Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Being occupied doesn't help.

Being helpless and ineffective is not much of an excuse. I have a sense that your one-liners are merely attempts to sidestep accepting responsibly.

The inability of the Arabs-Moslems to participate in any steps toward establishing a functioning government and establishing sovereign control of territory falls to a failure of the Arabs-Moslems. There have been nothing but excuses for decades.

That is ridiculous.
Palestine has always had a functioning government.
Even when it was occupied by the Ottoman Empire, the entirely local government structure was manned by Palestinians.
During the British Mandate occupation, it again was almost entirely Palestinians who ran the country, dealt with sanitation and water, etc.
The ONLY thing the Palestinians were lacking was defense, and that was a deliberate fault caused by the British.
And it is obvious the Palestinians currently supply a perfectly adequate government in Gaza and the West Bank, where they are allowed to by the illegally occupying Israelis.

The country that has yet failed to provide for a government capable of not constantly committing war crimes, is Israel.
Never has a country been so in violation of international law.
If there is any country that should be labeled rogue and taken over by the UN, it is Israel.
Going back to 1949, immediately Israel committed war crimes by not allowing refugees who fled the violence, to return to their homes and properties. That is criminal by any definition.


Are You writing the 1002nd?

Sanitation...a place under a tree sanitation.
Diseases and swamps don't develop all over the land when it's being used.
The land was the most impoverished and neglected province of the entire Caliphate.
Another bullshit Israeli talking point.

Palestine produced a surplus of food that was exported to foreign markets.

It seems the major export now and for decades in the past has been Islamic terrorism.
Ooooo, you played a terrorist card.

Good girl. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
Announcing the Palestinian Authority's intention to begin international arbitration proceedings regarding the tax revenues Israel collects and transfers to the PA, the PA Minister of Finance Shukri Bishara chose to obfuscate reality presenting a financial picture that has little to do with real facts, but rather simply reinforces the PA narrative.

In the announcement, Bishara claimed that the payment for services Israel provides to the PA and an agreed handling fee are unrightfully "withheld" by Israel:

"The total amount of what Israel has withheld from the clearance revenues, which are the Palestinian taxes on imports from Israel and abroad collected by Israel on behalf of the Palestinian Authority (PA), has exceeded $3.5 billion in the last five years alone, of which $400 million was taken as 3% commission on the collection and over $3 billion for services, electricity, water, medical transfers and sanitation."
[WAFA, English edition, Official PA news agency, Sept. 4, 2019]

Comprehensive statistics obtained by Palestinian Media Watch from Israel's Ministry of Finance under the Freedom of Information Law, show that Bishara's claims are outrageous.

First, it should be noted that when Bishara refers to the amounts "Israel has withheld," he is, in reality, referring to the PA's payments for services provided by Israel to the Palestinians, such as "electricity, water, medical transfers, and sanitation." Distorting this simple fact - in order to create the impression that Israel arbitrarily deducted these sums - becomes an additional element of the PA's "Palestinian victimhood" narrative. Clearly, however, if Israel provides services to the PA, Israel is entitled to be paid for those services.

Secondly, as opposed to Bishara's claim that Israel has deducted $3 billion in the last five years for the above mentioned services, the real figures tell a different story. As can be seen from the following chart, in reality, over the last five years, the cumulative amount paid from the tax revenues for services Israel has been provided to the PA is 7,508,910,102 shekels - the equivalent of only $2.1 billion.

When Bishara decries the "3% commission on the collection" of the taxes, he is, in reality, referring to the administrative fees incurred by Israel in return for collecting the taxes. The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) agreed to paying this fee in section 4 of the Supplement to the Protocol on Economic Relations between the State of Israel and the PLO, which was incorporated into the Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip (commonly known as the Oslo Accords), which provides as follows:
"For the purposes of the implementation of the Protocol on Economic Relations, Israel will deduct 3% from each transfer to the Palestinian side of import taxes and other indirect taxes, in order to cover Israel's administrative costs in collecting these taxes and in handling matters related to them."

