Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Fatah must be having a difficult time of it. For years they have had a free hand to use infidel technology as a vehicle for incitement and a means to glorify acts of Islamic terrorism. I never understood why Facebook allowed such blatant incitement to continue Fortunately, enough public condemnation and changing attitudes toward Fatah and their islamic terrorist campaign and promotion caused Facebook to act,

Fatah attempts to hide its terror promotion from Facebook

Itamar Marcus | Oct 7, 2019

Fatah attempts to hide its terror promotion from Facebook |PMW Analysis
  • Last week Fatah closed its Facebook page and removed 17 of the terror promoting posts documented in PMW’s report on Fatah’s use of the page in first half of 2019
  • Nearly 100 terror promotion posts exposed by PMW reports still remain
  • PMW has supplied Facebook with links to the posts removed and those not removed to illustrate what Fatah decided to hide and what they left on the page
  • PMW Comment: Facebook removes terror promotion in “real time,” except when the murder of Israelis is being celebrated and promoted. While Facebook is bragging internationally about fighting terror, Palestinian terror is being embedded in the hearts and minds of the next generation of potential terrorists, thanks to Facebook
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

There is a number of older yet interesting articles on this subject during the period 2016 through 2017 one of which was (By Aditya Tiwari - May 23, 2017) published through Fossbyte Titled: Facebook’s Secret Policies On Sex, Terrorism, Hate, And Violence Leaked on this subject. And as it has been since the development of, Social Media platforms, like Facebook, is often breaking new ground in terms of ethics, morality, and standards when it comes to Facebook Pages like the Fatah/PLO Page.

Facebook, as an organizational entity, has to cope with the age old question of How Much Freedom of Speech is too much Freeedom of Speech?

UN Security Council said:
Condemning also in the strongest terms the incitement of terrorist acts andrepudiating attempts at the justification or glorification (apologie) of terrorist actsthat may incite further terrorist acts,

Deeply concerned that incitement of terrorist acts motivated by extremism and intolerance poses a serious and growing danger to the enjoyment of human rights, threatens the social and economic development of all States,

SOURCE: S/RES/1624 Adopted by the Security Council at its 5261st meeting, on14 September 2005

Fatah must be having a difficult time of it. For years they have had a free hand to use infidel technology as a vehicle for incitement and a means to glorify acts of Islamic terrorism. I never understood why Facebook allowed such blatant incitement to continue Fortunately, enough public condemnation and changing attitudes toward Fatah and their islamic terrorist campaign and promotion caused Facebook to act,

While their is clearly a difference between speech which is acceptable, and that speech which is not acceptable or inflammatory forms of expression, it is damn difficult for me to put that distinction into words, and yet avoid being painted as endorcing censorship.

........ •  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

There is a number of older yet interesting articles on this subject during the period 2016 through 2017 one of which was (By Aditya Tiwari - May 23, 2017) published through Fossbyte Titled: Facebook’s Secret Policies On Sex, Terrorism, Hate, And Violence Leaked on this subject. And as it has been since the development of, Social Media platforms, like Facebook, is often breaking new ground in terms of ethics, morality, and standards when it comes to Facebook Pages like the Fatah/PLO Page.

Facebook, as an organizational entity, has to cope with the age old question of How Much Freedom of Speech is too much Freeedom of Speech?

UN Security Council said:
Condemning also in the strongest terms the incitement of terrorist acts andrepudiating attempts at the justification or glorification (apologie) of terrorist actsthat may incite further terrorist acts,

Deeply concerned that incitement of terrorist acts motivated by extremism and intolerance poses a serious and growing danger to the enjoyment of human rights, threatens the social and economic development of all States,

SOURCE: S/RES/1624 Adopted by the Security Council at its 5261st meeting, on14 September 2005

Fatah must be having a difficult time of it. For years they have had a free hand to use infidel technology as a vehicle for incitement and a means to glorify acts of Islamic terrorism. I never understood why Facebook allowed such blatant incitement to continue Fortunately, enough public condemnation and changing attitudes toward Fatah and their islamic terrorist campaign and promotion caused Facebook to act,

While their is clearly a difference between speech which is acceptable, and that speech which is not acceptable or inflammatory forms of expression, it is damn difficult for me to put that distinction into words, and yet avoid being painted as endorcing censorship.

