Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Who needs flush toilets when there’s a gee-had to be waged.

These articles come around again and again. They speak to societal misfits who, despite billions of dollars in welfare payments over the course of decades, can’t manage to pull themselves out of a13th century existence with open trench sewers.

It’s really shocking that they manage to destroy everything around them, even the ground they walk on.

The conflict in Gaza is even affecting the beaches

As a result of inadequate treatment, some studies have estimated that up to 108,000 cubic meters of untreated sewage is now discarded directly into the sea every day, and reserves of potable water have significantly diminished. A public health emergency now looms for the nearly 2 million Palestinians who live in the Strip, many of whom are refugees and the descendants of refugees from the 1948 war that established Israel’s independence.

The responsibility for infrastructure and health issues in Gaze rests entirely on the government of Gaza. It does everyone a disservice to pretend otherwise.
It really is horrible that the subjugation of women is still so widespread across islamic society. Great societal change is possible. We see examples of that here in the Great Satan with events beginning in the 1960's with women's rights and minority rights.

A society that is unable to separate church (or mosque) and state and which has remained largely static since the 7th century will continue to treat half the population as mere property. Equal treatment of women (and non-Moslems), is fundamentally antithetical to the precepts of Islam which recognizes as Shirk, any notion of a modern, democratic institution such as women's rights. Even if women in islamist nations can manage to effect some sort of referendum for reform by way of protesting the misogynistic tenets of the literally interpreted koran, until the totalitarian theocracy that Islam aspires to is abolished, they will inevitably run into the theocratic/patriarchal wall of orthodoxy.

Palestinian women's lives endangered by PA religious leaders' ruling |PMW Analysis

"According to statistics recorded by the Center of Women's Affairs in Gaza about the cases of violence reaching the center, 63% of women suffer from marital violence... 73 % suffer from verbal abuse, 24 % from physical abuse, 29.5 % from mental abuse... Zainab Al-Ghneimi, head of the Women's Legal Counseling Center, said: 'Married women are not forthcoming with these details about violence at the beginning, probably out of shame, and because the prevailing culture forbids discussing such secrets...' Al-Ghneimi explained: "the main reason is probably that the man believes he has bought the woman and paid for her, and therefore she has become his property and must obey his orders. She clarified that unfortunately, this is the culture of the entire society, and that [Palestinian] laws give him the right of ownership, based on the man being the guardian, and he is the one who commands and prohibits."

[Official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 29, 2015]
Because they're psychopaths.

I get a queasy stomach reading about this freakish Cult .

On September 22, 2019, Al-Quds Today TV (Palestine) aired an interview with the mother of two Gazan terrorists from the Al-Quds Brigades, the Islamic Jihad's military wing, the first of whom was Muhammad Yasser Arhim, who was killed in a clash with Israeli forces in April 2002. The second terrorist, Hazem Yasser Arhim, had been a prominent commander in the Al-Quds Brigades and was killed by an Israeli airstrike in July 2004. Earlier that year, Hazem had cut off and publicly displayed the head of an Israeli soldier who had been killed along with five other soldiers in a May 12, 2004 Islamic Jihad attack on an Israeli armored vehicle in the Zeitoun neighborhood in Gaza.

"Mother of Islamic Jihad Terrorist Who Decapitated Fallen Israeli Soldier in 2004: I Take Great Pride in My Son's Heroic Achievement"
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Even while the Palestinian Authority was facing a self-inflicted financial crisis, the PA coffers were still full enough to fund the reconstruction of the houses of terrorists demolished by Israel as a means of deterrent.

Making good on promises made by PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, the PA has financed the rebuilding of the home of a terrorist, who also has five other terrorist brothers - all of whom murdered Jews. Four of them are serving multiple life sentences and a fifth was killed when he resisted arrest after murdering a member of Israel’s Security Agency. The mother of the terrorists - Um Nasser Abu Hmeid - is the focus of constant PA attention and even led the PA’s bid for membership in the UN in 2011, simply because she is the mother of multiple murderers. Now the PA is rebuilding her and her sons’ house:

(full article online)

A new house and huge terror salaries - the PA’s rewards to a family of murderers |PMW Analysis
Who needs flush toilets when there’s a gee-had to be waged.

