Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Oh, this is another fallacy. Two Points:

◈ There is no International Law, Treaty or Convention that prevents Israel from defending itself against outside influences or subversion. None...

◈ Israel is sattelite of an American, British, or European colonial expansion. There is no imperial power or parent nation involved. Israel is just one of several nations that came about and was released from Mandate and subsequent International Trusteeship (Article 77, UN Charter). It declared Independence under its rRightof Self-Determination.​

You make this statement as if it is somehow applicable. And I'm quite sure that you cannot find such an applicable citation that prevents Israel's Right to Self-Defense.

There is no "right" to defend a colonial project.
Look it up.

This accusation of "colonialism" is just another dimension by pro-Palestinian operatives and activities with the goal to undermine the concept of sovereignty and Israel's status as a standalone Independent nation.

........ •  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Oh, this is another fallacy. Two Points:

◈ There is no International Law, Treaty or Convention that prevents Israel from defending itself against outside influences or subversion. None...

◈ Israel is sattelite of an American, British, or European colonial expansion. There is no imperial power or parent nation involved. Israel is just one of several nations that came about and was released from Mandate and subsequent International Trusteeship (Article 77, UN Charter). It declared Independence under its rRightof Self-Determination.​

You make this statement as if it is somehow applicable. And I'm quite sure that you cannot find such an applicable citation that prevents Israel's Right to Self-Defense.

There is no "right" to defend a colonial project.
Look it up.

This accusation of "colonialism" is just another dimension by pro-Palestinian operatives and activities with the goal to undermine the concept of sovereignty and Israel's status as a standalone Independent nation.

........View attachment 284587
Most Respectfully,
The Zionists called it colonialism. The British called it colonialism. The Palestinians called it colonialism. Israel is still building colonial settlements.

Who told you it is not colonialism?
Here's what's happening in the moment.

13 factions in #Gaza are against the Turkish offensive in northern #Syria.

What is interesting is that Hamas is missing from that gathering. Perhaps they don’t want to anger their Turkish patrons?

13 factions in Gaza... not counting Hamas and the factions that are for the Turkish offensive.

That's a whole lot of mercenary grosups. The GCC is rounding them up ... while the Turks take out the ISIS fighters.



RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Oh, this is another fallacy. Two Points:

◈ There is no International Law, Treaty or Convention that prevents Israel from defending itself against outside influences or subversion. None...

◈ Israel is sattelite of an American, British, or European colonial expansion. There is no imperial power or parent nation involved. Israel is just one of several nations that came about and was released from Mandate and subsequent International Trusteeship (Article 77, UN Charter). It declared Independence under its rRightof Self-Determination.​

You make this statement as if it is somehow applicable. And I'm quite sure that you cannot find such an applicable citation that prevents Israel's Right to Self-Defense.

There is no "right" to defend a colonial project.
Look it up.

This accusation of "colonialism" is just another dimension by pro-Palestinian operatives and activities with the goal to undermine the concept of sovereignty and Israel's status as a standalone Independent nation.

........View attachment 284587
Most Respectfully,
The Zionists called it colonialism. The British called it colonialism. The Palestinians called it colonialism. Israel is still building colonial settlements.

Who told you it is not colonialism?
It may take you a bit to find a YouTube video but please identify what colonial settlements Israel is building. How does that term apply?
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

From the perspective of the Arab → Zionists gave assurances that they wanted only to deliver the Jews from persecution, and spoke euphemistically of a “home” rather than a “state.” But the Arab Conspiracy theory is that they in fact planned all along for a “terrorist invasion.” “Zionist racism”—adduced in references to feelings among Jews of racial supremacy, the allotment of work in Israel according to national origin, and social segregation—is believed to be part of “Zionist colonialism.” Seen in such terms, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict becomes a “war of national liberation.” (Pg 195 - Political Science: A Global Perspective)

In point of fact, the Arab Palestinians changed the definition of "colonialism" to fit their agenda. And they have repeated this view so often that that people begin to believe it since a vast majority of people don't fact-check the Arab Palestinian Commentaries.

The Zionists called it colonialism. The British called it colonialism. The Palestinians called it colonialism. Israel is still building colonial settlements.

Who told you it is not colonialism?

The Routledge Dictionary of Politics • by David Robertson • THIRD EDITION said:
Colonialism is the holding and ownership of colonies, or the treating of another country as though it was, in fact, a colony. Indeed recently the concept has been extended to refer to ‘internal’ colonialism, where the capital or economically dominant part of a country treats a distant region just as it might a genuinely foreign colony. For true colonialism to exist two conditions are necessary.
• The land held as a colony must have no real political independence
from the ‘mother country’, but also the relationship must be one of forthright
• The entire reason for having colonies is to increase the wealth and
welfare of the colonial power, either by extracting resources, material or labour
from the colony more cheaply than they could be bought on a free market, or
by ensuring a market for one’s own goods at advantageous rates.​
SOURCE: The Routledge Dictionary of Politics (Pg 89)
The fact that over a century ago, the Zionist of that era used that term once or twice, does not mean that there actually was a Colonial Power acting as the Parent and pursuing the extraction of the resources available. And there is no evidence that the Jewish people that immigrated to the territory (formerly under the Mandate) were exploited the labor of a foreign colonial power.

