Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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The Quds News Network warns its Facebook readers (and this is on Twitter as well.)

" ATTENTION! If you want to keep your #Facebook account/page safe and secure, don't publish posts with Palestine-related words, such as "martyr, Hamas, Jihad..." Your account may be blocked according to FB's new anti-Palestine algorithms.

It is nice for them to admit that "Palestine-related words" include calls for violence against Jews and cheering for those who succeed.

Al-Araby has its own list of "Palestinian resistance" words that they claim Facebook is censoring with its new algorithm: "Hamas", "Islamic Jihad", "Al-Qassam Brigades", "Al-Quds Brigades", "Popular Front", "Palestinian resistance" and "Shahid."

(full article online)

"Palestine-related words such as 'martyr, Hamas, Jihad...'" ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
[ The heroes of Islam against to evil, evil Jews ]

The International Committee of the Red Cross issued a statement today:

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) laments the misplaced public pressure directed towards its offices and staff over the past days which has led to the cancellation of a number of activities including family visits to the larger detainee population.

"In recent days, we have seen sit-ins spiral out of control outside some of our offices in the occupied Palestinian territory. Staff were insulted and accused of not doing enough to follow up on their commitment towards Palestinian detainees in Israeli detention," said David Quesne, the head of the ICRC’s mission in Jerusalem.

Quesne is understating what happened. The ICRC offices in Ramallah were shut down completely by protesters. When Quesne says "staff were insulted" he means they were threatened.

Who is the person they are showing in their placards?

Samer Arbid of the PFLP, who was arrested for leading a cell that murdered Rina Shnerb, 17, with an explosive device. The Shin Bet considers him a "ticking time bomb" and has employed measures, approved by Israel's Supreme Court in such cases, including forcing prisoners into uncomfortable positions, depriving them of sleep, shackling them and subjecting them to extreme temperatures. Arbid suffered a heart-related problem during interrogation and was sent to Hadassah Hospital.

The Palestinians are defending this monster.

(full article online)

Palestinians threaten ICRC employees in protest in support of murderer of 17 year old girl ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
If you have to ask,
The Richest Terror Organizations in the World

'Where's the Qatari Money?

'Where's the Qatari money?' Hamas facing growing criticism in Gaza

Recent spike in injuries among Palestinian youths dispatched by terror group to protest at Israeli border fence has led to a rise in complaints about the Strip's rulers, as Gazans see double standard in opportunities and funding

According to the statistics, of thousands of Palestinians injured during the weekly protests at the border, the casualties are mainly youths who will, in the best-case scenario, limp for the rest of their lives, or worse, lose one of their feet.
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  • Palestinian karate championship for young women named after murderer of 37 Israeli civilians
  • "Sisters of Dalal Mughrabi Championship for Young Women" was held by the Palestinian Karate Federation, which is a member of the Asian Karate Federation, a member of the World Karate Federation
  • The logo of the World Karate Federation was featured at the tournament
  • PMW has written to the World Karate Federation and the Asian Karate Federation asking that they condemn the Palestinian Karate Federation for naming an event after a terrorist mass murderer and prohibit the recurrence of terror glorification by the Palestinian Karate Federation and all other member federations in the future, but the federations have not responded

(full article online)

Does The World Karate Federation authorize tournaments named after Palestinian terrorists? |PMW Analysis
You learn such interesting things from Hamas:

The Zionist movement in its project to establish a state for Jews in #Palestine, brought diverse groups of world Jews who were different in race, language , color and culture and resided them in it.
They are strangers to the land, it does not know them and they don’t know it. but in the hope of making homogeneity between all of these groups, it created a story that did not succeed. Is there a future for this project?"

For over seventy years, haters of Israel have predicted its demise.

And they'll keep confidently doing it. Because the reality that Israel is a vibrant, dynamic, Jewish state is too shameful for them to consider.

