Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

From the perspective of the Arab → Zionists gave assurances that they wanted only to deliver the Jews from persecution, and spoke euphemistically of a “home” rather than a “state.” But the Arab Conspiracy theory is that they in fact planned all along for a “terrorist invasion.” “Zionist racism”—adduced in references to feelings among Jews of racial supremacy, the allotment of work in Israel according to national origin, and social segregation—is believed to be part of “Zionist colonialism.” Seen in such terms, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict becomes a “war of national liberation.” (Pg 195 - Political Science: A Global Perspective)

In point of fact, the Arab Palestinians changed the definition of "colonialism" to fit their agenda. And they have repeated this view so often that that people begin to believe it since a vast majority of people don't fact-check the Arab Palestinian Commentaries.

The Zionists called it colonialism. The British called it colonialism. The Palestinians called it colonialism. Israel is still building colonial settlements.

Who told you it is not colonialism?

The Routledge Dictionary of Politics • by David Robertson • THIRD EDITION said:
Colonialism is the holding and ownership of colonies, or the treating of another country as though it was, in fact, a colony. Indeed recently the concept has been extended to refer to ‘internal’ colonialism, where the capital or economically dominant part of a country treats a distant region just as it might a genuinely foreign colony. For true colonialism to exist two conditions are necessary.
• The land held as a colony must have no real political independence
from the ‘mother country’, but also the relationship must be one of forthright
• The entire reason for having colonies is to increase the wealth and
welfare of the colonial power, either by extracting resources, material or labour
from the colony more cheaply than they could be bought on a free market, or
by ensuring a market for one’s own goods at advantageous rates.​
SOURCE: The Routledge Dictionary of Politics (Pg 89)
The fact that over a century ago, the Zionist of that era used that term once or twice, does not mean that there actually was a Colonial Power acting as the Parent and pursuing the extraction of the resources available. And there is no evidence that the Jewish people that immigrated to the territory (formerly under the Mandate) were exploited the labor of a foreign colonial power.

Dictionary of the Loaded Language of Political Violence said:
Nationalism, tribalism, and colonialism, and their wars and terrors, often bring with them a single-minded allegiance to a cause, secular or religious, framed in terms of absolute righteousness or legitimacy (the exterminatory operation might even be called a “peace mission” or “civilizing mission”; see CIVILIZATION) and closed off to consideration of the others’ perspectives—indeed, to their humanity.
SOURCE: Dictionary of the Loaded Language of Political Violence (Pg 61) •
As to who told me? Well, it seems, though meager as it is, I have an education and I can read. And when I don't understand a word, I look-it-up → and how it is used.

Clearly, you have a different definition from mine. But as you can see, I looked that up as well. Today, the words Colonialism and Imperialism by the European powers had created an international commercial and economic framework of a continuing dependency in Third World countries on the global industrialized nations of the world.

BUT, you should be aware that many nations see a set of economic and political conditions by which former colonial powers strive to maintain their domination over a decolonized country. It also designates the cultural predisposition to promote or support such practices. Today, we call this "Neo-colonialism." And this language often misleads people. The attempt to prevent Israel from establishing its independence was an early form of "neo-colonialism." The Arab League wanted to establish is control over the commercial and economic framework of the region in order to advance its coffers.

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Most Respectfully,
Settler colonialism is a distinct type of colonialism that functions through the replacement of indigenous populations with an invasive settler society that, over time, develops a distinctive identity and sovereignty. Settler colonial states include Canada, the United States, Australia, and South Africa, and settler colonial theory has been important to understanding conflicts in places like Israel, Kenya, and Argentina, and in tracing the colonial legacies of empires that engaged in the widespread foundation of settlement colonies.

Settler colonialism can be distinguished from other forms of colonialism – including classical or metropole colonialism, and neo-colonialism – by a number of key features. First, settler colonisers “come to stay”: unlike colonial agents such as traders, soldiers, or governors, settler collectives intend to permanently occupy and assert sovereignty over indigenous lands. Second, settler colonial invasion is a structure, not an event: settler colonialism persists in the ongoing elimination of indigenous populations, and the assertion of state sovereignty and juridical control over their lands.

Settler Colonialism
This is a perfect definition of Israel.

Did you notice that there was no mention of Israel in what you cut and pasted?

