Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ et al,

Renouncing the Oslo Accords is hardly a new idea. Some faction (or another) of the pro-Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) periodically suggest this.


Hamas urges Abbas to renounce Oslo Accords at UN speech

PA slams Trump for "intentionally ignoring" Palestinians

The question is, what are the consequences of dissolving the Accords.

◈ The Accords are (in part) an Agreement between the Government of the State of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) •• and (in part) with the Israeli Military Government (plus the Civil Administration) to the Council in accordance with this Agreement Palestinian Council (the legislative body).

◈ The Interim Agreement is the platform on all the issues deferred to the agenda of the permanent status negotiations (Jerusalem, refugees, settlements, security arrangements, borders, relations and cooperation with other neighbors, and other issues of common interest). Not that the Hostile Arab Palestinians ever really attempted to use the Article V options.

◈ The accords create the Palestinian Authority (PA). Is there anything (connection, conduit or activity) the PA serves today that → once dissolved, would deprive the Ramallah Government in something of a necessity.​

What difference would it make? With the breaking of the agreement with the PLO, what effect would that have on the joint security agreement?

Who gains?
Who benefits?
And why?​

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Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ et al,

Renouncing the Oslo Accords is hardly a new idea. Some faction (or another) of the pro-Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) periodically suggest this.


Hamas urges Abbas to renounce Oslo Accords at UN speech

PA slams Trump for "intentionally ignoring" Palestinians

The question is, what are the consequences of dissolving the Accords.

◈ The Accords are (in part) an Agreement between the Government of the State of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) •• and (in part) with the Israeli Military Government (plus the Civil Administration) to the Council in accordance with this Agreement Palestinian Council (the legislative body).

◈ The Interim Agreement is the platform on all the issues deferred to the agenda of the permanent status negotiations (Jerusalem, refugees, settlements, security arrangements, borders, relations and cooperation with other neighbors, and other issues of common interest). Not that the Hostile Arab Palestinians ever really attempted to use the Article V options.

◈ The accords create the Palestinian Authority (PA). Is there anything (connection, conduit or activity) the PA serves today that → once dissolved, would deprive the Ramallah Government in something of a necessity.​

What difference would it make? With the breaking of the agreement with the PLO, what effect would that have on the joint security agreement?

Who gains?
Who benefits?
And why?​

........View attachment 281007
Most Respectfully,
Oslo is dead, expired, stillborn, whatever.

Oslo was just an excuse for Israel to steal stuff while pretending to be making peace.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ et al,

Renouncing the Oslo Accords is hardly a new idea. Some faction (or another) of the pro-Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) periodically suggest this.


Hamas urges Abbas to renounce Oslo Accords at UN speech

PA slams Trump for "intentionally ignoring" Palestinians

The question is, what are the consequences of dissolving the Accords.

◈ The Accords are (in part) an Agreement between the Government of the State of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) •• and (in part) with the Israeli Military Government (plus the Civil Administration) to the Council in accordance with this Agreement Palestinian Council (the legislative body).

◈ The Interim Agreement is the platform on all the issues deferred to the agenda of the permanent status negotiations (Jerusalem, refugees, settlements, security arrangements, borders, relations and cooperation with other neighbors, and other issues of common interest). Not that the Hostile Arab Palestinians ever really attempted to use the Article V options.

◈ The accords create the Palestinian Authority (PA). Is there anything (connection, conduit or activity) the PA serves today that → once dissolved, would deprive the Ramallah Government in something of a necessity.​

What difference would it make? With the breaking of the agreement with the PLO, what effect would that have on the joint security agreement?

Who gains?
Who benefits?
And why?​

........View attachment 281007
Most Respectfully,
Oslo is dead, expired, stillborn, whatever.

Oslo was just an excuse for Israel to steal stuff while pretending to be making peace.

What was stolen?

This is another unsupported claim.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ et al,

Renouncing the Oslo Accords is hardly a new idea. Some faction (or another) of the pro-Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) periodically suggest this.