........View attachment 284421
Most Respectfully,
Who gets to decide what can be said?
Are they appointed? By whom?
Are they self appointed?
Are they elected? Who gets to choose who can vote?

The chance for abuse is almost 100%.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

There is a number of older yet interesting articles on this subject during the period 2016 through 2017 one of which was (By Aditya Tiwari - May 23, 2017) published through Fossbyte Titled: Facebook’s Secret Policies On Sex, Terrorism, Hate, And Violence Leaked on this subject. And as it has been since the development of, Social Media platforms, like Facebook, is often breaking new ground in terms of ethics, morality, and standards when it comes to Facebook Pages like the Fatah/PLO Page.

Facebook, as an organizational entity, has to cope with the age old question of How Much Freedom of Speech is too much Freeedom of Speech?

UN Security Council said:
Condemning also in the strongest terms the incitement of terrorist acts andrepudiating attempts at the justification or glorification (apologie) of terrorist actsthat may incite further terrorist acts,

Deeply concerned that incitement of terrorist acts motivated by extremism and intolerance poses a serious and growing danger to the enjoyment of human rights, threatens the social and economic development of all States,

SOURCE: S/RES/1624 Adopted by the Security Council at its 5261st meeting, on14 September 2005

Fatah must be having a difficult time of it. For years they have had a free hand to use infidel technology as a vehicle for incitement and a means to glorify acts of Islamic terrorism. I never understood why Facebook allowed such blatant incitement to continue Fortunately, enough public condemnation and changing attitudes toward Fatah and their islamic terrorist campaign and promotion caused Facebook to act,

While their is clearly a difference between speech which is acceptable, and that speech which is not acceptable or inflammatory forms of expression, it is damn difficult for me to put that distinction into words, and yet avoid being painted as endorcing censorship.

........View attachment 284421
Most Respectfully,

I don’t disagree, Rocco. This is one of those issues where any limitation on free speech can be chilling as where does anyone cross the line.

Firstly, I wasn't precise in identifying calls for gee-had and “martyrdom” operations as, in my opinion, crossing the line. I can see where the generally accepted limits (incitement to commit illegal acts, libel, slander, etc.) are reasonable as those limits protect others from harm / bodily harm.

As for the usual tactics of Fatah and Hamas raising the next generation of psychopaths with the glorification of mass murder / suicide, that is again, in my opinion free speech. Although ironically, I'm applying western standards of free speech to authoritarian regimes which don't allow such freedoms to those miniions in the mini-caliphates they control.
Don't question it.

Nature has preprogrammed successful animals with a survival instinct, and once you add our ability to have a sentient perception of death, you have a formula for a more deep seated fear (at least, one that can be expressed by doing something more than just fleeing, like all other animals do).

It is the inverse of such a survival instinct to teach children that slaughtering others in "glorious" acts of mass murder / suicide will get them carnal rewards in some afterlife.

Palestinian Media Watch

Fatah: Murdering children is "legitimate human struggle" - when killer is Palestinian and victims are Israelis
Itamar Marcus | Jul 18, 2019
Fatah: Murdering 12 Israeli children and 25 adults was a "natural human expression that all human laws guarantee"

Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement believes that mass murder of children is "legitimate human struggle... that all human laws guarantee" - on condition that the murderers are Palestinians and the victims are Israelis. According to Fatah, since Israel has been an "occupier" since the day of its establishment "71 years" ago in 1948, Palestinian murder of any Israeli, adult or child is something "that all human laws guarantee for the oppressed peoples that are struggling to be redeemed from injustice and occupation." Accordingly for Fatah, as long as Israel exists Palestinians will have the right to kill Israeli children, as part of its "legitimate" struggle to destroy Israel.
Don't question it.

Nature has preprogrammed successful animals with a survival instinct, and once you add our ability to have a sentient perception of death, you have a formula for a more deep seated fear (at least, one that can be expressed by doing something more than just fleeing, like all other animals do).

