Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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PA: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ Hollie, et al,

Yes, I found this to be very interesting!

Gazans Plan to Emulate Lebanese Anti-Regime Rallies, Protest Against Hamas

Encouraged by the protests in Lebanon, groups in the Gaza Strip are working to launch protests against Hamas’ rule under the slogans “Enough! We were getting tired” and “civilian disobedience.”

I am surprised, given the number of citizens that supported the violent protests along the border with Israel. Very interesting indeed. If it brings around peace with Israel, along with a reduction in the risk, faced by investors, commercial ventures, and manufacturing, the Gaza Strip might just flourish.

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Most Respectfully,
Israel has destroyed most of Gaza's production capacity and has limited exports down to almost nothing.

No wonder they are protesting.
Just guessing, but when the various islamic terrorist franchises use raw materials and production capacity for the manufacture of offensive weapons and tunnels to wage war, Israel has had to take defensive measures.

When the islamic terrorist wage gee-had, there will be consequences. You seem to believe that acts of Islamic terrorism are an entitlement.
Like all of those ice cream tipped rockets.

What's more important, flush toilets or gee-had?

I can predict the answer.
Arabic press review: Palestinians 'tortured by foreigners' in Saudi Arabia, Hamas says

Hamas leader in the Gaza Strip Sami Abu Zuhri has told the Shehab News agency that Palestinian detainees in Saudi Arabia, including leaders of the movement, are being tortured by "foreign mercenaries".

"Unfortunately, the detainees are being harshly interrogated, and some of them are being tortured in various forms. They are being interrogated by foreign investigators of different nationalities," said Abu Zuhri.

He added that "this is shameful to Saudi Arabia", which recently arrested about 60 Palestinians residing in the kingdom, including Hamas representative Mohammed Saleh al-Khoudary and businessman Abu Obeida Agha, who was transferred to Dhahban Central Prison in Jeddah.

Just a guess, but I can't believe the Saudi's need foreign help with torture.

I can see the Saudi's doing whatever they think necessary when it comes to "bustin' heads" as a way to get intel on Iran and their involvement with Hamas and islamic gee-had in Gaza.
The "Court of Mahmoud" is coming down hard on Pal and Arabic websites.

Apparently, the real contentious part among Pals is that no Joooooo networks were blocked.

The Pal courts must have been infiltrated by Jew lawyers.

Palestinian court blocks websites critical of PA

The Palestinian Authority has blocked 59 Palestinian and Arabic websites, including Quds News Network sites, following a decision by a local Magistrates’ Court. Palestinians are angered at the decision which was revealed yesterday, as not a site single on the blocked list is Israeli.

"not a site single on the blocked list is Israeli"
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

The destruction of the Gaza Strip economy is actually an outcome of the armed response generated by Hostile Arab Palestinian activities threatening Israel. Preceding (nearly) each significant response by an Israeli Armed Response was a provocation from one or more of the Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters.

Israel has destroyed only what was necessary to limit Arab Palestinian provocateur's potential and capability. Some strikes also serve to remind the people of the Gaza Strip that what devastation they feel can be reverse by their neutralization of the Hostile Arab Palestinians promoting the conflict and inciting violence.

The Israelis do not just arbitarily strike the Arab Palestinians of the Gaza Strip on a whim. The Israeli Defense Force (IDF) strike targets that hold some military or political significants.

Israel has destroyed most of Gaza's production capacity and has limited exports down to almost nothing.

No wonder they are protesting.

The Revenue the Gazans derive from donor contributions artificially improves the local economy (in a form of transfer payments). In the case of the Gaza Strip, a very significant measure of the personal income of Gazans is an outcome of the various Transfer Payments to social welfare program recipients through UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). UNRWA is the primary provider and source of income for ≈ 1.3M Arab Palestinians out of a ≈ 1,836,713 total population ( ≈ July 2018) in the Gaza Strip across 300 installations. There is virtually no investment in the Gaza Strip due to the hostilities ignited by the people of the Gaza Strip.

While the West Bank has an unemployment rate holding at ≈ 18.1% (maybe dropping slightly) the unemployment in Gaza Strip has reached ≈ 43+%. The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) indicates that ≈ 504K+ people are participating in the labor force of the Gaza Strip.