The question is, what are the consequences of dissolving the Accords.

◈ The Accords are (in part) an Agreement between the Government of the State of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) •• and (in part) with the Israeli Military Government (plus the Civil Administration) to the Council in accordance with this Agreement Palestinian Council (the legislative body).

◈ The Interim Agreement is the platform on all the issues deferred to the agenda of the permanent status negotiations (Jerusalem, refugees, settlements, security arrangements, borders, relations and cooperation with other neighbors, and other issues of common interest). Not that the Hostile Arab Palestinians ever really attempted to use the Article V options.

◈ The accords create the Palestinian Authority (PA). Is there anything (connection, conduit or activity) the PA serves today that → once dissolved, would deprive the Ramallah Government in something of a necessity.​

What difference would it make? With the breaking of the agreement with the PLO, what effect would that have on the joint security agreement?

Who gains?
Who benefits?
And why?​

........View attachment 281007
Most Respectfully,
Oslo is dead, expired, stillborn, whatever.

Oslo was just an excuse for Israel to steal stuff while pretending to be making peace.

What was stolen?

This is another unsupported claim.
Stupid post of the day. :290968001256257790-final:

Pathetic trolling with no substance or intelligent response is all You've got?
Go troll some place other.
Appropriate response to a stupid post.

You keep pathetically repeating,
while offering no substance or counter argumentation to Hollie's post
Do You actually have a point?
Last edited:
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ et al,

Renouncing the Oslo Accords is hardly a new idea. Some faction (or another) of the pro-Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) periodically suggest this.


Hamas urges Abbas to renounce Oslo Accords at UN speech

PA slams Trump for "intentionally ignoring" Palestinians

The question is, what are the consequences of dissolving the Accords.

◈ The Accords are (in part) an Agreement between the Government of the State of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) •• and (in part) with the Israeli Military Government (plus the Civil Administration) to the Council in accordance with this Agreement Palestinian Council (the legislative body).

◈ The Interim Agreement is the platform on all the issues deferred to the agenda of the permanent status negotiations (Jerusalem, refugees, settlements, security arrangements, borders, relations and cooperation with other neighbors, and other issues of common interest). Not that the Hostile Arab Palestinians ever really attempted to use the Article V options.

◈ The accords create the Palestinian Authority (PA). Is there anything (connection, conduit or activity) the PA serves today that → once dissolved, would deprive the Ramallah Government in something of a necessity.​

What difference would it make? With the breaking of the agreement with the PLO, what effect would that have on the joint security agreement?

Who gains?
Who benefits?
And why?​

........View attachment 281007
Most Respectfully,

I view the events surrounding Oslo as a demonstration of the potential for a lasting peace. However, I think it was naive to believe that Arafat would be a reliable participant.

The occasional threats by the Arabs-Moslems to "renounce" Oslo is empty rhetoric as the PLO is little more than a label for historical baggage.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ et al,

Renouncing the Oslo Accords is hardly a new idea. Some faction (or another) of the pro-Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) periodically suggest this.


The question is, what are the consequences of dissolving the Accords.

◈ The Accords are (in part) an Agreement between the Government of the State of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) •• and (in part) with the Israeli Military Government (plus the Civil Administration) to the Council in accordance with this Agreement Palestinian Council (the legislative body).

◈ The Interim Agreement is the platform on all the issues deferred to the agenda of the permanent status negotiations (Jerusalem, refugees, settlements, security arrangements, borders, relations and cooperation with other neighbors, and other issues of common interest). Not that the Hostile Arab Palestinians ever really attempted to use the Article V options.

◈ The accords create the Palestinian Authority (PA). Is there anything (connection, conduit or activity) the PA serves today that → once dissolved, would deprive the Ramallah Government in something of a necessity.​

What difference would it make? With the breaking of the agreement with the PLO, what effect would that have on the joint security agreement?