You needed to add your own one-liner to an article that didn't support your contention.

That's poor cricket, Laddie.
Is that so?

Settler colonial states include Canada, the United States, Australia, and South Africa, and settler colonial theory has been important to understanding conflicts in places like Israel, Kenya, and Argentina,​

Since, according to your own source, the United States is a colonial state, you should move out of here before continuing with any more hypocritical tirades against Israel.

"hypocritical tirades..."

there's a can left...help yourself.

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Hollie, et al,

The aperiodic Armed Conflict between the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) and the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) is a reasonably foreseeable event. And it is these aperiodic Armed Conflicts which are the proximate cause of the deaths in which our friend (P F Tinmore) claims here. And it is here in which we must determine whether the HoAP or the IDF → intentionally committed such acts and knowingly instigated the engagement.

Israel killed 550 children in its 2014 assault on Gaza.

What is your response?

In the case of the year 2014, over thousands of rockets and mortars were fired from the HAMAS Gaza Strip. This precipitated the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict also known as Operation Protective Edge. The HoAP of HAMAS intentionally set the conditions which forced Israel to take such action.

The HoAP of HAMAS also, in the months preceding Operation Protective Edge, intentionally:

◈ Located military objectives into the densely populated civilian locations.

◈ Failed to remove civilian persons and objects under its control from the vicinity of HoAP-IDF military confrontations.
These two actions, by utilizing the presence of vulnerable civilians set the conditions that would cause the IDF to increase the inadvertent incidents of civilian casualties and to render such other HAMAS operations immune from IDF operations. And, as such casualties were used to incite the media circus coverage of the conflict → supporting the claims that Israel violated Customary and International Humanitarian Law.

........View attachment 284558
Most Respectfully,
The HoAP of HAMAS intentionally set the conditions which forced Israel to take such action.
Indeed, Israel always has to "defend itself" from the people it is attacking.

Indeed, Hamas waging war from civilian areas is a usual tactic. Indeed, the dead civilians as a result of those actions provides you the opportunity to parade those dead bodies around like a prize you won at a street carnival.
Indeed, Hamas waging war from civilian areas is a usual tactic.
It is Israel who attacks Palestinians in their villages, neighborhoods, and homes. That is where you can expect to find civilians.
It is Israel who attacks Palestinians in their villages, neighborhoods, and homes. That is where you can expect to find civilians.

And where you can find the Hamas launch sites.
Next to schools and hospitals.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Hollie, et al,

The aperiodic Armed Conflict between the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) and the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) is a reasonably foreseeable event. And it is these aperiodic Armed Conflicts which are the proximate cause of the deaths in which our friend (P F Tinmore) claims here. And it is here in which we must determine whether the HoAP or the IDF → intentionally committed such acts and knowingly instigated the engagement.

Israel killed 550 children in its 2014 assault on Gaza.

What is your response?

In the case of the year 2014, over thousands of rockets and mortars were fired from the HAMAS Gaza Strip. This precipitated the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict also known as Operation Protective Edge. The HoAP of HAMAS intentionally set the conditions which forced Israel to take such action.

The HoAP of HAMAS also, in the months preceding Operation Protective Edge, intentionally:

◈ Located military objectives into the densely populated civilian locations.

◈ Failed to remove civilian persons and objects under its control from the vicinity of HoAP-IDF military confrontations.
These two actions, by utilizing the presence of vulnerable civilians set the conditions that would cause the IDF to increase the inadvertent incidents of civilian casualties and to render such other HAMAS operations immune from IDF operations. And, as such casualties were used to incite the media circus coverage of the conflict → supporting the claims that Israel violated Customary and International Humanitarian Law.

........View attachment 284558
Most Respectfully,
The HoAP of HAMAS intentionally set the conditions which forced Israel to take such action.
Indeed, Israel always has to "defend itself" from the people it is attacking.

Indeed, Hamas waging war from civilian areas is a usual tactic. Indeed, the dead civilians as a result of those actions provides you the opportunity to parade those dead bodies around like a prize you won at a street carnival.
Indeed, Hamas waging war from civilian areas is a usual tactic.
It is Israel who attacks Palestinians in their villages, neighborhoods, and homes. That is where you can expect to find civilians.
It is Israel who attacks Palestinians in their villages, neighborhoods, and homes. That is where you can expect to find civilians.