Dictionary of the Loaded Language of Political Violence said:
Nationalism, tribalism, and colonialism, and their wars and terrors, often bring with them a single-minded allegiance to a cause, secular or religious, framed in terms of absolute righteousness or legitimacy (the exterminatory operation might even be called a “peace mission” or “civilizing mission”; see CIVILIZATION) and closed off to consideration of the others’ perspectives—indeed, to their humanity.
SOURCE: Dictionary of the Loaded Language of Political Violence (Pg 61) •
As to who told me? Well, it seems, though meager as it is, I have an education and I can read. And when I don't understand a word, I look-it-up → and how it is used.

Clearly, you have a different definition from mine. But as you can see, I looked that up as well. Today, the words Colonialism and Imperialism by the European powers had created an international commercial and economic framework of a continuing dependency in Third World countries on the global industrialized nations of the world.

BUT, you should be aware that many nations see a set of economic and political conditions by which former colonial powers strive to maintain their domination over a decolonized country. It also designates the cultural predisposition to promote or support such practices. Today, we call this "Neo-colonialism." And this language often misleads people. The attempt to prevent Israel from establishing its independence was an early form of "neo-colonialism." The Arab League wanted to establish is control over the commercial and economic framework of the region in order to advance its coffers.

.........•  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
Decades of welfare payments have been very good for those at the top of the Hamas islamic terrorist franchise.

Palestinian Poverty: Who Isn't Sharing the Wealth?

Professor Ahmed Karima of Al-Azhar University in Egypt claims that Hamas has some 1,200 millionaires among its members, but is unwilling to reveal his sources.

Corroborating this claim, albeit on a lesser scale, Deborah Danan writes:

Pan-Arab London based paper, Asharq al Awsat, which is considered a reliable media outlet, recently ran a story saying there are 600 millionaires in Gaza.

Moreover, as Ynet detailed:

In 2010, Egyptian magazine Rose al-Yusuf reported that [Hamas leader Ismael] Haniyeh paid for $4 million for a 2,500 m sq parcel of land area in Rimal, a tiny beachfront neighborhood of Gaza City.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

From the perspective of the Arab → Zionists gave assurances that they wanted only to deliver the Jews from persecution, and spoke euphemistically of a “home” rather than a “state.” But the Arab Conspiracy theory is that they in fact planned all along for a “terrorist invasion.” “Zionist racism”—adduced in references to feelings among Jews of racial supremacy, the allotment of work in Israel according to national origin, and social segregation—is believed to be part of “Zionist colonialism.” Seen in such terms, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict becomes a “war of national liberation.” (Pg 195 - Political Science: A Global Perspective)

In point of fact, the Arab Palestinians changed the definition of "colonialism" to fit their agenda. And they have repeated this view so often that that people begin to believe it since a vast majority of people don't fact-check the Arab Palestinian Commentaries.

The Zionists called it colonialism. The British called it colonialism. The Palestinians called it colonialism. Israel is still building colonial settlements.

Who told you it is not colonialism?

The Routledge Dictionary of Politics • by David Robertson • THIRD EDITION said:
Colonialism is the holding and ownership of colonies, or the treating of another country as though it was, in fact, a colony. Indeed recently the concept has been extended to refer to ‘internal’ colonialism, where the capital or economically dominant part of a country treats a distant region just as it might a genuinely foreign colony. For true colonialism to exist two conditions are necessary.
• The land held as a colony must have no real political independence
from the ‘mother country’, but also the relationship must be one of forthright
• The entire reason for having colonies is to increase the wealth and
welfare of the colonial power, either by extracting resources, material or labour
from the colony more cheaply than they could be bought on a free market, or
by ensuring a market for one’s own goods at advantageous rates.​
SOURCE: The Routledge Dictionary of Politics (Pg 89)
The fact that over a century ago, the Zionist of that era used that term once or twice, does not mean that there actually was a Colonial Power acting as the Parent and pursuing the extraction of the resources available. And there is no evidence that the Jewish people that immigrated to the territory (formerly under the Mandate) were exploited the labor of a foreign colonial power.

Dictionary of the Loaded Language of Political Violence said:
Nationalism, tribalism, and colonialism, and their wars and terrors, often bring with them a single-minded allegiance to a cause, secular or religious, framed in terms of absolute righteousness or legitimacy (the exterminatory operation might even be called a “peace mission” or “civilizing mission”; see CIVILIZATION) and closed off to consideration of the others’ perspectives—indeed, to their humanity.
SOURCE: Dictionary of the Loaded Language of Political Violence (Pg 61) •
As to who told me? Well, it seems, though meager as it is, I have an education and I can read. And when I don't understand a word, I look-it-up → and how it is used.

Clearly, you have a different definition from mine. But as you can see, I looked that up as well. Today, the words Colonialism and Imperialism by the European powers had created an international commercial and economic framework of a continuing dependency in Third World countries on the global industrialized nations of the world.

BUT, you should be aware that many nations see a set of economic and political conditions by which former colonial powers strive to maintain their domination over a decolonized country. It also designates the cultural predisposition to promote or support such practices. Today, we call this "Neo-colonialism." And this language often misleads people. The attempt to prevent Israel from establishing its independence was an early form of "neo-colonialism." The Arab League wanted to establish is control over the commercial and economic framework of the region in order to advance its coffers.

.........View attachment 284634
Most Respectfully,
Settler colonialism is a distinct type of colonialism that functions through the replacement of indigenous populations with an invasive settler society that, over time, develops a distinctive identity and sovereignty. Settler colonial states include Canada, the United States, Australia, and South Africa, and settler colonial theory has been important to understanding conflicts in places like Israel, Kenya, and Argentina, and in tracing the colonial legacies of empires that engaged in the widespread foundation of settlement colonies.