Who gains?
Who benefits?
And why?​

........View attachment 281007
Most Respectfully,
Oslo is dead, expired, stillborn, whatever.

Oslo was just an excuse for Israel to steal stuff while pretending to be making peace.

What was stolen?

This is another unsupported claim.
Stupid post of the day. :290968001256257790-final:

It's a shame your are reduced to emotional outbursts when you are challenged with supporting your claims.
The sky is blue.

Now, do you want me to support my claim?

You have a history of making baseless claims you cannot support.

You were tasked, again, with supporting your claim and you could not.
It seems the islamic terrorist thought the results of islamic terrorism would be different.

An obvious, common sense request that has been acknowledged by several nations which have recognized that their welfare contributions have been used to aid and abet islamic terrorism.

Greenblatt calls to halt donor funding to PA, Hamas regimes

Donor countries should stop funding the Palestinian Authority and Hamas regimes which is squandering the money, US special envoy Jason Greenblatt said in an opinion piece he published Thursday on the Fox News website.

“Donor countries must ask themselves why they should keep struggling to raise money when everyone can plainly see the Hamas regime and the Palestinian Authority are squandering the opportunities that donor money provides for a better future for all Palestinians,” Greenblatt said.
An angry Abu was lecturing the UN about all things unfair that have fallen on the Arabs-Moslems. It was a lot of angry Abu whining about what he wants and who should be tasked with meeting angry Abu's demands.

At UN Abbas rejects Israeli ‘arrogance’, vows to terminate all agreements if Palestinian territory is annexed

At UN Abbas rejects Israeli ‘arrogance’, vows to terminate all agreements if Palestinian territory is annexed.

In his speech to the UN General Assembly, Mr. Abbas strongly rejected the “arrogant” pre-election announcement by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s of an “illegal plan” to annex and apply sovereignty over the Jordan Valley, the northern Dead Sea and other Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Vowing that if any such plan were carried out, by any Israeli Government, Palestine would terminate all previously signed agreements and relevant obligations.

“What would you do if someone tried…to erase your presence?” he asked the delegations in the Assembly Hall and demanded: “Hasn’t the time come for the emancipation of the Palestinian people and their freedom from this injustice, oppression and occupation?”

Angry Abu whined:
"What would you do if someone tried…to erase your presence?”

Good question, Abu. The Israelis ask that question when the Islamo-barbarians are at the border fence.
You may remember that it was angry Abu who posed the question:
"What would you do if someone tried…to erase your presence?”

The islamo-barbarians are rioting at the border again. Maybe it's just me but when the angry Muhammuds are attacking your border and trying to erase your presence, you have to defend yourself.

Palestinians say 28 injured in riots along Gaza border

Palestinians say 28 injured in riots along Gaza border

7,000 take part in weekly protests; several hundred riot, throwing explosive devices and rocks at troops who respond with tear gas and occasional live fire
By TOI STAFFToday, 7:40 pm 2

Over 7,000 Palestinians took part in weekly protests along the Gaza Strip’s border with Israel on Friday afternoon, the IDF said, with several hundred rioting and throwing rocks and explosives at troops along the border.

The rioters also burned tires and threw fire bombs and one Palestinian briefly crossed into Israeli territory before immediately returning to the other side of the border.

A spokesman for the Hamas-run Gaza health ministry said that 28 Palestinians were injured, including three from live fire.

Also among the injured was a volunteer paramedic who was struck with a teargas canister, the spokesman said.
The rioting will have to wait for these wannabes. They may well be doing their gee-had from an Israeli hoosegow, praying to Mecca over the toilet from cell block "C".
Four Hamas Terrorists to Go on Trial

Four Hamas Terrorists to Go on Trial | Hamodia.com
By Dov Benovadia

Tuesday, September 24, 2019 at 4:01 am | כ"ד אלול תשע"ט

Arab rioters on the Gaza-Israel border in Rafah, Gaza. (Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)
Prosecutors on Tuesday filed indictments against four Hamas terrorists. The four are charged with six separate acts of terrorism, including attempting to breach the Gaza border fence, and acquiring and attempting to use weapons in a terror attack.