(full article online)

Hamas says Zionist project is a failure ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
This is disturbing. Holocaust denial is a horrific thing. But it is even more horrific when it is coming from a potential “peace partner.” But that’s the thing – the Palestinian Authority is by no means a peace partner. They have made it clear that they want to destroy Israel and the Jewish people. They welcome spilled Jewish blood.

So when they make a Holocaust denial video like this, it only proves more to the world what they really want. They spread lie after lie about the Jewish people. They fabricated an entire video. The Palestinian Authority mocked the Holocaust. They mocked the 6 million Jews that were slaughtered by the Nazis.

(Full article and video online)

Israel's "peace partner" creates disturbing Holocaust denial video
This is disturbing. Holocaust denial is a horrific thing. But it is even more horrific when it is coming from a potential “peace partner.” But that’s the thing – the Palestinian Authority is by no means a peace partner. They have made it clear that they want to destroy Israel and the Jewish people. They welcome spilled Jewish blood.

So when they make a Holocaust denial video like this, it only proves more to the world what they really want. They spread lie after lie about the Jewish people. They fabricated an entire video. The Palestinian Authority mocked the Holocaust. They mocked the 6 million Jews that were slaughtered by the Nazis.

(Full article and video online)

Israel's "peace partner" creates disturbing Holocaust denial video

Just one more Reason why the “ Two State Solution “ / “ Right of Return “ is DOA
The "three monotheistic religions" of the Vatican message has been reduced by one by the Muslim representative. He is saying that the Jews have been attacking the holy sites of Jerusalem - and have no right to be there.

He then makes it worse:

"We take the occasion of this meeting to emphasize our adherence to the principles of the Omar pact, which established the form of the Christian-Muslim relationship on the basis that the Al-Aqsa mosque is exclusively a place of prayer for Muslims, just like the Church of the Holy Sepulcher is of the Christians."

This pact, which is known in Arabic as the al-ʿUhda al-ʿUmariyya, has been questioned as to its authenticity, and many versions exist. The seemingly most authoritative version, recorded by al-Tabari, includes:

(full article online)

Muslim leader denies Jewish rights in Jerusalem to Vatican representatives ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Hollie, et al,

Frankly, → I was amused that they even considered rejecting the revenue funds.

Mo' money for Mahoud. Maybe his presidential jet needs a costly tune-up.

Palestinians to resume taking tax money collected by Israel

The cash-strapped Palestinian Authority (PA) will once again accept tax revenues collected on its behalf by Israel, after rejecting the money for months, Israeli and Palestinian officials said on Friday.

The PA had stopped taking the money because of a dispute with Israel over stipends paid to the families of Palestinians killed or jailed by Israel

I wonder if the Jerusalem Government is still withholding those funds. It is legal under international law. In fact, one could make a case that it is illegal for Israel not to take some action that would be would be a punitive measure against the Ramallah Government for violating the International Convention.

Most Respectfully,
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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Hollie, et al,

Frankly, → I was amused that they even considered rejecting the revenue funds.

Mo' money for Mahoud. Maybe his presidential jet needs a costly tune-up.

Palestinians to resume taking tax money collected by Israel

The cash-strapped Palestinian Authority (PA) will once again accept tax revenues collected on its behalf by Israel, after rejecting the money for months, Israeli and Palestinian officials said on Friday.

The PA had stopped taking the money because of a dispute with Israel over stipends paid to the families of Palestinians killed or jailed by Israel

I wonder if the Jerusalem Government is still withholding those funds. It is legal under international law. In fact, one could make a case that it is illegal for Israel not to take some action that would be would be a punitive measure against the Ramallah Government for violating the International Convention.

Most Respectfully,

I suppose I can see why Abbas would refuse the tax fund revenue; it was a stunt intended to gain some street-cred with Arab neighbors. It was a way for Abbas to perform some chest-heaving, self aggrandizement.

I do think the international community is a long way past expecting any compliance with international law or customs from the PA of Hamas. Collectively, the international community is responsible for aiding and abetting the actions of largely lawless territories and Islamic terrorist enclaves. It is the international community that literally funds lawless actions that would not be tolerated elsewhere.