And where you can find the Hamas launch sites.
Next to schools and hospitals.
Not true. Another BS Israeli talking point.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Hollie, et al,

The aperiodic Armed Conflict between the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) and the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) is a reasonably foreseeable event. And it is these aperiodic Armed Conflicts which are the proximate cause of the deaths in which our friend (P F Tinmore) claims here. And it is here in which we must determine whether the HoAP or the IDF → intentionally committed such acts and knowingly instigated the engagement.


In the case of the year 2014, over thousands of rockets and mortars were fired from the HAMAS Gaza Strip. This precipitated the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict also known as Operation Protective Edge. The HoAP of HAMAS intentionally set the conditions which forced Israel to take such action.

The HoAP of HAMAS also, in the months preceding Operation Protective Edge, intentionally:

◈ Located military objectives into the densely populated civilian locations.

◈ Failed to remove civilian persons and objects under its control from the vicinity of HoAP-IDF military confrontations.
These two actions, by utilizing the presence of vulnerable civilians set the conditions that would cause the IDF to increase the inadvertent incidents of civilian casualties and to render such other HAMAS operations immune from IDF operations. And, as such casualties were used to incite the media circus coverage of the conflict → supporting the claims that Israel violated Customary and International Humanitarian Law.

........View attachment 284558
Most Respectfully,
The HoAP of HAMAS intentionally set the conditions which forced Israel to take such action.
Indeed, Israel always has to "defend itself" from the people it is attacking.

Indeed, Hamas waging war from civilian areas is a usual tactic. Indeed, the dead civilians as a result of those actions provides you the opportunity to parade those dead bodies around like a prize you won at a street carnival.
Indeed, Hamas waging war from civilian areas is a usual tactic.
It is Israel who attacks Palestinians in their villages, neighborhoods, and homes. That is where you can expect to find civilians.
It is Israel who attacks Palestinians in their villages, neighborhoods, and homes. That is where you can expect to find civilians.

And where you can find the Hamas launch sites.
Next to schools and hospitals.
Not true. Another BS Israeli talking point.

Another Arab-Moslem terrorist who won’t be driving anytime soon.

Palestinian Shot After Ramming Car Into Unmarked Israeli Police Vehicle

The incident occurred following arrests by Israeli forces in Al-Amari refugee camp in the West Bank city of Ramallah

Palestinian shot after ramming car into unmarked Israeli police vehicle

The resident's car following the car-ramming in Ramallah, October 16, 2019. Israel Border Police
A Palestinian man was shot by undercover Israeli police after he rammed his car into the vehicle of a unit that was conducting arrests in a Ramallah refugee camp, Israel Border Police said on Thursday
Abu Mazen has lots of money to pay Islamic terrorists. Paying his electric bill, well nor so much. I suppose Abu just assumed that electric service was just another welfare benefit that someone else was supposed to pay for.


Israel to increase cuts to electricity provided to Palestinians


The Palestinian Authority owes about NIS 300 billion and about an additional NIS 150 million due to occurrences of theft of electricity.

Jerusalem District Electricity Company (JDECO) chairman of the board and CEO Hisham Omari said that the company had received the first warning of the second step of electricity of cuts to Palestinians in the West Bank due to unpaid debts and theft, according to the Palestinian WAFA news. The first stage of power cuts was announced in September.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Hollie, et al,

The aperiodic Armed Conflict between the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) and the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) is a reasonably foreseeable event. And it is these aperiodic Armed Conflicts which are the proximate cause of the deaths in which our friend (P F Tinmore) claims here. And it is here in which we must determine whether the HoAP or the IDF → intentionally committed such acts and knowingly instigated the engagement.


In the case of the year 2014, over thousands of rockets and mortars were fired from the HAMAS Gaza Strip. This precipitated the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict also known as Operation Protective Edge. The HoAP of HAMAS intentionally set the conditions which forced Israel to take such action.

The HoAP of HAMAS also, in the months preceding Operation Protective Edge, intentionally:

◈ Located military objectives into the densely populated civilian locations.

◈ Failed to remove civilian persons and objects under its control from the vicinity of HoAP-IDF military confrontations.
These two actions, by utilizing the presence of vulnerable civilians set the conditions that would cause the IDF to increase the inadvertent incidents of civilian casualties and to render such other HAMAS operations immune from IDF operations. And, as such casualties were used to incite the media circus coverage of the conflict → supporting the claims that Israel violated Customary and International Humanitarian Law.