By failing to mention the context in which the fee is taken and that the taking of the fee by Israel was agreed to by the PLO, Bishara presents a distorted and false reality in which Israel acts arbitrarily to the detriment of the Palestinians.

(full article online)

"Lies, damn lies and statistics" - the PA version - PMW Bulletins
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Sixties Fan, et al,
Some West Bank residents even prefer Netanyahu to a center-left government that they say would cloak the same policies in the guise of a peace process

Unable to vote, Palestinians shrug off Israel’s elections

It is, of course, a decision for the Israelis to make. But I would approach such a decision such as this with some serious caution.

The Israelis have a lot to be thankful for in the decades since their independence. Which means that they have just that much to risk; both politically and militarily. I would recommend a very thorough risk assessment before making such a move. While they might be able to get away with it in the next few years, they should be weighing the potential impact such a decision might have in the distant future.

Just My Thought,

........•  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
I suppose it’s possible that the Mullocrats are demanding that Hamas do more to justify their Iranian welfare money. It’s just difficult to understand why Hamas would believe that Israel will not do whatever is necessary to defend its borders from the Islamist gee-had.

If war in Gaza breaks out, there could well be a dramatic beat-down of the islamic terrorists.

Hamas warns Israel against harming protesters at Gaza border clashes

After a week of tensions that saw Netanyahu being rushed off stage during a rocket attack, PM warns that war in Gaza could break out ‘before the elections’
I have to believe that the Islamic terrorist franchises of Hamas and Islamic Jihad understand that Iranian welfare money is attached to an expectation that the money is attached to attacks aimed at Israel. An escalation of Islamic terrorist attacks presumes a response by Israel. At some point, the Israeli population is going to require an end to the (seemingly) endless Islamic terrorist attacks.


Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the other armed groups in the Gaza Strip believe another large-scale confrontation with Israel is bound to happen regardless of who wins the Sept. 17 election.

The only question is whether Israel will launch a ground offensive over a protracted several-day period rather than just engage in quick maneuvers, mostly from the air.
I have to believe that the Islamic terrorist franchises of Hamas and Islamic Jihad understand that Iranian welfare money is attached to an expectation that the money is attached to attacks aimed at Israel. An escalation of Islamic terrorist attacks presumes a response by Israel. At some point, the Israeli population is going to require an end to the (seemingly) endless Islamic terrorist attacks.


Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the other armed groups in the Gaza Strip believe another large-scale confrontation with Israel is bound to happen regardless of who wins the Sept. 17 election.

The only question is whether Israel will launch a ground offensive over a protracted several-day period rather than just engage in quick maneuvers, mostly from the air.
How many times has Israel tried to take out Hamas and failed? The last time Israel went in on the ground they got their ass kicked.

Israel has not won a war since 1973.

Think about that.
I have to believe that the Islamic terrorist franchises of Hamas and Islamic Jihad understand that Iranian welfare money is attached to an expectation that the money is attached to attacks aimed at Israel. An escalation of Islamic terrorist attacks presumes a response by Israel. At some point, the Israeli population is going to require an end to the (seemingly) endless Islamic terrorist attacks.


Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the other armed groups in the Gaza Strip believe another large-scale confrontation with Israel is bound to happen regardless of who wins the Sept. 17 election.

The only question is whether Israel will launch a ground offensive over a protracted several-day period rather than just engage in quick maneuvers, mostly from the air.
How many times has Israel tried to take out Hamas and failed? The last time Israel went in on the ground they got their ass kicked.

Israel has not won a war since 1973.

Think about that.
To Hamas and other Jihadist groups, the fact that they have not been wiped out is their understanding of "winning". They have not won anything since 1973 and have actually lost a lot of the support they used to have for their "cause". (That would beDestroying Israel, NOT a return to their homelands by the very few refugees left alive, and much less for a negotiable peace treaty which would allow all Palestinians in Gaza to live a peaceful and successful life away from the teachings of "kill the Jews" and "they stole our land" which has very few Arabs there very wealthy and the rest in an almost miserable poverty)

You live in the same fantasy world as they do in thinking that Israel is going to continue to allow those groups to exist the way they do.