It is the inverse of such a survival instinct to teach children that slaughtering others in "glorious" acts of mass murder / suicide will get them carnal rewards in some afterlife.

Palestinian Media Watch

Fatah: Murdering children is "legitimate human struggle" - when killer is Palestinian and victims are Israelis
Itamar Marcus | Jul 18, 2019
Fatah: Murdering 12 Israeli children and 25 adults was a "natural human expression that all human laws guarantee"

Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement believes that mass murder of children is "legitimate human struggle... that all human laws guarantee" - on condition that the murderers are Palestinians and the victims are Israelis. According to Fatah, since Israel has been an "occupier" since the day of its establishment "71 years" ago in 1948, Palestinian murder of any Israeli, adult or child is something "that all human laws guarantee for the oppressed peoples that are struggling to be redeemed from injustice and occupation." Accordingly for Fatah, as long as Israel exists Palestinians will have the right to kill Israeli children, as part of its "legitimate" struggle to destroy Israel.
Israel killed 550 children in its 2014 assault on Gaza.

What is your response?
Don't question it.

Nature has preprogrammed successful animals with a survival instinct, and once you add our ability to have a sentient perception of death, you have a formula for a more deep seated fear (at least, one that can be expressed by doing something more than just fleeing, like all other animals do).

It is the inverse of such a survival instinct to teach children that slaughtering others in "glorious" acts of mass murder / suicide will get them carnal rewards in some afterlife.

Palestinian Media Watch

Fatah: Murdering children is "legitimate human struggle" - when killer is Palestinian and victims are Israelis
Itamar Marcus | Jul 18, 2019
Fatah: Murdering 12 Israeli children and 25 adults was a "natural human expression that all human laws guarantee"

Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement believes that mass murder of children is "legitimate human struggle... that all human laws guarantee" - on condition that the murderers are Palestinians and the victims are Israelis. According to Fatah, since Israel has been an "occupier" since the day of its establishment "71 years" ago in 1948, Palestinian murder of any Israeli, adult or child is something "that all human laws guarantee for the oppressed peoples that are struggling to be redeemed from injustice and occupation." Accordingly for Fatah, as long as Israel exists Palestinians will have the right to kill Israeli children, as part of its "legitimate" struggle to destroy Israel.
Israel killed 550 children in its 2014 assault on Gaza.

What is your response?
As usual, you sidestepped around my post.

Your response was islamo-tap dancing.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Hollie, et al,

The aperiodic Armed Conflict between the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) and the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) is a reasonably foreseeable event. And it is these aperiodic Armed Conflicts which are the proximate cause of the deaths in which our friend (P F Tinmore) claims here. And it is here in which we must determine whether the HoAP or the IDF → intentionally committed such acts and knowingly instigated the engagement.

Israel killed 550 children in its 2014 assault on Gaza.

What is your response?

In the case of the year 2014, over thousands of rockets and mortars were fired from the HAMAS Gaza Strip. This precipitated the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict also known as Operation Protective Edge. The HoAP of HAMAS intentionally set the conditions which forced Israel to take such action.

The HoAP of HAMAS also, in the months preceding Operation Protective Edge, intentionally:

◈ Located military objectives into the densely populated civilian locations.

◈ Failed to remove civilian persons and objects under its control from the vicinity of HoAP-IDF military confrontations.
These two actions, by utilizing the presence of vulnerable civilians set the conditions that would cause the IDF to increase the inadvertent incidents of civilian casualties and to render such other HAMAS operations immune from IDF operations. And, as such casualties were used to incite the media circus coverage of the conflict → supporting the claims that Israel violated Customary and International Humanitarian Law.

........•  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Hollie, et al,

The aperiodic Armed Conflict between the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) and the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) is a reasonably foreseeable event. And it is these aperiodic Armed Conflicts which are the proximate cause of the deaths in which our friend (P F Tinmore) claims here. And it is here in which we must determine whether the HoAP or the IDF → intentionally committed such acts and knowingly instigated the engagement.