The four, ranging in ages from 24 through 29, are residents of Gaza who sneaked over the border fence into Israel. They participated in numerous riots between 2016 and 2019 after joining Hamas, throwing rocks and firebombs in attempts to harm Israeli soldiers. They also participated in preparing and dispatching terror balloons, armed with explosives that landed and started fires in forests and farms.
Here’s today’s chapter of “Those Poor, Oppressed Pal’istanians”

If only that had more welfare money....

Hollywood Hills corner West Bank: Meet the Palestinian villagers living out the American dream

Hollywood Hills Corner West Bank: Meet the Palestinian Villagers Living Out the American Dream

The Palestinian village of Turmus Ayya is empty for most of the year, until its residents return in the summer from the U.S., where they moved to make the big bucks. The Western influence sets them apart from other West Bank communities, but doesn’t help solve many challenges

Patty Nieberg and Yasmin Zaher Sep 27, 2019 2:24 PM


A villa in Turmus Ayya, September 10, 2019.Patricia Nieberg
Halfway between the West Bank cities of Ramallah and Nablus, the road gives way to an exit unlike any other along Israel’s Highway 60. At first glance, this route — lined with palm trees and polished sidewalks that lead up to lavish stone villas — looks like a well-funded Jewish settlement. But a closer look reveals that unlike other typical settlements, there is no security gate at the entrance to the community and its houses are not lined up in rows along the hilltops.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

Ultimately, each nation (their citizenry) has to decide to whom they will donate fund.

But International law says:

18. 1999 International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism

◈ Requires parties to take steps to prevent and counteract the financing of terrorists, whether direct or indirect, through groups claiming to have charitable, social or cultural goals or which also engage in illicit activities such as drug trafficking or gun running;

◈ Commits States to hold those who finance terrorism criminally, civilly or administratively liable for such acts; and

◈ Provides for the identification, freezing and seizure of funds allocated for terrorist activities, as well as for the sharing of the forfeited funds with other States on a case-by-case basis. Bank secrecy is no longer adequate justification for refusing to cooperate.​

Another meeting at the UN and another opportunity for the Arabs-Moslems to demonstrate why various nations are withholding their welfare payments.

The PA spends six percent of its annual budget to pay $4.5 million a month to jailed terroristsand another $6.5 million to their families, yet continues to ask for foreign donations.

The International Community should give no consideration whatsoever, in attempts at using political, economic, military or liberation as a justification for Criminal Acts directed against Israel (or any other State) with the intention to compel the Israeli Government to adopt some course of action, or some act that furthers the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) criminal objective.

The HoAP may not use the excuse of "Resistance Fighter" to commit offenses which are solely intended to harm the Occupying Power (Israel) or seriously damage the property of the occupying forces or administration or the installations used by the State of Israel. This includes any activity by the HoAP in the form of espionage or serious acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying Power or of intentional offenses which have caused the death of one or more persons. These offenses are prohibited under International Humanitarian Law (IHL); specifical Article 68 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

..........•  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

Ultimately, each nation (their citizenry) has to decide to whom they will donate fund.

But International law says:

18. 1999 International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism

◈ Requires parties to take steps to prevent and counteract the financing of terrorists, whether direct or indirect, through groups claiming to have charitable, social or cultural goals or which also engage in illicit activities such as drug trafficking or gun running;

◈ Commits States to hold those who finance terrorism criminally, civilly or administratively liable for such acts; and

◈ Provides for the identification, freezing and seizure of funds allocated for terrorist activities, as well as for the sharing of the forfeited funds with other States on a case-by-case basis. Bank secrecy is no longer adequate justification for refusing to cooperate.​

Another meeting at the UN and another opportunity for the Arabs-Moslems to demonstrate why various nations are withholding their welfare payments.