.......... •  Smaller then Smallest.png
Most Respectfully,
Pal'istan Caliphate Education - " I'M READY TO STAB A JEW "

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Oh, it's getting ugly. The competing mini-caliphates are in a real game of one-upsmanship.

At some point, I can easily see a move by one side or the other perceived as an action that requires an armed response to protect turf or finances.

Gaza NGOs slam Palestinian Authority over frozen bank accounts

Dozens of NGOs in the besieged Gaza Strip are ringing the alarm over the freezing of their bank accounts following restrictions imposed by the Palestinian Authority (PA) Ministry of Interior based in the occupied West Bank.

The policy, in place since 2017, is now threatening numerous organisations with collapse, to the detriment of thousands of beneficiaries in the Palestinian enclave 12 years into a stringent Israel-imposed blockade.

NGOs have found themselves in the crossfire of the longstanding political divide between the two main Palestinian political factions Hamas - the de facto ruling party in Gaza - and Fatah, the leading party in the PA, ever since Hamas won 2006 legislative elections.

With some 80 percent of residents in Gaza dependent on humanitarian aid according to the United Nations, organisations worry that the ongoing political feud could have a serious impact on an already vulnerable population in the besieged enclave
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

The destruction of the Gaza Strip economy is actually an outcome of the armed response generated by Hostile Arab Palestinian activities threatening Israel. Preceding (nearly) each significant response by an Israeli Armed Response was a provocation from one or more of the Jihadist, Fedayeen Activist, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric Fighters.

Israel has destroyed only what was necessary to limit Arab Palestinian provocateur's potential and capability. Some strikes also serve to remind the people of the Gaza Strip that what devastation they feel can be reverse by their neutralization of the Hostile Arab Palestinians promoting the conflict and inciting violence.

The Israelis do not just arbitarily strike the Arab Palestinians of the Gaza Strip on a whim. The Israeli Defense Force (IDF) strike targets that hold some military or political significants.

Israel has destroyed most of Gaza's production capacity and has limited exports down to almost nothing.

No wonder they are protesting.

The Revenue the Gazans derive from donor contributions artificially improves the local economy (in a form of transfer payments). In the case of the Gaza Strip, a very significant measure of the personal income of Gazans is an outcome of the various Transfer Payments to social welfare program recipients through UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). UNRWA is the primary provider and source of income for ≈ 1.3M Arab Palestinians out of a ≈ 1,836,713 total population ( ≈ July 2018) in the Gaza Strip across 300 installations. There is virtually no investment in the Gaza Strip due to the hostilities ignited by the people of the Gaza Strip.

While the West Bank has an unemployment rate holding at ≈ 18.1% (maybe dropping slightly) the unemployment in Gaza Strip has reached ≈ 43+%. The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) indicates that ≈ 504K+ people are participating in the labor force of the Gaza Strip.

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Most Respectfully,
Israel has destroyed most of Gaza's production capacity and has limited exports down to almost nothing.

Gaza has put most of her resources into belligerent acts against Israel. Perhaps a better distribution of resources would be beneficial to the Gazan people.
Israel has destroyed most of Gaza's production capacity and has limited exports down to almost nothing.

Gaza has put most of her resources into belligerent acts against Israel. Perhaps a better distribution of resources would be beneficial to the Gazan people.
Do you mean like a cultural center? Oh wait!

Well, specifically, a cultural center that is not, in point of fact, a cover for terrorist activity.
Israel has destroyed most of Gaza's production capacity and has limited exports down to almost nothing.

Gaza has put most of her resources into belligerent acts against Israel. Perhaps a better distribution of resources would be beneficial to the Gazan people.
Do you mean like a cultural center? Oh wait!

Another case of your Islamic terrorist heroes waging war from civilian areas.

Palestinian Cultural Center Destroyed by Israeli Military in Recent Attacks

The IDF posted military-view video footage of the missile launches. They report, “The strike was carried out in response to the rockets Hamas fired at Israel, one of which was fired at the city of Be’er Sheva, which is more than 24 miles from Gaza.” Israel’s Housing Minister Yoav Gallant, an advisor on the Israeli security cabinet, saidyesterday, “Whatever is needed to protect our citizens and our soldiers will be done, no matter what the price will be in Gaza.”
Yeah. Some mornings I wake up to the news and I have to remind myself it’s the year 2019 and not 1019 and I’m not living in some Islamist nightmare.