Settler colonialism can be distinguished from other forms of colonialism – including classical or metropole colonialism, and neo-colonialism – by a number of key features. First, settler colonisers “come to stay”: unlike colonial agents such as traders, soldiers, or governors, settler collectives intend to permanently occupy and assert sovereignty over indigenous lands. Second, settler colonial invasion is a structure, not an event: settler colonialism persists in the ongoing elimination of indigenous populations, and the assertion of state sovereignty and juridical control over their lands.

Settler Colonialism
This is a perfect definition of Israel.
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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Under the UN Charter, pertaining to Chapter XI • Article 73e, DECLARATION REGARDING NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES (NSGT), neither Israel or Arab Palestine are listed as a Colonial Nation (ie The Administrating Power), nor as a country under the control of colonial power (Non-Self-Governing Territory).
Non-Self-Governing Territories.jpg


The first thing you will notice is that the Committee 24 (C-24 Bureau), does not show any NSGT East of Gibraltor → until you reach → Guam in the Pacific Ocean.
Settler Colonialism
This is a perfect definition of Israel.

"The C-24 Bureau annually reviews the list of NSGTs to which the Declaration (meaning the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples A/RES/15/1514 XV) is applicable." You cannot just decide that the Territories in dispute (West Bank, Jerusalem, Gaza) fall into the category of NSGTs.

There currently are only four nations that administer NSGTs (US, UK, NZ, France). At one time, there were 74 Territories to which Chapter XI of the Charter applied. Currently, there are only 14 NSGT (if you include the Western Sahara).

I hope you can understand the intent here?

It would be interesting for you to tell us just what Customary or International Humanitarian Law you see that names either a Colonial Power or a Dependent Nation anywhere in the Middle East in contemporary times (since 1948 and the establishment of Israel).

...........•  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

From the perspective of the Arab → Zionists gave assurances that they wanted only to deliver the Jews from persecution, and spoke euphemistically of a “home” rather than a “state.” But the Arab Conspiracy theory is that they in fact planned all along for a “terrorist invasion.” “Zionist racism”—adduced in references to feelings among Jews of racial supremacy, the allotment of work in Israel according to national origin, and social segregation—is believed to be part of “Zionist colonialism.” Seen in such terms, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict becomes a “war of national liberation.” (Pg 195 - Political Science: A Global Perspective)

In point of fact, the Arab Palestinians changed the definition of "colonialism" to fit their agenda. And they have repeated this view so often that that people begin to believe it since a vast majority of people don't fact-check the Arab Palestinian Commentaries.

The Zionists called it colonialism. The British called it colonialism. The Palestinians called it colonialism. Israel is still building colonial settlements.

Who told you it is not colonialism?

The Routledge Dictionary of Politics • by David Robertson • THIRD EDITION said:
Colonialism is the holding and ownership of colonies, or the treating of another country as though it was, in fact, a colony. Indeed recently the concept has been extended to refer to ‘internal’ colonialism, where the capital or economically dominant part of a country treats a distant region just as it might a genuinely foreign colony. For true colonialism to exist two conditions are necessary.
• The land held as a colony must have no real political independence
from the ‘mother country’, but also the relationship must be one of forthright
• The entire reason for having colonies is to increase the wealth and
welfare of the colonial power, either by extracting resources, material or labour
from the colony more cheaply than they could be bought on a free market, or
by ensuring a market for one’s own goods at advantageous rates.​
SOURCE: The Routledge Dictionary of Politics (Pg 89)
The fact that over a century ago, the Zionist of that era used that term once or twice, does not mean that there actually was a Colonial Power acting as the Parent and pursuing the extraction of the resources available. And there is no evidence that the Jewish people that immigrated to the territory (formerly under the Mandate) were exploited the labor of a foreign colonial power.

Dictionary of the Loaded Language of Political Violence said:
Nationalism, tribalism, and colonialism, and their wars and terrors, often bring with them a single-minded allegiance to a cause, secular or religious, framed in terms of absolute righteousness or legitimacy (the exterminatory operation might even be called a “peace mission” or “civilizing mission”; see CIVILIZATION) and closed off to consideration of the others’ perspectives—indeed, to their humanity.
SOURCE: Dictionary of the Loaded Language of Political Violence (Pg 61) •
As to who told me? Well, it seems, though meager as it is, I have an education and I can read. And when I don't understand a word, I look-it-up → and how it is used.

Clearly, you have a different definition from mine. But as you can see, I looked that up as well. Today, the words Colonialism and Imperialism by the European powers had created an international commercial and economic framework of a continuing dependency in Third World countries on the global industrialized nations of the world.

BUT, you should be aware that many nations see a set of economic and political conditions by which former colonial powers strive to maintain their domination over a decolonized country. It also designates the cultural predisposition to promote or support such practices. Today, we call this "Neo-colonialism." And this language often misleads people. The attempt to prevent Israel from establishing its independence was an early form of "neo-colonialism." The Arab League wanted to establish is control over the commercial and economic framework of the region in order to advance its coffers.

.........View attachment 284634
Most Respectfully,
Settler colonialism is a distinct type of colonialism that functions through the replacement of indigenous populations with an invasive settler society that, over time, develops a distinctive identity and sovereignty. Settler colonial states include Canada, the United States, Australia, and South Africa, and settler colonial theory has been important to understanding conflicts in places like Israel, Kenya, and Argentina, and in tracing the colonial legacies of empires that engaged in the widespread foundation of settlement colonies.