The PA spends six percent of its annual budget to pay $4.5 million a month to jailed terroristsand another $6.5 million to their families, yet continues to ask for foreign donations.

The International Community should give no consideration whatsoever, in attempts at using political, economic, military or liberation as a justification for Criminal Acts directed against Israel (or any other State) with the intention to compel the Israeli Government to adopt some course of action, or some act that furthers the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) criminal objective.

The HoAP may not use the excuse of "Resistance Fighter" to commit offenses which are solely intended to harm the Occupying Power (Israel) or seriously damage the property of the occupying forces or administration or the installations used by the State of Israel. This includes any activity by the HoAP in the form of espionage or serious acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying Power or of intentional offenses which have caused the death of one or more persons. These offenses are prohibited under International Humanitarian Law (IHL); specifical Article 68 of the Fourth Geneva Convention

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Most Respectfully,

"The HoAP may not use the excuse of "Resistance Fighter" to commit offenses which are solely intended to harm the Occupying Power (Israel) or seriously damage the property of the occupying forces or administration or the installations used by the State of Israel [. . .] These offenses are prohibited under International Humanitarian Law (IHL); specifical Article 68 of the Fourth Geneva Convention."


they're just thug-punks with nothing better to do. following in the footsteps of their predecessors. . .

brainwashed their whole lives....
The IDF is putting the “had” in gee-had.

IDF nabs 8 Hamas 'leaders' in Hebron

The detention of eight Hamas “leaders” in the Hebron area by the IDF won’t intimidate the Palestinians or stop them from “pursuing their national role in defending their land and holy sites,” the terrorist organization said on Saturday.

Palestinian sources said the men were detained during IDF raids on their homes early Saturday in the towns of Dura, Deir Samet, Surif and Idhna in the Hebron area.

The sources identified the Hamas suspects as Mohammed Yusef al-Huroub, Ahmed Dib al-Huroub, Ezz Qassem, Ayed Dudin, Fadi Ghneimat, Khaled al-Fasfous, Tawfik Abdel Fattah al-Huroub, and Imsail al-Nattah.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

Ultimately, each nation (their citizenry) has to decide to whom they will donate fund.

But International law says:

18. 1999 International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism

◈ Requires parties to take steps to prevent and counteract the financing of terrorists, whether direct or indirect, through groups claiming to have charitable, social or cultural goals or which also engage in illicit activities such as drug trafficking or gun running;

◈ Commits States to hold those who finance terrorism criminally, civilly or administratively liable for such acts; and

◈ Provides for the identification, freezing and seizure of funds allocated for terrorist activities, as well as for the sharing of the forfeited funds with other States on a case-by-case basis. Bank secrecy is no longer adequate justification for refusing to cooperate.​

Another meeting at the UN and another opportunity for the Arabs-Moslems to demonstrate why various nations are withholding their welfare payments.

The PA spends six percent of its annual budget to pay $4.5 million a month to jailed terroristsand another $6.5 million to their families, yet continues to ask for foreign donations.

The International Community should give no consideration whatsoever, in attempts at using political, economic, military or liberation as a justification for Criminal Acts directed against Israel (or any other State) with the intention to compel the Israeli Government to adopt some course of action, or some act that furthers the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) criminal objective.

The HoAP may not use the excuse of "Resistance Fighter" to commit offenses which are solely intended to harm the Occupying Power (Israel) or seriously damage the property of the occupying forces or administration or the installations used by the State of Israel. This includes any activity by the HoAP in the form of espionage or serious acts of sabotage against the military installations of the Occupying Power or of intentional offenses which have caused the death of one or more persons. These offenses are prohibited under International Humanitarian Law (IHL); specifical Article 68 of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

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Most Respectfully,

Agree completely, Rocco. The above begs the question: “why have we in the West continued to shower the PA and UNRWA with billions of dollars in welfare aid money when we knew with certainty that both of those entities were corrupt to the core.
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