Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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In other words, Israel has no right to build a Holocaust museum because the bulk of the event happened in Europe, and has nothing to do with the Jewish state.
That's not all:

The exploitation of the idea of the Holocaust by Zionism is to obtain financial compensation from Europe and America, in addition to facilitating immigration to Israel before declaring a Jewish state at the time to compensate the Holocaust. ...Readers of Al Quds learn that there was nothing special about the Holocaust - the number of Jews killed might not be accurate, and Nazis killed Poles and gays and the handicapped and Russians.

The article then goes on to quote a Nazi in a war crimes trial as saying that racism is a staple of Western thought, and Nazi persecution of Jews is therefore no big deal. Al Quds goes on to then say that the idea of Jews as a chosen people is an outgrowth of this Western racism, and is used to justify massacres of Palestinians.

In fact, the article says that the museum doesn't mention the "holocaust" of Israel against the indigenous Canaanites of the land.

Of course, everything is ultimately about Palestinians.

(full article online)

Most popular Palestinian newspaper attacks Yad Vashem Holocaust museum ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
To be sure, some professional photographers have managed to get similar shots, because it is dramatic to juxtapose the two domes. But Erakat didn't choose his photo for its aesthetic qualities - he has specifically looked for and chosen a shot that makes Jerusalem look Arab Christian and Arab Muslim, with the deliberate aim of erasing Jerusalem's Jewish character altogether.

(full article online)

Saeb Erekat's Twitter profile pic works hard to erase Jews from Jerusalem ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
I think it's safe to say that the Iranian Mullocrats are not going to be happy with their competiing islamic terrorist occupation forces.


The Popular Front announced Saturday evening that it downed an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV, or drone) earlier in the day in Gaza.

Although the assumption at the time was that the drone was operated by the Israel Defense Forces, Israel’s military said it was unfamiliar with the incident.

Sources in Gaza later said the drone was operated by an Iranian-backed Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist (PIJ) organization unit in the area of Khan Younis, according to a report published by Haaretz.

The Hamas terror organization on Wednesday morning launched a rocket from the Gaza Strip into the sea.
[ Why does the PA exist? It came to be to create a peaceful generation to live next to Israel. Instead.......loads of borrowed money to pay Arabs to kill Jews, and an education to match....
So.....why does the PA continue to exist? ]

"The Palestinian Authority faces a financing gap that could exceed $1.8 billion for 2019, driven by declining aid flows and the unresolved transfer of taxes and import duties collect by Israel on behalf of the PA," it wrote.

"The outlook for the Palestinian territories is worrisome," Kanthan Shankar, World Bank country director for the “West Bank” and Gaza, said in a statement accompanying the report.

"The severe liquidity squeeze has started to affect the PA's ability to fulfill its responsibilities of paying its civil servants and providing public services."

The bank's report will be presented to the international donor group for Palestinians, known as the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee, at its meeting next week in New York.

(full article online)

World Bank: PA economy in deep crisis
Indeed, “Peace in the Middle East” is something of a misnomer. More frequent ceasefires may be the best one can hope for. Iranian ambitions, a resurgent ISIS, Sunni / Salafi intransigence and an overall inability of the Arabs-Moslems to stop slaughtering each other likely means more of the same for the foreseeable future.

We Really Need to Talk About Corruption - The Tower

The U.S. has made Israeli-Palestinian peace into a top priority. But how can you build a legitimate, peaceful state out of a kleptocratic regime?
I always have this image in my head of Abu and his gaggle of fellow welfare fraud crooks arriving for media events in a clown car.

Abbas Tries to Convince the Palestinian Public He’s Not Corrupt

Abbas Tries to Convince the Palestinian Public He’s Not Corrupt


Abbas meeting with public sector employees. (WAFA, 2017)
  • PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has fired all of his advisers and ordered former Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah and the ministers of his previous government to return the unusual increases in salary that they received.
I'm not sure why anyone would be surprised that islamic dictatorships suppress the freedoms that westerners take for granted.

Declaring that one is explicitly free to make personal decisions about the religious faith they embrace is a hallmark of Western liberal democracy. It’s also a hallmark of an ethical and moral society that does not compel that all must Kowtow to any specific religion, In the free world, we often call forced religion eccentric or hateful or even totalitarian. In many locations within the happy fun moslem Middle East, notions of freedom of religion are dealt with as an imprisonable offense (or a capital offense, if the right people get their hands on you).

The lack of democracy and fundamental freedoms in the Palestinian territories

The lack of democracy and fundamental freedoms in the Palestinian territories

Laws and societal norms in the West Bank and Gaza derive in part from Sharia law, which puts women at a disadvantage in matters such as marriage and divorce. Accordingly, rape and domestic violence remain underreported and frequently go unpunished as authorities are allegedly reluctant to pursue such cases. The Palestinian leadership makes little effort to address the rights of marginalized groups within Palestinian society. While women enjoy formal political equality under PA laws, and some women did win seats in the PLC in 2006, women are mostly excluded from leadership positions in Hamas and absent from public political events in practice. Palestinian women are also underrepresented in most professions and encounter discrimination in employment.
Listen to a Palestinian leader

Listen to a Palestinian leader

He is in Hamas prison now for telling the truth about Hamas in Gaza.

Abu Safiyeh, is a representative of the PLO's Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) in the Gaza Strip.

He was arrested after he published a Facebook post criticizing Hamas corruption.