Israel killed 550 children in its 2014 assault on Gaza.

What is your response?

In the case of the year 2014, over thousands of rockets and mortars were fired from the HAMAS Gaza Strip. This precipitated the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict also known as Operation Protective Edge. The HoAP of HAMAS intentionally set the conditions which forced Israel to take such action.

The HoAP of HAMAS also, in the months preceding Operation Protective Edge, intentionally:

◈ Located military objectives into the densely populated civilian locations.

◈ Failed to remove civilian persons and objects under its control from the vicinity of HoAP-IDF military confrontations.
These two actions, by utilizing the presence of vulnerable civilians set the conditions that would cause the IDF to increase the inadvertent incidents of civilian casualties and to render such other HAMAS operations immune from IDF operations. And, as such casualties were used to incite the media circus coverage of the conflict → supporting the claims that Israel violated Customary and International Humanitarian Law.

........View attachment 284558
Most Respectfully,
The HoAP of HAMAS intentionally set the conditions which forced Israel to take such action.
Indeed, Israel always has to "defend itself" from the people it is attacking.
Yes, the "Park of Return".

Although, as you might expect, it's a cynical attempt by Hamas to cove some rather glaring inconsistencies regarding the ruling class and the disposable minions.

Hamas Set to Inaugurate Children’s Park Near Site of Violent Gaza Border Riots

The committee said, “The park is a message of our people’s life and continuity in the face of the occupation, that we are rooted in our land and cling to hope and life.”

The park is likely a response to criticism of the ruling Hamas terrorist group that it has been deliberately putting children in harm’s way during the riots, the Yediot report states.

This criticism has also taken on a class dimension, as Hamas is being blamed for exploiting the children of the poor, who are disproportionately placed among the rioters, while children from wealthy and connected families are not.

There are also claims that Hamas is not funding medical care for children injured in the riots.

To mark the opening of the park, further riots were held under the name “Our Martyrs,” which the committee called “an appeal to the international community to appeal to the International Court of Justice in The Hague against Israel for its crimes against the children in the Gaza Strip.”

Maybe I'm somehow missing some context here but I would think that "crimes against the children in the Gaza Strip" would take the form of exploiting children of the poor, "lower class" by way of using them as a disposable commodity at the border riots.

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Hollie, et al,

The aperiodic Armed Conflict between the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) and the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) is a reasonably foreseeable event. And it is these aperiodic Armed Conflicts which are the proximate cause of the deaths in which our friend (P F Tinmore) claims here. And it is here in which we must determine whether the HoAP or the IDF → intentionally committed such acts and knowingly instigated the engagement.

Israel killed 550 children in its 2014 assault on Gaza.

What is your response?

In the case of the year 2014, over thousands of rockets and mortars were fired from the HAMAS Gaza Strip. This precipitated the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict also known as Operation Protective Edge. The HoAP of HAMAS intentionally set the conditions which forced Israel to take such action.

The HoAP of HAMAS also, in the months preceding Operation Protective Edge, intentionally:

◈ Located military objectives into the densely populated civilian locations.

◈ Failed to remove civilian persons and objects under its control from the vicinity of HoAP-IDF military confrontations.
These two actions, by utilizing the presence of vulnerable civilians set the conditions that would cause the IDF to increase the inadvertent incidents of civilian casualties and to render such other HAMAS operations immune from IDF operations. And, as such casualties were used to incite the media circus coverage of the conflict → supporting the claims that Israel violated Customary and International Humanitarian Law.

........View attachment 284558
Most Respectfully,
The HoAP of HAMAS intentionally set the conditions which forced Israel to take such action.
Indeed, Israel always has to "defend itself" from the people it is attacking.

Indeed, Hamas waging war from civilian areas is a usual tactic. Indeed, the dead civilians as a result of those actions provides you the opportunity to parade those dead bodies around like a prize you won at a street carnival.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Hollie, et al,

The aperiodic Armed Conflict between the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) and the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) is a reasonably foreseeable event. And it is these aperiodic Armed Conflicts which are the proximate cause of the deaths in which our friend (P F Tinmore) claims here. And it is here in which we must determine whether the HoAP or the IDF → intentionally committed such acts and knowingly instigated the engagement.