........View attachment 284558
Most Respectfully,
The HoAP of HAMAS intentionally set the conditions which forced Israel to take such action.
Indeed, Israel always has to "defend itself" from the people it is attacking.

Indeed, Hamas waging war from civilian areas is a usual tactic. Indeed, the dead civilians as a result of those actions provides you the opportunity to parade those dead bodies around like a prize you won at a street carnival.
Indeed, Hamas waging war from civilian areas is a usual tactic.
It is Israel who attacks Palestinians in their villages, neighborhoods, and homes. That is where you can expect to find civilians.
It is Israel who attacks Palestinians in their villages, neighborhoods, and homes. That is where you can expect to find civilians.

And where you can find the Hamas launch sites.
Next to schools and hospitals.
Not true. Another BS Israeli talking point.

They aren't launching next to schools?
Or they aren't really schools?
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

This is kind of interesting in that it demonstrates a past history of the nonexistence of fiscal responsibility.

Abu Mazen has lots of money to pay Islamic terrorists. Paying his electric bill, well nor so much. I suppose Abu just assumed that electric service was just another welfare benefit that someone else was supposed to pay for.

The Palestinian Authority owes about NIS 300 billion and about an additional NIS 150 million due to occurrences of theft of electricity.

Jerusalem District Electricity Company (JDECO) chairman of the board and CEO Hisham Omari said that the company had received the first warning of the second step of electricity of cuts to Palestinians in the West Bank due to unpaid debts and theft, according to the Palestinian WAFA news. The first stage of power cuts was announced in September.

The Arab Palestinians have brought this on themselves. Let the ungrateful nation go into to debt.

..........•  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Toddsterpatriot, et al,

In the last big incursion, triggered by Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) provocation (Israeli Operation Protective Edge) it was the case that the HoAP admitted using schools and hospitals as 'human shields' in rocket attacks.

They aren't launching next to schools?
Or they aren't really schools?

It is a violation that is not even up for debate. The operational practices of today have not not changed from that of 2014.

It is what it is. And if you go back to Posting #14388, you will see that I mentioned this once again.

........•  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

This is kind of interesting in that it demonstrates a past history of the nonexistence of fiscal responsibility.

Abu Mazen has lots of money to pay Islamic terrorists. Paying his electric bill, well nor so much. I suppose Abu just assumed that electric service was just another welfare benefit that someone else was supposed to pay for.

The Palestinian Authority owes about NIS 300 billion and about an additional NIS 150 million due to occurrences of theft of electricity.

Jerusalem District Electricity Company (JDECO) chairman of the board and CEO Hisham Omari said that the company had received the first warning of the second step of electricity of cuts to Palestinians in the West Bank due to unpaid debts and theft, according to the Palestinian WAFA news. The first stage of power cuts was announced in September.

The Arab Palestinians have brought this on themselves. Let the ungrateful nation go into to debt.

..........View attachment 284878
Most Respectfully,
Agreed, Rocco. I would push even further and define the role of government, at a very basic level, as providing for the health, safety and welfare of the governed. By those standards, neither Hamas or Fatah are able to provide even the most basic elements of government. The role of government as practiced by those entities is seemingly turned upside down as the actions of Hamas and Fatah literally enable the circumstances that cause their populations to suffer.
I’m afraid Mahmoud just can’t let go of the insult he suffered when the Great Satan™️ halted their UNRWA welfare payments.

PA accuses U.S., Israel of trafficking Palestinian organs

A 10-acre, 500-bed hospital being built in northern Gaza was donated by the US nonprofit organization Friendship and is partially funded by Qatar.

The Palestinian Authority is carrying out a libel campaign against the United States and Israel, claiming that a new field hospital in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip will “serve the US as an early warning, monitoring and espionage station.”

Oh, and don’t forget about stealing organs, too.