“Honor” killings.

Ultimately, it’s money for weapons, ammunition and logistics that allows Islamic terrorists in Gaza and elsewhere to plan and execute attacks.

Cutting off / curtailing the source of funds has a real impact on the ability of Islamic terrorists to attack.

Hamas' cat and mouse game over terrorist funding

As the U.S. cracks down on funds channeled from Tehran to Gaza via New York, the terror group in charge of Gaza is using banks and non-digitial interaction to reduce its exposure, says IDF terror finance expert

Hamas is trying to thwart efforts to crack down on the funding it receives to sponsor terrorist activity by spreading the money around and using regular bank transactions to hide in plain sight, says an IDF intelligence officer who monitors terrorist funding in the West Bank.
Ultimately, it’s money for weapons, ammunition and logistics that allows Islamic terrorists in Gaza and elsewhere to plan and execute attacks.

Cutting off / curtailing the source of funds has a real impact on the ability of Islamic terrorists to attack.

Hamas' cat and mouse game over terrorist funding

As the U.S. cracks down on funds channeled from Tehran to Gaza via New York, the terror group in charge of Gaza is using banks and non-digitial interaction to reduce its exposure, says IDF terror finance expert

Hamas is trying to thwart efforts to crack down on the funding it receives to sponsor terrorist activity by spreading the money around and using regular bank transactions to hide in plain sight, says an IDF intelligence officer who monitors terrorist funding in the West Bank.
Ahhh, Israel's terrorist propaganda shtick.

The Hamas lady posts again.
Ultimately, it’s money for weapons, ammunition and logistics that allows Islamic terrorists in Gaza and elsewhere to plan and execute attacks.

Cutting off / curtailing the source of funds has a real impact on the ability of Islamic terrorists to attack.

Hamas' cat and mouse game over terrorist funding

As the U.S. cracks down on funds channeled from Tehran to Gaza via New York, the terror group in charge of Gaza is using banks and non-digitial interaction to reduce its exposure, says IDF terror finance expert

Hamas is trying to thwart efforts to crack down on the funding it receives to sponsor terrorist activity by spreading the money around and using regular bank transactions to hide in plain sight, says an IDF intelligence officer who monitors terrorist funding in the West Bank.
Ahhh, Israel's terrorist propaganda shtick.

The Hamas lady posts again.

In other words, no riposte from you.
Ultimately, it’s money for weapons, ammunition and logistics that allows Islamic terrorists in Gaza and elsewhere to plan and execute attacks.

Cutting off / curtailing the source of funds has a real impact on the ability of Islamic terrorists to attack.

Hamas' cat and mouse game over terrorist funding

As the U.S. cracks down on funds channeled from Tehran to Gaza via New York, the terror group in charge of Gaza is using banks and non-digitial interaction to reduce its exposure, says IDF terror finance expert

Hamas is trying to thwart efforts to crack down on the funding it receives to sponsor terrorist activity by spreading the money around and using regular bank transactions to hide in plain sight, says an IDF intelligence officer who monitors terrorist funding in the West Bank.
Ahhh, Israel's terrorist propaganda shtick.

The Hamas lady posts again.

Hurt feelings?

You might want to increase your monthly Hamas welfare contribution.

Treasury Targets Facilitators Moving Millions to HAMAS in Gaza | U.S. Department of the Treasury

Treasury Targets Facilitators Moving Millions to HAMAS in Gaza

August 29, 2019
UN “criticism” will do nothing to stop Cult-like indoctrination that is pervasive in Islamic extremist societies. Islamic terrorist support organizations like UNRWA need to be held accountable for their actions.

BREAKING: UN urges Palestinians to stop 'hate speech against Israelis that fuels antisemitism' - UN Watch

August 30, 2019 — In a rare UN criticism of the Palestinians, the world body’s racism watchdog urged Ramallah to combat “hate speech and incitement to violence,” saying it was “concerned” about statements by Palestinian public figures, politicians and media officials, as well as in school textbooks and curricula, pointing to “hate speech against Israelis” which it found “fuels hatred” and “may incite violence” and “antisemitism.”
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