Israel killed 550 children in its 2014 assault on Gaza.

What is your response?

In the case of the year 2014, over thousands of rockets and mortars were fired from the HAMAS Gaza Strip. This precipitated the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict also known as Operation Protective Edge. The HoAP of HAMAS intentionally set the conditions which forced Israel to take such action.

The HoAP of HAMAS also, in the months preceding Operation Protective Edge, intentionally:

◈ Located military objectives into the densely populated civilian locations.

◈ Failed to remove civilian persons and objects under its control from the vicinity of HoAP-IDF military confrontations.
These two actions, by utilizing the presence of vulnerable civilians set the conditions that would cause the IDF to increase the inadvertent incidents of civilian casualties and to render such other HAMAS operations immune from IDF operations. And, as such casualties were used to incite the media circus coverage of the conflict → supporting the claims that Israel violated Customary and International Humanitarian Law.

........View attachment 284558
Most Respectfully,
The HoAP of HAMAS intentionally set the conditions which forced Israel to take such action.
Indeed, Israel always has to "defend itself" from the people it is attacking.

Indeed, Hamas waging war from civilian areas is a usual tactic. Indeed, the dead civilians as a result of those actions provides you the opportunity to parade those dead bodies around like a prize you won at a street carnival.
Indeed, Hamas waging war from civilian areas is a usual tactic.
It is Israel who attacks Palestinians in their villages, neighborhoods, and homes. That is where you can expect to find civilians.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Hollie, et al,

The aperiodic Armed Conflict between the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) and the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) is a reasonably foreseeable event. And it is these aperiodic Armed Conflicts which are the proximate cause of the deaths in which our friend (P F Tinmore) claims here. And it is here in which we must determine whether the HoAP or the IDF → intentionally committed such acts and knowingly instigated the engagement.

Israel killed 550 children in its 2014 assault on Gaza.

What is your response?

In the case of the year 2014, over thousands of rockets and mortars were fired from the HAMAS Gaza Strip. This precipitated the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict also known as Operation Protective Edge. The HoAP of HAMAS intentionally set the conditions which forced Israel to take such action.

The HoAP of HAMAS also, in the months preceding Operation Protective Edge, intentionally:

◈ Located military objectives into the densely populated civilian locations.

◈ Failed to remove civilian persons and objects under its control from the vicinity of HoAP-IDF military confrontations.
These two actions, by utilizing the presence of vulnerable civilians set the conditions that would cause the IDF to increase the inadvertent incidents of civilian casualties and to render such other HAMAS operations immune from IDF operations. And, as such casualties were used to incite the media circus coverage of the conflict → supporting the claims that Israel violated Customary and International Humanitarian Law.

........View attachment 284558
Most Respectfully,
The HoAP of HAMAS intentionally set the conditions which forced Israel to take such action.
Indeed, Israel always has to "defend itself" from the people it is attacking.

Indeed, Hamas waging war from civilian areas is a usual tactic. Indeed, the dead civilians as a result of those actions provides you the opportunity to parade those dead bodies around like a prize you won at a street carnival.
Indeed, Hamas waging war from civilian areas is a usual tactic.
It is Israel who attacks Palestinians in their villages, neighborhoods, and homes. That is where you can expect to find civilians.

Indeed, that's just nonsense. That is nothing more than inventing excuses for the islamic terrorist pattern of behavior of waging war from civilian areas. Make all the cheap excuses you wish but the pattern is clear.

Indeed, here's a thought, instead of your heroes in Hamas using their military uniforms in silly fashion show parades after they suffer humiliating beatdowns, suggest to them they wage war while wearing those uniforms.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Hollie, et al,

OH! For Heaven's sake. This is an attempt to truncate the story that leads up to the third such incursion to quiet "the collapse of American-sponsored peace talks, attempts by rival Palestinian factions to form a coalition government, the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers, the subsequent kidnapping and murder of a Palestinian teenager," (New York Times 8 July '14 By Steven Erlanger and Isabel Kershner) and over 1000+ rocket attacks by the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP). These hostile actions by the HoAP, which constituted the precursor to the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict (Operation Protective Edge) response to the continuous indiscriminate rocket fire.