Settler colonialism can be distinguished from other forms of colonialism – including classical or metropole colonialism, and neo-colonialism – by a number of key features. First, settler colonisers “come to stay”: unlike colonial agents such as traders, soldiers, or governors, settler collectives intend to permanently occupy and assert sovereignty over indigenous lands. Second, settler colonial invasion is a structure, not an event: settler colonialism persists in the ongoing elimination of indigenous populations, and the assertion of state sovereignty and juridical control over their lands.

Settler Colonialism
This is a perfect definition of Israel.

Did you notice that there was no mention of Israel in what you cut and pasted?

You needed to add your own one-liner to an article that didn't support your contention.

That's poor cricket, Laddie.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

From the perspective of the Arab → Zionists gave assurances that they wanted only to deliver the Jews from persecution, and spoke euphemistically of a “home” rather than a “state.” But the Arab Conspiracy theory is that they in fact planned all along for a “terrorist invasion.” “Zionist racism”—adduced in references to feelings among Jews of racial supremacy, the allotment of work in Israel according to national origin, and social segregation—is believed to be part of “Zionist colonialism.” Seen in such terms, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict becomes a “war of national liberation.” (Pg 195 - Political Science: A Global Perspective)

In point of fact, the Arab Palestinians changed the definition of "colonialism" to fit their agenda. And they have repeated this view so often that that people begin to believe it since a vast majority of people don't fact-check the Arab Palestinian Commentaries.

The Zionists called it colonialism. The British called it colonialism. The Palestinians called it colonialism. Israel is still building colonial settlements.

Who told you it is not colonialism?

The Routledge Dictionary of Politics • by David Robertson • THIRD EDITION said:
Colonialism is the holding and ownership of colonies, or the treating of another country as though it was, in fact, a colony. Indeed recently the concept has been extended to refer to ‘internal’ colonialism, where the capital or economically dominant part of a country treats a distant region just as it might a genuinely foreign colony. For true colonialism to exist two conditions are necessary.
• The land held as a colony must have no real political independence
from the ‘mother country’, but also the relationship must be one of forthright
• The entire reason for having colonies is to increase the wealth and
welfare of the colonial power, either by extracting resources, material or labour
from the colony more cheaply than they could be bought on a free market, or
by ensuring a market for one’s own goods at advantageous rates.​
SOURCE: The Routledge Dictionary of Politics (Pg 89)
The fact that over a century ago, the Zionist of that era used that term once or twice, does not mean that there actually was a Colonial Power acting as the Parent and pursuing the extraction of the resources available. And there is no evidence that the Jewish people that immigrated to the territory (formerly under the Mandate) were exploited the labor of a foreign colonial power.

Dictionary of the Loaded Language of Political Violence said:
Nationalism, tribalism, and colonialism, and their wars and terrors, often bring with them a single-minded allegiance to a cause, secular or religious, framed in terms of absolute righteousness or legitimacy (the exterminatory operation might even be called a “peace mission” or “civilizing mission”; see CIVILIZATION) and closed off to consideration of the others’ perspectives—indeed, to their humanity.
SOURCE: Dictionary of the Loaded Language of Political Violence (Pg 61) •
As to who told me? Well, it seems, though meager as it is, I have an education and I can read. And when I don't understand a word, I look-it-up → and how it is used.

Clearly, you have a different definition from mine. But as you can see, I looked that up as well. Today, the words Colonialism and Imperialism by the European powers had created an international commercial and economic framework of a continuing dependency in Third World countries on the global industrialized nations of the world.

BUT, you should be aware that many nations see a set of economic and political conditions by which former colonial powers strive to maintain their domination over a decolonized country. It also designates the cultural predisposition to promote or support such practices. Today, we call this "Neo-colonialism." And this language often misleads people. The attempt to prevent Israel from establishing its independence was an early form of "neo-colonialism." The Arab League wanted to establish is control over the commercial and economic framework of the region in order to advance its coffers.

.........View attachment 284634
Most Respectfully,
Settler colonialism is a distinct type of colonialism that functions through the replacement of indigenous populations with an invasive settler society that, over time, develops a distinctive identity and sovereignty. Settler colonial states include Canada, the United States, Australia, and South Africa, and settler colonial theory has been important to understanding conflicts in places like Israel, Kenya, and Argentina, and in tracing the colonial legacies of empires that engaged in the widespread foundation of settlement colonies.

Settler colonialism can be distinguished from other forms of colonialism – including classical or metropole colonialism, and neo-colonialism – by a number of key features. First, settler colonisers “come to stay”: unlike colonial agents such as traders, soldiers, or governors, settler collectives intend to permanently occupy and assert sovereignty over indigenous lands. Second, settler colonial invasion is a structure, not an event: settler colonialism persists in the ongoing elimination of indigenous populations, and the assertion of state sovereignty and juridical control over their lands.

Settler Colonialism
This is a perfect definition of Israel.

Did you notice that there was no mention of Israel in what you cut and pasted?

You needed to add your own one-liner to an article that didn't support your contention.

That's poor cricket, Laddie.
Is that so?

Settler colonial states include Canada, the United States, Australia, and South Africa, and settler colonial theory has been important to understanding conflicts in places like Israel, Kenya, and Argentina,​
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Under the UN Charter, pertaining to Chapter XI • Article 73e, DECLARATION REGARDING NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES (NSGT), neither Israel or Arab Palestine are listed as a Colonial Nation (ie The Administrating Power), nor as a country under the control of colonial power (Non-Self-Governing Territory).
View attachment 284717

The first thing you will notice is that the Committee 24 (C-24 Bureau), does not show any NSGT East of Gibraltor → until you reach → Guam in the Pacific Ocean.
Settler Colonialism
This is a perfect definition of Israel.