“In an op-ed published on October 2 in the official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida and translated by Palestinian Media Watch, columnist Omar Hilmi Al-Ghoul writes that the hospital will “carry out experiments on sick Palestinians, and not treat them and care for their health… and it is possible that the hospital will be a partner in the trafficking of human organs.”
His Excellency, Abu (King, Field Marshal General, Emir of the West Bank and keeper of the Presidential Jet), Mazen has decided he will elect himself to the role of “Sultan of the Qatari Suitcases Full of Cash

Thursday, 17 October, 2019
Palestine: Abbas is Fatah’s Only Candidate



Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is Fatah's only candidate for the presidential election, announced member of Fatah Central Committee Hussein al-Sheikh.

Sheikh said on Tuesday that the election committee is still holding discussions, and once that process is over, Abbas will set the date for the parliamentary and presidential elections.
Indeed, Israel always has to "defend itself" from the people it is attacking.

Indeed, Hamas waging war from civilian areas is a usual tactic. Indeed, the dead civilians as a result of those actions provides you the opportunity to parade those dead bodies around like a prize you won at a street carnival.
Indeed, Hamas waging war from civilian areas is a usual tactic.
It is Israel who attacks Palestinians in their villages, neighborhoods, and homes. That is where you can expect to find civilians.
It is Israel who attacks Palestinians in their villages, neighborhoods, and homes. That is where you can expect to find civilians.

And where you can find the Hamas launch sites.
Next to schools and hospitals.
Not true. Another BS Israeli talking point.

Was Israel attacked from Bi'lin, Nabi Saleh, or Budrus, etc.?
Indeed, Hamas waging war from civilian areas is a usual tactic. Indeed, the dead civilians as a result of those actions provides you the opportunity to parade those dead bodies around like a prize you won at a street carnival.
Indeed, Hamas waging war from civilian areas is a usual tactic.
It is Israel who attacks Palestinians in their villages, neighborhoods, and homes. That is where you can expect to find civilians.
It is Israel who attacks Palestinians in their villages, neighborhoods, and homes. That is where you can expect to find civilians.

And where you can find the Hamas launch sites.
Next to schools and hospitals.
Not true. Another BS Israeli talking point.

Was Israel attacked from Bi'lin, Nabi Saleh, or Budrus, etc.?

Let me consult my YouTube video collection.
The Arabs-Moslems have a great plan for Pal’istanian medical care; have someone else pay for for it.

Amid the financial crisis™️ affecting the Abbas mini-caliphate, healthcare for Arabs-Moslems should be another welfare entitlement paid by Israel. It seems that expecting Pal’istanians to build / fund hospitals to provide for themselves is grossly unfair.

Israel being responsible for providing healthcare to Arabs-Moslems would, of course, make money available for Abbas to pay the Islamic terrorists who attack Israel.

Who wouldn’t be in favor of this?

Palestinian PM says Israeli doctors should treat patients in West Bank

Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh has proposed that Israeli medical doctors work in Palestinian hospitals in the West Bank as a way to save on the cost of sending patients for treatment in Israel.

The PA has long paid for most medical bills of Palestinians from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip who are referred to Israeli hospitals for treatment that is not available in Palestinian hospitals. But it stopped paying for the treatments in March amid a financial crisis caused by a dispute with Israel over the transfer of tax revenues to the PA.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Now you are just being argumentative. You are applying the wrong event with the wrong verb.

"There is no act that can justify an act of terrorism, that" is it.

Was Israel attacked from Bi'lin, Nabi Saleh, or Budrus, etc.?

You know as well as anyone else, that the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) have, on a pretty regular basis, jumped out on to the street and start assaulting Israeli Police and Security while going about their Article 43 (Hague Regulation) duties (take all the measures in his power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety). And, unless you are mentally deficient, you know that this is wrong.

You know that International Humanitarian Law (IHL) stipulates that when the HoAP takes such action which is intended to harm the Occupying Power (Israel), or members of the occupying forces or administration, the perpetrators are subject to punishment under the IHL. But more importantly, when the elements of the HoAP, or when those that support the HoAP, attempt to openly violate that which is relating to moral principles under the Rule of Law (RoL) - that is wrong. But history has shown that the HoAP has stepped outside the norms that support the equality of all people before the law and those practices which are the foundation for the development of peaceful, equitable and prosperous societies.

Don't think, for one minute, that the intentional stalling of those political processes that would re-establish regional peace, security, and justice, so endangered by the HoAP and other Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters who pretend to represent the Arab Palestinians - but, do so to accumulate wealth and power.