Will it come as a surprise if there is a final showdown and Hamas is taken to task for the rockets, the infiltration, the "border protests", the incendiary and explosive balloons, etc, etc?

Stay tuned......
I have to believe that the Islamic terrorist franchises of Hamas and Islamic Jihad understand that Iranian welfare money is attached to an expectation that the money is attached to attacks aimed at Israel. An escalation of Islamic terrorist attacks presumes a response by Israel. At some point, the Israeli population is going to require an end to the (seemingly) endless Islamic terrorist attacks.


Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the other armed groups in the Gaza Strip believe another large-scale confrontation with Israel is bound to happen regardless of who wins the Sept. 17 election.

The only question is whether Israel will launch a ground offensive over a protracted several-day period rather than just engage in quick maneuvers, mostly from the air.
How many times has Israel tried to take out Hamas and failed? The last time Israel went in on the ground they got their ass kicked.

Israel has not won a war since 1973.

Think about that.
Israel has not waged a war with the expressed intention of “taking out” Hamas.

I’ll note that wars of aggression initiated by arabs-Moslems have been disastrous for Arabs-Moslems and victories for Israel. How does it feel to be continual losers?

I’ll note that when Israel has fought skirmishes with the Islamic terrorists of Hamas, it has been Gaza that was remodeled along with large numbers of dead Gazans. How is that working out for you?

What declared war has Israel fought since 1973?
I have to believe that the Islamic terrorist franchises of Hamas and Islamic Jihad understand that Iranian welfare money is attached to an expectation that the money is attached to attacks aimed at Israel. An escalation of Islamic terrorist attacks presumes a response by Israel. At some point, the Israeli population is going to require an end to the (seemingly) endless Islamic terrorist attacks.


Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the other armed groups in the Gaza Strip believe another large-scale confrontation with Israel is bound to happen regardless of who wins the Sept. 17 election.

The only question is whether Israel will launch a ground offensive over a protracted several-day period rather than just engage in quick maneuvers, mostly from the air.
How many times has Israel tried to take out Hamas and failed? The last time Israel went in on the ground they got their ass kicked.

Israel has not won a war since 1973.

Think about that.
Israel has not waged a war with the expressed intention of “taking out” Hamas.

I’ll note that wars of aggression initiated by arabs-Moslems have been disastrous for Arabs-Moslems and victories for Israel. How does it feel to be continual losers?

I’ll note that when Israel has fought skirmishes with the Islamic terrorists of Hamas, it has been Gaza that was remodeled along with large numbers of dead Gazans. How is that working out for you?

What declared war has Israel fought since 1973?
Israel thinks that bombing the crap out of civilians is winning.
I have to believe that the Islamic terrorist franchises of Hamas and Islamic Jihad understand that Iranian welfare money is attached to an expectation that the money is attached to attacks aimed at Israel. An escalation of Islamic terrorist attacks presumes a response by Israel. At some point, the Israeli population is going to require an end to the (seemingly) endless Islamic terrorist attacks.


Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the other armed groups in the Gaza Strip believe another large-scale confrontation with Israel is bound to happen regardless of who wins the Sept. 17 election.

The only question is whether Israel will launch a ground offensive over a protracted several-day period rather than just engage in quick maneuvers, mostly from the air.
How many times has Israel tried to take out Hamas and failed? The last time Israel went in on the ground they got their ass kicked.

Israel has not won a war since 1973.