"The C-24 Bureau annually reviews the list of NSGTs to which the Declaration (meaning the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples A/RES/15/1514 XV) is applicable." You cannot just decide that the Territories in dispute (West Bank, Jerusalem, Gaza) fall into the category of NSGTs.

There currently are only four nations that administer NSGTs (US, UK, NZ, France). At one time, there were 74 Territories to which Chapter XI of the Charter applied. Currently, there are only 14 NSGT (if you include the Western Sahara).

I hope you can understand the intent here?

It would be interesting for you to tell us just what Customary or International Humanitarian Law you see that names either a Colonial Power or a Dependent Nation anywhere in the Middle East in contemporary times (since 1948 and the establishment of Israel).

...........View attachment 284716
Most Respectfully,
There currently are only four nations that administer NSGTs (US, UK, NZ, France).
Of course those are based on a political perspective. The legal perspective has only recently come to the fore.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

From the perspective of the Arab → Zionists gave assurances that they wanted only to deliver the Jews from persecution, and spoke euphemistically of a “home” rather than a “state.” But the Arab Conspiracy theory is that they in fact planned all along for a “terrorist invasion.” “Zionist racism”—adduced in references to feelings among Jews of racial supremacy, the allotment of work in Israel according to national origin, and social segregation—is believed to be part of “Zionist colonialism.” Seen in such terms, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict becomes a “war of national liberation.” (Pg 195 - Political Science: A Global Perspective)

In point of fact, the Arab Palestinians changed the definition of "colonialism" to fit their agenda. And they have repeated this view so often that that people begin to believe it since a vast majority of people don't fact-check the Arab Palestinian Commentaries.

The Zionists called it colonialism. The British called it colonialism. The Palestinians called it colonialism. Israel is still building colonial settlements.

Who told you it is not colonialism?

The Routledge Dictionary of Politics • by David Robertson • THIRD EDITION said:
Colonialism is the holding and ownership of colonies, or the treating of another country as though it was, in fact, a colony. Indeed recently the concept has been extended to refer to ‘internal’ colonialism, where the capital or economically dominant part of a country treats a distant region just as it might a genuinely foreign colony. For true colonialism to exist two conditions are necessary.
• The land held as a colony must have no real political independence
from the ‘mother country’, but also the relationship must be one of forthright
• The entire reason for having colonies is to increase the wealth and
welfare of the colonial power, either by extracting resources, material or labour
from the colony more cheaply than they could be bought on a free market, or
by ensuring a market for one’s own goods at advantageous rates.​
SOURCE: The Routledge Dictionary of Politics (Pg 89)
The fact that over a century ago, the Zionist of that era used that term once or twice, does not mean that there actually was a Colonial Power acting as the Parent and pursuing the extraction of the resources available. And there is no evidence that the Jewish people that immigrated to the territory (formerly under the Mandate) were exploited the labor of a foreign colonial power.

Dictionary of the Loaded Language of Political Violence said:
Nationalism, tribalism, and colonialism, and their wars and terrors, often bring with them a single-minded allegiance to a cause, secular or religious, framed in terms of absolute righteousness or legitimacy (the exterminatory operation might even be called a “peace mission” or “civilizing mission”; see CIVILIZATION) and closed off to consideration of the others’ perspectives—indeed, to their humanity.
SOURCE: Dictionary of the Loaded Language of Political Violence (Pg 61) •
As to who told me? Well, it seems, though meager as it is, I have an education and I can read. And when I don't understand a word, I look-it-up → and how it is used.

Clearly, you have a different definition from mine. But as you can see, I looked that up as well. Today, the words Colonialism and Imperialism by the European powers had created an international commercial and economic framework of a continuing dependency in Third World countries on the global industrialized nations of the world.

BUT, you should be aware that many nations see a set of economic and political conditions by which former colonial powers strive to maintain their domination over a decolonized country. It also designates the cultural predisposition to promote or support such practices. Today, we call this "Neo-colonialism." And this language often misleads people. The attempt to prevent Israel from establishing its independence was an early form of "neo-colonialism." The Arab League wanted to establish is control over the commercial and economic framework of the region in order to advance its coffers.

.........View attachment 284634
Most Respectfully,
Settler colonialism is a distinct type of colonialism that functions through the replacement of indigenous populations with an invasive settler society that, over time, develops a distinctive identity and sovereignty. Settler colonial states include Canada, the United States, Australia, and South Africa, and settler colonial theory has been important to understanding conflicts in places like Israel, Kenya, and Argentina, and in tracing the colonial legacies of empires that engaged in the widespread foundation of settlement colonies.

Settler colonialism can be distinguished from other forms of colonialism – including classical or metropole colonialism, and neo-colonialism – by a number of key features. First, settler colonisers “come to stay”: unlike colonial agents such as traders, soldiers, or governors, settler collectives intend to permanently occupy and assert sovereignty over indigenous lands. Second, settler colonial invasion is a structure, not an event: settler colonialism persists in the ongoing elimination of indigenous populations, and the assertion of state sovereignty and juridical control over their lands.

Settler Colonialism
This is a perfect definition of Israel.

Did you notice that there was no mention of Israel in what you cut and pasted?

