Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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I’m not sure that groups such as Transparency.org appreciate just how authoritarian and corrupt the PA and Hamas truly are.

The Palestinian Authority should amend laws to protect free speech

Transparency International, the global anti-corruption movement, is deeply concerned about the latest escalation in attacks on media freedom and free speech in Palestine and is calling for the Palestinian Authority (PA) to amend the Electronic Crimes Law and suspend the new requirement for journalists to have security certificates to work.
So, Israel does the same thing.

What is your point.

Your comment makes no sense.

What is your point?
Not to you.

So you agree you have no point.
Corruption in the Palestinian Authority

Corruption in the Palestinian Authority


Drawing of the Palestinian Presidential Guest House (PECDAR – Palestinian Economic Council for Development and Reconstruction)
  • Fatah sources say that Mahmoud Abbas continues to flout Palestinian laws and public norms with regard to moral integrity.
  • Unlike his predecessor Yasser Arafat, after Abbas retires from political life, he and his children will be remembered as a symbol of Palestinian government corruption.

Abu Mazen, like all the Islamic terrorist welfare crooks / crank Dictators before him will be remembered for the personal fortunes they made as a part of an internationally funded welfare fraud syndicate.
It sounds a bit like Abu Mazen wears many hats in his mini-caliphate. He is both dictator for life and editor-in-charge of the Pal’istan Disinformation Center.

Abbas dictates content of PA media: Promote terrorists |PMW Analysis

Abbas instructed media to "represent the cause of the Martyrs, the wounded, and the prisoners"

Head of official PA media honored for "the role the official media plays in serving the Martyrs and their families and the prisoners and their families"
I suppose Abu will have to issue a statement saying that his presidential jet needs an oil change and tune up.

Sacrifices for the gee-had must be made for the glory of Abu’s presidential jet

Israel cuts power in parts of West Bank over debts

Ramallah (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) - Israel's national electricity company said Sunday it was cutting power to parts of the occupied West Bank due to outstanding payments amounting to nearly $483 million.

The Israel Electric Corporation said it was owed 1.7 billion shekels in debts from the main Palestinian power distributor for the West Bank, which is based in east Jerusalem.

From Monday, the company "will reduce the current in some areas of the West Bank" because of the debts, it said in a statement.

It said it had found no alternatives to being paid.
But notice is wording. He is not wishing a happy New Year to Jews or the Jewish people, but to "all those who follow the Jewish faith."

Because the official position of the PLO is that there is no such thing as a Jewish people. In the PLO's own words:

" Recognizing the Jewish state implies recognition of a Jewish people and recognition of its right to self-determination. Those who assert this right also assert that the territory historically associated with this right of self-determination (i.e., the self-determination unit) is all of Historic Palestine. Therefore, recognition of the Jewish people and their right of self-determination may lend credence to the Jewish people’s claim to all of Historic Palestine."

According to the PLO, Judaism is merely a religion, because to admit the truth that Jews are a people implies that Jews have a right to a land like all other peoples - and the Jewish claim to their land predates the Arab claim, making it stronger than the flimsy Palestinian claim as a recently created "people."

(full article online)

How even a Rosh Hashana greeting from the PLO's @ErakatSaeb is antisemitic ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
Sheikh Abu Is rockin’ the house. The good Sheikh hits all the expected topics to include rebuilding the caliphate and fulfilling the promise of the inventor of Islamism by recapturing the waqf of “Pal’istan”.

Palestinian Sheikh Abu Mahdi Baydoun said in a Friday, September 13, 2019 address at the Al-Aqsa Mosque that the current Muslim rulers falsely claim that they are defending the Palestinian cause while actually supporting the Jews and signing agreements with Israel, enabling it to attack Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq. Sheikh Baydoun called on the soldiers and officers of the Muslim armies to no longer allow the Muslim rulers to "sell out" Palestine and its people, and he said: "Hasn't the time come for you [to] rid the nation from the evil of those rulers and support those who loyally strive to establish [a] Caliphate that will mobilize its army and liberate the blessed land of Palestine?"

"In Al-Aqsa Mosque Address, Palestinian Sheikh Abu Mahdi Baydoun Calls on Soldiers, Officers in Muslim Armies to Overthrow Muslim Leaders, Support Those Who Strive to Establish an Islamic State"
Abbas comes begging. How nice that a representative of Islamic Terrorism International Inc., is going to grace the Great Satan with his presence.

A part of his begging before the UN is going to include the usual demands for a generational “right of return” for Arabs-Moslems who have never lived in the Magical Kingdom of “Pal’istan”.

Palestinians in bid to secure renewal of UNRWA mandate

Palestinian Authority officials said on Saturday that they are hoping to persuade donor countries to continue their financial contributions to the United Nations Work and Relief Agency for Palestinian Refugees.