Think about that.
To Hamas and other Jihadist groups, the fact that they have not been wiped out is their understanding of "winning". They have not won anything since 1973 and have actually lost a lot of the support they used to have for their "cause". (That would beDestroying Israel, NOT a return to their homelands by the very few refugees left alive, and much less for a negotiable peace treaty which would allow all Palestinians in Gaza to live a peaceful and successful life away from the teachings of "kill the Jews" and "they stole our land" which has very few Arabs there very wealthy and the rest in an almost miserable poverty)

You live in the same fantasy world as they do in thinking that Israel is going to continue to allow those groups to exist the way they do.

Will it come as a surprise if there is a final showdown and Hamas is taken to task for the rockets, the infiltration, the "border protests", the incendiary and explosive balloons, etc, etc?

Stay tuned......

I have to believe that the limited engagement by Israel against Hamas in 2014 was simply a prelude to the mayhem that Israel could unleash if a large, Iranian sponsored Islamic terrorist attack happened.

I suspect our friend P F Tinmore and his heroes in Tehran will gladly sacrifice the lives of thousands of Arabs-Moslems to satiate his deep seated hatred for Jews.

The 2014 drubbing of Gaza might, by comparison, be just the opening engagement of the re-landscaping of Gaza if the Iranians deliver an ultimatum to Hamas / Islamic Jihad that they either attack Israel or lose their welfare payments.
Relations between the Pals and the House of Saud is a bit contentious.

I suspect that the Saudis have some real concerns with Hamas members being in the kingdom when Iranian backed attacks from Yemen are causing oil production to be cut. The Saudis might view Hamas as agents of Iran wh8 are gathering intelligence.

Eshki: ‘Palestinian officials knew about their compatriots’ arrest in Saudi Arabia’

The Saudi kingdom has arrested a number of Palestinians suspected of having links to Hamas, as well as a number of Jordanian citizens under the pretext of being involved in fundraising campaigns for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
The “country of Pal’istan”. Where dreams come true™️

Just another failure of Islamism.

Those Poor, Oppressed Pal’istanians™️

Can’t we just give them more money?

Corruption in the Palestinian Authority

Its tenth annual report is out, covering 2017 and entitled “Integrity and Combating Corruption.”

Needless to say, no government is entirely without corruption and the Palestinian Authority suffers from unique disadvantages: it is not a state, it does not have control over the territory it supposedly governs (the Israeli military is the ultimate authority in the West Bank), it must deal with Hamas in Gaza, and so on.

Wait, what? I thought the “country of Pal’istan” was invented in 1924 by the Treaty of Lausanne.
I have to believe that the Islamic terrorist franchises of Hamas and Islamic Jihad understand that Iranian welfare money is attached to an expectation that the money is attached to attacks aimed at Israel. An escalation of Islamic terrorist attacks presumes a response by Israel. At some point, the Israeli population is going to require an end to the (seemingly) endless Islamic terrorist attacks.


Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the other armed groups in the Gaza Strip believe another large-scale confrontation with Israel is bound to happen regardless of who wins the Sept. 17 election.

The only question is whether Israel will launch a ground offensive over a protracted several-day period rather than just engage in quick maneuvers, mostly from the air.
How many times has Israel tried to take out Hamas and failed? The last time Israel went in on the ground they got their ass kicked.

Israel has not won a war since 1973.

Think about that.
To Hamas and other Jihadist groups, the fact that they have not been wiped out is their understanding of "winning". They have not won anything since 1973 and have actually lost a lot of the support they used to have for their "cause". (That would beDestroying Israel, NOT a return to their homelands by the very few refugees left alive, and much less for a negotiable peace treaty which would allow all Palestinians in Gaza to live a peaceful and successful life away from the teachings of "kill the Jews" and "they stole our land" which has very few Arabs there very wealthy and the rest in an almost miserable poverty)

You live in the same fantasy world as they do in thinking that Israel is going to continue to allow those groups to exist the way they do.

Will it come as a surprise if there is a final showdown and Hamas is taken to task for the rockets, the infiltration, the "border protests", the incendiary and explosive balloons, etc, etc?

Stay tuned......