You needed to add your own one-liner to an article that didn't support your contention.

That's poor cricket, Laddie.
Is that so?

Settler colonial states include Canada, the United States, Australia, and South Africa, and settler colonial theory has been important to understanding conflicts in places like Israel, Kenya, and Argentina,​

That's so.

"Settler colonial states include Canada, the United States, Australia, and South Africa,"
The linked article raises a host of questions suggesting answers that don't appeal to a wondrous Country of Pal'istan (Where Dreams Come True).

A Hamas caliphate in the West Bank would present a real threat to the Arab states as they would see that as a threat from an encroaching Iran.
With Hizbollah next door in Jordan, the feared "Shia Crescent" might be viewed by the Arab state as coming to fruition.


Despite the diplomatic schism between Israel and the PA, security coordination is ticking along, mostly because no one – not Israel, Jordan, or the PA – wants to see Hamas in power in Ramallah.

Jerusalem, Ramallah, and Amman are in rare agreement when it comes to elections for the Palestinian presidency in east Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank. In a speech at the United Nations last month, PA President Mahmoud Abbas declared that PA elections would lead to Hamas defeating Fatah and the organization seizing control of the Palestinian Authority, quickly and brutally ousting Fatah officials from all government agencies, ministries, and the PA security and intelligence apparatuses.

Senior Palestinian officials say that Abbas' close associates acknowledge that recent polls indicate clearly that if PA parliament elections were held now, not only would Hamas beat Fatah, but Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh would also beat Abbas in a race for the presidency by a considerable margin.

Another Religion of Peace adherent is reinforcing the notion that the Cult of Pal'istan is a very dark place.

Top Fatah official calls for “escalation” so Israelis will “pay a heavy price every day”

Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus | Oct 15, 2019
Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki:

Top Fatah official calls for “escalation” so Israelis will “pay a heavy price every day” |PMW Analysis

  • "There is no avoiding an escalating policy on the ground with great momentum from the masses, which will not allow the occupiers to live routine lives. Their occupation of our land must have a heavy price, which they will pay every day"
  • "If we [Fatah and Hamas] consolidate our ranks and unify our internal front... then we will certainly defeat our enemy, which is Israel."
Zaki in speech to Palestinian youth:

  • "If this enemy [Israel] and America continue with their arrogance, then [our descendants will wave the flag] above Jaffa, the Negev, the Galilee, the Carmel, the Triangle, etc. Land that we don't restore - we are not worthy of it."
Settler colonial states include Canada, the United States, Australia, and South Africa, and settler colonial theory has been important to understanding conflicts in places like Israel, Kenya, and Argentina,​

The point you always miss is that return is not colonialism. Colonialism requires a parent territory. Return suggests the parent territory is the place of return. It is what separates Arab Palestinian return from colonialism. And it is what separates Jewish return from colonialism.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

From the perspective of the Arab → Zionists gave assurances that they wanted only to deliver the Jews from persecution, and spoke euphemistically of a “home” rather than a “state.” But the Arab Conspiracy theory is that they in fact planned all along for a “terrorist invasion.” “Zionist racism”—adduced in references to feelings among Jews of racial supremacy, the allotment of work in Israel according to national origin, and social segregation—is believed to be part of “Zionist colonialism.” Seen in such terms, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict becomes a “war of national liberation.” (Pg 195 - Political Science: A Global Perspective)

In point of fact, the Arab Palestinians changed the definition of "colonialism" to fit their agenda. And they have repeated this view so often that that people begin to believe it since a vast majority of people don't fact-check the Arab Palestinian Commentaries.

The Zionists called it colonialism. The British called it colonialism. The Palestinians called it colonialism. Israel is still building colonial settlements.

Who told you it is not colonialism?

The Routledge Dictionary of Politics • by David Robertson • THIRD EDITION said:
Colonialism is the holding and ownership of colonies, or the treating of another country as though it was, in fact, a colony. Indeed recently the concept has been extended to refer to ‘internal’ colonialism, where the capital or economically dominant part of a country treats a distant region just as it might a genuinely foreign colony. For true colonialism to exist two conditions are necessary.
• The land held as a colony must have no real political independence
from the ‘mother country’, but also the relationship must be one of forthright
• The entire reason for having colonies is to increase the wealth and
welfare of the colonial power, either by extracting resources, material or labour
from the colony more cheaply than they could be bought on a free market, or
by ensuring a market for one’s own goods at advantageous rates.​
SOURCE: The Routledge Dictionary of Politics (Pg 89)
The fact that over a century ago, the Zionist of that era used that term once or twice, does not mean that there actually was a Colonial Power acting as the Parent and pursuing the extraction of the resources available. And there is no evidence that the Jewish people that immigrated to the territory (formerly under the Mandate) were exploited the labor of a foreign colonial power.

Dictionary of the Loaded Language of Political Violence said:
Nationalism, tribalism, and colonialism, and their wars and terrors, often bring with them a single-minded allegiance to a cause, secular or religious, framed in terms of absolute righteousness or legitimacy (the exterminatory operation might even be called a “peace mission” or “civilizing mission”; see CIVILIZATION) and closed off to consideration of the others’ perspectives—indeed, to their humanity.
SOURCE: Dictionary of the Loaded Language of Political Violence (Pg 61) •
As to who told me? Well, it seems, though meager as it is, I have an education and I can read. And when I don't understand a word, I look-it-up → and how it is used.