These articles come around again and again. They speak to societal misfits who, despite billions of dollars in welfare payments over the course of decades, can’t manage to pull themselves out of a13th century existence with open trench sewers.

It’s really shocking that they manage to destroy everything around them, even the ground they walk on.

The conflict in Gaza is even affecting the beaches

As a result of inadequate treatment, some studies have estimated that up to 108,000 cubic meters of untreated sewage is now discarded directly into the sea every day, and reserves of potable water have significantly diminished. A public health emergency now looms for the nearly 2 million Palestinians who live in the Strip, many of whom are refugees and the descendants of refugees from the 1948 war that established Israel’s independence.

The responsibility for infrastructure and health issues in Gaze rests entirely on the government of Gaza. It does everyone a disservice to pretend otherwise.

I agree. However, Hamas has more than a decade long history of demonstrating that they have no interest in and are utterly incapable of managing the normal affairs of government. I think it's a laughable joke that Gaza is little more than an armed islamc terrorist encampment.

Heavily armed islamic terrorists roaming the streets, competing mini-caliphates which survive on a UN sponsored welfare entitlement and we see now that Hamas is engaged in trying to root out various versions of ISIS sympathizers and competing islamic terrorist franchises.

Maybe the UN should just give them more money. That will make everything OK.
Friday Fun-day is approaching.

In the event you have any youngsters / family membere you don't need or want, please stop by at the islamic terrorist sponsored Friday border gee-had. You can throw the unwanted / unused on the islamic bonfire of hatred that has been burning since the 7th century.

Your "martyrs" are appreciated.


UN rebukes Hamas for planning to risk children's lives Gaza border protes

gaza protest. (photo credit:" MOHAMMED SALEM/REUTERS)
“I am concerned that the demonstrations’ organizers have branded tomorrow’s protests as 'Our Child Martyrs,'" UN humanitarian coordinator for the Palestinian territories Jamie McGoldrick said.
The United Nations issued a rare rebuke of Hamas for planning to risk Palestinian children’s lives at Friday’s weekly Gaza border protest.

Rebuilding the Islamic terrorist infrastructure.

A new house and huge terror salaries - the PA’s rewards to a family of murderers |PMW Analysis

Making good on promises made by PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, the PA has financed the rebuilding of the home of a terrorist, who also has five other terrorist brothers - all of whom murdered Jews. Four of them are serving multiple life sentences and a fifth was killed when he resisted arrest after murdering a member of Israel’s Security Agency. The mother of the terrorists - Um Nasser Abu Hmeid - is the focus of constant PA attentionand even led the PA’s bid for membership in the UN in 2011, simply because she is the mother of multiple murderers. Now the PA is rebuilding her and her sons’ house:
With the islamic terrorist border gee-had riots a total bust, maybe its time for another flotilla gee-had.


GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — Ahmed Abu Artima was one of the founders of the “Great March of Return,” the weekly protests along Gaza’s frontier with Israel meant to draw attention to the plight of the territory’s 2 million people. But these days, he mostly avoids the demonstrations.

He is among a growing number of Gazans who believe the protests have lost their way. With little to show from 18 months of demonstrations beyond the hundreds of people killed or wounded by Israeli fire, many Gazans are beginning to question and even criticize the Hamas-led protests, a rarity in a territory where dissent is barely tolerated by the ruling Islamic militant group.
The weaponization of Palestinian Arab children by the kleptocratic/geriatric Mahmoud Abbas regime that rules them is the result of several concurrent strategies that have been implemented for years by now:
  • Large long-term monthly payments to prisoners and the families of dead terrorists by the Palestinian Authority, funded from a deficit budget that is replenished via foreign aid grants to the PA. These Pay-to-Slay payments as they are comminly termed grow with the seriousness of the terror offense.
  • Overt, explicit incitement to more acts of terror by the Palestinian Authority and by terror groups
  • The recruiting and training of children to engage in conflict: Special mention to the United Nations UNRWA people responsible these past seven decades for nurturing, preserving, perpetuating and legitimizing the violent discontent of Palestinian Arab schookl children.
  • The systematic glorification of Arab-on-Israeli violence throughout Palestinian Arab society
  • The deliberate, ideology-driven abandonment of weaponized Palestinian Arab children by the numerous child-protection agencies that raise billions each year on the profoundly dishonest premise that, like DCI Palestine, they are "committed to securing a just and viable future for Palestinian children in the Occupied Palestinian Territory".
With all these in place, getting to the results they want are not that challenging.

