Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OK. That is a layman opinion.

They (as Hostile Arab Palestinians) could also be Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters using the residents as a safehouse, or a base for any number of other criminal activities.

Again, you are misusing "attack" in this case.


How can the Palestinians "attack" anyone while at home in their own village?

When they're at home, they aren't attacking anyone.

Maybe they should stay home more?
Holy speculation, Batman!

Did you see any of that in the video I posted?
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OK. That is a layman opinion.

They (as Hostile Arab Palestinians) could also be Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters using the residents as a safehouse, or a base for any number of other criminal activities.

Again, you are misusing "attack" in this case.


How can the Palestinians "attack" anyone while at home in their own village?

When they're at home, they aren't attacking anyone.

Maybe they should stay home more?
Holy speculation, Batman!

Did you see any of that in the video I posted?[/QUOTE]

I only gave your Pally'wood Studios video 1 star.
the Islamic terrorist leadership of Hamas is in a bit of a froth. An underling theme of the conference is the threat posed to the Gulf states by Iran. The Iranian Mullocrats must be furious and perhaps dictated a memo that their Hamas flunkies were required to issue.

The United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Oman are also expected to take part of the conference. Apparently, the main agenda will be the “Iranian threat in the Persian Gulf”.


That dreaded "Shia Crescent" is grinding away at the Arabs. So much so, they will grudgingly accept Israel's presence and while going unsaid, they will seek shelter and assistance from Israeli intel and military strength.

Hamas condemns Israel's participation in security conference in Bahrain

October 20, 2019

Hamas condemns Israel's participation in security conference in Bahrain - China.org.cn

GAZA, Oct. 20 (Xinhua) -- Islamic Hamas movement, ruler of the Palestinian Gaza Strip, condemned on Sunday Israel's participation in a security conference held in Bahrain.

"Those who normalize relations with Israel bear part of the responsibility for Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people," Hazem Qassem, Hamas spokesman, said in a statement.

All attempts to "integrate" Israel into the Arab region will fail, he added, noting Israel will always remain the "central enemy" of all Arab peoples.

A day earlier, Israeli media reported that Israel would send an official delegation to a maritime security conference in Bahrain on Sunday to discuss Iranian threats to naval security in the region.

Israeli Public Radio confirmed that the conference, which will be attended by dozens of countries, is an initiative backed by U.S. President Donald Trump.
The overall sentiment of Palestinians is that their government is corrupt. Of 1,200 Palestinians polled, 95.5 percent agreed that there was rampant corruption in the regime run by Mahmoud Abbas.

When it comes to humanitarian aid to the Palestinian Authority, transparency does not exist.

The result has become a wealthy Palestinian elite that builds exclusive neighborhoods around Ramallah, leaving thousands of shoddily constructed apartments without services for the rest of Palestinian society.

Yasser Arafat set the tone for the P.A. when he arrived in Gaza in 1994. Arafat took control of every contract and investment, using donor money to build a secret $1 billion portfolio, including investments in Coca-Cola, a Tunisian cellular phone company and venture-capital funds in the United States and the Cayman Islands.

(full article online)

The Palestinian Authority donor machine
Israel's Kan network has an expose on how the Palestinian Authority is endangering their citizens' lives by forbidding their people to be treated in Israeli hospitals - but they allow their own relatives to go.

Earlier this year, Mahmoud Abbas claimed that the PA was paying Israeli hospitals too much to treat Palestinians, and that the Israeli hospitals were charging too much for their treatment. This charge was repeated earlier this week when Palestinian Prime Minister Mohamed Shtayyeh said this to Physicians for Human Rights.

In fact, Palestinians would be charged about 30% less than Israelis for similar procedures.

The hospital decision happened at the same time that Israel started to withhold tax revenues that were going to pay terrorists, so Abbas' decision in the end was petty and vindictive - and caused Palestinians to accept sub-par treatments.

The PA says it can send patients to Egypt and Jordan, and they are cheaper, but they simply aren't as good. Just last week a woman went to Jordan for treatment and returned in a coffin.

(full article online)

Abbas doesn't allow Palestinians to go to Israeli hospitals - unless they are his friends ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The Palestinian refugees seeking asylum in Belgium (and all of Europe) are not seeking protection from Israel - but from Hamas.

Adel Atieh, the deputy head of the Palestinian mission to the European Union, points out that eleven years ago, there were only 3,000 Palestinians in Belgium. Today, however, Atieh estimates that that there are around 10,000 Palestinian asylum seekers living there, with as many as 98 percent of them hailing from the Strip.

“Based on the argument that there are human rights violations under Hamas and that their security is under threat by the Hamas militia, Palestinians from the Strip traditionally had much higher chances to get asylum in Belgium than Palestinians from the West Bank,” says Atieh. “A lot of them came after the 2008-2009 and the 2014 wars,” he adds. We have noted that the only Palestinians who seek asylum worldwide are claiming persecution from Hamas in the past.

(full article online)

Palestinian asylum seekers in Europe are not fleeing Israel - they are fleeing Hamas ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
The overall sentiment of Palestinians is that their government is corrupt. Of 1,200 Palestinians polled, 95.5 percent agreed that there was rampant corruption in the regime run by Mahmoud Abbas.