The HoAP of HAMAS intentionally set the conditions which forced Israel to take such action.
Indeed, Israel always has to "defend itself" from the people it is attacking.

One aspect angle of the HoAP propaganda strategy is to make the HoAP look like the victim and to make organizations like the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS), Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), and the Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ) (just to name a few), look like valiant resistance fighters. And it is amazingly crafty how the pro-Palestinians do it. I give you the example here by P F Tinmore. Here he attempts to shift the blame towards the Israelis by making them the action appear to be an unjustified act of aggression.

Israel really does not have to justify any action it has since the War of Independence in 1948. In each case, there has been ample justification that the HoAP has used the threat of - or - the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Israel.

.........•  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Hollie, et al,

The aperiodic Armed Conflict between the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) and the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) is a reasonably foreseeable event. And it is these aperiodic Armed Conflicts which are the proximate cause of the deaths in which our friend (P F Tinmore) claims here. And it is here in which we must determine whether the HoAP or the IDF → intentionally committed such acts and knowingly instigated the engagement.

Israel killed 550 children in its 2014 assault on Gaza.

What is your response?

In the case of the year 2014, over thousands of rockets and mortars were fired from the HAMAS Gaza Strip. This precipitated the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict also known as Operation Protective Edge. The HoAP of HAMAS intentionally set the conditions which forced Israel to take such action.

The HoAP of HAMAS also, in the months preceding Operation Protective Edge, intentionally:

◈ Located military objectives into the densely populated civilian locations.

◈ Failed to remove civilian persons and objects under its control from the vicinity of HoAP-IDF military confrontations.
These two actions, by utilizing the presence of vulnerable civilians set the conditions that would cause the IDF to increase the inadvertent incidents of civilian casualties and to render such other HAMAS operations immune from IDF operations. And, as such casualties were used to incite the media circus coverage of the conflict → supporting the claims that Israel violated Customary and International Humanitarian Law.

........View attachment 284558
Most Respectfully,
The HoAP of HAMAS intentionally set the conditions which forced Israel to take such action.
Indeed, Israel always has to "defend itself" from the people it is attacking.

Indeed, Hamas waging war from civilian areas is a usual tactic. Indeed, the dead civilians as a result of those actions provides you the opportunity to parade those dead bodies around like a prize you won at a street carnival.
Indeed, Hamas waging war from civilian areas is a usual tactic.
It is Israel who attacks Palestinians in their villages, neighborhoods, and homes. That is where you can expect to find civilians.

Indeed, that's just nonsense. That is nothing more than inventing excuses for the islamic terrorist pattern of behavior of waging war from civilian areas. Make all the cheap excuses you wish but the pattern is clear.

Indeed, here's a thought, instead of your heroes in Hamas using their military uniforms in silly fashion show parades after they suffer humiliating beatdowns, suggest to them they wage war while wearing those uniforms.
Ahh, the Hamas lady posts again.

Nonsense, Israel attacks Palestinians, at home, without provocation.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Hollie, et al,

OH! For Heaven's sake. This is an attempt to truncate the story that leads up to the third such incursion to quiet "the collapse of American-sponsored peace talks, attempts by rival Palestinian factions to form a coalition government, the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers, the subsequent kidnapping and murder of a Palestinian teenager," (New York Times 8 July '14 By Steven Erlanger and Isabel Kershner) and over 1000+ rocket attacks by the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP). These hostile actions by the HoAP, which constituted the precursor to the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict (Operation Protective Edge) response to the continuous indiscriminate rocket fire.

The HoAP of HAMAS intentionally set the conditions which forced Israel to take such action.
Indeed, Israel always has to "defend itself" from the people it is attacking.