It does not matter what religious affiliation you promote, when the HoAP commits criminal acts, → that are calculated to → cause death or serious bodily injury to any civilian population, or to any other person not taking an active part in the hostilities, with the sole intention of intimidating the population of Israel, the Arab League or the Quartet, for the purpose of compelling the people of Israel, any other government or international organization to do that which furthers the objective to dismantle the Jewish National Home → is just plain wrong!

When the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed that the Mandatory should be responsible for putting into effect the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, over a century ago, they did not quibble over the ultimate intention. And when the UN allowed, what the called a "Jewish State" to declare independence from the trusteeship (established over seven decades ago) they did not stutter over their intention. They saw a need and took action to rectify it while they exercised their right to future and facilitate Jewish immigration, close settlement by Jews on the land, they did not quibble. The intention was understood. The fact that the HoAP and hostile members of the Arab League scrambled the intention through the act of aggression in 1948 (and an extended conflict ever since), did not change the intention. It only changed the complexion of the outcome.

.........•  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Now you are just being argumentative. You are applying the wrong event with the wrong verb.

"There is no act that can justify an act of terrorism, that" is it.

Was Israel attacked from Bi'lin, Nabi Saleh, or Budrus, etc.?

You know as well as anyone else, that the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) have, on a pretty regular basis, jumped out on to the street and start assaulting Israeli Police and Security while going about their Article 43 (Hague Regulation) duties (take all the measures in his power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety). And, unless you are mentally deficient, you know that this is wrong.

You know that International Humanitarian Law (IHL) stipulates that when the HoAP takes such action which is intended to harm the Occupying Power (Israel), or members of the occupying forces or administration, the perpetrators are subject to punishment under the IHL. But more importantly, when the elements of the HoAP, or when those that support the HoAP, attempt to openly violate that which is relating to moral principles under the Rule of Law (RoL) - that is wrong. But history has shown that the HoAP has stepped outside the norms that support the equality of all people before the law and those practices which are the foundation for the development of peaceful, equitable and prosperous societies.

Don't think, for one minute, that the intentional stalling of those political processes that would re-establish regional peace, security, and justice, so endangered by the HoAP and other Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters who pretend to represent the Arab Palestinians - but, do so to accumulate wealth and power.

It does not matter what religious affiliation you promote, when the HoAP commits criminal acts, → that are calculated to → cause death or serious bodily injury to any civilian population, or to any other person not taking an active part in the hostilities, with the sole intention of intimidating the population of Israel, the Arab League or the Quartet, for the purpose of compelling the people of Israel, any other government or international organization to do that which furthers the objective to dismantle the Jewish National Home → is just plain wrong!

When the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed that the Mandatory should be responsible for putting into effect the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, over a century ago, they did not quibble over the ultimate intention. And when the UN allowed, what the called a "Jewish State" to declare independence from the trusteeship (established over seven decades ago) they did not stutter over their intention. They saw a need and took action to rectify it while they exercised their right to future and facilitate Jewish immigration, close settlement by Jews on the land, they did not quibble. The intention was understood. The fact that the HoAP and hostile members of the Arab League scrambled the intention through the act of aggression in 1948 (and an extended conflict ever since), did not change the intention. It only changed the complexion of the outcome.

.........View attachment 285040
Most Respectfully,
Holy Israeli hooey, Batman.

You ducked the question.

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Now you are just being argumentative. You are applying the wrong event with the wrong verb.

"There is no act that can justify an act of terrorism, that" is it.

Was Israel attacked from Bi'lin, Nabi Saleh, or Budrus, etc.?

You know as well as anyone else, that the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) have, on a pretty regular basis, jumped out on to the street and start assaulting Israeli Police and Security while going about their Article 43 (Hague Regulation) duties (take all the measures in his power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety). And, unless you are mentally deficient, you know that this is wrong.

You know that International Humanitarian Law (IHL) stipulates that when the HoAP takes such action which is intended to harm the Occupying Power (Israel), or members of the occupying forces or administration, the perpetrators are subject to punishment under the IHL. But more importantly, when the elements of the HoAP, or when those that support the HoAP, attempt to openly violate that which is relating to moral principles under the Rule of Law (RoL) - that is wrong. But history has shown that the HoAP has stepped outside the norms that support the equality of all people before the law and those practices which are the foundation for the development of peaceful, equitable and prosperous societies.

