have no rights there.

(full article online)

PLO diplomat admits, in English, that Palestinians never wanted to live side by side with Israel (video) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News

“Two states he says was merely a concession to the international community........

. . .but it is not a Palestinian desire.

The entire land is solely theirs, ...and Jews have no rights there. ().

Surprise! (this is how 'they' felt all along..).
Here is Husam Zomlot, the PLO representative in the UK (who calls himself the "Ambassador of Palestine at the UK,") discussing how the Palestinians never wanted a two state solution next to a Jewish state.

Two states, he says, was merely a concession to the international community, but it is not a Palestinian desire. The entire land is solely theirs, and Jews have no rights there.

(full article online)

PLO diplomat admits, in English, that Palestinians never wanted to live side by side with Israel (video) ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The two state solution has always been a foreign imposition.

Solution? What problem was it supposed to resolve?

Solution? What problem was it supposed to resolve?

Living near Muslims.
No one should have to do that.
Lovely, lovely people those Arabs-Moslems. Sending children to stoke acts of war.

Gaza Strip: Israeli army injures 77 Palestinians

October 25, 2019 at 8:56 pm
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