Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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No gee-had for these wannabes.

In Gaza, 86 Palestinians injured, one slain, in 76th Friday protest

In Gaza, 86 Palestinians injured, one slain, in 76th Friday protest


"Even if I had only one penny. . . [we know that ain’t true ] . . .I would've given it to the families of the martyrs, prisoners and heroes,"

. . .said Abbas and received a round of applause from the crowd.

"Abbas also attacked Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu following Netanyahu's statement earlier this month to annex the Jordan Valley. "

"We completely reject this plan…”

Just more peaceful protests by the angry Arab-Moslem psychopaths.

7,000 Arabs riot along Gaza border, one killed

Palestinian Arab killed as rioters throw firebombs and explosives at IDF soldiers along Gaza border. Two military vehicles damaged.

7,000 Arabs riot along Gaza border, one killed


Protesters clash with Israeli forces on Gaza-Israel border
Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash 90
I suspect the KSA is sending a message to Iran.

Saudi Arabia arresting Hamas terrorists

Saudi authorities arrest dozens of Hamas terrorists, confiscate computers and documents.

Saudi Arabia arresting Hamas terrorists


Lebanon's Al Mayadeen reoprted that Saudi Arabia's internal security forces have arrested over 60 people identified as members of the Hamas terror group.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Hollie, et al,

I expected the Egyptian National Security Agency (ENSA), with responsibilities for counterintelligence, border security, and counter-terrorism, would be the first to drag the country and suppress HAMAS; given their association with the attacks on Egyptian military base in the Sinai Peninsula were they killed over 50 Border Police; and then a month later, what the Egyptians say was DAESH militants, ambushed a police convoy in the Sinai Peninsula again, 18 police KIA and 7 WIA.

I suspect the KSA is sending a message to Iran.
Saudi Arabia arresting Hamas terrorists
Saudi authorities arrest dozens of Hamas terrorists, confiscate computers and documents.

Saudi Arabia arresting Hamas terrorists
Lebanon's Al Mayadeen reoprted that Saudi Arabia's internal security forces have arrested over 60 people identified as members of the Hamas terror group.

I think it is damned interesting that Turkey, Jordan and Saudi Arabia (on a larger scale) have initiated similar counter-terrorism operations (directed against HAMAS and other support elements) to that of Egypt.

I wonder if they see a connection to the terrorist attacks on the recent gas and oil refinery facilities?

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Most Respectfully,
The end result for ethnic and religious minorities in fascist, Islamist majorities.

Christians Flee Gaza Due to Hamas — and No One Cares

Since Hamas’ rise to power in the Gaza Strip, Christians living in the sector have become the scapegoats and a target for harm from both Hamas and extremist Salafis. Due to their predicament, most of them fled; out of a community of 4,200 people twelve years ago, there are now several hundred left.
The knifer was apprehended after being wrestled to the ground (not shot, not beaten to a pulp) and taken into custody by other officers at the scene. Israel's Channel 13 News shows a video clip [here] and says the attacker is a Palestinian Arab boy of thirteen.

Thirteen. Yet another weaponized child. A life incomrehnsibly cheapened, and in danger of being wasted before it gets underway.

Referring to this child assailant, Times of Israel says he approached a cluster of officers at the Temple Mount’s Chain Gate (in Hebrew: Sha'ar Hashalshelet), above the Western Wall area, around 4:00 pm. He pulled out a knife and in the customary way attempted to stab anyone he could, indiscriminately. Any Jew would do.

We expect he will now become another poster child for the irresponsible human rights industry's pleas for Israel to stop arresting children. Listening, Amnesty?

A day earlier, Wednesday, an Israeli woman of about twenty was stabbed in another act of Arab-on-Israel terrorism near the busy Maccabim/Shilat Junction on Route 443. That's the major highway that runs between Jerusalem and the airport.

The website of i24News reports that the woman was standing at a bus stop which is adjacent to the main entrance to the city of Modi’in. For what it's worth, the bus stop is inside the Green Line which is frequently - and totally misleadingly - called the 1967 border. (It's simply the 1949 armistice line, nothing more.) The Arabb news reports we have seen tell their readers that this was an attack on settlers in some occupied place. It's a powerful form of incitement, too good to skip by troubling themselves with checking the actual facts.