Don't think, for one minute, that the intentional stalling of those political processes that would re-establish regional peace, security, and justice, so endangered by the HoAP and other Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters who pretend to represent the Arab Palestinians - but, do so to accumulate wealth and power.

It does not matter what religious affiliation you promote, when the HoAP commits criminal acts, → that are calculated to → cause death or serious bodily injury to any civilian population, or to any other person not taking an active part in the hostilities, with the sole intention of intimidating the population of Israel, the Arab League or the Quartet, for the purpose of compelling the people of Israel, any other government or international organization to do that which furthers the objective to dismantle the Jewish National Home → is just plain wrong!

When the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed that the Mandatory should be responsible for putting into effect the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, over a century ago, they did not quibble over the ultimate intention. And when the UN allowed, what the called a "Jewish State" to declare independence from the trusteeship (established over seven decades ago) they did not stutter over their intention. They saw a need and took action to rectify it while they exercised their right to future and facilitate Jewish immigration, close settlement by Jews on the land, they did not quibble. The intention was understood. The fact that the HoAP and hostile members of the Arab League scrambled the intention through the act of aggression in 1948 (and an extended conflict ever since), did not change the intention. It only changed the complexion of the outcome.

.........View attachment 285040
Most Respectfully,
Holy Israeli hooey, Batman.

You ducked the question.

Brought to you by Pallywood Studios.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I did not even see a question except the one I answered.

Was Israel attacked from Bi'lin, Nabi Saleh, or Budrus, etc.?

Asked and answered. Violation of Article 68, GCIV: See Posting #14437:

Nabi Saleh dedicates weekly demonstration to 16 year old ...
https://nabisalehsolidarity.wordpress.com/2013/01/25/nabi-saleh-dedicates-weekly...Jan 25, 2013 · 18 January 2013
Nabi Saleh on Friday, 18 January dedicated its weekly demonstration against Israel occupation and apartheid to martyr Samir Awad from Budrus, the 16 year old boy killed by the IOF earlier in the week. *** Israeli Army Shoots Dead 16 Year Old Palestinian in Budrus by Popular Struggle Coordination Committee: 18 January…​

Holy Israeli hooey, Batman.

You ducked the question.

You cannot ask about an external attacks (International Armed Conflict) if you cannot recognize the parameters of your own "State of Palestine. (You cannot ask about "Alpha" and THEN object to the answer relative to "true domain.")

IF you are considering the entirety of the territory as the relevant domain, as in the territory formerly under the Palestine Order in Council, THEN, from that perspective, it internal security it becomes domestic criminal activity and not an "attack" from Bi'lin, Nabi Saleh, or Budrus, etc.

◈ IF you are applying the term perspective of "liberation" THEN you have to identify both the country establishing the occupation" and the territory to that which is "occupied." IF you identify the State of Israel as the Occupying Power THEN the recognition is unconditional and irrevocable.

◈ IF you consider the West Bank, Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip as the State of Palestine, THEN the question becomes, when was that territory declared independent by the inhabitants?​

The political-military organization (Pol-Mil) that was given to be the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people since 1974 (Robat - League of Arab States) was the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), headed by Yasser Arafat, at the time. The PLO was a coalition of various anti-Israeli, nationalistic groups that were unified by their opposition to Israel and by their common aspirations for a Palestinian homeland. The various
factions that comprise the PLO gave the liberation movement a shaky and tenuous reputation in stability because of continuing disputes over strategy and tactics to be used in seeking their common objectives. They still argue about this today. What is amazing is that the PLO Negotiation Affairs Department hold to the political stance that the "State of Palestine" is based on pre-June 4th 1967 border with East Jerusalem as its Capital.

While the PLO came into existence in 1967 • 1968, it did not come to be the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people until 1974. And the State of Israel already had control of entire West Bank, including Jerusalem for the previous seven years. And, without prejudice to the Arab Palestinian People, was no universal "Arab Palestinian" people (with the PLO as the sole legitimate representative) until 1974. The previous sovereign of the entire West Bank, including Jerusalem, was the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan which cut all ties with and abandon the entire West Bank, including Jerusalem in 1988.

The Ramallah Government for the entire West Bank, including Jerusalem, inhabited by peoples not yet able to stand by themselves under the strenuous conditions of the modern world (Article 22 LoN Covenant).

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