Clearly, you have a different definition from mine. But as you can see, I looked that up as well. Today, the words Colonialism and Imperialism by the European powers had created an international commercial and economic framework of a continuing dependency in Third World countries on the global industrialized nations of the world.

BUT, you should be aware that many nations see a set of economic and political conditions by which former colonial powers strive to maintain their domination over a decolonized country. It also designates the cultural predisposition to promote or support such practices. Today, we call this "Neo-colonialism." And this language often misleads people. The attempt to prevent Israel from establishing its independence was an early form of "neo-colonialism." The Arab League wanted to establish is control over the commercial and economic framework of the region in order to advance its coffers.

.........View attachment 284634
Most Respectfully,
Settler colonialism is a distinct type of colonialism that functions through the replacement of indigenous populations with an invasive settler society that, over time, develops a distinctive identity and sovereignty. Settler colonial states include Canada, the United States, Australia, and South Africa, and settler colonial theory has been important to understanding conflicts in places like Israel, Kenya, and Argentina, and in tracing the colonial legacies of empires that engaged in the widespread foundation of settlement colonies.

Settler colonialism can be distinguished from other forms of colonialism – including classical or metropole colonialism, and neo-colonialism – by a number of key features. First, settler colonisers “come to stay”: unlike colonial agents such as traders, soldiers, or governors, settler collectives intend to permanently occupy and assert sovereignty over indigenous lands. Second, settler colonial invasion is a structure, not an event: settler colonialism persists in the ongoing elimination of indigenous populations, and the assertion of state sovereignty and juridical control over their lands.

Settler Colonialism
This is a perfect definition of Israel.

Did you notice that there was no mention of Israel in what you cut and pasted?

You needed to add your own one-liner to an article that didn't support your contention.

That's poor cricket, Laddie.
Is that so?

Settler colonial states include Canada, the United States, Australia, and South Africa, and settler colonial theory has been important to understanding conflicts in places like Israel, Kenya, and Argentina,​

Since, according to your own source, the United States is a colonial state, you should move out of here before continuing with any more hypocritical tirades against Israel.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

From the perspective of the Arab → Zionists gave assurances that they wanted only to deliver the Jews from persecution, and spoke euphemistically of a “home” rather than a “state.” But the Arab Conspiracy theory is that they in fact planned all along for a “terrorist invasion.” “Zionist racism”—adduced in references to feelings among Jews of racial supremacy, the allotment of work in Israel according to national origin, and social segregation—is believed to be part of “Zionist colonialism.” Seen in such terms, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict becomes a “war of national liberation.” (Pg 195 - Political Science: A Global Perspective)

In point of fact, the Arab Palestinians changed the definition of "colonialism" to fit their agenda. And they have repeated this view so often that that people begin to believe it since a vast majority of people don't fact-check the Arab Palestinian Commentaries.

The Zionists called it colonialism. The British called it colonialism. The Palestinians called it colonialism. Israel is still building colonial settlements.

Who told you it is not colonialism?

The Routledge Dictionary of Politics • by David Robertson • THIRD EDITION said:
Colonialism is the holding and ownership of colonies, or the treating of another country as though it was, in fact, a colony. Indeed recently the concept has been extended to refer to ‘internal’ colonialism, where the capital or economically dominant part of a country treats a distant region just as it might a genuinely foreign colony. For true colonialism to exist two conditions are necessary.
• The land held as a colony must have no real political independence
from the ‘mother country’, but also the relationship must be one of forthright
• The entire reason for having colonies is to increase the wealth and
welfare of the colonial power, either by extracting resources, material or labour
from the colony more cheaply than they could be bought on a free market, or
by ensuring a market for one’s own goods at advantageous rates.​
SOURCE: The Routledge Dictionary of Politics (Pg 89)
The fact that over a century ago, the Zionist of that era used that term once or twice, does not mean that there actually was a Colonial Power acting as the Parent and pursuing the extraction of the resources available. And there is no evidence that the Jewish people that immigrated to the territory (formerly under the Mandate) were exploited the labor of a foreign colonial power.

Dictionary of the Loaded Language of Political Violence said:
Nationalism, tribalism, and colonialism, and their wars and terrors, often bring with them a single-minded allegiance to a cause, secular or religious, framed in terms of absolute righteousness or legitimacy (the exterminatory operation might even be called a “peace mission” or “civilizing mission”; see CIVILIZATION) and closed off to consideration of the others’ perspectives—indeed, to their humanity.
SOURCE: Dictionary of the Loaded Language of Political Violence (Pg 61) •
As to who told me? Well, it seems, though meager as it is, I have an education and I can read. And when I don't understand a word, I look-it-up → and how it is used.

Clearly, you have a different definition from mine. But as you can see, I looked that up as well. Today, the words Colonialism and Imperialism by the European powers had created an international commercial and economic framework of a continuing dependency in Third World countries on the global industrialized nations of the world.

BUT, you should be aware that many nations see a set of economic and political conditions by which former colonial powers strive to maintain their domination over a decolonized country. It also designates the cultural predisposition to promote or support such practices. Today, we call this "Neo-colonialism." And this language often misleads people. The attempt to prevent Israel from establishing its independence was an early form of "neo-colonialism." The Arab League wanted to establish is control over the commercial and economic framework of the region in order to advance its coffers.

.........View attachment 284634
Most Respectfully,
Settler colonialism is a distinct type of colonialism that functions through the replacement of indigenous populations with an invasive settler society that, over time, develops a distinctive identity and sovereignty. Settler colonial states include Canada, the United States, Australia, and South Africa, and settler colonial theory has been important to understanding conflicts in places like Israel, Kenya, and Argentina, and in tracing the colonial legacies of empires that engaged in the widespread foundation of settlement colonies.

