Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I think you have this backward (180º out of phase with the humanitarian law).

Rule 23 & 24 C&IHL.png

Israel thinks that bombing the crap out of civilians is winning.

And the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) of the Gaza Strip think that by placing the location of key targetable interests and objective in proximity the innocent, the Israelis, in an attempt to engage HoAP elements, will either:

◈ The consequences will result in the collateral damage of civilian objects and death of non-combatants. This is used by the HoAP for propaganda purposes.
- OR -​
◈ The consequences will result in the use of the event to effectively shield key targetable interests and objective from engagement.
- OR • BOTH -​

The terms "winning or losing" are obsolete when addressing low-intensity conflicts and internal defense /security operations. Neither side have wins or losses; just one side suffers more losses than the opponent.

The use of the innocent and the non-combatants to gain political/military advantages, in the fashion of the HoAP provoked confrontations, exhibits the easily recognizable and traditional practices of humanity shown towards the well being of civilians and citizens → that are absent in the actions of the HoAP practices and activities. The attempt by the HoAP to use a self-imposed plight to justify immoral activities is evidence in itself that the ideas set forth by our friend "P F Tinmore" are a product of degeneration in the humanity in the culture of the Arab Palestinians.

.........•  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

Again, this is an example in which the culture itself sees no dishonor to kill helpless members of the family. It is a culture in which "life" is not held precious.

Murder charges for Palestinian 'honour killing'

Relatives of a Palestinian woman whose death was labelled an honour killing by activists have been charged with her murder.

Rational and justifiable deviations from the more advanced and evolved moral views is the cause, in part, by a retarded development in social conditions of the Arab Palestinian culture.

........•  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I think you have this backward (180º out of phase with the humanitarian law).
Israel thinks that bombing the crap out of civilians is winning.

And the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) of the Gaza Strip thick that by placing the location of key targetable interests and objective in proximity the innocent, the Israelis, in an attempt to engage HoAP elements, will either:

◈ The consequences will result in the collateral damage of civilian objects and death of non-combatants. This is used by the HoAP for propaganda purposes.
- OR -​
◈ The consequences will result in the use of the event to effectively shield key targetable interests and objective from engagement.
- OR • BOTH -​

The terms "winning or losing" are obsolete when addressing low-intensity conflicts and internal defense /security operations. Neither side have wins or losses; just one side suffers more losses than the opponent.

The use of the innocent and the non-combatants to gain political/military advantages, in the fashion of the HoAP provoked confrontations, exhibits the easily recognizable and traditional practices of humanity shown towards the well being of civilians and citizens → that are absent in the actions of the HoAP practices and activities. The attempt by the HoAP to use a self-imposed plight to justify immoral activities is evidence in itself that the ideas set forth by our friend "P F Tinmore" are a product of degeneration in the humanity in the culture of the Arab Palestinians.

.........View attachment 279336
Most Respectfully,
More Israeli BS talking points.

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,
More Israeli BS talking points.

So, have you sent the list of "Talking Points" you keep referring to?

.........View attachment 279350
Most Respectfully,
There are so many so let's take a few from the top.
  • A land without people for a people without land. (Palestine and Palestinians did not exist.)
  • Five "Arab" armies attacked Israel in 1948.
  • The "Arabs" lost the 1948 war.
You're welcome.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,
More Israeli BS talking points.

So, have you sent the list of "Talking Points" you keep referring to?

.........View attachment 279350
Most Respectfully,
There are so many so let's take a few from the top.
  • A land without people for a people without land. (Palestine and Palestinians did not exist.)
  • Five "Arab" armies attacked Israel in 1948.
  • The "Arabs" lost the 1948 war.
You're welcome.

I assume you have a YouTube video collection available to address your talking points?
Lovely, lovely folks.

Child “martyrs”, “honor” killing, welfare fraud, corruption....definitely a State worthy bunch.

Abbas dictates content of PA media:
Promote terrorists

Abbas dictates content of PA media: Promote terrorists - PMW Bulletins

Abbas instructed media to "represent the cause of the Martyrs,
the wounded, and the prisoners"
Head of official PA media honored for
"the role the official media plays in serving the Martyrs
and their families and the prisoners and their families"

By Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Palestinian Authority media is controlled by PA Chairman Abbas himself. A statement by the General Supervisor of the Official PA Media Ahmad Assaf who has the rank of minister and was appointed by Abbas demonstrates that Abbas actively involves himself in determining the content of the official PA media:
"Assaf expressed his pride that the official media is representing the cause of the Martyrs, the wounded, and the prisoners under the instructions of [PA] President Mahmoud Abbas, who is constantly reemphasizing that this is our people's most important cause."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 26, 2019
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OH, this is so rediculous.

There are so many so let's take a few from the top.
  • A land without people for a people without land. (Palestine and Palestinians did not exist.)
  • Five "Arab" armies attacked Israel in 1948.
  • The "Arabs" lost the 1948 war.
You're welcome.

✦ The first one is a bumper sticker slogan. You need to get real. It's like saying HAMAS are not Terrorist. it is just a slogan.