I have to believe that the limited engagement by Israel against Hamas in 2014 was simply a prelude to the mayhem that Israel could unleash if a large, Iranian sponsored Islamic terrorist attack happened.

I suspect our friend P F Tinmore and his heroes in Tehran will gladly sacrifice the lives of thousands of Arabs-Moslems to satiate his deep seated hatred for Jews.

The 2014 drubbing of Gaza might, by comparison, be just the opening engagement of the re-landscaping of Gaza if the Iranians deliver an ultimatum to Hamas / Islamic Jihad that they either attack Israel or lose their welfare payments.
Israel thinks that bombing the crap out of civilians is winning.
Hamas is stuck between ideology and Gaza's people

Hamas is stuck between ideology and Gaza's people

First off, Hamas has grotesquely mismanaged the Gazan economy. Failing to empower business formation and instead embracing corruption and patronage, Hamas makes it extraordinarily difficult to find a decent job in Gaza. The absence of a functioning economy has meant goods shortages are far worse than they would be under the Israeli blockade alone. Palestinians recognize as much, especially in regards to Hamas' corrupt control over the economy (which is similar to that of Iran's revolutionary guards).

Still, even were it to recognize its own failings, Hamas couldn't fix the situation. After all, its senior leaders, Khaled Mashal and Islmail Haniyeh, are the primary beneficiaries of the corruption!

But that's just half of Hamas', and Gaza's, problem.

In Hamas' dedication to Israel's destruction, the group inevitably also destroys political space for compromises with the Israeli government. The comparative economic and political benefits that Israel affords the non-absolutist Fatah in the West Bank offers a stark example of how Hamas could improve Gaza were it not so fanatical.
I have to believe that the Islamic terrorist franchises of Hamas and Islamic Jihad understand that Iranian welfare money is attached to an expectation that the money is attached to attacks aimed at Israel. An escalation of Islamic terrorist attacks presumes a response by Israel. At some point, the Israeli population is going to require an end to the (seemingly) endless Islamic terrorist attacks.


Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the other armed groups in the Gaza Strip believe another large-scale confrontation with Israel is bound to happen regardless of who wins the Sept. 17 election.

The only question is whether Israel will launch a ground offensive over a protracted several-day period rather than just engage in quick maneuvers, mostly from the air.
How many times has Israel tried to take out Hamas and failed? The last time Israel went in on the ground they got their ass kicked.

Israel has not won a war since 1973.

Think about that.
To Hamas and other Jihadist groups, the fact that they have not been wiped out is their understanding of "winning". They have not won anything since 1973 and have actually lost a lot of the support they used to have for their "cause". (That would beDestroying Israel, NOT a return to their homelands by the very few refugees left alive, and much less for a negotiable peace treaty which would allow all Palestinians in Gaza to live a peaceful and successful life away from the teachings of "kill the Jews" and "they stole our land" which has very few Arabs there very wealthy and the rest in an almost miserable poverty)

You live in the same fantasy world as they do in thinking that Israel is going to continue to allow those groups to exist the way they do.

Will it come as a surprise if there is a final showdown and Hamas is taken to task for the rockets, the infiltration, the "border protests", the incendiary and explosive balloons, etc, etc?

Stay tuned......

I have to believe that the limited engagement by Israel against Hamas in 2014 was simply a prelude to the mayhem that Israel could unleash if a large, Iranian sponsored Islamic terrorist attack happened.

I suspect our friend P F Tinmore and his heroes in Tehran will gladly sacrifice the lives of thousands of Arabs-Moslems to satiate his deep seated hatred for Jews.

The 2014 drubbing of Gaza might, by comparison, be just the opening engagement of the re-landscaping of Gaza if the Iranians deliver an ultimatum to Hamas / Islamic Jihad that they either attack Israel or lose their welfare payments.
Israel thinks that bombing the crap out of civilians is winning.

Your hurt feelings are misdirected. Take responsibility for your Islamic terrorist heroes waging war from civilian areas.
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