The Israeli victim received emergency medical treatment at the scene and was brought to Tel Hashomer Medical Center in Tel Aviv. Her condition was described as light to moderate in a Magen David Adom bulletin.

We found this security camera footage on an Arab news site (the contents almost certainly originated with an Israeli source):

(full article online)

This Ongoing War: A Blog
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Art__Allm, et al,

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas • UN Floor • September 2019 said:
"Even if I had only one penny, I would've given it to the families of the martyrs, prisoners and heroes," said Abbas and received a round of applause from the crowd.

1.‘Abu Nidal Organisation’ — ‘ANO’ (a.k.a. ‘Fatah Revolutionary Council’, a.k.a. ‘Arab Revolutionary Brigades’, a.k.a. ‘Black September’, a.k.a. ‘Revolutionary Organisation of Socialist Muslims’).
2.‘Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade’.

3.‘Al-Aqsa e.V’.

9.‘Hamas’, including ‘Hamas-Izz al-Din al-Qassem’.

10.‘Hizballah Military Wing’ (a.k.a. ‘Hezbollah Military Wing’, a.k.a. ‘Hizbullah Military Wing’, a.k.a. ‘Hizbollah Military Wing’, a.k.a. ‘Hezballah Military Wing’, a.k.a. ‘Hisbollah Military Wing’, a.k.a. ‘Hizbu'llah Military Wing’, a.k.a. ‘Hizb Allah Military Wing’, a.k.a. ‘Jihad Council’ (and all units reporting to it, including the External Security Organisation)). ‘Hizbul Mujahideen’ — ‘HM’

16.‘Palestinian Islamic Jihad’ — ‘PIJ’.

17.‘Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine’ — ‘PFLP’.

18.‘Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine — General Command’ (a.k.a. ‘PFLP — General Command’).​

Whatever the assembly applauses, the fact remains that Abbas has been, and continues to be, in violation of
18. 1999 International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism
It is not necessary to use the American Terrorist List. Virtually every nation in the European Union has multiple Arab Palestinian Groups on their terrorist List.
Well, it seems that Zionists threaten with the death of our entire planet, if their regime is in danger:

How can you negotiate with people who have chosen to behave like "mad dogs"?
How can you negotiate with people who threaten to destroy the entire planet?

I find this odd. If there was a greater example of hyenas, jackals, and rabid wolves, it is the aforementioned Arab Palestinians. You can see how they exhibit their actions like that of a pack of hyenas along the borders and roam to attack, without provocation, in the West Bank. To call the Arab Palestinians "mad dogs" is simply an insult to the dogs.

The State of Israel has not threatened to destroy the planet. This is simply an over-exaggeration of a stage of Arab Palestinian Drama Queens.

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Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Art__Allm, et al,

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas • UN Floor • September 2019 said:
"Even if I had only one penny, I would've given it to the families of the martyrs, prisoners and heroes," said Abbas and received a round of applause from the crowd.

1.‘Abu Nidal Organisation’ — ‘ANO’ (a.k.a. ‘Fatah Revolutionary Council’, a.k.a. ‘Arab Revolutionary Brigades’, a.k.a. ‘Black September’, a.k.a. ‘Revolutionary Organisation of Socialist Muslims’).
2.‘Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade’.

3.‘Al-Aqsa e.V’.

9.‘Hamas’, including ‘Hamas-Izz al-Din al-Qassem’.

10.‘Hizballah Military Wing’ (a.k.a. ‘Hezbollah Military Wing’, a.k.a. ‘Hizbullah Military Wing’, a.k.a. ‘Hizbollah Military Wing’, a.k.a. ‘Hezballah Military Wing’, a.k.a. ‘Hisbollah Military Wing’, a.k.a. ‘Hizbu'llah Military Wing’, a.k.a. ‘Hizb Allah Military Wing’, a.k.a. ‘Jihad Council’ (and all units reporting to it, including the External Security Organisation)). ‘Hizbul Mujahideen’ — ‘HM’

16.‘Palestinian Islamic Jihad’ — ‘PIJ’.