Settler colonialism can be distinguished from other forms of colonialism – including classical or metropole colonialism, and neo-colonialism – by a number of key features. First, settler colonisers “come to stay”: unlike colonial agents such as traders, soldiers, or governors, settler collectives intend to permanently occupy and assert sovereignty over indigenous lands. Second, settler colonial invasion is a structure, not an event: settler colonialism persists in the ongoing elimination of indigenous populations, and the assertion of state sovereignty and juridical control over their lands.

Settler Colonialism
This is a perfect definition of Israel.

Did you notice that there was no mention of Israel in what you cut and pasted?

You needed to add your own one-liner to an article that didn't support your contention.

That's poor cricket, Laddie.
Is that so?

Settler colonial states include Canada, the United States, Australia, and South Africa, and settler colonial theory has been important to understanding conflicts in places like Israel, Kenya, and Argentina,​

Since, according to your own source, the United States is a colonial state, you should move out of here before continuing with any more hypocritical tirades against Israel.
Unfortunately, there was no international law back then.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

From the perspective of the Arab → Zionists gave assurances that they wanted only to deliver the Jews from persecution, and spoke euphemistically of a “home” rather than a “state.” But the Arab Conspiracy theory is that they in fact planned all along for a “terrorist invasion.” “Zionist racism”—adduced in references to feelings among Jews of racial supremacy, the allotment of work in Israel according to national origin, and social segregation—is believed to be part of “Zionist colonialism.” Seen in such terms, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict becomes a “war of national liberation.” (Pg 195 - Political Science: A Global Perspective)

In point of fact, the Arab Palestinians changed the definition of "colonialism" to fit their agenda. And they have repeated this view so often that that people begin to believe it since a vast majority of people don't fact-check the Arab Palestinian Commentaries.


The fact that over a century ago, the Zionist of that era used that term once or twice, does not mean that there actually was a Colonial Power acting as the Parent and pursuing the extraction of the resources available. And there is no evidence that the Jewish people that immigrated to the territory (formerly under the Mandate) were exploited the labor of a foreign colonial power.

As to who told me? Well, it seems, though meager as it is, I have an education and I can read. And when I don't understand a word, I look-it-up → and how it is used.

Clearly, you have a different definition from mine. But as you can see, I looked that up as well. Today, the words Colonialism and Imperialism by the European powers had created an international commercial and economic framework of a continuing dependency in Third World countries on the global industrialized nations of the world.

BUT, you should be aware that many nations see a set of economic and political conditions by which former colonial powers strive to maintain their domination over a decolonized country. It also designates the cultural predisposition to promote or support such practices. Today, we call this "Neo-colonialism." And this language often misleads people. The attempt to prevent Israel from establishing its independence was an early form of "neo-colonialism." The Arab League wanted to establish is control over the commercial and economic framework of the region in order to advance its coffers.

.........View attachment 284634
Most Respectfully,
Settler colonialism is a distinct type of colonialism that functions through the replacement of indigenous populations with an invasive settler society that, over time, develops a distinctive identity and sovereignty. Settler colonial states include Canada, the United States, Australia, and South Africa, and settler colonial theory has been important to understanding conflicts in places like Israel, Kenya, and Argentina, and in tracing the colonial legacies of empires that engaged in the widespread foundation of settlement colonies.

Settler colonialism can be distinguished from other forms of colonialism – including classical or metropole colonialism, and neo-colonialism – by a number of key features. First, settler colonisers “come to stay”: unlike colonial agents such as traders, soldiers, or governors, settler collectives intend to permanently occupy and assert sovereignty over indigenous lands. Second, settler colonial invasion is a structure, not an event: settler colonialism persists in the ongoing elimination of indigenous populations, and the assertion of state sovereignty and juridical control over their lands.

Settler Colonialism
This is a perfect definition of Israel.

Did you notice that there was no mention of Israel in what you cut and pasted?

You needed to add your own one-liner to an article that didn't support your contention.

That's poor cricket, Laddie.
Is that so?

Settler colonial states include Canada, the United States, Australia, and South Africa, and settler colonial theory has been important to understanding conflicts in places like Israel, Kenya, and Argentina,​

Since, according to your own source, the United States is a colonial state, you should move out of here before continuing with any more hypocritical tirades against Israel.
Unfortunately, there was no international law back then.

Too bad. That might have prevented the Arab-Islamist colonization of the area.
Another Religion of Peace adherent is reinforcing the notion that the Cult of Pal'istan is a very dark place.

Top Fatah official calls for “escalation” so Israelis will “pay a heavy price every day”

Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus | Oct 15, 2019
Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki:

Top Fatah official calls for “escalation” so Israelis will “pay a heavy price every day” |PMW Analysis

  • "There is no avoiding an escalating policy on the ground with great momentum from the masses, which will not allow the occupiers to live routine lives. Their occupation of our land must have a heavy price, which they will pay every day"
  • "If we [Fatah and Hamas] consolidate our ranks and unify our internal front... then we will certainly defeat our enemy, which is Israel."
Zaki in speech to Palestinian youth:

  • "If this enemy [Israel] and America continue with their arrogance, then [our descendants will wave the flag] above Jaffa, the Negev, the Galilee, the Carmel, the Triangle, etc. Land that we don't restore - we are not worthy of it."

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