When it comes to humanitarian aid to the Palestinian Authority, transparency does not exist.

The result has become a wealthy Palestinian elite that builds exclusive neighborhoods around Ramallah, leaving thousands of shoddily constructed apartments without services for the rest of Palestinian society.

Yasser Arafat set the tone for the P.A. when he arrived in Gaza in 1994. Arafat took control of every contract and investment, using donor money to build a secret $1 billion portfolio, including investments in Coca-Cola, a Tunisian cellular phone company and venture-capital funds in the United States and the Cayman Islands.

(full article online)

The Palestinian Authority donor machine

“Yasser Arafat set the tone for the P.A. ...”

It appears to me that Arafat set the model for the parade of Islamic terrorist dictators / crooks who would follow him. In both Hamas and the PA, there’s a long line of incredibly wealthy islamo-crats who made their fortunes in the footsteps of Yasser’s recipe for profiting from greed and corruption.
Dozens of Palestinians have been “disappearing” in Saudi Arabia in recent months and are believed are being held in detention in the kingdom’s prisons, according to Palestinian sources and international human rights organizations.

The Palestinian Authority (PA) leadership in the West Bank, which regularly condemns Israel for arresting Palestinians suspected of involvement in terrorism and other anti-Israel activities, has been reluctant to speak out against the Saudi purge of Palestinians, ostensibly for security reasons, not to harm its relations with the kingdom.

The PA is not only keeping mum about the unprecedented Saudi crackdown, but it is also trying to prevent the families of the detainees from protesting in public. Last week, the PA’s Preventive Security Service summoned the family of Palestinian engineer Abdullah Odeh, being held in a Saudi prison, and warned them not to protest their son’s detention.

(full article online)

Why Are Palestinians ‘Disappearing’ in Saudi Arabia?
Dozens of Palestinians have been “disappearing” in Saudi Arabia in recent months and are believed are being held in detention in the kingdom’s prisons, according to Palestinian sources and international human rights organizations.

The Palestinian Authority (PA) leadership in the West Bank, which regularly condemns Israel for arresting Palestinians suspected of involvement in terrorism and other anti-Israel activities, has been reluctant to speak out against the Saudi purge of Palestinians, ostensibly for security reasons, not to harm its relations with the kingdom.

The PA is not only keeping mum about the unprecedented Saudi crackdown, but it is also trying to prevent the families of the detainees from protesting in public. Last week, the PA’s Preventive Security Service summoned the family of Palestinian engineer Abdullah Odeh, being held in a Saudi prison, and warned them not to protest their son’s detention.

(full article online)

Why Are Palestinians ‘Disappearing’ in Saudi Arabia?

Remember when that gay Egyptian guy supported Saddam's invasion of Kuwait?

And then Kuwait gave 400,000 Palestinians the boot after we kicked Iraq's ass?

And then the GCC cut off support for the PLO?

That was awesome!!!
Oh, my. Here I was thinking that The Islamo-Reconciliation™️ was going so well. I had visions of Hamas and Fatah taking walks in the park on a pastoral fall day in a show of caring and mutual respect.

On the other hand, we see the Ramallah contingent of Death Cultists lecturing Hamas on the virtues of security and public order.

Palestinian Authority to block dozens of news sites affiliated with Hamas

The Palestinian Authority has decided Monday to block 59 Palestinian news sites in the West Bank, mainly those affiliated with Hamas and originating in the Gaza Strip.

The Ramallah court made the decision based on the attorney general's demand that the continued publication of these sites constitutes a disturbance to security and public order and threatens public safety.
I’m hoping these women are not going to be on the business end of a koranically correct beating,

Palestine: “No Liberation Without Free Women” - International Viewpoint - online socialist magazine

Young Palestinian women activists mobilized around the TALIAAT movement to denounce all physical, psychological, economic and political violence under the slogan "no free country without women’s liberation" or "dignity, freedom, social justice".

According to official figures, nineteen Palestinian women have been victims of femicide since the beginning of the year. The actual figures are probably higher. Despite an amendment to article 99 of the Palestinian Criminal Code in 2018, which allows judges to reduce sentences for so-called "honour crimes", reports show that feminicide is on the rise in the West Bank, Gaza and the Palestinian community in Israel.
I will be very surprised if any public protest gathers much momentum before Hamas begins making the more excitable instigators disappear in the night.

Gazans Plan to Emulate Lebanese Anti-Regime Rallies, Protest Against Hamas

Encouraged by the protests in Lebanon, groups in the Gaza Strip are working to launch protests against Hamas’ rule under the slogans “Enough! We were getting tired” and “civilian disobedience.”

I'm thinking another slogan might work just as well:

"Qatari Suitcases full of Cash"
PA: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

Yes, I found this to be very interesting!

Gazans Plan to Emulate Lebanese Anti-Regime Rallies, Protest Against Hamas

Encouraged by the protests in Lebanon, groups in the Gaza Strip are working to launch protests against Hamas’ rule under the slogans “Enough! We were getting tired” and “civilian disobedience.”