17.‘Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine’ — ‘PFLP’.

18.‘Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine — General Command’ (a.k.a. ‘PFLP — General Command’).​

Whatever the assembly applauses, the fact remains that Abbas has been, and continues to be, in violation of
18. 1999 International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism
It is not necessary to use the American Terrorist List. Virtually every nation in the European Union has multiple Arab Palestinian Groups on their terrorist List.
Well, it seems that Zionists threaten with the death of our entire planet, if their regime is in danger:

How can you negotiate with people who have chosen to behave like "mad dogs"?
How can you negotiate with people who threaten to destroy the entire planet?

I find this odd. If there was a greater example of hyenas, jackals, and rabid wolves, it is the aforementioned Arab Palestinians. You can see how they exhibit their actions like that of a pack of hyenas along the borders and roam to attack, without provocation, in the West Bank. To call the Arab Palestinians "mad dogs" is simply an insult to the dogs.

The State of Israel has not threatened to destroy the planet. This is simply an over-exaggeration of a stage of Arab Palestinian Drama Queens.

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Most Respectfully,

1.‘Abu Nidal Organisation’ — ‘ANO’ (a.k.a. ‘Fatah Revolutionary Council’, a.k.a. ‘Arab Revolutionary Brigades’, a.k.a. ‘Black September’, a.k.a. ‘Revolutionary Organisation of Socialist Muslims’).
2.‘Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade’.
3.‘Al-Aqsa e.V’.
9.‘Hamas’, including ‘Hamas-Izz al-Din al-Qassem’.
10.‘Hizballah Military Wing’ (a.k.a. ‘Hezbollah Military Wing’, a.k.a. ‘Hizbullah Military Wing’, a.k.a. ‘Hizbollah Military Wing’, a.k.a. ‘Hezballah Military Wing’, a.k.a. ‘Hisbollah Military Wing’, a.k.a. ‘Hizbu'llah Military Wing’, a.k.a. ‘Hizb Allah Military Wing’, a.k.a. ‘Jihad Council’ (and all units reporting to it, including the External Security Organisation)). ‘Hizbul Mujahideen’ — ‘HM’
16.‘Palestinian Islamic Jihad’ — ‘PIJ’.
17.‘Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine’ — ‘PFLP’.
18.‘Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine — General Command’ (a.k.a. ‘PFLP — General Command’).

"Whatever the assembly applauses, the fact remains that Abbas has been, and continues to be, in violation of: 1999 International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism"


Pretending to be a positive leader of a group of people -- he's one of THEM, #'s: 1,2,3,9,10,16,17 & 18 - only, he wears fancier suits, flies around shaking hands with terrorist leaders and world leader despots ... photo ops, the yummy luncheon meetings.......etc. please...

right - the applause............
what does that say about the crowd? anti israel & "terrorist supporters."​
These uppity women have some nerve. Don't they understand that the Religion of Peace guarantees women's rights?

Palestinian women demand legal protection after suspected 'honor killing'

RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters) - Hundreds of Palestinians demonstrated in the West Bank on Wednesday to demand legal protection for women after a 21-year-old woman died last month in what rights groups say was a so-called honor killing.

At least 18 Palestinian women have been killed this year by family members angered at perceived damage to their honor, which may involve fraternizing with men or any infringement of conservative values regarding women, according to the General Union of Palestinian Women and Feminist Institutions.
The competing mini-caliphates are no less antagonistic and the competition for dwindling welfare dollars is no less intense.

Especially now, with Iran having a presence in Gaza, Fatah is facing a much larger threat to its viability and existence.


The Palestinian ruling Fatah faction has dismissed as “futile” a new initiative aimed at resolving its dispute with Hamas.

Fatah’s rejection of the initiative, announced by eight Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip last week, is seen by Palestinian political analysts as a setback to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s plan to hold general elections.

The stakes are being set for a return to those happy-fun days of the Hamas vs. Fatah civil war. Now, however, there are both Iran and ISIS as players.