PA President Mahmoud Abbas and senior Palestinians officials are expected to meet in the coming days with representatives of the donor countries on the sidelines of the 74th session of the UN General Assembly to discuss the issue of UNRWA
Abu was laying on the Taqiyya before the Germans.

Does he not understand such bloviating results in people pointing and laughing at the islamic terrorist?

Palestinian Media Watch

Abbas’ duplicity: “We battle terror” (but honor terrorists!)

Abbas to German leaders:
We “act to spread the culture of peace and battle terror in our region and the world”

Abbas to Palestinians about terrorists:
"We view the Martyrs and prisonersas stars in the sky of the Palestinian people”
> Op-ed lauds Abbas as “the president of peace, the human president”

Odd that Arabs-Moslems have tasked Allah with organizing / providing all those virgins for the sexually repressed Moslem male.

That doesnt appear very dignified for a god, but, whatever, it's not to be questioned.
Various islamic terrorists may be looking forward to their prayers to Mecca being done from an Israeli slammer.

No more gee-had for these losers.

Four Hamas members indicted in Beersheba

The suspects — Frij Abu Daher, Malek Abu Mandil, Mahmoud Owidat and Ramadan Abu Gola — reportedly tried to infiltrate Israel in order to escape from Gaza. They get caught by Israeli security forces.

The four were indicted for six security offenses against the state, including participating in the border protests, launching arson balloons, as well as throwing rocks, Molotov cocktails and improvised explosive devices.
Various islamic terrorists may be looking forward to their prayers to Mecca being done from an Israeli slammer.

No more gee-had for these losers.

Four Hamas members indicted in Beersheba

The suspects — Frij Abu Daher, Malek Abu Mandil, Mahmoud Owidat and Ramadan Abu Gola — reportedly tried to infiltrate Israel in order to escape from Gaza. They get caught by Israeli security forces.

The four were indicted for six security offenses against the state, including participating in the border protests, launching arson balloons, as well as throwing rocks, Molotov cocktails and improvised explosive devices.

"FOUR HAMASs members indicted in Beersheeba"

Just 4 ? ( Frij Abu Daher, Malek Abu Mandil, Mahmoud Owidat and Ramadan Abu Gola)


It seems pretty simple. Saudi Arabia is overwhelmingly Sunni / Salafi vs. the Iranian Shia sect. The Sunni and Shia have been waging a 1,400 year old blood feud that routinely results in both groups a'splodin each others adherents at mosques, street markets and other target rich environments.

With Hamas firmly aligned with Iran, both of those groups become enemies of the KSA.

What is behind the Saudi campaign against Hamas?

By launching arrests of its supporters and cutting off financial flows to Gaza, Riyadh aims to corner Hamas.

What is behind the Saudi campaign against Hamas?

Ah, rewards (carnal rewards) await for the Dead Martyrs Walking.

Gee whiz. Abu is effectively pimping a dating service for gee-had psychopaths and allah's virgins.
PA Minister of Culture denies Jewish history:
Nothing proves it, they have no connection to history

PA Minister of Culture denies Jewish history |PMW Analysis

One of the central elements of the Palestinian narrative is the negation of the entire Jewish history in the Land of Israel in general and in Jerusalem in particular. Despite numerous sources and archeological finds proving the opposite, the Palestinian Authority regularly repeats this claim because it is the basis for the PA's denial of Israel's right to exist.
A new hospital is being completed in Gaza, near the Erez crossing. It will be called the American Hospital after the American NGO Friend Ships, staffed by volunteers who provide humanitarian assistance to people in dire need.

Most of the equipment comes from a field hospital in Syria that is no longer necessary. The medical equipment started arriving today, and the hospital is expected to begin operation within a couple of months.

Israel has approved the hospital, which is funded by Qatar. But the Palestinian Authority bitterly opposed it being built. Back in July, the Palestinian cabinet issued a statement saying “The hospital that Israel and the US are seeking to establish on the northern border of the Gaza Strip is part of ongoing attempts to separate the Gaza Strip and the West Bank under humanitarian pretexts."

I do not recall any condemnations of Mahmoud Abbas or his new prime minister in July for opposing a modern new hospital to help Palestinians.

One gets the impression that Palestinian leaders don't give a damn about their own people. This is hardly the first example - Abbas has limited medicines and medical equipment to Gaza, he has tried to stop Israel providing electricity to the enclave, he opposes Palestinians becoming citizens in Lebanon, he opposed allowing Palestinians in Syria to come to areas he controls unless they can maintain their mythical "right to return" - and thousands are dead as a result.

(full article online)

A new hospital in Gaza that Israel supports - and the Palestinian Authority opposes ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News
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