✦ If you are going to deny that the Arab League nations crossed outside their borders and into the territory against Israel, well there is nothing I can say.

UPI[SIZE=4] Arab nations Attack Israel[/SIZE] said:
TEL AVIV, May 15, 1948 (UP) -- The battle for Palestine was on today with troops from Egypt, Trans-Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq converging against the Jewish defenders of the new state of Israel.

Arab planes bombed Tel Aviv three times and one Egyptian pilot was taken prisoner when his plane was forced down just north of the new Jewish capital.

The Egyptian government in Cairo announced officially that Egyptian planes raided the newborn state of Israel in the forefront of an Arab attack from all sides, including one raid on a Jewish airdrome outside Tel Aviv.

Two Egyptian ground forces, with infantry and artillery, drove across the borders of Palestine, and Cairo report claimed that one of them "wiped out" the Jewish village of Auja, on the road to Beersheba, when its defenders refused to surrender.

Jewish sources here had no information on this fighting. Auja is just across the Palestine border from Sinai, and would have been in Jewish territory under the United Nations partition plan.
SOURCE: United Press International Archive 15 May 1948

✦ Again, wins and losses are obsolete terms to quibble about a half-centery (plus) after the fact. What is meant by that "win" is that the ISraelis successfully defended their nation and actually controlled more territory then it started with. By loss, it is meant to convey the notion that the Hostile Arab Palestinians did not achieve their goal and that the Arab Palestines, once offered their allotment, the territory was in control of the Arab League and not them.

These things you mentioned are not talking points, but merely historical facts in self-evident fashion.

........•  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

OH, this is so rediculous.

There are so many so let's take a few from the top.
  • A land without people for a people without land. (Palestine and Palestinians did not exist.)
  • Five "Arab" armies attacked Israel in 1948.
  • The "Arabs" lost the 1948 war.
You're welcome.

✦ The first one is a bumper sticker slogan. You need to get real. It's like saying HAMAS are not Terrorist. it is just a slogan.

✦ If you are going to deny that the Arab League nations crossed outside their borders and into the territory against Israel, well there is nothing I can say.

UPI[SIZE=4] Arab nations Attack Israel[/SIZE] said:
TEL AVIV, May 15, 1948 (UP) -- The battle for Palestine was on today with troops from Egypt, Trans-Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq converging against the Jewish defenders of the new state of Israel.

Arab planes bombed Tel Aviv three times and one Egyptian pilot was taken prisoner when his plane was forced down just north of the new Jewish capital.

The Egyptian government in Cairo announced officially that Egyptian planes raided the newborn state of Israel in the forefront of an Arab attack from all sides, including one raid on a Jewish airdrome outside Tel Aviv.

Two Egyptian ground forces, with infantry and artillery, drove across the borders of Palestine, and Cairo report claimed that one of them "wiped out" the Jewish village of Auja, on the road to Beersheba, when its defenders refused to surrender.

Jewish sources here had no information on this fighting. Auja is just across the Palestine border from Sinai, and would have been in Jewish territory under the United Nations partition plan.
SOURCE: United Press International Archive 15 May 1948

✦ Again, wins and losses are obsolete terms to quibble about a half-centery (plus) after the fact. What is meant by that "win" is that the ISraelis successfully defended their nation and actually controlled more territory then it started with. By loss, it is meant to convey the notion that the Hostile Arab Palestinians did not achieve their goal and that the Arab Palestines, once offered their allotment, the territory was in control of the Arab League and not them.

These things you mentioned are not talking points, but merely historical facts in self-evident fashion.

........View attachment 279389
Most Respectfully,
✦ The first one is a bumper sticker slogan. You need to get real. It's like saying HAMAS are not Terrorist. it is just a slogan.

Get serious. Israel has always denied the existence of Palestine and the Palestinians.

✦ If you are going to deny that the Arab League nations crossed outside their borders and into the territory against Israel, well there is nothing I can say.

You are changing what I said.
Get serious. Israel has always denied the existence of Palestine and the Palestinians.

That’s a rather ignorant statement as Israel has entered into a number of agreements /accords with Palestinians.

I’m sure there are YouTube videos to lend you an assist.
Get serious. Israel has always denied the existence of Palestine and the Palestinians.

That’s a rather ignorant statement as Israel has entered into a number of agreements /accords with Palestinians.

I’m sure there are YouTube videos to lend you an assist.

Abbas Makes It Official: Israel is Arab Palestine

One could say that the Palestinians have denied the existence of Israel. His " excuse" is that Abbas is correct however that's not true. As of May 14, 1948 the International Community thought differently
Back in February, it was reported that the PA had cut the salaries to terrorists and their families - but only for those who belonged to president Mahmoud Abbas' political opponents in Gaza, including former Fatah members, Hamas and Islamic Jihad. At the time the cuts were blamed by PA officials as a "technical fault."

It was no such thing. By summer, it was clear that the salaries were not going to be paid for some 2700"martyrs", prisoners and their families. These included members of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and followers of Abbas' political rival Mohammed Dahlan, going back to late 2018.