Between UNRWA school indoctrination into the islamic Death Cult and Hamas summer camp, it's a full time job creating the next generation of Cultists.

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
※→ Sixties Fan, et al,

Normally, in political environments, debt becomes important in terms of interest payments and the potential for a default. And while that is part of the case, it is not the only aspect relevant to the situation.


Part of the Arab Palestinian complaint about Israeli effective control → the Israeli actions in the disputed territories → and the civil 'n' security controls over the Areas of Responsibility → were to substantiate the unrelenting demands for the immediate withdrawal of Israeli law enforcement and security forces. The Arab Palestinians needed to attempt at lessening the blame attaching liability to the Israelis. This was necessary to establish a scapegoat and stem the gradual decline in the number of participating donor nations.

◈ Arab Palestinian reliance on United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) welfare leads to more welfare use by the next generation. This generational reliance is a principle cause of perpetual welfare depency that has now become a cultural mainstay of the Arab Palestinians.

◈ Additionally, there is a secondary indication that if current generation of Arab Palestinians become dependent on the Palestinian Authority (PA) program of monthly cash stipends (over a billion dollar in the last four years to the family of terrorists who are sentenced to three to five years in prison), the greater the likelihood of their children will eventually become terrorists themselves → sentenced to prison → who's family will be dependent on the Palestinian Authority (PA) program of monthly cash stipends to their families.​

It is interesting that the Palestinian Authority (PA) has acccepted from the (evil empire of the alleged ethnic cleansing) State of Israel a payment of more than half a billion dollars from the Israeli government. The Israelis see the Palestinian economy on the verge of collapse and the Israelis infusion of funds would, in the short run, stave off the financial crisis. Currently, Israel is instrumental (for the time being) in keeping the Arab Palestinian economy from collapse.

It is true, that Israel said the amount was withheld an amount equal to approximately what the Ramallah Government (PA) gives in stipend to prisoners/families.

And then there is:

"As many as 81% of the Palestinians living in the occupied Palestinian territory believe there is corruption in Palestinian Authority institutions according to a recent survey, perceptions reinforced by the recently launched annual report of the Palestinian Coalition for Accountability and Integrity (AMAN), the Transparency International chapter in Palestine." [al-Shabaka (the Palestinian Policy Network) by Tariq Dana on August 18, 2015]

"Corruption in Palestinian Authority (PA) institutions should not be perceived as merely a matter of administrative and financial wrongdoing committed by irresponsible individuals whose behavior is driven by greed and personal interests. The scandals that Palestinians hotly debate from time to time – such as embezzlement of public funds, misappropriation of resources, and nepotism – are an outcome of longstanding corruption embedded in the underlying power structure that governs the Palestinian political system and that were rooted in the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) prior to the Oslo process."​

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Most Respectfully,
Palestinian women's rights groups and others have repeatedly complained about violence against women in Palestinian society and have demanded that the PA enact laws to protect the women from domestic violence.

This ruling by two top Palestinian religious figures prohibiting Palestinian women from approaching Israeli police is indeed life endangering for some Palestinian women as it may remove a major deterrent against violence that women need for protection.

The serious problem of domestic violence against Palestinian women has been a major concern of women's rights groups, for years:

"According to statistics recorded by the Center of Women's Affairs in Gaza about the cases of violence reaching the center, 63% of women suffer from marital violence... 73 % suffer from verbal abuse, 24 % from physical abuse, 29.5 % from mental abuse... Zainab Al-Ghneimi, head of the Women's Legal Counseling Center, said: 'Married women are not forthcoming with these details about violence at the beginning, probably out of shame, and because the prevailing culture forbids discussing such secrets...' Al-Ghneimi explained: "the main reason is probably that the man believes he has bought the woman and paid for her, and therefore she has become his property and must obey his orders. She clarified that unfortunately, this is the culture of the entire society, and that [Palestinian] laws give him the right of ownership, based on the man being the guardian, and he is the one who commands and prohibits."

[Official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 29, 2015]

(full article online)

Palestinian women's lives endangered by PA religious leaders' ruling |PMW Analysis
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