Israel attracts serious criticism for its treatment of child offenders. In large measure, this is dishonest, politically-spun and based on poorly understood data. For instance, as a respected human rights organization based in Israel reported in February 2018 [NGO Monitor] in an essay that contradicts some of what "everyone knows" about Israel's "failures":
  • Some 90,000 children aged between 10 and 17 were arrested in England and Wales between April 2015 and March 2016, an average of about 7,500 per month. Adjust these numbers for population and you can make this highly relevant comparison - that minors are arrested in England and Wales (where armed conflict is not currently a major feature of life) 5.5 times more often than Palestinian Arab minors living in the so-called West Bank are.
  • In data covering the years since since 2013 (a period of considerable Arab-on-Israeli violence and the massive Arab promotion of terror), the number of Palestinian Arab minors arrested annually in areas under Israeli control was between 800 and 1,000.
  • Of these arrested, how many were subjected to prosecution? About 450-505. Thus on average, in a population of roughly a million minors (quoting Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics data), fewer than 85 such minors are arrested each month and fewer than half of those are prosecuted.
  • And this: International law and Article 66 of the Fourth Geneva Convention mandates that Israel must establish military courts as part of its obligation to “take all the measures in [its] power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety.” Moreover, Israel's law and enforcement practices meet all the requirements of “due process,” the Convention on the Rights of the Child and Article 68 of the Fourth Geneva Convention. The rules of evidence applied by the Military Courts are the same as the rules of evidence applied in the Israeli domestic criminal justice system.
These are not points that the chorus of child-weaponizers and their foreign-government-funders, backers and advocates want us to know.

Nor do they advertise the single most important take-away we can think of: that, given Pal Arab society's massive ongoing investment, it is dead easy to weaponize pre-teen Palestinian Arab boys and girls and turn them into killers.

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog: 07-Oct-19: How hard is it to produce 12 year old knife-attackers?
Al-Bazm advised Gazans not to deal with the pages Avichai Adraee, Ofir Gendelman, and others, and not to comment on them, and not to be provoked by sarcastic comments. He explained that these pages are run by intelligence officers who analyze all the interactions on these pages and analyze the data and might be a gateway to infiltrating Gaza.

He praised the Palestinian media for doing their part to let citizens know of the danger.

Hamas actually started a billboard campaign urging people not to respond to the Facebook page of COGAT Arabic.

(full article online)

Terror groups warn Gazans not to engage in social media with Israeli officials ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Hamas, the internationally recognized terrorist group. issued a press release pretending to condemn the terror attack on a synagogue in Germany on Yom Kippur:

We condemn the shameful attack on the synagogue in the German city Halle and the killing of two innocent people.

This attack proves that terrorism poses a danger for all people and that terrorism has no religion or is not restricted to a single nation.

We, in Palestine, are the most to endure the horrific outcome of terrorism.

Dr. Basem Naim
Member of Hamas International Relations Office"

See? Hamas is a victim of terror by Jews, so it knows how awful it is for innocents to be terrorized!

Twisting a terror attack on Jews into another attack on Jews is as loathsome as it gets.

How do we know that Hamas doesn't really condemn attacks on Jews in synagogue?

Because this "condemnation" does not appear anywhere on Hamas' Arabic language site. The very idea of condemning any attack on Jews in Arabic is unthinkable to Hamas.

(full article online)

Hamas "condemns" terror attack in Germany as an excuse to blame Jews for terrorism ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
“When we got there, we saw there was a large blast of water and we started fixing it,” said Simon. “At some stage, while working, my brother Salim started to talk to Rosa about her life. She told us she’s 95, a Holocaust survivor, and that she has a daughter.

After the work was completed, he removed his notepad to bill her, and wrote: “Holocaust survivor, may you have health until 120 [years old], from Matari Simon and Matari Salim,” adding that the cost of the service was “0 shekels.”

(full article online)

Arab plumbers refuse to charge client after learning she’s a Holocaust survivor
Odd that the Allah god is made an accomplice to the most vile acts committed by Arabs-Moslems.