I am surprised, given the number of citizens that supported the violent protests along the border with Israel. Very interesting indeed. If it brings around peace with Israel, along with a reduction in the risk, faced by investors, commercial ventures, and manufacturing, the Gaza Strip might just flourish.

.......... •  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
PA: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

Yes, I found this to be very interesting!

Gazans Plan to Emulate Lebanese Anti-Regime Rallies, Protest Against Hamas

Encouraged by the protests in Lebanon, groups in the Gaza Strip are working to launch protests against Hamas’ rule under the slogans “Enough! We were getting tired” and “civilian disobedience.”

I am surprised, given the number of citizens that supported the violent protests along the border with Israel. Very interesting indeed. If it brings around peace with Israel, along with a reduction in the risk, faced by investors, commercial ventures, and manufacturing, the Gaza Strip might just flourish.

..........View attachment 285679
Most Respectfully,
Israel has destroyed most of Gaza's production capacity and has limited exports down to almost nothing.

No wonder they are protesting.
PA: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

Yes, I found this to be very interesting!

Gazans Plan to Emulate Lebanese Anti-Regime Rallies, Protest Against Hamas

Encouraged by the protests in Lebanon, groups in the Gaza Strip are working to launch protests against Hamas’ rule under the slogans “Enough! We were getting tired” and “civilian disobedience.”

I am surprised, given the number of citizens that supported the violent protests along the border with Israel. Very interesting indeed. If it brings around peace with Israel, along with a reduction in the risk, faced by investors, commercial ventures, and manufacturing, the Gaza Strip might just flourish.

..........View attachment 285679
Most Respectfully,
Israel has destroyed most of Gaza's production capacity and has limited exports down to almost nothing.

No wonder they are protesting.

Israel has destroyed most of Gaza's production capacity

Especially the rocket production and suicide bomb production.
PA: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

Yes, I found this to be very interesting!

Gazans Plan to Emulate Lebanese Anti-Regime Rallies, Protest Against Hamas

Encouraged by the protests in Lebanon, groups in the Gaza Strip are working to launch protests against Hamas’ rule under the slogans “Enough! We were getting tired” and “civilian disobedience.”

I am surprised, given the number of citizens that supported the violent protests along the border with Israel. Very interesting indeed. If it brings around peace with Israel, along with a reduction in the risk, faced by investors, commercial ventures, and manufacturing, the Gaza Strip might just flourish.

..........View attachment 285679
Most Respectfully,
Israel has destroyed most of Gaza's production capacity and has limited exports down to almost nothing.

No wonder they are protesting.
Just guessing, but when the various islamic terrorist franchises use raw materials and production capacity for the manufacture of offensive weapons and tunnels to wage war, Israel has had to take defensive measures.

When the islamic terrorist wage gee-had, there will be consequences. You seem to believe that acts of Islamic terrorism are an entitlement.
PA: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

Yes, I found this to be very interesting!

Gazans Plan to Emulate Lebanese Anti-Regime Rallies, Protest Against Hamas

Encouraged by the protests in Lebanon, groups in the Gaza Strip are working to launch protests against Hamas’ rule under the slogans “Enough! We were getting tired” and “civilian disobedience.”

I am surprised, given the number of citizens that supported the violent protests along the border with Israel. Very interesting indeed. If it brings around peace with Israel, along with a reduction in the risk, faced by investors, commercial ventures, and manufacturing, the Gaza Strip might just flourish.

..........View attachment 285679
Most Respectfully,
Israel has destroyed most of Gaza's production capacity and has limited exports down to almost nothing.

No wonder they are protesting.
Just guessing, but when the various islamic terrorist franchises use raw materials and production capacity for the manufacture of offensive weapons and tunnels to wage war, Israel has had to take defensive measures.

When the islamic terrorist wage gee-had, there will be consequences. You seem to believe that acts of Islamic terrorism are an entitlement.
Like all of those ice cream tipped rockets.

PA: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

Yes, I found this to be very interesting!

Gazans Plan to Emulate Lebanese Anti-Regime Rallies, Protest Against Hamas

Encouraged by the protests in Lebanon, groups in the Gaza Strip are working to launch protests against Hamas’ rule under the slogans “Enough! We were getting tired” and “civilian disobedience.”

I am surprised, given the number of citizens that supported the violent protests along the border with Israel. Very interesting indeed. If it brings around peace with Israel, along with a reduction in the risk, faced by investors, commercial ventures, and manufacturing, the Gaza Strip might just flourish.

..........View attachment 285679
Most Respectfully,

It is an interesting dynamic. Hamas does have a loyal following, enough to rouse the faithful to put their live at risk at the border riots. That's not surprising as their "summer gee-had camps" and UNRWA funded schools indoctrinate child from the earliest age as to the glory of suicide / mass murder.

Maybe.... just maybe, there are the beginnings of an awakening among a portion of the population where they begin to realize that their self-destruction as a means to finance the fortunes of the islamic terrorist leadership is a fool's errand.

When working indoor plumbing is often unavailable and women are still subject to "honor" killings, maybe it will be the female population that behins to make small, incremental changes.
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