I have thought often that the two Islamic terrorist enclaves have made a considered choice to maintain the status quo as welfare recipients vs. making an attempt at statehood. That would be a financial, social and ethical burden that the enclaves simply can’t accept. A “Country of Pal’istan” would be in quite a predicament when the first rocket sailed out of Gaza or when the border riots managed to penetrate the Israeli border fence. Those would be acts of war and the “Country of Pal’istan” would be accountable for prompting such acts. The “Poor, Oppressed Pal’istanians” would find far less recourse in playing the eternally aggrieved victim as they do now.
The Iranian Mullocrats are letting it be known that their occupation forces in Gaza’istan are going to sacrifice as many Sunni Arab-Moslems as it takes to fight the gee-had against Israel.

Islamic Jihad Leader in Gaza Vows to Oppose Trump's Peace Plan

Islamic Jihad leader in Gaza vows to oppose Trump's peace plan

As the organization celebrates 32 years since its founding, Ziad al-Nakhalah says that Islamic Jihad has imposed new rules of the game in the struggle against Israel

Oct 05, 2019 9:15 PM


Islamic jihad militants take part in a military show marking the 32nd anniversary of the organisation's founding, October 3, 2019.\ IBRAHEEM ABU MUSTAFA/ REUTERS
The leader of Islamic Jihad vowed Saturday to fight any Israeli-Palestinian peace plan proposed by U.S. President Donald Trump's administration "with all the power at our disposal."

What Islamic gee-had meant to say was:

with all the Sunni Arabs we can dispose of"
I just really can’t imagine the fear and degradation imposed on women by such a societal illness.

Palestinian women's lives endangered by PA religious leaders' ruling
Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Oct 3, 2019

Palestinian women's lives endangered by PA religious leaders' ruling |PMW Analysis

  • Top PA religious figures prohibit Palestinian women from submitting complaints over spouses to Israeli police
  • PA Ministry of Justice is working on improving legislation on family matters, including "ensuring punishment of those who commit crimes from a motive of honor"
  • The Israeli Arab party The Joint List has announced that it will boycott today's swearing-in ceremony of the Israeli Parliament in protest of what it calls the government's failure to address the rising levels of violence in Arab towns. Yet while Israeli Arab politicians are complaining that not enough is being done to tackle the growing problem of violence in Israeli Arab communities, the PA is telling Palestinian women not to go to the Israeli police with complaints over their husbands
Call ‘em crazy or just call ‘em a pious Moslem following in the way of the 7th century Arab warlord who invented Islamism.

Palestinian cleric Nidhal "Abu Ibrahim" Siam said in an address at the Al-Aqsa Mosque that was uploaded to the Internet on September 19, 2019 that democracy, freedom of religion, freedom of expression, property rights, and personal freedom contradict Islam, and he said that anybody who leaves Islam must be killed for apostasy.

"Al-Aqsa Mosque Address by Palestinian Cleric Nidhal Siam: Women's Rights Slogan "My Body Is My Property" Is an Evil Attempt to Destroy the Islamic Nation; Islamic State Would Use Jihad to Safeguard Women's Chastity"
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In case you weren't invited to the graduation ceremony, leftover falafel and explosive vests are in the fridge. Help yourself.

On October 5, 2019, Alkofiya TV (Gaza) aired a report about an October 3 graduation ceremony that was held at the Nidal Military Academy in the south of the Gaza Strip for the seventh graduating class of the Nidal Al-Amoudi Battalion of the Al-Aqsa Martyr's Brigades. Abu Ahmad, the Commander of the Nidal Al-Amoudi Battalion, delivered a speech, saying that Fatah is the leader of the Palestinians' armed struggle, that it is the leader of martyrdom-seekers, and that it fired the first bullet and threw the first stone against Israel.

"Commander of Gaza-Based Fatah Splinter Group: Fatah Is the Leader of the Armed Struggle"
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