"May Allah reward them" - Fatah official greets family of murderer of 2

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Jul 16, 2019

"All forms of aid to the families of the Martyrs, the wounded, and the prisoners" will be provided
  • Murderer's demolished house is being rebuilt
"May Allah reward them," said Fatah official Abbas Zaki when he honored the family of Omar Abu Laila - murderer of 2 - with a visit last week.

In March this year, 19-year-old Omar Abu Laila stabbed and murdered Israeli soldier Gal Keidan and shot and murdered Rabbi Achiad Ettinger, a father of 12. Abu Laila was later killed during an exchange of gunfire with Israeli soldiers when they attempted to arrest him.
Another glorious Gee-Had Friday Fun-Day.

The IDF once again put the had in gee-had.

March of Return protest leaves 49 Palestinian wounded

The latest of the weekly ‘March of Return’ protests along the Gaza border left 49 Palestinians injured on Friday, 21 of them allegedly from IDF gunfire, the Gaza Ministry of Health reported.

IDF forces, using tear gas and riot dispersal gear, contained the roughly 4,000 protesters, some of whom were spotted throwing IEDs toward the security fence. Several protesters were seen crossing the fence north of the Gaza Strip and running back to the Palestinian side, Walla News reported.
I'm afraid the Arabs-Moslems don't have an entitlement to promote acts of violence that glorify islamic terrorism.

Facebook takes down page of Palestine news site

October 11, 2019 at 3:00 pm | Published in: Israel, Middle East, News, Palestine

Mark Zuckerberg Chief Executive Officer of Facebook on 23 July 2008 [Brian Solis/briansolis.com]

October 11, 2019 at 3:00 pm

Facebook takes down page of Palestine news site

Facebook on Wednesday deleted the page of the Palestinian Information Centre (PIC) in a move, the news site says, which is part of its war on Palestinian content on social media networks.

The site’s management said Facebook provided them with no prior warning before deleting the page, which had nearly five million followers, without any justification.
I think this guy could use a good sharia lawyer.

Beirut, October 4, 2019 -- Hamas security forces should immediately release journalist Hani al-Agha and drop any charges against him, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today.

On September 25, al-Agha, a reporter for the pro-Fatah broadcaster Sawt al-Shabab Radio, responded to a summons by traveling to the headquarters of the Hamas-affiliated Internal Security Forces, west of Gaza City; once there, security forces arrested him, according to news reports and a report by the Skeyes Center for Media and Cultural Freedom, a regional press freedom group.

No charges have been announced against him, according to those reports. The Internal Security Forces have not allowed al-Agha’s family or a lawyer to visit him, according to Skeyes.

Palestinian journalist Hani al-Agha detained by Hamas forces in Gaza since September 25
Some blustering melodrama from the Arab-Moslems.
There's just no pleasin' islamic terrorists. Abu has repeatedly declared that Oslo is dead so why would he expect that others will abide by its terms?

PA: We will prevent IDF from entering Area A

The Palestinians will prevent the IDF from entering Area A of the West Bank which, according to the Oslo Accords, is exclusively administered by the Palestinian Authority, PA Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh said on Saturday.

“We will prevent the Israeli occupation army from raiding Area A,” Shtayyeh said in an interview with the Palestinian daily Al-Quds. “We won’t do this through violence, but with our bodies. Israel invades the areas of the Palestinian Authority, and the signed agreements don’t allow these incursions. We will break this fait accompli.”
Some blustering melodrama from the Arab-Moslems.
There's just no pleasin' islamic terrorists. Abu has repeatedly declared that Oslo is dead so why would he expect that others will abide by its terms?”

"There's just no pleasin' islamic terrorists. . ."

i don't like to judge by looks - but - you know......

....definitely -- a no-pleasin' kinda crowd.....

The PA Ministry of Health said that it considers it Israel's "deliberate step to finally and completely separate the Gaza Strip and the West Bank by preventing any connection on any level between our people in the two parts of the homeland."

Palestinian Media Watch has exposed previous PA libels claiming Israel does medical experiments on prisoners and steals organs from dead terrorists, the so-called "Martyrs." Even the Arab League has repeated these PA lies.

The following are longer excerpts of the reports quoted above:

(full article online)

PA libel: US hospital in Gaza is for “trafficking in organs” and medical "experiments" on Palestinians |PMW Analysis
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