Abbas similarly cut salaries completely to workers in Gaza as well, while he cut the salaries of those in the West Bank by 50%.

Suddenly, the "moral" stance of Mohammed Abbas where he claimed he would prioritize paying "martyrs" over all others only applies to members of his own Fatah faction.

(full article online)

Abbas DID cut some payments to terrorists and their families - but only for his political opponents ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
In view of the millions of dollars per month that Iran is showering on Hamas and islamic Jihad, the Pal'istanians are going to have to bear the consequences of the attacks on Israel that the Iranian mullahs are going to require.

As events have played out in the islamic dictatorships for decades, the islamic terrorist leadership will get rich on foreign welfare money while Pal'istanians complain about their economic hardships.

As we see with regularity, the greatest oppressors of Arabs-Moslems are Arab (and Persian) Moslems.

Top IDF Official Warns Gazans: Iran Using Hamas to Take Control of Strip

A top IDF official issued a warning to the residents of the Gaza Strip on Tuesday about Iran’s influence there.

Maj. Gen. Kamil Abu Rukon — head of the Coordinator of the Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) unit — said in an Arabic-language video, “Iran is trying to take control of the Strip.”

He cited recent statements by Saleh al-Arouri during a visit to Tehran, in which the top Hamas official said his group was Iran’s “first line of defense.”

Rukon also cited a statement by an Iranian diplomat to the effect that Iran wanted to create “a united military front from Tehran to Gaza.”
Let's be honest: Cairo is not just "wary" about the islamic terroists in Hamas aligning with Iran, they see a hated enemy in Iran just next door.

A real opportunity for Israel to strengthen ties and alliances with Egypt sharing intelligence and sharing common interests with Iran as a threat to both nations.

Cairo wary of Hamas reviving ties with Tehran | Amr Emam | AW

In Tehran, the Hamas delegation members met with a host of Iranian officials, including Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.
Saturday 03/08/2019

Rising concerns. Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei (R) meets with Hamas Politburo Deputy Chairman Saleh Arouri (2nd R) and other members of a Hamas delegation in Tehran, July 22. (Reuters)
CAIRO - Egyptian political analysts warned of an increase of Iranian influence in the Gaza Strip, referring to potential instability in the region and deterioration of relations between Hamas and Egypt.

“The return of Iranian influence to the Gaza Strip will adversely affect the region,” political analyst Ammar Ali Hassan said. “Apart from potentially ending the calm between Hamas and Israel, this influence will harm Egypt’s relations with Hamas.”

Egypt watched closely as a delegation from Hamas visited Tehran on July 20, the first such trip since December 2017. The delegation was led by Hamas Politburo Deputy Chairman Saleh al-Arouri.
I don't believe it was unknown to anyone that the slogan "I blame the Jews" has been a convenient excuse for arabs -Moslems to explain their failures and incompetence.

I also don't believe that Arabs-Moslems are equipped to accept responsibility for their failures.

Corruption: A major cause of Palestinian suffering - documentary

For decades, to divert the attention of the media, the international community and their people, all they had to do was accuse Israel of all their ills.
Abu Sharif said that that Arafat renounced the Oslo agreement from the time that he discovered the supposed deception, and he "decided to complete the path of struggle through a number of popular waves, be it the (Western Wall) Tunnel riots or the Second Intifada."

The Western Wall Tunnel Riots were in September 1996, months before the Hebron Agreement, so the timing here is a bit off. Nevertheless, here is an Arafat aide that says that Arafat planned the Second Intifada at the height of the Oslo "peace" process, and three years before the Camp David summit.

There is far more independent evidence that Arafat was behind the Second Intifada. Hamas admits openly that Arafat instructed them to start attacking Jews. Arafat's wife Suha says that he warned her to leave Palestine after Camp David's failure because he planned to start an intifada.

Even if Abu Sharif is making this entire story up, it shows that Palestinian leadership is proud of violence and killing Jews.

(full article online)

Aide says Arafat planned the Second Intifada as early as 1997 ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
While Linda Sarsour presumably feels she and groups like AMP are on the right side of history, Bari Weiss can only be commended for being on the other side. What angers Sarsour so much is that Weiss doesn’t buy into the illusion promoted by many of today’s self-described “progressives,” who insist that the oldest hatred stopped evolving with the Nazis and, therefore, only right-wing Nazi-style antisemitism deserves to be considered dangerous. But as Bari Weiss points out, “Neo-Nazis, in a way, are straightforward. We know they wish us dead. Antisemites with PhDs, the ones who defend their bigotry as enlightened thinking, are harder to fight.”

Linda Sarsour may not have a PhD, but she’s still rather good at defending her hatred for the world’s only Jewish state and her whitewashing of murderous Islamist Jew-hatred as enlightened thinking. And she arguably deserves a dishonorary PhD in hypocrisy and cynicism for pretending to cheer Bernie Sanders’ candidacy as a historic Jewish milestone, while dismissing mainstream Jewish concerns about contemporary antisemitism as “being on the wrong side of history.”

(full article online)

Linda Sarsour — It’s You and Not Bari Weiss Who Is on the Wrong Side of History
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