One aspect angle of the HoAP propaganda strategy is to make the HoAP look like the victim and to make organizations like the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS), Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), and the Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ) (just to name a few), look like valiant resistance fighters. And it is amazingly crafty how the pro-Palestinians do it. I give you the example here by P F Tinmore. Here he attempts to shift the blame towards the Israelis by making them the action appear to be an unjustified act of aggression.

Israel really does not have to justify any action it has since the War of Independence in 1948. In each case, there has been ample justification that the HoAP has used the threat of - or - the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Israel.

.........View attachment 284566
Most Respectfully,
There is no "right" to defend a colonial project.

Look it up.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Hollie, et al,

The aperiodic Armed Conflict between the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) and the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) is a reasonably foreseeable event. And it is these aperiodic Armed Conflicts which are the proximate cause of the deaths in which our friend (P F Tinmore) claims here. And it is here in which we must determine whether the HoAP or the IDF → intentionally committed such acts and knowingly instigated the engagement.


In the case of the year 2014, over thousands of rockets and mortars were fired from the HAMAS Gaza Strip. This precipitated the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict also known as Operation Protective Edge. The HoAP of HAMAS intentionally set the conditions which forced Israel to take such action.

The HoAP of HAMAS also, in the months preceding Operation Protective Edge, intentionally:

◈ Located military objectives into the densely populated civilian locations.

◈ Failed to remove civilian persons and objects under its control from the vicinity of HoAP-IDF military confrontations.
These two actions, by utilizing the presence of vulnerable civilians set the conditions that would cause the IDF to increase the inadvertent incidents of civilian casualties and to render such other HAMAS operations immune from IDF operations. And, as such casualties were used to incite the media circus coverage of the conflict → supporting the claims that Israel violated Customary and International Humanitarian Law.

........View attachment 284558
Most Respectfully,
The HoAP of HAMAS intentionally set the conditions which forced Israel to take such action.
Indeed, Israel always has to "defend itself" from the people it is attacking.

Indeed, Hamas waging war from civilian areas is a usual tactic. Indeed, the dead civilians as a result of those actions provides you the opportunity to parade those dead bodies around like a prize you won at a street carnival.
Indeed, Hamas waging war from civilian areas is a usual tactic.
It is Israel who attacks Palestinians in their villages, neighborhoods, and homes. That is where you can expect to find civilians.

Indeed, that's just nonsense. That is nothing more than inventing excuses for the islamic terrorist pattern of behavior of waging war from civilian areas. Make all the cheap excuses you wish but the pattern is clear.

Indeed, here's a thought, instead of your heroes in Hamas using their military uniforms in silly fashion show parades after they suffer humiliating beatdowns, suggest to them they wage war while wearing those uniforms.
Ahh, the Hamas lady posts again.

Nonsense, Israel attacks Palestinians, at home, without provocation.

Indeed, I understand you're joking as continued rocket fire from Gaza was the impetus for the Israeli response to islamic terrorist provocation. Indeed, you might add a clown face to your posting image so everyone is clear your joking.

You might consider that Israel had every legitimate right to respond to the islamic terrorist attacks.

As we know, from your continue insistence, the Treaty of Lausanne created the "Country of Pally'land" in 1924. The attacks aimed at Israel coming from the "Country of Pally'land" thus constituted an act of war and Israel responded as necessary to protect its citizens.

Odd that your islamic terrorist heroes never wore military uniforms identifying themselves as waging war on behalf of the "Country of Pally'land".
Last edited:
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, Hollie, et al,

OH! For Heaven's sake. This is an attempt to truncate the story that leads up to the third such incursion to quiet "the collapse of American-sponsored peace talks, attempts by rival Palestinian factions to form a coalition government, the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers, the subsequent kidnapping and murder of a Palestinian teenager," (New York Times 8 July '14 By Steven Erlanger and Isabel Kershner) and over 1000+ rocket attacks by the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP). These hostile actions by the HoAP, which constituted the precursor to the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict (Operation Protective Edge) response to the continuous indiscriminate rocket fire.

The HoAP of HAMAS intentionally set the conditions which forced Israel to take such action.
Indeed, Israel always has to "defend itself" from the people it is attacking.