Here are some of the things he wrote that got him thrown into Palestinian prison by Hamas:

"Fifteen years ago, Hamas raised the slogan of 'Islam is the solution' -- the solution to liberate all Palestine and not give up an inch;

the solution to eliminate cronyism and corruption;

the solution to bring economic and social security;

the solution to a happy and enjoyable life.

Hamas came to power through deception and after having misled the people. Now, there is rampant corruption [under Hamas]. The corruption is in all institutions, including the judiciary and the police. Today, the corruption is organized and managed by Hamas.

The corruption is at the top of the pyramid. It is the corruption of politics, the corruption in the administration, the corruption in employment, the corruption in relief aid.
  • "We talked about the general situation of Palestinian refugees who have been living in Lebanon for the past 72 years. We told them that Palestinians in Lebanon are banned from working in 70 professions and have no right to own property. We gave them a list of 2,300 Palestinian refugees from Syria who want to go to Canada." — Mu'awya Abu Hamideh, a representative of the Palestinian refugees who fled from Syria to Lebanon after 2011, akhbarten.com, September 9, 2019

  • Human Rights Watch says that Palestinian refugees in Lebanon live in "appalling social and economic conditions" and are barred from employment in at least 25 professions, "including law, medicine, and engineering."

  • "The Palestinian factions and others who benefit from our stay in Lebanon are denouncing us as traitors and of serving foreign agendas... but if anyone has another solution, he should bring it to the table. We are sure, however, that these voices are designed to prevent us from living in dignity." — Mu'awya Abu Hamideh.

  • Instead of encouraging and assisting their people to move on with their lives and seek a better future for their children, Hamas and other Palestinian groups continue to lie to the refugees by promising them that one day they will go back to their villages and towns in Israel.

(full article online)

Do Palestinian Leaders Want a Better Life for Their People?
I’m not sure that groups such as Transparency.org appreciate just how authoritarian and corrupt the PA and Hamas truly are.

The Palestinian Authority should amend laws to protect free speech

Transparency International, the global anti-corruption movement, is deeply concerned about the latest escalation in attacks on media freedom and free speech in Palestine and is calling for the Palestinian Authority (PA) to amend the Electronic Crimes Law and suspend the new requirement for journalists to have security certificates to work.
It really is a shame that the fraud of generational Arab-Moslem “refugees” has become an institutionalized welfare fraud syndicate.

The U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees faces another crisis


An ethics report detailing serious abuses of power has only added to the agency’s woes.

This summer, the top management of the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) were accused of serious abuses of power, including sexual misconduct, nepotism, bullying and retaliation. Al Jazeera reported that the agency’s ethics department made these claims in a recent report.
I’m not sure that groups such as Transparency.org appreciate just how authoritarian and corrupt the PA and Hamas truly are.

The Palestinian Authority should amend laws to protect free speech

Transparency International, the global anti-corruption movement, is deeply concerned about the latest escalation in attacks on media freedom and free speech in Palestine and is calling for the Palestinian Authority (PA) to amend the Electronic Crimes Law and suspend the new requirement for journalists to have security certificates to work.
So, Israel does the same thing.

What is your point.
I’m not sure that groups such as Transparency.org appreciate just how authoritarian and corrupt the PA and Hamas truly are.

The Palestinian Authority should amend laws to protect free speech

Transparency International, the global anti-corruption movement, is deeply concerned about the latest escalation in attacks on media freedom and free speech in Palestine and is calling for the Palestinian Authority (PA) to amend the Electronic Crimes Law and suspend the new requirement for journalists to have security certificates to work.
So, Israel does the same thing.

What is your point.

In Israel the mass media is free to thrash the govt day and night, and give stage to political opposition,
while under the PA they only allow the "party line" to be heard.

Can You show me one program on Hamas/PA TV that allows criticism?
I’m not sure that groups such as Transparency.org appreciate just how authoritarian and corrupt the PA and Hamas truly are.

The Palestinian Authority should amend laws to protect free speech

Transparency International, the global anti-corruption movement, is deeply concerned about the latest escalation in attacks on media freedom and free speech in Palestine and is calling for the Palestinian Authority (PA) to amend the Electronic Crimes Law and suspend the new requirement for journalists to have security certificates to work.
So, Israel does the same thing.

What is your point.

Your comment makes no sense.

What is your point?
The Arabs-Moslems seem pretty ungrateful. To suggest that their dictator doesn’t have their best interests at heart is, is know, islamophobic, definitely racist, maybe even anti-Islamic.

I suspect that new tires and a brake job for Abu’s presidential jet are pretty expensive. After all, the Dictator for life, president of the “country of Pally’land” (invented in 1924 by the Treaty of Lausanne, in case you didn’t know), has a certain image to maintain.

Wary of PA ‘corruption,’ Palestinians launch protest of new social security law

Wary of PA ‘corruption,’ Palestinians launch protest of new social security law

‘Blue gloves’ demonstrators, inspired by yellow vests protests, say they do not trust a PA-created institution to handle their money and cannot afford to pay more taxes
I’m not sure that groups such as Transparency.org appreciate just how authoritarian and corrupt the PA and Hamas truly are.

The Palestinian Authority should amend laws to protect free speech

Transparency International, the global anti-corruption movement, is deeply concerned about the latest escalation in attacks on media freedom and free speech in Palestine and is calling for the Palestinian Authority (PA) to amend the Electronic Crimes Law and suspend the new requirement for journalists to have security certificates to work.
So, Israel does the same thing.

What is your point.

Your comment makes no sense.

What is your point?
Not to you.
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