One aspect angle of the HoAP propaganda strategy is to make the HoAP look like the victim and to make organizations like the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS), Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), and the Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ) (just to name a few), look like valiant resistance fighters. And it is amazingly crafty how the pro-Palestinians do it. I give you the example here by P F Tinmore. Here he attempts to shift the blame towards the Israelis by making them the action appear to be an unjustified act of aggression.

Israel really does not have to justify any action it has since the War of Independence in 1948. In each case, there has been ample justification that the HoAP has used the threat of - or - the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of Israel.

.........View attachment 284566
Most Respectfully,
There is no "right" to defend a colonial project.

Look it up.

Indeed, what is the history of the geographic area of Palestine if not a Turkish then Arab colonial project.

Indeed, you should look that up.
Indeed, Israel always has to "defend itself" from the people it is attacking.

Indeed, Hamas waging war from civilian areas is a usual tactic. Indeed, the dead civilians as a result of those actions provides you the opportunity to parade those dead bodies around like a prize you won at a street carnival.
Indeed, Hamas waging war from civilian areas is a usual tactic.
It is Israel who attacks Palestinians in their villages, neighborhoods, and homes. That is where you can expect to find civilians.

Indeed, that's just nonsense. That is nothing more than inventing excuses for the islamic terrorist pattern of behavior of waging war from civilian areas. Make all the cheap excuses you wish but the pattern is clear.

Indeed, here's a thought, instead of your heroes in Hamas using their military uniforms in silly fashion show parades after they suffer humiliating beatdowns, suggest to them they wage war while wearing those uniforms.
Ahh, the Hamas lady posts again.

Nonsense, Israel attacks Palestinians, at home, without provocation.

Indeed, I understand you're joking as continued rocket fire from Gaza was the impetus for the Israeli response to islamic terrorist provocation. Indeed, you might add a clown face to your posting image so everyone is clear your joking.

You might consider that Israel had every legitimate right to respond to the islamic terrorist attacks.

As we know, from your continue insistence, the Treaty of Lausanne created the "Country of Pally'land" in 1924. The attacks aimed at Israel coming from the "Country of Pally'land" thus constituted an act of war and Israel responded as necessary to protect its citizens.

Odd that your islamic terrorist heroes never wore military uniforms identifying themselves as waging war on behalf of the "Country of Pally'land".
Odd that your islamic terrorist heroes
Name calling is a sign of losing.
Indeed, Israel always has to "defend itself" from the people it is attacking.

Indeed, Hamas waging war from civilian areas is a usual tactic. Indeed, the dead civilians as a result of those actions provides you the opportunity to parade those dead bodies around like a prize you won at a street carnival.
Indeed, Hamas waging war from civilian areas is a usual tactic.
It is Israel who attacks Palestinians in their villages, neighborhoods, and homes. That is where you can expect to find civilians.

Indeed, that's just nonsense. That is nothing more than inventing excuses for the islamic terrorist pattern of behavior of waging war from civilian areas. Make all the cheap excuses you wish but the pattern is clear.

Indeed, here's a thought, instead of your heroes in Hamas using their military uniforms in silly fashion show parades after they suffer humiliating beatdowns, suggest to them they wage war while wearing those uniforms.
Ahh, the Hamas lady posts again.

Nonsense, Israel attacks Palestinians, at home, without provocation.

Indeed, I understand you're joking as continued rocket fire from Gaza was the impetus for the Israeli response to islamic terrorist provocation. Indeed, you might add a clown face to your posting image so everyone is clear your joking.

You might consider that Israel had every legitimate right to respond to the islamic terrorist attacks.

As we know, from your continue insistence, the Treaty of Lausanne created the "Country of Pally'land" in 1924. The attacks aimed at Israel coming from the "Country of Pally'land" thus constituted an act of war and Israel responded as necessary to protect its citizens.

Odd that your islamic terrorist heroes never wore military uniforms identifying themselves as waging war on behalf of the "Country of Pally'land".
The attacks aimed at Israel coming from the "Country of Pally'land" thus constituted an act of war and Israel responded as necessary to protect its citizens.
The Palestinians do not attack outside their territory.
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